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1、Book 5 Unit1 The Olympics Lesson 2 Swimming for Gold,一、教材分析,本單元的話題是The Olympics,主要介紹了奧運歷史和幾個中外奧運健兒及其比賽的情況,以弘揚奧林匹克精神。同時我對本單元內容做了整合,其中Lesson 2:Swimming for Gold和Lesson 6: Diving “Dream Team”分別講的是我國奧運健兒莊泳和伏明霞奪金的情景。因此我打算學完Lesson 2接著學習Lesson 6。本課的話題是Swimming for Gold,課文是莊泳在1992年巴塞羅那奧運會上獲100米自由泳金牌的一篇報道,這是

2、中國運動員獲得的第一枚奧運會游泳金牌,是我們全中國人民的驕傲,相信學生對本課的學習充滿期待。,二、教學目標,根據英語課程標準的教學理念,教材特點以及我們初三年級學生的情況,我將本課時的教學目標確定如下: 1、知識目標: (1)、掌握詞匯:close,race,seem,tie,beat (2)、掌握短語:up and down,the others,set a world record 2、能力目標:用所學知識談論莊泳和其他游泳運動員。 3、情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生的自信意識、競爭意識和集體榮譽感。 弘揚奧林匹克精神。 4、教學重、難點: (1)、運用所學知識談論莊泳和其他的游泳運動員。 (2)、掌

3、握短語:the others 的用法。,三、學習者特征分析,1、學生是剛進入九年級的學生; 2、學生已經學習了gold、medal、 silver等關于奧運的單詞和句型; 3、學生對奧運知識已經非常熟悉; 4、學生思維活躍,善于和同學交流,樂于表達自己,渴望達到同學和教師的贊許; 5、學生對英語學習有著濃厚的興趣,但是英語的聽讀能力還有待于加強; 6、學生對于ppt talking和picture talking的呈現(xiàn)形式感到很好奇。,四、教學過程,根據人類認識過程的普遍規(guī)律和學生認識活動的主要特點,我把教學過程分為課前熱身,新課導入、新知呈現(xiàn)、鞏固操練、表演深入,拓展延伸、應試指導以及課后作

4、業(yè)八個環(huán)節(jié)。,第一環(huán)節(jié) 課前熱身(Warming-up):奏國歌,Liu Zige won 200-metre butterfly gold medal in Beijing Olympics.,Zhuang Yong, 54.64 seconds, first gold,Name:Zhuang Yong Birthplace:Shanghai Sports:swimming Profession:swimmer Best results:the 25th Olympic Games womens 100-metre freestyle gold medal,第二環(huán)節(jié) 導入新課 (Leadin

5、g-in ) Who is she?,第三環(huán)節(jié) 新知呈現(xiàn)分三部分No.1、 Read and Answer,Read the text quickly and answer :What did you read just now? 這個問題比較大,答案不固定。這是前不久在聽李靜純教授的課時學到的,他當時只讓學生讀課文一分鐘后回答這個問題,幾個同學站起來,每個同學說了一、兩句話,合起來就是文章的main idea,課堂效果很好。而且通過學生回答更明確了教學重難點和練習地側重點。也培養(yǎng)學生的組織語言能力和口語表達能力。,Zhuang Yong won 100-metre freestyle rac

6、e with a time of 54.64 seconds at the 25th Olympics .,No.2、看、聽、讀、說學英語,Barcelona, August 8,1992,It is a very close race.,Look, Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson seem to be the same fast. Was it a tie?,No. Zhuang Yong beat the other swimmers,won an Olympic gold medal. Note: The other swimmers means the o

7、thers.,The spectators at the swimming pool jumped up and down, cheering.,Michael Phelps set a world record in Beijing.,New words,Barcelona freestyle close race seem tie Thompson swimmer Spectator beat up and down the others,n.巴塞羅納(西班牙東北部港) n. 自由式 adj. 近的, 親密的,adv.接近, 緊密地 n. 比賽 vi. 象是, 似乎 n. 不分勝負, 領帶

