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1、Unit 7 Topic 1 Were preparing for a food festival. 1. 重點單詞(所有程度學(xué)生都要掌握)success(n.)succeed(v.)successful(adj.)successfully(adv.)Africa(n.)African(adj./n)set(v.)setting(現(xiàn)在分詞)set(過去式)Russia(n.) Russian(adj./n)western(adj.) west(n.)regret(v.) regretting(現(xiàn)在分詞)regretted(過去式)Greece(n.) Greek(adj./n)roof(n.)

2、roofs(pl.)India(n.)Indian(adj./n)right(權(quán)利n.)right(正確的adj.)Italy(n.)Italian(adj./n)二詞組(的程度較差可以不掌握,中、上學(xué)生需全部掌握)Section A1. start / begin to do sth. = start / begin doing sth.開始做某事2. raise money 籌錢3. have / hold / organize a food festival 舉辦美食節(jié)4. try to do sth. 試圖或努力做某事5. on the school playground 在學(xué)校操場6

3、. turn to sb. = ask sb. for help 向某人求助7. make a poster 制作一份海報8. get in touch with sb. 和某人取得聯(lián)系9. on the Internet 在因特網(wǎng)上10. get much information 得到很多信息11. try ones best to do sth. 盡某人最大的努力做某事12. plan to do sth. 計劃做某事13. make tea 泡茶14. set the table 擺放餐具15. cheersb.up使某人振作Section B1. think about sth. 考慮

4、某事2. have a sweet tooth 愛吃甜食3. be easy / difficult to do 做起來很容易/困難4. whats more 而且5. fried rice / noodles / chicken 炒飯/炒面條/炸雞6. decide to do sth. 決定做某事7. invite sb. to sp. 邀請某人去某地8. have no time = dont have any time 沒有時間9. later on 后來10. thank you for (doing) sth. = thanks for (doing) sth. 因為(做)某事感謝

5、sbSection C1. regrettodosth.對要做的事遺憾(未做)regretdoingsth.對做過的事遺憾、后悔(已做)regret+從句遺憾2. in the newspaper 在報紙上3. instead of 代替,而不是4. attheageof.歲5. fight against 與對抗6. as a result 結(jié)果7. child workers 童工8. the poorly-built schools with no roofs 沒有屋頂?shù)暮喡獙W(xué)校Section D9. the rights of children 孩子們的權(quán)利10. work for.

6、為效力11. make sbs dream come true 使某人的夢想成真12. a parents meeting 家長會三重點句子(所有程度學(xué)生都要掌握,第5、12-14句程度差的可不提) Section A1.When and where shall we have the food festival?我們在何時何地舉辦美食節(jié)呢?(1) when和where是并列的疑問詞,是對句中時間和地點同時進行提問,但必須注意,疑問詞When在前,where在后,中間用and連接,順序不能更換。例:Well have a class meeting in our classroom on Mo

7、nday afternoon.(對畫線部分提問)When and where will you have a class meeting?(2 ) have the food festival 意為“舉辦美食節(jié)”。類似較達方式有:hold/organize a food festival舉辦美食節(jié)。例:They are going to have the food festival to make Sichuan food popular in the area.他們打算在這個地區(qū)舉辦美食節(jié)來推廣川菜。2.I will turn to our teachers.我要向老師們求助。turn to

8、= ask.for help意為“向求助”。如:例:If you have trouble, please turn to the policeman.=If you have trouble, please ask the policeman for help.如果有困難,請找警察幫忙。3.Ill get in touch with Craig Kielburger on the Internet to get more information about him.我將在網(wǎng)上與克雷格柯伯格取得聯(lián)系,以便得到更多關(guān)于他的情況。get in touch with sb.意為“與某人取得聯(lián)系”ke

