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1、.自考英語二作文范本1.有人認為不需要養(yǎng)成閱讀的能力,因為只有學?;蛘邔W術機構才需要閱讀能力。你是否同意這個觀點。 思路: ?先擺出你的觀點,是同意還是不同意,觀點要明確,不能模棱兩可。盡量選擇積極的一面。 I couldnt agree with that./ I disagree with that point. ?不同意這個觀點的要說出理由,至少三點理由。 Reading can expand our horizons. 閱讀可以拓寬我們的視野。 Reading can accumulate our knowledge. 閱讀可以增加我們的知識。 Reading can tell us

2、some information used in our daily life. 可以告知我們日常生活的信息。 ?最后給出結論:閱讀對每個人來說都是有用的。我們必須提高閱讀能力。 Conclusion: Reading is useful to everyone. We must develop the ability of reading. 2.“失敗是成功之母?!焙嗳鸶L卣f:“我不犯錯,我從錯誤中能學到很多?!卞e誤能教給我們什么呢,我們如何從錯誤中學習從而獲得成功,要求我們舉例說明。 思路: ?先闡述一下犯錯是每個人成長中必須要經歷的。然后舉個犯錯的例子。 It seems that ma

3、king mistakes is an essential part of growing, whatever mistakes you or other people have made in the past. ? 通過這樣的一次錯誤我學到了很多。我知道我們不必去害怕犯錯,因為這些錯誤只不過是我們學習新事物的機會而已。 From this experience, I learn a lot. I know that we dont need to be afraid of making mistakes, mistakes are just opportunities for learni

4、ng something new. ?最后總結出,我們在錯誤中學習和成長。 We make mistakes, and learn from mistakes, grow from mistakes. 3.隨著信息技術的發(fā)展,網上沖浪的人急劇增加,他們在網上做各種各樣的事情,例如閱讀、學習、購物甚至交朋友。有些人認為網絡上可以交到真正的朋友,而有些人則持相反態(tài)度。那么你認為這種虛擬的朋友可以成為真的忠誠的朋友嗎, 思路: ?先闡述一下,信息技術的發(fā)展讓網絡使用者急劇增加,網絡交友的現象也比較普遍。(快節(jié)奏的生活方式fast-paced city lifestyle也導致了網絡交友現象的普遍性)

5、,在這段結尾的時候說明一下自己的觀點。 With the development of information technology, the number of Internet users has been sharply increasing, making friends on the internet has become more and more popular. But, in my opinion, friends in the virtual world couldnt be real and loyal friends. ?闡述網絡交友可能帶來的弊端,例如因為你無法鑒別正

6、在與你聊天的人的身份,所以可能會出現欺騙行為,再一個,你們可能相隔上千英里,因為時間和空間的限制你們沒辦法隨時隨地地進行交流,所以無法成為真正的朋友??梢耘e例說明。 Making friends on the Internet has many disadvantages. Firstly, you cant identify the person you are talking with via the internet, under this circumstances, cheating behaviors can happen at any time. Secondly, maybe

7、you are separated by thousands of miles, because of the limit of time and space, you cant communicate at anytime anywhere. ?可以從反面闡述一下現實生活中交友的好處。例如,通過朋友和同學認識的熟悉的人更加安全一點。而且距離也許沒有那么遠,你們可以隨時見面等等。 Making friends in the real life has many advantages. First of all, making friends through your classmates or

8、 friends is safer than it in the virtual world. Whats more, you can meet each other momentarily. ?最后再次表明一下自己的觀點。更愿意結交現實生活中的朋友,認為網友很難會是忠誠和真正的朋友。 It is better to make friends in real life. 4.本題針對目前大學生就業(yè)兩種態(tài)度讓大家展開討論。一種是以NEET組織為代表,主張不就業(yè),依靠父母,另一種是先工作,不論工作自己喜不喜歡。請說出你的觀點。 ?現在文章開頭簡短說明一下這種現狀,然后明確選擇一種態(tài)度作為論點。 N

