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1、Nov.24, 1970E. A. JOHNSTON ET ALBIFURCATED FAN DUCT THRUST REVERSER3,541,794Filed April 23, 19693 Sheets-Sheet l2回、? 、 、 |,| 、 、三:-: 長: 一 r7, / 、 I+4石 上lN VENTO 凡 :左,左.e.亡TT,J 2 力七7兀勿 力佑 夕 夕4 乙乙丘:夕乙力,左丘? BY 免劣客 牙兌牲了乙, 乙-歹/ , rr, f 夕,y 石-Nov. 24, 1970E. A, JOHNSTON ET ALBIFURCATED FAN DUCT.THRUST REV

2、ERSER3,541,794Filed April 23, 19693 Sheets-Sheet 2回 3、一 : 、 , 九l. _ _飛-、. J/ /f/1 刀 一、人 1. II.,.-,J II I “ -.、”、 , ,,r77,毋 子4 九夕 4# /、44INV ENTO 邸 E 兒5c f 7 T4 J , 力“ 574 小 力夕夕乙乙左夕夕乙力左左 BY 免吆多名俘 忍, 夕- 產4 少 ,TT ,丘久,左 y -Nov.24, 1970E. A. JOHNSTONETAL3,541,794Filed April 23, 1969BIFURCATED FAN DUCT TH

3、RUST REVERSER 3Sheets-Sheet 3, -h l / I1 1 - I I - _ - - r l/h1 11一一、 III勹 _1 1 1_l 、1 、, 、,! , / 1! l / 1 / III 1、 , l z 、1,1 廣 - , _ , in l 義 I. , x._ 門岱,、 、回、八 , ,t、 、 、, , 、III . II111 1117 1 11111111b T 片I Z回、中吁TE 忐4邸 , T 心J BY 零夕夕 贊夕紅 一1 United States Patent Office3,541,7942 Patented Nov. 24,

4、19703,541,794BIFURCATED FAN DUCT THRUST REVERSEREverett A. Johnston, David F. Howard, and Hans Bollen bacher, Cincinnati, and Henry A. Carl, Sardinia, Ohio, as_s!gncir _to_General Electric Company, a corporation 5 of New YorkFiled Apr. 23, 1969, Ser. No. 818,717 Int. CI. F02k 3/04, 1/20, 11/00U.S. C

5、l. 6 一0 2267 Claimsgas turbine engine disposed radially inwardly thereof. Each duct as 汜 mbly includes an axially translatable por tion which covers a plurality of flow reversing cascades in the cruise position. The translatable duct assembly portion is movable to a position wherein the flow re vers

6、ing cascades are placed in flow communication with the fan flow through the exhaust nozzle. Means are pro vided to block the exhaust nozzle flow, downstream of the cascade assemblies, to divert the fan flow through10 the cascade assemblies _ and _thereby _produce rev_e:sABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSUREthr

7、ust. Each duct assembly includes an inner wall, which defines a streamline outer surface for the gas turbineBifurcated thrust reversing means for use in an aircraft engine, and an outer wall assembly spaced radially out- propulsion system and comprising a pair of duct assem- wardly of the inner wall

8、 and defining the exhaust nozzle blies hingeably connected to the aircraft supporting struc- 15 therebetween. The flow reversing cascade assemblies and ture for rotation between an open position, enabling ready the translatable portion of said duct assemblies are carried access to the core engine of

9、 the turbofan engine associ- by the outer wall assemblies.ated therewith, and a cruise position wherein the ductWhile the specification concludes with claims particu- assemblies surround the core engine downstream of the Iarly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject mat- fan duct and form a

10、n exhaust nozzle for receiving fan 20 ter of this invention, it is believed the invention will be pressurized air from the fan duct and discharging said better understood upon reading the following description fan air to generate a forward propulsive thrust. The duct of the preferred embodiment in c