8、, 湯普森(姓氏) n.游泳運動員 n. 觀眾(指比賽或表演) v. 打, 打敗 上上下下 其余的,No.3 Listen and Answer 1.Who won the first gold medal in swimming in China? A. Zhuang Yong B. Qian Hong C. Lin Li D.Yang Wenyi 2. Whats her score? 54.64 seconds B. 54.46 seconds C. 54.56 seconds D. 54.48 seconds 3. Which country does Jenny Thompson c

9、ome from? A.Canada B.U.S.A. C.Australia D.England 4. When did Zhuang Yong begin swimming. A.6 B.10 C.8 D.7 5. How many Chinese women won medals in swimming at the 1992 Olympic Games? A.3 B.4 C.6 D. 8 Key:1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B,第四環(huán)節(jié) 鞏固操練分兩部分,No.1讀讀說說 Read the text 3 minutes and find out the useful expre

10、ssions and explanation. Have you ever gone swimming? It was a close race. They go as fast as they can! It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson had finished at the the same time. The Chinese spectators at the swimming pool jumped up and down, cheering.,No.2 Look at the pictures and Retell the T

11、ext,Miss Thompson 54.48 seconds,Zhuang Yong, 54.64 seconds, first gold,a very close race,Qian Hong,Lin Li,Yang Wenyi,第五環(huán)節(jié) 表演深入,Talk about Liu Zige or Zhang Lin with a partner.Try using the following phrases or any others you can think of : dream ,catch up with, give up, good luck ,learn from and so

12、on.請同學們先進行小組討論,然后選代表上臺陳述,組織學生合作學習,弘揚奧運精神,實現(xiàn)能力目標和實現(xiàn)情感目標。,200-meter butterfly gold,400-metre freestyle silver,第六環(huán)節(jié) 拓展延伸我是優(yōu)秀報道員,假如你是奧運會現(xiàn)場報道員,正在水立方觀看男子200米自由泳決賽,菲爾普斯再破紀錄,奪得第三金。請你就當時比賽情景寫一篇報道,詞數(shù)不限,三分鐘后交稿。然后小組之間交換閱稿,每一組選出一份優(yōu)秀稿進行展示閱讀,最后評選出優(yōu)秀報道員。培養(yǎng)學生的想象力和組織語言的能力。同時也培養(yǎng)他們的自信、合作、競爭意識和集體榮譽感,實現(xiàn)情感目標。,第七環(huán)節(jié) 應試指導首字母

13、完形填空 (是中考試題中的難題且不容易拿高分,需經常練習,提高學生分析能力和定向思維能力。),Zhuang Yong swam her way to a gold medal today.It was the gold medal in an Olympic swimming event for our country.She won the womens 100-metre f_1_with a time of 54.64seconds.Zhuang Yong s_2_everyone. When it showed:“ F_3_Zhuang Yong, China”The Chinese

14、s_4_at the swimming pool jumped up and down,c_5_.they were very e_6_.Zhuang Yong began swimming when she was e_7_years old.She is one of the f_8_Chinese women to win Olympic medals in s_9_ at the 1992 Olympics.the o_10_are Qian Hong,Lin Li and Yang Wenyi.,第八環(huán)節(jié) Homework, 寫作:假如你要參加下一屆奧運會,你會參加哪個項目,現(xiàn)在你要

15、怎樣做?激勵學生勤奮學習,把奧運精神用到學習上。 預習Lesson 6 Diving“Dream Team”,查找今年在北京參加奧運會跳水運動員的資料。,板書設計 Unit1 The Olympics Lesson 2 Swimming for Gold,Barcelona freestyle close race seem tie Thompson swimmer Spectator beat up and down the others,The other swimmers means the others. Have you ever gone swimming? It was a close race. They go as fast as they can! It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson had finished at th


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