9、ep in touch( with sb.)(與某人)保持聯(lián)系lose touch( with sb.)(與某人)失去聯(lián)系例: Over the years we lost touch.我們多年失去聯(lián)系。4.Lets try our best to make it a success.讓我們盡最大努力使它成功。try ones best to do sth. = do ones best to do sth.意為“盡某人最大努力”。(1) try to do sth.設(shè)法/努力做某事;try doing sth.試著/嘗試做某事。例:Hang Yu tried swimming across

10、the river.航宇試著游過河去。(2) make it a success意為“使它成功”也可表述為make it successful例:He worked hard and made his business a great success.=He worked hard and made his business successful. 他努力工作使他的事業(yè)很成功。5.I imagine (that) we will prepare for many delicious foods.我想象著我們能準備許多美味的食物。imagine是及物動詞,意為“想象,設(shè)想”,后面可接名詞、動名詞

11、、復(fù)合賓語以及賓語從句。例:We can hardly imagine life without electricity.我們簡直不能想象沒有電的生活。You can imagine being on the moon.你可以想象是在月球。Can you imagine her becoming famous as a football player?你能想象她成為著名足球隊員時的情形嗎?Try to imagine that you are a teacher.試想你是一名教師。Section B6.I have a sweet tooth, and I think a lot of stu

12、dents will buy western food, such as American chocolate cookies and Greek cheese Pies.我喜歡吃甜食,我認為許多學(xué)生會買像美國巧克力餅干、希臘奶油派這樣的西方食物。 have a sweet tooth意為“喜歡吃甜食”。例:Most girls have a sweet tooth.大多數(shù)女孩子喜歡吃甜食。7.Thatsgoodenough.那太好了。A.enough作副詞時,修飾形容詞或副詞,表示“足夠地,十分地”,作形容詞時,修飾不定代詞。在這兩種情況下,它只可放在形容詞,副詞和不定代詞之后。例:This

13、bookiseasyenoughforyoutounderstand.這本書你很容易就可以看懂。B.enough修飾名詞時,可以置于名詞前或名詞后。例:Ihaveenoughmoneytobuythebook.我有足夠的錢買這本書。C.enough還可用作代詞,表示“夠,足夠,充足”。既可代替可數(shù)名詞,也可代替不可數(shù)名詞。例:Wevenearlyrunoutofpaper.Doyouthinktheresenoughfortoday?我們的紙差不多快用完了,你看今天夠用嗎?Section C8.Thank you for inviting me to your food festival.謝謝

14、你邀請我參加你們的美食節(jié)。thank you for doing sth.意為“為某事而謝謝你”,也可換成thanks for doing sth.或thanks for sth.例:Thank you for helping me.=Thanks for helping me.=Thanks for your help.感謝你的幫助。9.As a result, a bad man killed him.結(jié)果,一個壞人殺害了他。as a result“結(jié)果”。例:He made a big mistake, and as a result, he lost his work.他犯了個大錯,結(jié)

15、果丟了工作。a result of sth.意為“作為結(jié)果,由于”。例:She died as a result of her injuries.她由于受傷而死亡。10.I believe one person can make a change.我相信一個人也能有所作為。.(1)此句含有一個省略引導(dǎo)詞that的賓語從句。也可寫成:I believe that one person can make a change.(2) make a change意為“做出改變,有所作為”。例:Try your best, and you can make a great change.傾盡全力,你會成功

16、。11.We students will cook many delicious international foods and sell them in order to raise money for a village school in Kenya.為了給肯尼亞一所鄉(xiāng)村學(xué)?;I錢,學(xué)生將出售許多自制的美味國際食品。in order to意為“為了”,表示目的,后面接動詞原形。in order that意為“為了”,表示目的,后面接狀語從句,可以與in order to換用。例:He works hard in order that he can buy a comfortable hou

17、se.=He works hard in order to buy a comfortable house. 為了買一套舒適的住房,他努力工作。Section D12.You cant have your cake and eat it, too.(諺語理解即可)魚與熊掌不可兼得。13.Dont put all your eggs in one basket.(諺語理解即可)不要孤注一擲。14.Birds ready cooked do not fly into your mouth.(諺語理解即可)任何事不能坐享其成。四語法:賓語從句賓語從句是指一個句子充當賓語,在主句與從句之間有一個引導(dǎo)詞

