英語人教版八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man want to move.ppt_第1頁
英語人教版八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man want to move.ppt_第2頁
英語人教版八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man want to move.ppt_第3頁
英語人教版八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man want to move.ppt_第4頁
英語人教版八年級下冊Unit 6 An old man want to move.ppt_第5頁
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SectionAPeriod4 3a 3c Unit9 Whatdoeshelooklike GrammarFocus Whocanmakethemostsentencestodescribehim Hehasshorthair Hehas Whatdoeshelooklike Whocanmakethemostsentencestodescribeher Shehas Whatdoesshelooklike Whocanmakethemostsentencestodescribethem Theyhave Whatdotheylooklike Writequestions you like pop traditionalmusic Doyoulikepoportraditionalmusic 1 will you have tea coffee 2 be this pop rock Willyouhaveteaorcoffee Isthispoporrock 3 be you adoctor ateacher 4 be thatcoffee yours hers Areyouadoctororateacher Isthatcoffeeyoursorhers Theboxisheavy 用light改為選擇疑問句 Istheboxheavyorlight Isthisanapple 用orange改為選擇疑問句 Isthisanappleoranorange Isheathome 用atschool改為選擇疑問句 Isheathomeoratschool Translatethefollowingsentences 1 你在幾年級 三年級還是四年級 Whichgradeareyouin Grade3orGrade4 2 你的玩具車是新的還是舊的 Isyourtoycarneworold 3 你的父母現(xiàn)在在超市還是在家 Areyourparentsintheshoporathomenow 4 你說中文還是說英語 DoyouspeakEnglishorChinese 5 你想喝些什么 可樂還是牛奶 Whatwouldyouliketodrink cokeormilk GamePlay MysteryStudent Whoishe she A Heistallandfat Hehasshortstraighthair Hehassmalleyes Helikessinging Who she B IsheLiMing A No heisn t C IsheGaoFei A Yes heis 3aWritethewordsinthecorrectbox shorthairheavycurlyhairthinofmediumbuildtallstraighthairshortlonghairofmediumheight heavy thin ofmediumbuild tall short ofmediumheight shorthair curlyhair straighthair longhair 3bCirclethecorrectwordstocompletetheconversation A Sowhatdo doesyourfriendMarklooklike B Well heis hasthin andhehave hasblackhair A Really Is Doeshetallorshort B Heis isn ttallorshort Heis hasofmediumbuild A Doeshehas havecurlyorstraighthair B Heis hasstraighthair Andheis hasreallyhandsome 用have has或There is are 名詞 某人或物 地點 時間翻譯句子 她有一個大背包 2 課桌上有本書 3 Mary有一些紅色的襯衫 Shehasabigbackpack Thereisabookonthedesk Maryhassomeredshirts 4 墻上有兩幅畫 5 我在學(xué)校里有許多朋友 6 一個星期有七天 Therearetwopicturesonthewall Ihavemanyfriendsatschool Therearesevendaysinaweek 3cWriteanswerstothesequestionsaboutdifferentpeople Thentellyourpartneraboutthem Whatdoesyourfavoriteactororactresslooklike Whatdoesyourfavoriteteacherlooklike GamePlayWhoisthebestpainter Drawapictureofaperson Don tshowtheotherstudents Tellotherswhatthepersonlookslike Thenotherstudentsdrawtheperson Whocandrawabeautifulperson Mikeisagoodstudent He sverytall Hehascurlybrownhairandisofmediumbuild Helikesreadingandplayingchess XuQianlovestotelljokes She sshortandalittlebitheavy Shehasbeautifullongblackhair Sheneverstopstalking Maryisthinandsheisofmediumheight Shehascurly blondehair She sgood lookingbutshe salittlebitquiet WangLinisinthethebasketballteam He stallandheisofmediumbuild Hehasshort straighthair WangLinisverypopular 5 多個形容詞修飾名詞時 其順序為 限定詞 數(shù)詞 描繪詞 大小 長短 形狀 新舊 顏色 出處 材料性質(zhì) 類別 名詞asmallroundtableatallgraybuildingadirtyoldbrownshirtafamousGermanmedicalschoolanexpensiveJapanesesportscar 1 What she like Shehas 2 doesshelooklike Shehas hair shorthair What curly does look 看圖填空 3 dothey Theyare 4 What she She What looklike tall haslongstraight does looklike hair 選擇所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 tall huge curly thin popular 1 Look MissLiuhas hair 2 Heis1meter80centimeters 3 TheTVplaygetsa success 4 Sheis atschool 5 Youshouldeatmore you retoo curly tall huge popular thin Mr Simmon ofmediumbuild andhehasyellowhair A isB hasC lookslikeD isn t2 Jimhas curlyhair A aB anC theD 3 Whatdoyoulooklike I m A smartB kindC outgoingD tall 選擇填空 D D A 4 OurEnglishteacher tallandhe ofmediumbuild A has hasB has isC is hasD is is5 Isheheavy No heisalittlebit A tallB thinC shortD quiet6 Isyourfriendquiet No heneverstops A talkB talkingC totalkD laughing D B B Circlethecorrectwordstocompletetheconversation A Sowhat yourfriendClarklooklike B Well he thin andhe blackhair A Really hetallorshort B He tallorshort He ofmediumbuild A Doeshe curlyorstraighthair B He straighthair Andhe reallyhandsome do does is has have has is does is isn t is has has have is has is has MissLiisourEnglishteacher Doyouk her Andwhatdoesshel like Letmetellyou She sofm height butalittleb heavy Shehasshortbrownandc hair Shealwayswearsapairofg onherface Sheisg welikeherverymuch Shelovestotellj andsheisveryp inourschool Canyour her now ook edium it urly lasses ood looking okes opular emember 根據(jù)首字母和短文內(nèi)容填空 MyNetFriendMaryIhaveanetfriend SheisfromSydney Australia Thegirl


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