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1、Unit 7 Days and Months Lesson 39 A Class Calendar,New Words,January n. 一月 March n. 三月 April n. 四月 June n. 六月 February n. 二月 May n. 五月,date n. 日期;約會 second num. 第二 third num. 第三 fourth num. 第四 fifth num. 第五 sixth num. 第六,Months of the year,The first season of the year is spring. Which is the first mo

2、nth of the year?,Today is January 5. Tomorrow is January 6.,Whats the date?,1. Whats the date tomorrow?,2. Whats the date today?,Tomorrow is December 31.,Today is December 30.,Whats the date today?,October twenty-third (10月23日),June eleventh (6月11日),March seventh (3月7日),It is _.,Language Points,Spor

3、ts Day 運動會,It will rain on sports day. 開運動會那天會下雨。 Jenny, what day is the Sports Day? 珍妮,運動會是星期幾呢?,I won first prize at sports day. 運動會時我得到第一名。,Whats the date? 今天幾號? What day is it today? 第一個句子用于詢問日期,答語中要出現(xiàn)月和日;第二個句子用于詢問星期幾。如:, Whats the date today? 今天幾號了? June 6. 六月六號。 What day is it tomorrow? 明天是星期幾

4、? Its Saturday. 星期六。,at 用在表示時刻的詞語前面,如:at 5:30; in 用在表示年、季節(jié)、月份、上午(下午、晚上)等詞語前面,如:in 2008、 in winter、 in December、 in the evening;,介詞 at,in 和 on 都可以用在表示時間的詞語前面,它們的用法有什么區(qū)別呢?,on 用在表示日期、星期、具體某天的上午(下午、晚上)等詞語前面,如: on January 1、 on Wednesday、on Saturday evening。,first 第一,second 第二,third 第三,1) 數(shù)詞:,基數(shù)詞和序數(shù)詞,2)

5、基數(shù)詞: 表示數(shù)量,序數(shù)詞: 表示順序,3) 如何把基數(shù)詞變成序數(shù)詞:,1. 一般在詞尾加 th.,序數(shù)詞,2. 以 ty 結尾的, 把 y 變成 i 再加 eth.,3. 幾十幾,把個位數(shù)變成序數(shù)詞。,twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth,twenty-first,基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞口訣 基變序,有規(guī)律,詞尾加上-th。 一、二、三,特殊記,詞尾字母 t, d, d。 (first, second, third),八減 t,九減 e (eighth, ninth),f

6、 來把 ve 替 (twelfth) 單詞 ty 作結尾, ty 變成tie (twentieth)。 若是碰到幾十幾 (twenty-one), 只變個位就可以 (twenty-first)。,請選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。 1. There are _ (twelve / twelfth) months in a year. April is the _ (four / fourth) month.,twelve,fourth,2. Tomorrow is May (one / first) _. Well have a party on the _ (two / second) flo

7、or (樓層). 3. Mr. Black is _ (my the third / my third) English teacher.,first,second,my third,I. 請從方框中選出適當?shù)膯卧~填空,每詞限用一次。,tomorrow June which third first,1. The tall boy is the _ to get to school this morning.,first,2. Where are your classmates going _? 3. My birthday is in _. 4. _ book do you like? 5.

8、The _ month of the year is March.,tomorrow,June,Which,second,. 請選出可以填入空白處的正確答案。,1. The _ season of the year is summer. A. second B. first C. third D. fourth,2. The fifth month of a year is _. A. June B. May C. April D. February 3. Mr. Black has _ sons and his _ son is a police officer. A. three, third B. third


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