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作文通則 TDC理論高中生作文一般遵循 TOC 理論 , 同學(xué)們可以按以下結(jié)構(gòu)列寫作提綱 :1 The Topic Sentence ( 主題句 )2. Paragraph Development ( 段落發(fā)展 )a. _b. _c. _3. The Concluding Sentence ( 結(jié)論句 )高中生作文可采用五段法第一段 : 寫明話題、亮出個人觀點。第二段 : 過渡段 ( 一個句子 ) 。第三段 : reason A + supporting details (developing sentences) 。第四段 : reason B + supporting details (developing sentences) 。第五段 : 結(jié)尾 ( conclusion) 。T: 主題句:主題句是一個段落中最重要的句子 , 它必須告訴讀者這個段落的主旨是什么。通常每個段落的第一句就是主題句。主題句由兩部分構(gòu)成 : 主題 ( the topic) 和中心論點 ( the controll-ingidea) 。主題便是你要談?wù)摵兔枋龅膶ο?( 人、事、物 ) , 中心論點則將主題句的特點是 : 開門見山、簡短有力、立場明確。D: 段落發(fā)展:段落發(fā)展就是整個段落的論述部分 , 這個部分所有的句子都是用來支持主題句的 , 因此要避免與主題句不相干的句子以及同樣語意的冗詞贅句。段落發(fā)展有兩種寫法 :其一 : 提出支持主題句的論點 , 再依各點分別解釋或舉例。其二 : 根據(jù)時間和空間描述事物。C: 結(jié)論句:結(jié)論句有三種寫法 :一、重述法 : 用不同的話來重述主題句的概念。二、摘要法 : 將文章內(nèi)容作一個摘要。三、衍生法 : 由文章內(nèi)容衍生 , 提出呼應(yīng)主旨的信息、評論、建議等。范文一: 我最喜歡的一本書向大家介紹你最喜歡的一本書 , 簡單介紹它的內(nèi)容 , 談?wù)勀銥槭裁聪矚g它。I. 下筆方式1. 主題句 : 我最喜歡的一本書是真正的美。2. 發(fā)展句 : 介紹這本書 ; 說明為什么喜歡它 。a. 結(jié)構(gòu)好、措詞簡單 , 適合練習(xí)英文寫作 ; b. 概述這本書的內(nèi)容。3. 結(jié)論句 : 這本書很有啟示性 , 值得一讀。II 范文 My favorite book is a short story called True Beauty. I cant remember the name of the author, but in terms of structure , this book can be called a masterpiece. The wording is simple and easy. For those who want to practice English writing, True Beauty is highly recommended.Basically, this is a true story about a young girl who was brought up in a poor family. She was born with a big birthmark on her face. In the beginning, she was self-conscious and afraid to deal with people. Thanks to her loving parents encouragement , however, she finally decided to approach the outside world. Her kindness and helpfulness made her popular with her friends. She even won the love of a handsome young man who thought that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. I find the story inspiring and worth reading.III 譯文: 我最喜歡的書是一本叫做真正的美的短篇小說。我不記得作者的名字了 ,但就布局而言 , 這本書稱得上是杰作。此書措辭簡單易懂 , 對于那些想練習(xí)英文寫作的人來說 ,真正的美非常值得推薦。簡單說來 , 這本書描寫一段真實的故事 , 內(nèi)容是關(guān)于一個成長在貧寒家庭的年 輕女孩 她生臉上就有一塊大胎記。起初 , 她很自卑 , 害怕與人交往。但幸好在她慈愛父母的鼓勵之下 , 她最終決定接觸外面的世界。她的善良和樂于助人使得她 很受朋友們的歡迎。她甚至贏得了一位英俊年輕人的愛 , 他覺得她是他所見過最美 麗的女孩。我認為這個故事很有啟示性 , 值得一讀。閱讀范文二: “一位難忘的老師” Of all the teachers that have taught me over the years, Ms. Yuan is the one that sticks out most in my mind. She will stay in my memory until my dying day because of the valuable lessons that she taught me not only about history but about life as well. Ms. Yuan was my history teacher in my second year of junior high school. In her class, she continually told us stories about some of the greats in history and what they had accomplished. By far the most valuable lesson I learned from her is that if we dont learn from the mistakes of the past, were bound to repeat them in the future. A few years have passed since Ms. Yuan taught me, but her teachings about life and history will stay with me forever.作文-有志者事竟成 題目: 古人云 : 有志者事竟成。 ( Where there is a will, there is a way. ) 通過描述你生活中的一件事 , 說明只要有決心 , 無論困難有多大都能克服去完成目標(biāo)。 I. 下筆方式 (列提綱)全文分兩段 :第一段 : 引述諺語 有志者事竟成 , 作為本文的主題句 ; 解釋這句話的內(nèi)涵。第二段 : 以自己減肥的經(jīng)歷為例 , 說明只要有毅力并持之以恒 , 就能達成目標(biāo)。 結(jié)論句 : 鼓勵大家堅定信念 , 克服困難 , 達成目標(biāo)。II. 