9、owadays the number of college graduates increase sharply. They all face the problem that should they stay at home living off their parents or should they take jobs that may not be so satisfactory. As far as I can see, college graduates should take jobs whether they like them or not. ?接下來寫你持有該觀點的原因。例

10、如在我們工作的過程中我們可以獲得工作經驗。而且我們可以認識更多的朋友,發(fā)展人際關系。最后一點也是最現實最重要的,工作可以拿到工資,可以讓我們更加獨立,有能力讓父母過上更好的生活。理由空洞可以加上事例進行說明。 During we work ,we can gain working experience. During we work, we can develop relationship with others. Job can also bring us money, make us more independent,give us ability to make our parents

11、live better. ?最后總結全文,進一步強調論點。 5.生活就像一場旅行,充滿了起起落落。生活的大多數時候都是艱難的。在這旅行的過程中,人們用自己的方式去迎接困難。有些人勇敢地接受面對它,在處理問題的痛苦和失落中成長得更加強大。而有些人卻無作為,只是抱怨他們的不幸,他們的旅程就只能停滯不前了。你屬于那種人呢,你是怎么對待你生活中遇到的問題和困難的呢,說出你的理由和事例。 ?這個題目當中提出了兩個問題,那么我們在首段可以先回答一下第一個問題。當然我們應該選擇積極的一面來作答。 William Shakespeare said Do not ,for one repulse, give u

12、p the purpose that you resolved to effect. I cant agree more. I will accept difficulties bravely , confront them with persistence, and then become stronger. According to me , a problem or failure is a crisis and also a chance to change, at least it can tell us what is wrong, just like a friend. Besi

13、des, from it, we can gain valuable experience. ?接下來回答第二個問題, 面對困難的表現,在這一段可以舉一個具體的事例進行說明。 ?最后一段進一步闡述面對困難我們應該怎么做。 We should learn from problems so that we can not make the same mistakes twice. We should change our old thought which is proved wrong in the past. We should confront and find new ways to de

14、feat the problem. We should be persistent with our dream bravely until success. ?最后再總結一下就可以了。 As the saying goes,Failure is the mother of success. Do what we can do and try what we cant do to realize your dream. 6.現在很多孩子在城市里長大,養(yǎng)成了亂花零花錢的習慣。但是有些父母并沒有意識到,亂花零花錢甚至超支消費這樣一種習慣會影響孩子品格的形成。你對于零花錢管理的觀點是什么。在教小孩如

15、何理智消費方面有哪些建議呢, ?首先擺明觀點。要讓孩子知道合理消費的必要性。因為只有認識到了這種必要性才會更加懂得如何使用金錢。 It is necessary to make children be aware of the importance of managing finance wisely. Only they remember the importance they will spend pocket money wisely. ?詳細解釋如何理智花費零花錢。(方法,建議) Firstly, the way in which pocket money is given affec

16、ted how money is spent or saved. Parents can give pocket on a daily basis or give a lump sum at the beginning of a month or week. And the amount should be what a parent could afford. Secondly, parents could ask kids to separate their pocket money into several parts and tell them the use for each par

17、t. Thirdly, if kids spend more than given, parents should give some punishment. The last but not least, if kids learn to spend within their means and develop into a good habit, parents could give some praise. ?總結一下。 Formation of any habit starts at a tender age.When children learn to spend within th

18、eir means, they are able to manage their fiances well later in their lives. 7.你的內心會告訴你如何做出正確的選擇。但是在現實生活當中我們還是會隨大流。例如當一個老人倒在馬路上,很多人圍觀,但是沒有人伸出援助之手,因為他們不想招惹麻煩。在這種情況下你會怎么選擇,你是聽從你的內心去幫助老人呢還是跟其他人一樣選擇圍觀, ?選擇積極正義的一面作答。手段中需要明確給出你的觀點。 I will follow my inner voice to help the old man. ?在第二段中你可以闡述你的理由或者具體的做法,進一