18、。今天,我們就談?wù)勥B接詞that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。請同學(xué)們關(guān)注以下幾點: 一、引導(dǎo)詞本身的省略與不省略 1可以省略 連詞that引導(dǎo)賓語從句,只起連接主、從句的作用,它本身無意義,在口語或非正式文體中常省略。例:He says(that)he is a Young Pioneer他說他是個少先隊員。 2不可以省略 (1)從句的主語是that時,that不省略。例:We know that that is an interesting story我們知道那是一個有趣的故事。 (2)that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句中若再有復(fù)合句時,that不能省略。例:I think that if you have los

19、t the library book,you must pay for it我認為如果你已把圖書館藏書丟失了,你就必須賠償。 (3)主、從句之間有插入語時, that不能省略。例:It says here,in the newspaper, that English is getting more and more important報紙上寫著,英語正變得越來越重要。 二、何時使用that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句 that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,表示陳述一件事,即由陳述句轉(zhuǎn)化而來。例:He says,”He is listening to the weather report.”He says(that)he

20、is listening to the weather report他說他正在聽天氣預(yù)報。 1主句的謂語動詞是think,hear, hope,wish,remember,forget,know,say, guess等時,常接that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。例:I hope(that)he will be fine soon我希望他很快好起來。 2主句由“連系動詞形容詞”構(gòu)成的“系表”結(jié)構(gòu),常接that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。這類形容詞多表示感情,如happy, glad,pleased,sad,sure,afraid等等。例:Im afraid(that)he cant come恐怕他不能來了。 三、tha

21、t引導(dǎo)的賓語從句相關(guān)的內(nèi)容 1語序 不論什么情況下,賓語從句都要用陳述語序,即“主語謂語其它”。例:Do you think?The radio is too noisy(合并成主從句) Do you think(that)the radio is too noisy?你認為收音機太吵嗎? 2時態(tài) a.that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,主句用一般現(xiàn)在時,從句可以用符合句意要求的任一時態(tài)。例:He says(that)they have returned already他說他們已經(jīng)回來了。 He tells me that he was born in 1985他告訴我他生于1985年。 b.如果主句用一

22、般過去時,從句要用過去時態(tài)的某種形式(一般過去時,過去進行時,過去將來時,過去完成時)。 例:He said(that)he bought a new dictionary他說他買了本新詞典。 I knew they were studying English我知道他們正在學(xué)英語。 c.注:如果從句表達的是客觀事實、真理、自然現(xiàn)象、名言、警句、格言、諺語等等,盡管主句用一般過去時,從句也要用一般現(xiàn)在時。例:Our teacher told us that light travels faster than sound我們老師告訴我們,光比聲音傳播得快。 He said that time is

23、 life他說時間就是生命。賓語從句的考點例析例1:- Excuse me,could you tell me _? - Certainly.Its over there along the street on the left.A.where the Peoples Park isB.where is the Peoples ParkC.the Peoples Park is whereD.the Peoples Park where is析:答案為A項。賓語從句一律使用陳述句語序,故選A項。例2:Thematchissoexciting.Theoppositeteamisreallystr

24、ong.Youreright.ButIamsure_ourteamwillwin!A.if B.that C.whether D.why析:根據(jù)語境可知此句的含義是這場比賽太精彩了,對手真的非常強壯。其答語是你說的非常的對,但是我還是深信我們的隊會贏。考查賓語從句引導(dǎo)詞的基本用法,因ourteamwillwin描述的是肯定含義,besurethat表示深信,故正確答案為B。例3:Idonotbelieve_hehasneverbeentotheUSA.A.if B.where C.that D.what析:句意:我認為他去過美國。本題考查賓語從句的引導(dǎo)詞,if如果;where在哪里,去哪里;t