范文 As the saying goes, Where there is a will, there is a way. This simply means that were bound to run into setbacks on lifes journey. As long as we remain strong-willed, there is no difficulty we cant overcome.I used to be very fat, but I didnt care about it until one day I found it difficult to breathe. I knew I had to do something before its too late. The next day, I started jogging and going on a diet. In the beginning, things went smoothly and I lost a few pounds in less than two weeks. Somehow, though, my weight remained unchanged in the following months. I was so disappointed and depressed that I almost gave up. But I persuaded myself to carry on. Two years have passed, and I have lost 40 pounds. I have regained my health, thanks to my belief in the saying, Where there is a will, there is a way. III. 譯文 諺語有云 “ 有志者事竟成?!?這表示我們在人生的旅途中注定會遭遇挫折 , 但只要我們保持堅強的毅力 , 什么困難都能克服。 我曾經(jīng)很胖 , 但我并不介意 , 直到有一天我發(fā)覺自己呼吸有了困難。我意識到我得有點作為以免為時晚矣。第二天 , 我開始慢跑并節(jié)食。起初 , 一切進展順利 , 我兩個星期不到就減了幾磅。然而不知怎么地 , 我的體重在接下來的幾個月里卻一直沒變過。我非常失望和沮喪 , 因此差點兒就放棄了。但是我說服了自己堅持下 去。兩年過去了 , 我減了 40 磅。多虧了我信奉的格言 有志者事竟成 我重新 獲得了健康。 主題句通常放在段落的開頭。常用主題句的句型:1. When asked about. , most people think (say/believe/ claim/ argue) that., but other people think of ( consider/regard) . . as. ( or: differently).2. There is a discussion on ( about/ over/ as to). Those who object to . argue that. But.3. Now, it is widely believed that. They think. , but I wonder whether. .4. For years, . has been regarded as . , but things are quite different. 5. Any visitor to the country ( city) . 6. Is it likely that . ? The answer may depend. 7. In spite of . I believe . 8. Contrary to . , I believe that . 9. They may be right about . , but they seem to fail to mention the fact that .10.It is true that . , but it doesnt mean that . 11.Some . Others., Still others . 12. Why are . ? For one thing For another (Thing) . Perhaps . 13.The reason why . is that . 14.It will have a useful effect on . 15.As is known to all, 第二節(jié)發(fā)展句 發(fā)展句 ( 或稱為擴展句、支持句 ) , 顧名思義 , 就是被用來發(fā)展( 擴展、支持 ) 主題句的句子。 主題句確定以后 , 接著就該寫發(fā)展句了。發(fā)展句不是一個句子 , 而是幾個句子。這些句子可以通過舉例、說明、描寫、對比、比較、定義、分類、等方法來論證和闡述中心思想 。 發(fā)展句必須緊扣主題句 , 邏輯性強 , 與主題句意思緊密相連 ,不能插入與主題句無關(guān)的內(nèi)容 , 否則就破壞了文章的統(tǒng)一性 。發(fā)展句使讀者 ( 或閱卷教師 ) 能夠正確地理解和獲取寫作者所要表達的信息 。 如果說主題句是文章的 “ 骨架 ” 的話 , 那么發(fā)展句就是文章的 “ 血 ” 和 “ 肉 了 ”。一、 三種常用的擴展主題句的方法:1. 舉例法 運用事實舉例說明中心思想。舉例能使主題更明了 , 內(nèi)容更豐富。反之 , 在一個抽象的話題和作者的觀點之后 , 仍然單調(diào)、籠 統(tǒng)地重復(fù)主題句 , 不用舉例的方法來增加主題句的說服力 , 也不增 加細節(jié)來證明作者的觀點 , 這樣的段落無論如何是不會令人滿意 的 。 例如 :Time is valuable. As is known to all, time is precious. It is wrong to waste our time because we cant study without time. So we should use our time wisely.不難發(fā)現(xiàn) , 以上段落中作者基本上沒有寫好發(fā)展句 , 而只是單 調(diào)地重復(fù)主題句。 以下文章則有 血 有 肉 For some people life seems to flow like a song, but for others, life seems hard indeed.Tom was born into a poor peasant family that already had too many mouths to feed. As the family moved from one place to another, he la- bored long hours in the fields and missed a great deal of schooling. He joined the army at eighteen. Later he was seriously wounded.2. 因果法論述性的文章 , 可用此方法來說明事物發(fā)展的原因和結(jié)果。既可以根據(jù)結(jié)果分析原因 , 也可以由原因推論結(jié)果 。 例如 :Though there are many causes for the changing of womens social positions, the main cause is that the economic position has changed since 1949. On the one hand, more and more women left their kitchen and became part of labor force. Now some women s income is higher than that of men. On the other hand. modern women have more chances to go to college. As a result, we have more and more women managers, women doctors and women scientists.3. 