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1、成才之路 英語,路漫漫其修遠(yuǎn)兮 吾將上下而求索,外研版 必修1,Revision,Module 7,1.hurt (1)vt. 傷害;損害;vi.使傷心,使掃興;感覺疼痛 They were hurt badly . 他們傷得很厲害。 Once in a while my tooth hurts. 有時我感覺牙疼。 2)adj. 受傷的;損害的;傷感情的;傷心的 Shes hurt because you didnt visit her. 你沒有去拜訪她,她感到很傷心,辨析:hurt,injure與wound 1)hurt是受傷的一般用法,既可指肉體上的傷害,也可指精神上的傷害。用作不及物動詞

2、時作“疼痛”講。 2)wound指外傷;如槍傷、刀傷、劍傷,尤指在戰(zhàn)爭中、戰(zhàn)斗中受傷。 3)injure一般指由于意外或事故受傷,“精神的傷害”多用hurt,He got wounded in the fighting. 他在戰(zhàn)斗中受了傷。 He was badly injured in a car accident. 他在一次車禍中受了傷。 He hurt his back when he fell. 他跌倒時傷了背。 Their criticisms have hurt him deeply. 他們的批評使他非常傷心,即學(xué)即用 語法填空 Have you heard about that

3、fire in the market? Yes, fortunately no one _(hurt) 答案:was hurt本題考查時態(tài)及語態(tài)。 句意:你聽說在超市發(fā)生的那場火災(zāi)嗎?是的,幸好沒有人員傷亡?;馂?zāi)發(fā)生在過去故用一般過去時,又因?yàn)閚o one與hurt之間為被動關(guān)系,故用was hurt,2comment n. C,U議論,評論;解釋 Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster? 你對發(fā)生這場災(zāi)難的原因有何評論嗎? He handed me the document without any commen

4、t. 他未作任何解釋就把文件交給了我,知識拓展 make a comment/comments about/on sth. 對/就某事作出評論 no comment (通常用于回答記者的問題)無可奉告 comment還可以用作動詞,意思為“表達(dá)意見”。 comment on/upon sth.對某事作出評論/表達(dá)意見 I dont feel I can comment on their decision. 我覺得我無法對他們的決定作出評論。 A spokesperson commented that levels of carbon dioxide were very high. 發(fā)言人稱二氧

5、化碳的含量很高,即學(xué)即用 完成句子 她對我的工作提出了有益的意見。 She _ my work. 答案:made helpful comment on,3expression n表示,表露,表達(dá);表情,神色;詞語 Freedom of expression is a basic human right. 言論自由是基本的人權(quán)。 An expression of surprise appeared on his face. 他臉上出現(xiàn)了吃驚的表情,圖解助記,知識拓展,即學(xué)即用 語法填空 My companion _(express) his surprise when he learned hi

6、s luggage hadnt arrived for such a long time. 答案:expressed句中有when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,從句中用的過去完成時,所以主句應(yīng)用一般過去式expressed,1.so far到目前為止;迄今為止(常與現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)連用) So far,she hasnt had any success. 到目前為止,她沒有取得任何成功。 知識拓展 so far so good 到目前為止一切都好 far from 遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不;完全沒有 far from it 遠(yuǎn)非如此,即學(xué)即用 語法填空 Planning so far ahead _(make) no sen

7、seso many things will have changed by next year. 答案:makes本題考查謂語動詞。句意:提前那么多時間作計劃是沒有意義的。到明年將會有許多事情發(fā)生變化。本句話是講述一般情況,故謂語動詞用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。make no sense“沒有意義;講不通,2would ratherthan寧愿;而不愿 I would rather stay at home than go to the park today. 今天我寧愿待在家里,而不愿去公園。 I would rather not do anything at my office than go swi

8、mming in the river. 我寧愿待在辦公室什么都不做,也不愿去河里游泳,知識拓展 prefer to do rather than do寧愿,而不愿 would rather that 從句里的虛擬語氣形式用動詞的過去式或過去完成式,表示愿望。 He would/had rather his children didnt make so much noise. 他倒希望他的孩子們不要發(fā)出那么多聲響。 would rather 的否定形式 not 放在rather之后 Id rather not tell you about it. 我寧愿不告訴你與此事有關(guān)的情況,即學(xué)即用 語法填

9、空 Do you mind if I open the door? Id rather you_. I have caught a cold. 答案:didntwould rather后的賓語從句中,用一般過去式表與現(xiàn)在相反的虛擬語氣,3be/become interested in 對感興趣 He is interested in fishing. 他對釣魚感興趣。 知識拓展 (1)interestu興趣 have/take/show/feel interest in 對感興趣 lose interest in對失去興趣 (2)interest c愛好 He has two interest