25、hat引導(dǎo)賓語從句時,在從句中不做成分;what什么。根據(jù)句意可知選C。例4:Myphysicsteachersaidthatlight_fasterthansound.A.travel B.travels C.traveled D.traveling析:光傳播的速度比聲音快是客觀事實,故用一般現(xiàn)在時,light是第三人稱單數(shù)形式,故正確答案為B。語法練習(xí)題:(A)單項選擇題1. Can you tell me _? She is in the computer lab.A. where Linda wasB. where is LindaC. where was LindaD. where

26、Linda is2. -Excuse me, could you tell me _? -Sorry, sir. I wasnt there at that time.A. how did the accident happenB. how the accident happenedC. how does the accident happenD. how the accident happens3. I really want to know _.A. what is wrong with my brotherB. how will he go to Beijing tomorrowC. i

27、f had he bought that car D. where did he go yesterday4. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me _?A. where is the bank nearestB. where is the nearest bankC. where the nearest bank isD. the nearest bank is where5. -Could you tell me _? He is wanted by the head teacher -Sorry, Ive no ideaBut he _ here just

28、nowA. where Tim was, was Bwhere is Tim,wasC. where Tim is,was Dwhere Tim is,is6. Could you tell me _? Yes, it will start at ten.A. when will the meeting begin B. when the meeting will beginC. where the meeting begins D. where does the meeting begin7. Everyone Can play an important role in the societ

29、yAs members,we should try our best to do_Awhat we should do Bwhat should we do Chow we should do8. I dont know_.A. how often he visits his grandparents B. how soon will he come back C. how many students are there in his class D. how long is the bridge9. Can you tell me _?By doing more speaking.A. ho

30、w I will improve my English B. which way can I chooseC. how do I deal with my English D. whats wrong with my English10. How clean the bedroom is!Yes, I am sure that someone _ it.A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. had cleaned(B)句型轉(zhuǎn)換1.Howdoeshegetonwithhisnewclassmates?Couldyoutellme?(改為含有賓語從句的復(fù)合句


32、ovesroundtheearth.Mysistertoldme.(同上)Mysistertoldme_themoon_roundtheearth.鞏固練習(xí)第一部分 筆試(55分)一、單項選擇。(10分)1. The poor children in Nigeria dont have enough food to eat.I think we should _ them.A. turn to B. know aboutC. try to help D. decide on2. Therere still some problems for him.He must try his best t

33、o make it _.A. success B. a success C. easy D. careful3.Im sorry, Kate. I forgot to bring your dictionary._. You can bring it tomorrow.A. Thank you B. No sorry C. Nothing serious D. Never mind 4. Did they sell newspapers on the street during the holiday?Yes. They wanted to _ money for a village scho

34、ol in Xinjiang.A. make B. get C. raise D. take5. Everyone has to protect his own _ of life and health.Yes. We should pay attention to the safety all the time.A. rights B. successC. group D. member6. Will you _ your headmaster _ the food festival?Yes. And hes very glad at what we do.A. welcome; to B.

35、 turn; toC. invite; to D. hope; to7.Jane, I cant watch the movie with you. I have to look after my younger sister._A. Its a pleasure. B. Youre right.C. Its a great pity! D. What a surprise! 8. What are you going to be when you grow up, Thomas?Id like to _ the farmers who work in the city.A. play for

36、 B. work forC. play against D. work with9. What about my fried rice, Michael?Thats _. You can serve it on the food festival.A. for selling enough B. enough delicious C. a pity enough D. delicious enough 10.My brother wants to be an Olympic champion in the future.I hope his dream will _.A. come back

37、B. come true C. get along D. work on二. 完形填空。(15分)Long long ago, a poor young boy lived in a small village. Every afternoon, he walked around the village selling his cooking oil to make money. He carried the 11 in a small wooden basin(盆).After he sold out his oil, he was very tired. He thought that h