比較、對照法 將兩種或更多的事物進行比較、對照來說明事物的性質(zhì)、形態(tài)等特點的方法 , 稱為比較、對照法。 通過比較 , 研究不同事物的相 似點 , 用同學(xué)們熟悉的簡單事物與不熟悉的陌生事物類比 , 使其變 得簡單易懂。例如 :Compared with city life, country life has its own advantages. Al- though peasants cant enjoy some of the modern entertainments that the city can provide, they can enjoy the fresh air, fresh vegetables and fresh water as well. Contrary to heavy traffic in the city, life in the countryside is gentle. You dont have to get into the crowded bus every weekday.請寫出下列話題的發(fā)展句:第三節(jié) 結(jié)尾句精心構(gòu)思的文章最后一步便是結(jié)尾了 如何以既有意義、又很優(yōu)美的方式來結(jié)束全文呢 ? 文章的結(jié)尾段 ( 句 ) 是對文章的歸納和總結(jié) , 它可再次吸引讀者并給讀者留下深刻的印象 , 起到畫龍點睛的作用 。 結(jié)尾應(yīng)避免 4 種常見的問題1. 畫蛇添足。 結(jié)尾段又冒出第二個主題句 , 犯了前后不一致的毛病。2. 空喊口號。 用了幾句口號式的祈使句加感嘆號結(jié)尾 , 體現(xiàn)不出作者創(chuàng)造性的思維 , 不能很好地為中心思想服務(wù)。3. 大表決心。常常用 I decide to study harder. 或 I am determined to. 或 Ill try my best. 這類句子結(jié)尾 。4. 用總結(jié)式的句子收尾。如: So , I think . 應(yīng)避免這種太一般化的表達方式。請判斷下列結(jié)尾段是用什么方法寫成的:P 33“欲速則不達” 范文Well goes the old saying, Haste makes waste. Quite often we are so eager to achieve a goal that we dont take the time to prepare for it properly. As a result, we fail to reach the goal as expected. I can easily remember being in this situation several years ago. I had an important test to study for, but I felt that spending time with my friends was much more fun. I ended up cramming for the test by staying up all night long. The next day, I was so tired that I fell asleep during the test. As you can tell, I failed the test. Ever since then, I have learned that doing things slowly but cautiously is much more important than doing things in haste but carelessly. 譯文俗話說得好 欲速則不達 。我們往往太急于達成某個目標(biāo) , 而沒有花時間好好做準(zhǔn)備。結(jié)果是 , 我們未能達成預(yù)期的目標(biāo)。 我清楚地記得幾年前我也曾這樣。當(dāng)時我有個重要的考試要準(zhǔn)備 , 但我覺得和朋友一起玩更加有趣。結(jié)果我不得不通宵學(xué)習(xí) , 把那些考試要準(zhǔn)備的東西統(tǒng)統(tǒng)塞進腦子里。第二天 , 由于太勞累 , 我在考試時睡著了。你可以想象得到 , 我沒有通過那場考試。從此 , 我認識到 , 緩慢但謹慎地去做某件事 , 遠比匆忙草率地做事重要。1) 課內(nèi)訓(xùn)練題:每個人都有自己的理想 , 那你的理想是什么呢 ? 請你寫一篇短文談?wù)勀愕睦硐搿?20-150字。 A. 閱讀下列短文, 1。看看范文的題綱是如何列就的; 2。重點理解黑體字在文中的用法。Many friends of mine like to dream big. They hope they can be scientists, doctors, or lawyers in the future. As for me, I have long wanted to be an elementary school teacher.For one thing, being around children always brings me joy. They are naive and I can stay with them all day without feeling tired. For another, they are the backbone of my country. If I can teach them something useful when they are young, they can contribute a lot to our society when they grow up. Of course, children tend to be naughty and playful, which can make it hard to teach them. However, I can identify with them and put up with their mischievous behavior because I was also a naughty girl when I was their age.This is my dream, simple but noble, and I believe I can make it come true someday.譯文: 我的許多朋友都有遠大的夢想。他們希望有朝一日成為科學(xué)家、醫(yī)生或律師。至于我 , 我卻一直希望成為一名小學(xué)教師。其一 , 與孩子相處總是帶給我樂趣。他們天真無邪 , 和他們在一起我從不感到厭倦。其二 , 孩子是祖國的棟梁。如果我可以在他們還小時教給他們一些有用的東 西 , 他們長大之后就可以為社會做出很大的貢獻。當(dāng)然 , 孩子都會調(diào)皮貪玩 , 這也 會使得教育他們有些困難。但我理解他們 , 能夠容忍他們的頑皮行為 , 因為當(dāng)我和 他們一般大的時候 , 我也是個頑皮的小女孩。這就是我的理想 , 簡單卻崇高 , 我相信有一天它終會實現(xiàn)。議論文講學(xué)稿(一) 手機的利弊(現(xiàn)在越來越多的學(xué)生有了手機 , 請你簡單分析手機對學(xué)生的益處和害處。)