11、onjunction with the ac- assemblies include means for blocking the fan flow and companying drawings wherein:diverting such flow through flow reversing cascades car-FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of an aircraft propul- ried by an outer wall assembly of said duct as 汜 mblies. 25 sion system embodyin

12、g the present invention.FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the aircraft propulsion system of FIG. 1, showing portions of the turbofan engineThis invention relates to aircraft propulsion systems fairing members and the thrust reversing means of this and, more particularly, to improved thrust reverser me

13、ans invention rotated to an open position enabling access to for a turbofan engine.30 the core or gas turbine engine and the accessoriesWith the advent of the turbofan engine, it has becomemounted on said engine and fue fan casing structure; necessary to supply a furust reverser mechanism, whichFIG.

14、 3 is a cross sectional view t 林 en along lines 3一 3 is of lightweight and straightforward construction, to re-of FIG. 1 and drawn to an enlarged scale, said view show- verse the fluid flow through the generally annular crossing the thrust reversing means of this invention in the section of the fan

15、bypass duct. Such suitable thrust re- 35 cruise position of FIG. 1 and the rotated open position verser mechanisms are shown in U.S. Pats. No. 3,262,268,of FIG. 2;No. 3,262,270 and No. 3,262,271. Such reverser mech-FIG. 4 is a half cross sectional view taken along lines anisms, however, have usually

16、 been rigidly secured to the 4-4 of FIG. 3 and drawn to an en! 釭 ged scale; said view fan casing defining the fan bypass duct making access to diagrammatically showing the thrust reversing means of the portion of the core gas turbine engine located radially 40 this invention in fue cruise position a

17、nd the reverse thrustinwardly of the furust reverser mechanism, including position; andaccessory components mounted on the gas turbine engine,FIG. 5 is an enlarged view of area 5 5 of FIG. 4. difficult and time consuming. Additionally, the removalWith reference now to FIG. 1, an aircraft propulsion

18、or overhaul and repair schedule for the gas turbine enginesystem has been shown generally at 10 as comprising aassociated wifu fue thrust reverser may be, and usually 45 turbofan engine 12 secured to an aircraft or wing 14 by is, different from that for fue thrust reversing mechanism.a pylon or othe

19、r suitable aircraft support structure 16.However, since such prior thrust reversing mechanismsThe turbofan engine 12 has been shown as being of the were constructed essentially integrally with the turbofanwell-known type including a core or centrally disposed engine, separate removal of one or the o

20、ther from itsgas turbine engine 18 which includes (not shown), in associated aircraft bas heretofore been difficult, if not 50 serial flow relationship, a compressor, a combustor, first impossible, to achieve.turbine means for driving the compressor and secondA primary object of this invention, fuer

21、efore, is to pro-turbine means connected to a fan 20 disposed upstream vide thrust reversing means of the type shown in theof the core engine 18. The turbofan engine 12 also in- above-referenced U.S. patents which permits ready accesseludes a fan casing structure 22 generally concentrically to the p

22、ortion of fue gas turbine engine disposed radially 55 surrounding the fan 20 and an upsteam portion of the inwardly thereof.core engine 18. The fan casing 22 is formed with gen- A further object of this invention is to provide thrust re-erally streamline inner and outer surfaces 24 and 26, versing m

23、eans for an aircraft propulsion system which en-respectively, and defines a generally annular fan duct 28 ables ready access to the portion of the gas turbine enginein which air is pressurized by the fan 20. The fan casing disposed radially inwardly thereof and which pem1its in- 60 22 and core engin

24、e 18 are secured to the aircraft support dependent removal of either the turbofan engine or tliestructure 16 by suitable well-known means (not shown) thrust reversing means from the a 兀craft.such as lugs, fasteners, or the like. Additionally, the fan Briefly, fue above and other objects, which will

25、becomecasing 22 may be connected to fue upstream end of theapparent upon reading the following description of the core engine 18 by suitable radial struts 30.preferred embodiment, are achieved in the present inven- 65 The core engine 18 may be provided with spaced up- tion by providing a pair of duc

