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1、1,2,新概念英語第一冊學(xué)習(xí)要求,課前預(yù)習(xí) 每篇課文要求默寫、背誦 課文配音、扮演 熟記單詞和詞組 2課進行一次單詞測試 10課進行一次單詞王競賽 10課進行一次單元測試,3,L1 Excuse me!,Whose handbag is it?,4,New word and expressions,5,語言小貼士,Excuse me的用法 常用于以下情形: 與陌生人搭話 打斷別人說話 從別人身邊擠過,6,語言小貼士,Pardon的用法 完整句為:I beg your pardon. 由于沒聽清或沒聽懂,請對方把說過話重復(fù)一遍。,7,語言小貼士,Thank you 的不同表達方式: Thanks

2、. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much.,8,情景劇,9,10,11,12,Sentences,Is this your _ ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,13,Bags (包包大聚會),handbag,schoolbag,wallet,purse,14,Bags (包包大聚會),suitcase,mobile phone bag,backpack,computer bag,15,包包大比拼2-1,16,包包大比拼2-2,17,生活百科-世界名包系列,古琦,Chanel 香奈兒,LV 路易威登,愛馬仕,18,生活百科-世界名包系列,登喜

3、路,鱷魚 lacoste,蔻馳,普拉達,19,L2 Is this your ?,Is this your _ ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,20,New word and expressions,pen,pencil,book,watch,21,New word and expressions,coat,skirt,dress,shirt,22,New word and expressions,car,house,23,PK2-1,24,PK2-2,25,Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this yo

4、ur handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much.,26,L3 Sorry, sir,Does the man get his umbrella?,27,New word and expressions,umbrella,ticket,cloak,cloakroom,28,New word and expressions,suit,school,teacher,son,daughter,29,PK 2-1,30,PK 2-2,31,New word and expressions,32,句型訓(xùn)練,My coat and my umbrella please

5、. SP1 My A and my B please. A和B應(yīng)有一定的聯(lián)系。,33,SP1 My A and my B please.,34,SP1 My A and my B please.,35,句型訓(xùn)練,Here is my ticket. = Heres my ticket. SP2 Here is my A .,36,L4 Is this your?,B. Is this your umbrella? No. It isnt my umbrella. Its your umbrella.,37,發(fā)音練習(xí),isnt its,38,L5 Nice to meet you,Is Chan

6、g-woo Chinese?,39,TOPIC,What nationality do you know? Try to say as many as possible.,40,Country and people,Chinese,41,Country and people,French,42,Country and people,Japanese,43,Country and people,Korean,44,Country and people,German,45,PK,46,PK,47,48,49,New word and expressions,50,句型訓(xùn)練,This is Miss

7、 Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is French. SP This is Miss _. _ is a new student. He/She is _.,51,What are their nationalities?,52,What are their nationalities?,53,英文中對人的稱呼,Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. 用法:位于姓名前,首字母大寫。,54,L6 What make is it?,55,哪國的,American,56,哪國的,English,57,哪國的,Italian,58,哪國的,Swed

8、ish,59,哪國的,Spanish,60,make,61,生活百科-汽車品牌1,62,名車大展示,63,名車PK,64,你認識下面的車嗎?,65,PK,66,New word and expressions,67,不定冠詞a, an 的選擇,68,a, an 的選擇,69,不定冠詞口訣,輔音字母前用a 元音字母前用an 多數(shù)用a少數(shù)an,70,How to say a car?,Its a Toyota. Toyota is a Japanese car. Its a Ford. Ford is an American car.,71,SP,Its a Toyota. Toyota is a

9、 Japanese car.,72,第三人稱單數(shù) He, she ,it,A. Stella is a student. _isnt German. _is Spanish.,73,發(fā)音訓(xùn)練,is isnt,74,口語訓(xùn)練 B. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. French /Swedish Is she a French student or a Swedish student? She isnt a Swedish student. Shes a French student.,75,This is Mr Lin Dan. Chinese / Japanese Is

10、 he a Chinese sportsman or a Japanese sportsman? He isnt a Japanese sportsman. Hes a Chinese sportsman.,76,B. This is a Volvo. Swedish/French Is it a Swedish car or a French car? It isnt a French car. Its a Swedish car.,77,生活百科-汽車品牌2,78,名車大展示,79,名車大展示,80,81,PK,82,你認識下面的車嗎?,83,84,生活百科-汽車品牌3,85,chevro

11、let,86,Cadillac,87,Porsche,88,Buick,89,Nissan,90,BMW,91,Skoda,92,Ferrari,93,L7 Are you a teacher?,94,New word and expressions,key,keyboard,keyboard operator,engineer,95,New word and expressions,96,學(xué)一學(xué),今天我們要學(xué)習(xí)一類名詞 職業(yè)。 名詞的英文是noun. 縮寫為n.,97,L8 Whats your job?,policeman,policewoman,postman,milkman,98,ta

12、xi driver,hairdresser,nurse,air hostess,99,housewife,mechanic,100,眼疾嘴快,101,眼疾嘴快,102,New word and expressions,103,New word and expressions,104,GAME,Guess the job.猜職業(yè) 全體起立,后轉(zhuǎn),老師指定一位同學(xué)上來抽卡片,其他同學(xué)猜他抽到的職業(yè)。 A: Are you a /an . B: Yes, I am. / No, Im not.,105,考一考,A.,106,考一考,A.,107,Whats your job? his her my,

13、108,考一考 am, is,A.,109,考一考 am, is,A.,換人稱說職業(yè),110,B. keyboard operator A: Whats her job? Is she a keyboard operator? B: Yes, she is. engineer A: Whats his job? Is he an engineer? B: Yes, he is.,111,L9 How are you today?,How is Emma?,112,New word and expressions,113,學(xué)幾招 如何說再見?,Goodbye. Bye! Bye for now.

14、 See you. See you later. See you soon.,114,115,學(xué)一學(xué),今天我們要學(xué)習(xí)形容詞。 形容詞的英文是adjective. 縮寫為adj.,116,fat,thin,tall,short,117,dirty,clean,hot,cold,118,old,young,busy,lazy,119,L10 Look at,120,A is的否定式isnt He is = Hes She is= Shes It is = Its,121,B. Helen / well Look at Helen. Shes very well. sp Look at . He /

15、Shes very .,122,REVISION OF UNIT 1(L110),WORDS TEST(單詞大比拼) GRAMMAR(語法我搞定) EXERCISES(看誰做的快),123,How to say a bag?(包包大聚會),handbag,schoolbag,wallet,purse,124,How to say a bag?(包包大聚會),suitcase,briefcase,backpack,125,New word and expressions,pen,pencil,book,watch,126,New word and expressions,coat,skirt,d

16、ress,shirt,127,New word and expressions,car,house,128,New word and expressions,umbrella,ticket,cloak,cloakroom,129,New word and expressions,suit,school,teacher,son,daughter,130,Country and people,Chinese,131,Country and people,French,132,Country and people,Japanese,133,Country and people,Korean,134,Country and people,German,135,New word and expressions,key,keyboard,keyboard operator,engineer,136,L8 Whats your job?,policeman,policewoman,postman,milk


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