These days, it is not uncommon to see students carrying a mobile phone around. It seems that owning a mobile phone has become a fad. In fact, such a device does have some advantages. It may come in handy in case of emergency. You can also use it to send a message to your friend. Most mobile phones today provide us with information for educational and entertaining purposes. Some even serve as digital cameras!But mobile phones are costly. Owning one can mean a heavy burden on your parents. Besides, some students enjoy talking on the phone so often that it will certainly affect their studies. A lot of research has confirmed that mobile phones have radiation, which can do harm to our health if we use them on a constant basis. I do not object to having a mobile phone, but students should be taught to use it properly.譯文在當(dāng)今 , 看見學(xué)生持有手機已是件很平常的事情。似乎擁有一部手機已成了一 種時尚。的確 , 這個東西有其優(yōu)點。萬一有緊急情況時 , 它可以派上用場。你也可以用它發(fā)短信給朋友。現(xiàn)在的大多數(shù)手機還可以為我們提供教學(xué)及娛樂信息。某些 手機還能作為數(shù)碼相機使用呢 ! 然而手機的花費也很大。擁有手機就表示為父母增添沉重的負擔(dān)。此外 , 有些學(xué)生非常喜歡用手機聊天, 這樣勢必影響他們的學(xué)業(yè)。許多研究證實了手機具有輻射, 經(jīng)常使用手機會危害我們的健康。我并不反對持有手機, 但學(xué)生們應(yīng)該被教導(dǎo)正確使用它。以下句型可作為英語作文時的參考:Recently, the problem of has aroused peoples concern. 最近,問題已引起人們的關(guān)注. Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)已在我們的生活中扮演著越來越重要的角色.它給我們帶來了許多好處,但也產(chǎn)生了一些嚴(yán)重的問題. It is commonly believed that / It is a common belief that 人們一般認為 Many people insist that 很多人堅持認為 With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that 隨著科技的發(fā)展,越來越多的人認為 A lot of people seem to think that 很多人似乎認為 引出不同觀點: Peoples views on vary from person to person. Some hold that . However, others believe that. 人們對的觀點因人而異.有些人認為. 然而其他人卻認為 People may have different opinions on 人們對可能會有不同的見解. Attitudes towards studentsusing mobile phone vary from person to person. 人們對待學(xué)生用手機的態(tài)度因人而異. There are different opinions among people as to 關(guān)于. 人們的觀點大不相同. Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 對(失敗)人們的態(tài)度各不相同. 結(jié)尾 Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that 把所有這些因素加以考慮,我們自然會得出結(jié)論 Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that 考慮所有這些因素,我們可能會得出合理的結(jié)論 Hence/Therefore, wed better come to the conclusion that 因此,我們最好得出這樣的結(jié)論 There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫無疑問,跳槽有優(yōu)點也有缺點. 提出建議: It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). 該是我們停止這一趨勢的時候了. Obviously,. If we want to do something , it is essential that 顯然,如果我們想做某事,很重要的是 Only in this way can we 只有這樣,我們才能 It must be realized that 我們必須意識到 預(yù)示后果: Obviously, if we dont control the problem, the chances are that will lead us in danger. 很明顯,如果我們不能控制這一問題,很有可能我們會陷入危險. No doubt, unless we take effective measures毫無疑問,除非我們采取有效措施 It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation. 很緊迫的是,應(yīng)立即采取措施阻止這一事態(tài)的發(fā)展. 論證 From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看來,支持第一種觀點比支持第二種觀點更有道理. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that 我無法完全同意這一觀點. Personally, I am standing on the side of 就個人而言,我站在的一邊. I sincerely believe that 我真誠地相信 In my opinion, it is more advisable to do than to do. 在我個人看來,做比做更明智. Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why 給出原因: This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, Second, Third, 這一現(xiàn)象的存在是有許多原因的.首先, 第二, 第三, Why did ? For one thing For another. Perhaps the primary reason is 為什么會? 一個原因是 另一個原因是 或許其主要原因是. I quite agree with the statement that the reasons are chiefly as follows. 我十分贊同這一論述,即,其主要原因如下: 列出
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