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Unit 1Cultural relics 單詞拼寫應(yīng)用核心單詞1.design n設(shè)計(jì);圖案;構(gòu)思vt.設(shè)計(jì);計(jì)劃;構(gòu)思2style n風(fēng)格;風(fēng)度;類型3artist n藝術(shù)家4doubt n懷疑;疑惑vt.懷疑;不信5worth prep.值得的;相當(dāng)于的價(jià)值n價(jià)值;作用 adj.古值錢的6painting n繪畫;畫7entrance n入口8debate n& vi.爭論;辯論9select vt.挑選;選擇10remove vt.移動(dòng);搬開11sink vi.下沉;沉下12explode vi.爆炸語境運(yùn)用用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1The article raised doubts(doubt) about how effective the new drug really was.2I arrived at the classroom with paper cards designed (design) in the shape of maple leaves.3At the moment we are_debating (debate) what furniture to buy for the house.4She removed (remove) her jacket and hung it up on the hook.5Many of the artists (artist) in the show donated their fee to charity.6It fell onto the wet sand and then sank(sink)7The players selected (select) from the whole country are expected to bring us honour in this summer game.8Some firefighters put out the fire before the car exploded (explode).拓展單詞1.value n& vt.價(jià)值;重視valuable adj.貴重的;有價(jià)值的invaluable adj.極有用的;極寶貴的2survive vi.幸免;幸存;生還survival n幸存survivor n幸存者3amaze vt.使吃驚;驚訝amazing adj.令人吃驚的amazed adj.吃驚的amazement n驚奇4decorate v裝飾;裝修decoration n裝飾5wood n木;木材wooden adj.木制的6evidence n根據(jù);證據(jù)evident adj.明顯的;明白的語境運(yùn)用用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1It was evident that all the evidence we collected proved him to be guilty.(evident)2Luckily,I survived the terrible car crash last week and I was the only survivor of the accident.(survive)3To my amazement,the amazing news amazed the family and their neighbors were also amazed(amaze)4All the experts valued your advice;in other words,they thought your advice was valuable(valuable)閱讀詞匯1rare adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍貴的2dynasty n朝代;王朝3sailor n水手4local adj.本地的;當(dāng)?shù)氐?trial n審判;審訊;試驗(yàn)6reception n接待;招待會(huì);接收7castle n城堡8troop n群;組;軍隊(duì)9jewel n珠寶;寶石拓展聯(lián)想1.分詞形式的形容詞amazeamazingamazedinspireinspiringinspiredexciteexcitingexcitedinterestinterestinginterestedpuzzlepuzzlingpuzzled2.“爭論”相關(guān)詞一覽debate v& n辯論;爭論argue v爭論discuss v討論quarrel v& n爭吵dispute v& n爭論3.后綴ence的名詞集錦evidentevidence 證據(jù)consequentconsequence 結(jié)果convenientconvenience 便利;方便absentabsence 缺乏;缺席competentcompetence 能力;勝任熟詞生義你知道下面句子中黑體詞的漢語意思嗎?1(2018全國卷)These colorful and sweet jewels from British Columbias fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection. 寶貝;珍貴的東西2(2017全國卷)They pump out perfumes designed to attract different insects who are natural enemies to the attackers. 意圖3(2010湖北卷)Susans husband Mark watched her sink into hopelessness and he was determined to use every possible means to help his wife.漸漸陷入,漸漸進(jìn)入 短語多維應(yīng)用高頻短語1in_search_of尋找2belong_to 屬于3in_return 作為報(bào)答;回報(bào)4think_highly_of 看重;器重5at_war 處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)6less_than 少于語境運(yùn)用選用左邊短語的適當(dāng)形式填空。My grandpa got down to protecting cultural relics at less_than 20 and that was a time when China was at_warHe often said that cultural relics belonged_to human beings and that it was his duty to protect them.He,together with his colleagues,spared no pains protecting them.As a consequence,he was_highly_thought_of and was awarded a medal for his work.高頻短語7serve_as 充當(dāng);起作用8look_into 調(diào)查;審查9rather_than 而不是;與其說不如說10take_apart 拆開11add.to. 