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1、John Donne and Metaphysical Poetry,Contents,Introduction of John Donne,Metaphysical Poetry,A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning,約翰多恩,是英國詹姆斯一世時(shí)期的玄學(xué)派詩人,他的作品包括十四行詩、愛情詩、宗教詩、拉丁譯本、雋語、挽歌、歌詞等。,John Donne 15721631,English poet 沒有一滴淚浪,也沒有一聲長嘆 Twere profanation of our joys 對(duì)俗人訴說我們的愛情 To tell the laity our love.

2、是對(duì)我們歡迎的褻瀆,Tenor (本體):their separation. Vehicle(喻體):virtuous men pass away mildly, a mans soul from his body. “Parting” to “death” is a common comparison in literary works. Here, “virtuous” refers to not in moralities, but those people who can meet their death without complaints, saying it is time fo

3、r their souls to move on to eternity.,首先,詩人用“正如” (as)引入一個(gè)明喻,把自己與愛人的告別時(shí)刻比作“君子”(virtuous man)的彌留之際:平和而寧靜,沒有絲毫嬌柔作態(tài)的感傷和凄怨。 詩人營造的氛圍是 :盡管兩人的肉體即將分離,感官的歡愉也因此而必須暫時(shí)抑制,但是兩人的靈魂已經(jīng)超越了各自的肉體不可分開地融合在了一起(So let US melt)。也就是說,他們之間圣潔的愛情將在這一考驗(yàn)面前進(jìn)一步升華,超越那些以眼淚(tearfloods)和嘆息(sigh-tempests)來衡量的凡夫俗子(1aity)之愛。,Moving of thea

4、rth brings harms and fears, 地動(dòng)會(huì)給我們帶來傷害與恐懼 Men reckon what it did and meant; 人們總是在猜想它要干什么,準(zhǔn)備怎樣 But trepidation of the spheres, 但是其他天體的震動(dòng) Though greater far, is innocent. 盡管厲害得多,也不會(huì)有帶來任何傷害 Dull sublunary lovers love 俗世男女的愛情 (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit 最忌諱的來源 Absence, because it doth remove 是離別,

5、因?yàn)樗∠?Those things which elemented it. 構(gòu)成愛情的元素,Moving of the earth the dull sublunary love sensual and physical bond Trepidation of the spheres the speakers love spiritual attachment 詩人在這一節(jié)里引入了兩個(gè)新異的意象:地震(Moving of thearth )和地動(dòng)(trepidation of the spheres )。 地震是地球表層部分的突然震動(dòng)和斷裂,往往比較強(qiáng)烈,造成破壞。而世俗的愛情也是如此:當(dāng)

6、世俗戀人(Dull sublunary lovers )分別時(shí),他們痛苦不堪,宛若天崩地裂,而且因?yàn)樗麄兊膼矍槭且愿泄俚目旄袨榛A(chǔ)的他們的分別往往意味著一場(chǎng)災(zāi)難性的情變( Absence doth removeThose things which elemented it )。 地動(dòng)則截然相反,它是地球深層部分的運(yùn)動(dòng),雖然比地震劇烈。但對(duì)地面上的萬物生靈卻毫無影響,恰似一對(duì)真愛情侶之間的短暫別離,雖然令人痛苦卻對(duì)雙方感情無礙(innocent )。,But we, by a love so much refined 我們卻被愛情提煉得無比純凈That our selves know not w

7、hat it is, 但是我們的心靈卻得到了彼此的保證 Inter-assured of the mind, 再也不擔(dān)心 Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss. 吻不到你的眼睛,你的唇還有你的手 Our two souls therefore, which are one, 彼此的靈魂從此融為一體 Though I must go, endure not yet 雖然我要走,但未造成 A breach, but an expansion. 我們感情的破裂,而只是讓它向外延展 Like gold to airy thinness beat. 延展成一張

8、薄薄的金箔,Our love is so refined, so otherworldly, that it can still survive without the closeness of eyes, lips, and hands. Our souls are one, like a gold beaten to airy thinness. Gold - when it is beaten with a hammer, widens and lengthens; when we depart, the spiritual bond that unites usactually exp

9、ands rather than causes a break and rift.,If they be two, they are two so 如果兩人無法融合,就讓我們變成這樣 As stiff twin compasses are two: 讓我們?nèi)鐖A規(guī)的兩腳 Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show 你的靈魂是定腳,永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì) To move, but doth, if the other do. 移動(dòng),除非另一個(gè)腳也開始移動(dòng) And though it in the center sit, 雖然它一直堅(jiān)守中心 Yet when the other

10、 far doth roam, 可是當(dāng)另一方流浪天涯時(shí) It leans, and hearkens after it, 它就開始側(cè)身追尋著它 And grows erect, as that comes home. 當(dāng)另一方歸家時(shí),它就馬上挺立,Our souls are two, like the feet of twin compasses. The wifes soul the fixed foot The husbands soul the outer foot Wifes attachment to husband :The fixed foot (wifes soul) make

11、s no show to move, but does if the outer foot (husbands soul) moves. When the outer foot (husbands soul) travels far, the fixed foot (wifes soul) should follow it and grows straight until the outer foot (husbands soul) comes back. Husbands attachment to wife:Your position there helps me complete my

12、circle so that I end up where I began. The image of a circle (perfection),詩人創(chuàng)造出一個(gè)別出心裁的比喻制圖用的圓規(guī)。這一堪稱經(jīng)典的玄學(xué)派妙喻是全詩的精華所在,也是最終理解詩人約翰鄧恩的情愛觀的關(guān)鍵因素??梢院敛豢鋸埖卣f,要想完全理解和欣賞這首愛情詩,就必須首先透徹理解這個(gè)經(jīng)典的玄學(xué)派妙喻。 這圓規(guī)的兩只腳可以被看作是戀愛中的兩個(gè)情侶:女方是那只固定于一點(diǎn)的腳,而男方便是那只轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)的腳,兩人的愛情則恰好如同這副圓規(guī)的頂部,它緊緊地維系著雙方的聯(lián)系,并在雙方的一次次分離中顯示著自己的力量。 另一方面,它還展示出了情愛本身的更高層次:愛情中雙方的相互依賴。用圓規(guī)畫好一個(gè)完美無缺的同心圓的過程無疑就是圓規(guī)的兩只腳自始至終密切合作的過程。沒有兩只腳的共同參與和協(xié)調(diào)運(yùn)作,一個(gè)圓規(guī)怎能畫出一個(gè)完美無缺的圓。詩人充分肯定了女性在愛情中的地位和作用,坦承自己的成就來自對(duì)方的支持和幫助。 可以說,“圓規(guī)”之比不愧為玄學(xué)派詩歌的經(jīng)典妙喻,它形象、透徹地闡明了鄧恩原本抽象的愛情觀。并進(jìn)而強(qiáng)化了全詩的主題:情侶之間肉體上的暫時(shí)別離并非壞事;只要處理得當(dāng)兩人的愛情必將獲得理性的升華。,Such wilt thou b


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