26、t assemblies which are stream and downstream fairing members 32 and 34, re- hingeably secured to a pylon or other aircraft-supporting spectively, for defining a streamline aerodynamic en- structure for rotation between a cruise position, wherein closure for portions of said engine.the duct assemblie

27、s form an exhaust nozzle for receivingThe improved thrust reversing means of this invention and discharging the fan airflow to provide forward thrust 70 has been shown generally at 36 in FIG. 1 as including 皿for the aircraft, and a position wherein access for over- inner wall 38 and a radially outwa

28、rdly spaced outer wall haul and repair purposes is provided to the portion of the assembly 40 which cooperatively define an exhaust nozzle3,541,7943442 therebetween which is adapted to receive the fan exposed cascades 64, a plurality of peripherally disposed pressurized air from the fan duct 28 and

29、discharge said blocker:flaps 68 are provided. Each:flap is hingeably con- fan flow to produce a forward propulsive thrust for the nected adjacent its upstream end, as at 70, to its respec- aircraft 14.tive outer wall assembly translatable portion 66 and is5As best shown in FIGS. 1 and 4, the inner w

30、all 38 is rotatable from its position of FIG. 4, wherein it forms adapted to form a streamline enclosure for the core ua portion of the streamline inner surface 44, to the bro- engine 18 between fairing members 32 and 34, and the ken line blocking position of FIG. 4 by a radially disposed outer wall

31、 assembly 40 is formed with an inner and outer link 72 which is pivotably connected at its radial outer surface 44 and 46, respectively, adapted to form a gen- end 74 to its respective flap 68, and pivotably connectederally streamline continuation of the inner and outer 11 00 at its inner end 76 to

32、the inner wall 38. Each duct assem- surfaces 24 and 26 of the fan casing 22.bly 48, 50 includes suitable actuator means 78 carried byWith reference now to FIGS. 2 and 3, the thrust re-the nontranslatable outer wall assembly portion 62 which versing means of this invention has been shown as beingare

33、preferably of the ball screw type to translate the of bifurcated construction and comprising a pair of sub-outer wall assembly portions 66 and rotate flaps 68 into stantially mirror image duct assemblies 48 and 50, each 15 the thrust reversing position. The actuators 78 for both of which includes a

34、generally arcuate outer wall assem-duct assemblies 48 and 50 may be driven by a single bly 40 and a radially inwardly spaced arcuate inner wall:flexible cable 80 which may be drivingly connected to 38 suitably joined at their ends by radial wall memberssuitable motor means (not shown) disposed withi

35、n the 52, as by welding, riveting or the like. Each duct assemblyaircraft support structure or pylon 16. While the actuation 48, 50 is rotatably secured to the pylon or aircraft sup- 20 system has been shown and described as including ball port structure 16 through suitable hinge connections 54screw

36、 type actuators which are drivingly connected by for rotation, in a plane generally normal to the axis of thea :flexible cable 80, it should be understood that otherfan duct 28 and core engine 18, between a cruise position, suitable actuators may be employed.wherein the duct assemblies extend around

37、 the core en-As previously mentioned, the latch means 58 are pre- gine 18, as shown in FIGS. 1, 3 and 4, and an open po- 25 erably recessed and disposed in radial alignment with the sition, as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, wherein access is pro- portion 62 of the outer wall assemblies so as to transmit vi

38、ded for the core engine 18 and accessories (shown gen- hoop loads between the duct assemblies during reverse erally at 56 in FIG. 2) attached thereto.thrust operation with minimum bending moments.To facilitate rotation of the duct assemblies 48 and 50Referring now to FIG. 5, the downstream end of th

39、ebetween the cruise position and the open position, suitable 30 fan casing structure 22 has been shown formed with a actuator means of the fluid type, the motor-driven screw radially opening peripheral groove 82 adapted to receive, type, or the like may be provided as generally shown at in close fit