19、步闡述幫助別人的同時也要學會保護自己。我們可以采取事先錄像拍照、找其他圍觀者作證等等這些方法保護自己。 If the same thing occurs to your relatives what you will pray to God? I wish there will be a warm-hearted person to help him or her. Now, we can be that good one at first. Helping others is helping ourselves. At the same time of helping others, we

20、need to protect ourselves as well. We can use our cell phones to videotape what we have done. In addition, we can find someone to be our witness. ?進一步宣揚正能量。幫助別人是中華名族的傳統(tǒng)美德。 Helping others is a traditional virtue of Chinese. 8.你認為什么樣的品格可以幫助我們克服困難和挑戰(zhàn),本作文要求寫出克服困難的方式方法。 ?寫出你認為可以戰(zhàn)勝困難的品質。舉例:樂觀精神 I think op

21、timism is very important. Since an optimistic person holds a positive attitude towards everything, and he/she is able to find a good way to cope with problems. On the other contrary, a pessimistic attitude often leads to failure. ?我們該如何提高這些品質呢, 閱讀人物傳記:We can read some biographies of famous people th

22、at give us positive energy. 效仿偶像:We can follow our idols behaviors which often indicate what we should do. 親身實踐:Do something valuable to others without rewarding 9.人生就似一段崎嶇顛簸的道路,充滿困難和挑戰(zhàn),你的態(tài)度將會決定你的人生之路能走多遠,面對困難和挑戰(zhàn),我們應該用怎么樣的態(tài)度來面對, ?指出人生之路不總是一帆風順的,總會有各種各樣的溝溝坎坎,要有一個正確的態(tài)度面對困難。 The course of life never ru

23、ns smooth. Life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy. We should take a positive attitude to deal with difficult situation. ?要擺明自己的態(tài)度,樹立信心。(參考一考通p125頁Reflecting on the text “第二段”后的詞匯) ?舉例說明,比如自己是如何克服某種困難的,或者舉一個名人的例子。 ?總結。When life gets you down, when you are hurt or angry or confuse

24、d or frustrated, take a moment to stop and close your eyes and find things to be thankful for. Your health, your family, your job, the roof over your head ,the fact that youll have a next meal, the beauty of the world around you, the good people in your life, your new Macintosh computer. Whatever yo

25、u can think of, be thankful for them.and express that gratitude somehow. Realize that all is not bad in this world, and be happy for that. 10.范文 With the development of economy, more and more people can own their own cars. But more cars mean more energy consumption and more air pollution. Public tra

26、nsport can subside the increasing burden brought by an increasing number of cars. For this reason, public transport has become an urgent necessity in China, our local and central government ought to develop the public transportation immediately. I get some suggestions for our government as following

27、. As far as I can see, on the first step, our government can publicize widely to tell the public taking public transport could save money, help environment, wean out of energy dependence and provide ease and convenience. Secondly, government need to make sure that subways and buses are in place and

28、provide convenient and comfortable service. The last but not least, government should improve the supporting facilities around communities. If the hospital, school, supermarket are all near our home, we dont need to go to far. Not just for our government, but we should do what we can do as well to s

29、upport public transportation. Take us as a starting point, try our best and everything will be okay. 11.互聯網在現代生活中起著越來越重要的作用。很多人使用互聯網去交流、娛樂、獲取信息、甚至在網上購物。那么互聯網的其他的運用有哪些呢,你最感興趣的是哪個,你能找出這種運用的優(yōu)點與缺點嗎,請給出一些理由和例子來進一步支持你的觀點。 ? 簡單介紹一下或聯網的其他使用,例如design(設計),photoshop(圖片處理),teaching(教學),play games(玩游戲) ? 介紹出自己最喜歡的互聯網的哪一項應用 ?列舉此項應用的優(yōu)缺點 優(yōu)點:使人放松(relax), 提高智商(improve intelligence), 交朋友(make friends)等等 缺點:容易上癮(be indulgent in) , 傷害眼睛(hur


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