38、e 12 a rest. He left his wooden basin on a stone, put the money in it and 13 asleep. About two hours later, he woke up. He looked into the basin and found that his money 14 gone.He went at once to see a judge(法官). The judge listened to the boys story very 15 . She thought for a while and then said t

39、o the man in her office,“ 16 and get all the villagers here.”When all the villagers came, she said that everyone should put a coin into a pail(桶) of water. About half of the people 17 their coins into the water before a young man came up. He also put his coin into the water. “Wait a minute,” the jud

40、ge said, “You stole the boys money, 18 ?” The young mans face 19 red. “Yes-yes-yes,” he said, “But how did you know that?” The judge explained, “You see, after you put your coin into the water, some oil came up to the top. Your money must 20 from the oil basin. Am I right?”( )11. A. villageB. oilC.

41、moneyD. people( )12. A. would makeB. will takeC. hadD. would take( )13. A. feltB. fellC. feelD. fall( )14. A. isB. wereC. wasD. are( )15. A. carefullyB. happilyC. carefulD. friendly( )16. A. To goB. GoC. To comeD. Came( )17. A. putsB. would putC. putD. to put( )18. A. didnt youB. dont youC. arent yo

42、uD. wont you( )19. A. returnedB. turnedC. wasD. get to( )20. A. takenB. putC. comeD. given三、閱讀理解。(30分)(A)We sell delicious pizza all over the world. We now need a kitchen assistant for our new shop in Shanghai. He or she should have an interest in making pizza. More importantly, he or she should hav

43、e working experience in a restaurant.He or she will have chances to learn making pizza in Italy. Our Shanghai shop will open next week. If you want to join us, please get in touch with Mr. Buratti right away. The telephone number is 010-. 根據(jù)所提供的信息,選擇正確答案。( )1. This passage maybe comes from _.A. cctv

44、 newsB. a story bookC. an ad on the wallD. a picture book for kids( )2. The new pizza shop in Shanghai will open _.A. next weekB. in two weeksC. two weeks laterD. next month( )3. If you want to work in the new shop, you should have an interest in _.A. eating pizzaB. making pizzaC. cooking foodD. was

45、hing dishes( )4. The meaning of the underlined word “assistant” in the passage is _.A. a kind of pizzaB. a manager in the shopC. a worker in the kitchenD. a seller in the shop( )5. Li Jun wants to work in the shop, he can get in touch with Mr. Buratti by _.A. making a callB. writing a letterC. sendi

46、ng an e-mailD. leaving a message(B)One day in April, a special activity called“Food Street”was held on the playground at Railway No. 1 Middle School in Xian.This activity was part of the English Art Festival in the school. The students in each class were divided(被劃分) into some groups. Each group sol

47、d different kinds of foods. The students did the shopping and the cooking all by themselves. The students cooked delicious food such as fried chicken, potato chips and vegetables. They all worked hard and sold the food at low prices. The customers(顧客) were all students, teachers and parents. They we

48、re all pleased with the nice food.“Its really hard work,” said one of the students who took part in the activity. “We must make a plan before the cooking. We must know how much we should spend on the things we need. Also, we must learn how to serve customers well.”“This activity is to give a chance

49、to students to develop(培養(yǎng)) their practical abilities(實踐能力),” said one teacher, “Whats more, the students will not only learn how to make money by their own hands, but also know the meaning of life. ”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。( )1. “Food Street” was _. A. a street for students to sell food alongB. a kind of food

50、 sold by the studentsC. part of the activity of the English Art FestivalD. an activity for food prices among the students( )2. It seemed that _. A. the food made by the students was not well receivedB. the prices of the food were too highC. the teachers and parents were satisfied with the students a

51、nd foodD. the students didnt enjoy the activity( )3. Which of the following can the students NOT learn in the activity?A. How to grow vegetables. B. How to work well. C. How to make money. D. What life means. ( )4. Before the activity, the students _. A. had to be customersB. made a plan about the cookingC. asked their parents to do the shopp


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