40、ting engagement, a radially inwardly extending57 in FIG. 3.:flange 84 carried by each duct assembly so as to transmit As best shown in FIG. 3, the free ends of the duct as-axial loading on the duct assemblies to the aircraft sup- semblies 48, 50 are secured together in the cruise position 35 port st

41、ructure 16 through the fan casing structure 22. The by suitable latch means 58, which are preferably recessedradial flanges 84 are preferably secured to their respective within the outer wall closure 40 and covered by an ac-outer wall assembly portions 62 by means which permit cess door 60, of well-

42、known construction, which is hinge-adjustment thereof so as to accommodate any tolerance ably carried by one of the duct assemblies.stackup between the :flange and its groove 82 and therebyTurning now to the thrust reversing mechanism of this 40 ensure a proper fit therebetween.invention, it should

43、be understood that whilea mechanismTo prevent leakage flow through the cascades during of the type described in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 3,26_2,271 forward thrust operation, suitable seal means 86 is pro- bas been-shown generally in FIG. 4 and is the preferred vided as in FIG. 4 to form a fluid seal

44、between the trans- construction, thrust reversing mechanisms of the type latable portion 66 and the nontranslatable portion 62 of shown in U.S. Pats. No. 3,262,268 and No. 3,262,270 45 each outer wall assembly 40.may also be employed. For a detailed description of_ suchWhile a preferred embodiment o

45、f the )resent invention reverser mechanisms, reference is made to the above-bas been depicted and described, it will be appreciated cited U.S. patents.by those skilled in the art that many substitutions, modi-Generally, however, as shown in FIG. 4, the outer allfications and variations may be made t

46、hereto without assembly 40 of each duct assembly 48, 50 includes a fixed 50 departing from the fundamental theme of this invention. or nontranslatable portion 62 which is secured to radialWhat is claimed is:walls 52, and hence to the inner wall 38, and forms a1. In an aircraft propulsion system of t

47、he type includ- structurally rigid arcuate frame carrying one or more ing a turbofan engine secured ot supporting aircraft:flow reversing- cascades 64. Each outer wall assembly structure, said turbofan engine including a hollow fan further includes a translatable portion 66 formed with 55 casing str

48、ucture, a core engine of smaller diameter than an arcuate, axially extending groove or slot 67 adapted said casing structure projecting into the downstream end to receive and cover the cascades 64 when disposed in of said casing structure and defining, in cooperation with the cruise position. While

49、the cascades 64 have been said casing structure, an annular fan duct, a fan disposed shown and -have been and will hereinafter be described in said fan duct, upstream of and drivingly connected as being fixed and covered by the translatable portion 66, 60 to said core engine, for pressurizing air fl

50、ow through it should be understood that such arrangement may be said fan duct, the improvement comprising:reversed with the cascades being housed within the non-bifurcated thrust reversing means including a pair of translatable portion 62 in the cruise position and beingduct assemblies hingeably sec

51、ured to said supporting movable with the translatable portion 66 out of saidaircraft structure for rotation, on a plane generally covered position.65normal to the axis of said gas turbine engine, be- The translatable portion 66 is slidably carried by thetweena cruise position, wherein said duct asse

52、mblies outer wall portion 62 for axial translation between thearound said core engine, downstream of said casing cruise position and a position spaced downstream thereofstructure, and form an exhaust nozzle for receiving as shown by the broken lines in FIG. 4. As will be ap-and discharging said pres

53、surized fan flow to provide predated, when the outer wall assembly portion 66 is in 70forward thrust for said aircraft, and an open position its downstream position, the :flow reversing cascades 64wherein access for overhaul and repair purposes is are uncovered and placed in flow communication with

54、theprovided to the portion of said core engine disposed fan pressurized air within theduct assembly.radially inwardly of said duct assemblies, each said In order to block the flow of fan pressurized air throughduct assembly including an outer wall assembly the exhaust nozble 42 and divert such flow through the 75carrying atleast one flow reversing cascade and means6 5 for blocking the discharge of fan pressurized airably carried by the movable portion of each said from said exhaust


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