把加到上12by_the_light_of 借助的光線語境運(yùn)用選用左邊短語的適當(dāng)形式填空。The old piano I bought years ago took up too much room,so by_the_light_of the room,I took it apartI sold it to a waste recycling center at a low price.As there is not much furniture in my house,the wooden box serves_as both a bench and a table.拓展聯(lián)想1.“atn.”短語薈萃at war處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)at hand在身邊;在附近at length 最后;詳細(xì)地 at sea 在大海上;在航行at work 在工作 at peace 處于和平時(shí)期2.“inn.”短語in case以防萬一in advance提前in danger處于危險(xiǎn)中in place恰當(dāng)in fact事實(shí)上in particular特別3.“inn.of”結(jié)構(gòu)大集合in search of 尋找in memory of 為了紀(jì)念in favor of 支持;贊同in honour of 為了紀(jì)念in terms of 就來說in place of 代替;取代句式結(jié)構(gòu)仿寫教材原句背誦句式仿寫應(yīng)用1.There is no doubt that.毫無疑問。There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.(2018全國卷)毫無疑問,在中國注意你的餐桌禮儀很重要。There_is_no_doubt_that it is very important to mind your table manners in China.2.疑問詞不定式。In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.我很榮幸在這里和大家交流在高中要學(xué)習(xí)什么的看法。It is my honour to be here to share with you my opinions on what_to_learn in high school.精講4個(gè)考綱單詞1survive vt.幸存;比活得長;經(jīng)過之后還存在vi.活下來;幸存;殘留(1)單句語法填空I dont know how you can manage to survive on your small salary.After the plane crash,what the survivors(survivor) could do was to wait for rescue on this desert island.(2018全國卷)None of these seems to have much chance of survival (survive)(2)鏈接寫作句式升級(普通表達(dá))After they survived that night,they were confident that everything else would be all right.(高級表達(dá))Having_survived that night,they were confident that everything else would be all right.(現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語)先理解再牢記 (1)survive from從幸存survive on 依靠生存下來A survive B (by .) A比B活得長()(2)survivor n幸存者survival nU幸存;C殘存物佳句背誦Human life is regarded as part of nature and,the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.名師點(diǎn)津survive 表示“幸免于”時(shí),是及物動(dòng)詞,因而不需要加多余的介詞in,from等。2.design n& vt.設(shè)計(jì);構(gòu)思;計(jì)劃(1)單句語法填空A lot of people often forget that oral exams are designed to_test (test) our communicative ability.(2018臨沂模擬)This course is specially designed for beginners like you,focusing on listening and speaking practice.(2)鏈接寫作句式升級(普通表達(dá))This project was designed to help the students in need.But it just didnt work out as planned.(高級表達(dá))This project designed_to_help_the_students_in_need just didnt work out as planned.(過去分詞作定語)(高級表達(dá))This project which_was_designed_to_help_the _students_in_need just didnt work out as planned.(定語從句)先理解再牢記 (1)design sb.to do sth.打算讓某人從事be designed for/to do sth.旨在;打算用來做某事(2)by design 故意地;蓄意地(3)designer n設(shè)計(jì)者佳句背誦Whether by accident or by design,it so happened that she just came.聯(lián)想發(fā)散表示“故意與偶然”的詞語小結(jié)。(1)故意地:by designon purposedeliberately(2)偶然地:by chanceby accidentaccidentally3.remove vt.& vi.移動(dòng);移走;搬家;脫掉;消除;撤職;開除(1)寫出下列句中remove的含義Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work,the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder.拿走The company has removed the manager from his post due to his poor performance.開除;免職He has decided to remove his family from the countryside to the nearby town.搬遷The doctor asked Mr.King to remove his trousers so that he could give him an examination.脫去(衣物)(2)鏈接寫作句式升級(普通表達(dá))What you said has completely removed my doubts.