10、s in life,that is to say,music and painting. 他一生中有兩種愛好,那就是:音樂和繪畫,3)利益C(多用復(fù)數(shù)) We should think more about peoples interests. 我們應(yīng)該多考慮一下人民的利益。 (4)股份u His sister has 1/3 interest in the company. 他姐姐在公司占1/3的股份。 (5)利息u He was paid five percent of interest. 他被付給了5%的利息。 (6)interest vt.使感興趣 interesting adj.使/

11、令人感興趣的 interested adj. 感興趣的,即學(xué)即用 漢譯英 我認(rèn)為數(shù)學(xué)很有趣,我一直對它感興趣。 _ 答案:I think maths is very interesting and I am always interested in it,4be good at 擅長 Tom is good at writing while his brother is good at music. 湯姆擅長寫作,而他的哥哥擅長音樂。 知識拓展 be good for sb./sth.do good to sb./sth.對某人/某物有好處/有用 be good to sb.對某人好(指一方對

12、另一方的態(tài)度,Its no good doing sth.There is no good doing sth. 做某事沒有用處。 It is good for sb. to do sth.對某人來說做某事適宜、有好處,即學(xué)即用 介詞填空 (1)It is not good _ you to live alone. (2)Milk is good _ children. (3)The boss has always been very good _ us. (4)Its no good _ (complain)they never listen. (5)The book is no good

13、_ me; I need the new edition. 答案:(1)for(2)for(3)to(4)complaining(5)to,1.Say what happens in these places or what they are used for. 看看這些地方發(fā)生了什么,他們都用些什么,句法分析 本句中what引導(dǎo)了賓語從句,充當(dāng)say的賓語。 what引導(dǎo)的賓語從句可以作動詞、介詞和形容詞的賓語;what在從句中可以作主語、賓語或者表語,也可以用作名詞的定語。 When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and

14、 then put the parcel on the desk. 我問他正在做什么,他內(nèi)疚地笑笑,然后把那個包放到書桌上,辨析:what與that,即學(xué)即用 語法填空 (2014湖南,24,改編)As John Lennon once said,life is _ happens to you while you are busy making other plans. 答案:what考查連接代詞what。句意: 正如約翰列儂所說,生命就是當(dāng)你在制定其他計劃時發(fā)生在你身上的事情。what引導(dǎo)表語從句,在從句中做主語,2Its been two years since I drove a ca

15、r. 從我開車起已經(jīng)兩年了。 since自從以來;說明某事開始的時間,其后為時間點(diǎn)。 He hasnt been home since 1980. 他自從1980年以來還沒有回過家。 Charles has worked hard since leaving school. 查爾斯自離開學(xué)校(畢業(yè))以來,一直努力地工作著。 Great changes have taken place here since he left. 自從他離開這里以來,這里發(fā)生了巨大的變化,即學(xué)即用 語法填空 Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time? Yes, since

16、she_(join) the Chinese Society. 答案:joinedsince引導(dǎo)的從句用一般過去式,3Mary suggested spending a whole month in the countryside. 瑪麗建議在鄉(xiāng)下度過一個整月/待整個月。 suggest v. (1)“建議”后跟名詞、代詞或動名詞作賓語;跟從句作賓語時,從句應(yīng)用虛擬語氣“should do”,其中should可省略。 I only suggest the plan. Its up to you to decide. 我只提出這個計劃,由你來決定。 I suggest putting the m

17、eeting off. 我建議會議延期。 I suggested that he should visit the chemistry lab right away. 我建議他立即去看看化學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,2)“暗示,表明”;作此意講時,suggest后的賓語從句不用虛擬語氣。 The report suggests that the business is improving. 報告顯示生意正逐步好轉(zhuǎn)。 Her appearance suggests that she is living a happy life. 她的樣子顯示出她生活幸福,即學(xué)即用 語法填空 The fact that so ma

18、ny people still smoke in public places_(suggest) that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking. 答案:suggests本題考查謂語動詞。句意:如此多的人仍舊在公共場所吸煙的事實(shí)表明我們需要一次全國范圍內(nèi)的活動來提升人們對吸煙的危害的認(rèn)識。分析結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空白處為謂語動詞,并且主語為the fact,謂語動詞要用第三人稱單數(shù),4I am happy because my exam results are a lot better t

19、han they were last term. 我很高興,因?yàn)槲业目荚嚦煽儽壬蠈W(xué)期好多了 a lot better中a lot用來修飾比較級;類似的用來修飾形容詞和副詞比較級的狀語有:far,much,still,even,any,no,a little,slightly,a bit,a great deal等。 Do you want any more apples? 你還要蘋果嗎? Yes,two more. 是的,再要兩個。 Xiao Ming studies hard and Xiao Wen studies even harder. 小明學(xué)習(xí)刻苦,小文學(xué)習(xí)更刻苦,即學(xué)即用 英譯漢 His h


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