(高級表達(dá))What you said has had_my_doubts_removed(have sth.done)先理解再牢記 remove.from.把從移開/撤掉remove sb.from ones post 撤職;開除remove sb.from school 開除某人;勒令某人退學(xué)remove ones doubt 消除某人的疑慮佳句背誦Of the three columns concerning health,entertainment and culture,my suggestion is that the column of entertainment (should) be removed.4.worth prep.值得的;相當(dāng)于的價(jià)值 n價(jià)值;作用adj.古值錢的(1)單句語法填空Since you are interested in traditional Chinese cultures,I think this festival is well worth experiencing.(2)鏈接寫作一句多譯(2018全國卷)我認(rèn)為,Growing Together 這部英文短片很值得觀看。In my opinion/view,the short English film,Growing Together,is well worth watchingIn my opinion/view,the short English film,Growing Together,is well worthy of_being_watched/to_be_watchedIn my opinion/view,it is well worthwhile watching/to_watch the short English film,Growing Together.先理解再牢記 (1)be worthn.值得,值be worth doing 值得被做(2)worthy adj.值得的;配得上的;可敬的be worthy值得做(3)It is worthwhile doing sth./to do sth.做某事是值得的。 佳句背誦Although we take an hour a day for exercise,it is well worth it.詮釋3個(gè)核心短語1in search of尋找;搜尋;尋求(1)單句語法填空Twenty soldiers were sent to the mountain in search of the trapped climber.If left alone outside,dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter.(2)鏈接寫作一句多譯每年許多受過良好教育的年輕人去海南島找工作。Every year,many welleducated young people go to Hainan Island in_search_of_a_job(search n)Every year,many welleducated young people go to Hainan Island to_search_for_a_job(search v)先理解再牢記 (1)in ones search for 尋找(2)search sth./sb.搜查某物/搜身search forlook for 尋找search.for.為找到而搜查名師點(diǎn)津search作動(dòng)詞用時(shí),search的賓語是指搜查的范圍,可以是人、物或地點(diǎn);而要搜尋要找的人或物時(shí),要加介詞for。2.in return作為報(bào)答;回報(bào);作為交換(1)用turn的相關(guān)短語填空(2017天津卷)We offer an excellent education to our students.In_return,we expect students to work hard.He spends too much time on maths,and this in_turn affects the progress of his other subjects.It is our responsibility to take care of our sick mother by_turns(2)鏈接寫作完成句子我希望我能做點(diǎn)兒什么事來報(bào)答他對我的好。I wish I could do something in_return_for_the_kindness I have received from him.先理解再牢記 (1)in return for. 作為的報(bào)答(2)in turn 輪流,依次;反過來by turns 輪流;時(shí)而時(shí)而佳句背誦The old man gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing in return.名師點(diǎn)津in return后不跟任何成分,in return for 為介詞短語,需要跟賓語。3.belong to屬于;歸屬;為的一員(1)單句語法填空Nothing can change the fact that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China.Having sold most of his belongings (belong),he almost had nothing left in the house.(2)鏈接寫作一句多譯眾所周知,中國是屬于第三世界的國家。It is well known that China is a country which_belongs_to the Third World.(定語從句)It is well known that China is a country belonging_to the Third World.(分詞作定語)先理解再牢記 (1)belong to表示“是的財(cái)產(chǎn);是的組成部分;是的成員(屬于)”,不能用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)和被動(dòng)語態(tài)。(2)belongings n財(cái)產(chǎn);所有物;相關(guān)事物佳句背誦(2017全國卷)Papercutting has a history of over 1,500 years,which belongs to traditional art in China.名師點(diǎn)津belong to中to為介詞,作后置定語時(shí)常用現(xiàn)在分詞形式。突破2個(gè)高考句型1(教材P2)There_is_no_doubt_that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫無疑問,這些箱子后來被裝上火車運(yùn)往哥尼斯堡,當(dāng)時(shí)德國在波羅的海邊的一個(gè)城市。要點(diǎn)提煉There is no doubt that .“毫無疑問”。(1)單句語法填空There is no doubt that staying up is more likely to result in overanxiety.There is still some doubt whether the autumn sports meet will be held in our school.I never doubt that special classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner.(2)鏈接寫作一句多譯(2017全國卷)毫無疑問,剪紙是中國的傳統(tǒng)文化之一。There_is_no_doubt_that/_I_have_no_doubt_that papercutting is one of Chinese traditional cultures.(doubt n)I_never_doubt_that papercutting is one of Chinese traditional cultures.(doubt v)先理解再牢記 (1)There is no doubt that .意為“毫無疑問”,that引導(dǎo)同位語從句,說明doubt的內(nèi)容。(2)There is some doubt whether .有疑問I have no doubt that .我確定/相信(3)I dont/never doubt that .我確信(4)I doubt whether/if .我懷疑是否名師點(diǎn)津當(dāng)doubt用于肯定句時(shí),從句用whether或if引導(dǎo);當(dāng)doubt用于否定句或疑問句時(shí),從句用that引導(dǎo)。2.(教材P5)In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which_not_to_believe在審判中,法官必須斷定哪些證人可以相信,哪些證人不能相信。要點(diǎn)提煉疑問詞to do。which not to believe為“疑問詞不定式”結(jié)構(gòu),在句中作賓語。(1)單句語法填空Seeing such a crowd of audience below the stage,he was too nervous to know what to_say (say)When and where_to_hold (hold) the meeting remains to be discussed further.(2)鏈接寫作句型轉(zhuǎn)換I really dont know whether I will accept her invitation or not.I really dont know whether_to_accept her invitation or not.先理解再牢記 “疑問詞不定式”結(jié)構(gòu):(1)“疑問詞不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)可在句中作主語、賓語、表語等。不定式必須用主動(dòng)語態(tài)而不能用被動(dòng)語態(tài)。(2)whether后可接不定式,而if不能。.單句語法填空1There is convincing evidence(evident) that he is equal to the job.2Two hundred British sailors (sailor) lost their lives when the ship was attacked.3He was sentenced to many years in prison because of stealing famous paintings (painting)4I returned home,sank (sink) back into my seat and sighed with relief.5There is no doubt that these cultural relics belonging (belong) to the state should be returned.6What amazed(amaze) me was that he contributed all his money to supporting the local school.7Henry told me that there was a time when he stayed up every night going over his lessons.8Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to_survive(survive) without friends in life.9On arrival at the ancient village,you can find many cultural(culture) relics.10There is no doubt that spending too much time surfing the Internet or watching TV contributes to nearsightedness.單句改錯(cuò)1It is amazed that the artist devotes so much time to painting. amazedamazing2The singer whose future was hopeful is rare seen in public nowadays.rarerarely3Hopefully,he still remained actively after the public was founded. activelyactive4The film is so excellent that it is worth see a second time.seeseeing5I have some doubt whether they will think high of my plan.highhighly.課文語法填空根據(jù)P12課文內(nèi)容,在空白處填入1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。Frederick William ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an 1.amazing(amaze) history.Actually,the Amber Room was designed 2.for the palace of Frederick .The room 3.was_made(make) of several tons of amber.4.But the next King of Prussia decided to give it to the Russian people as 5.a gift of friendship.In return,the Czar sent a troop of his 6.best(good) soldiers to the Prussian.So the Amber Room became part of the Czars winter palace in St Petersburg.It served as a small reception hall for important visitors.Later,Catherine had it 7.moved(move) to a palace where she spent her summers.Before the Nazis got to the summer palace,the Russians were only


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