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1、1,Netflix Culture:Netflix文化:Freedom & Responsibility自由與責(zé)任,2,We Seek Excellence我們尋求卓越,Our culture focuses on helping us achieve excellence 我們的文化聚焦于幫助自己達(dá)成卓越,3,Seven Aspects of our Culture文化的7個(gè)方面,Values are what we Value(價(jià)值觀來(lái)自于我們推崇和珍視的價(jià)值) High Performance (追求高績(jī)效) Freedom & Responsibility(自由和責(zé)任) Context

2、, not Control(情景管理而非控制) Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled(認(rèn)同一致,松散耦合) Pay Top of Market(支付市場(chǎng)最高工資) Promotions & Development (晉升和成長(zhǎng),4,Many companies have nice sounding value statements displayed in the lobby, such as:眾多公司在大堂展示動(dòng)聽(tīng)的價(jià)值觀,諸如,Integrity正直 Communication溝通 Respect尊重 Excellence卓越,5,Enron, whose lea

3、ders went to jail, and which went bankrupt from fraud, had these values displayed in their lobby:安然公司,高層入獄,公司因欺詐而破產(chǎn),在它的大堂里展示著這些企業(yè)價(jià)值觀,Integrity正直 Communication溝通 Respect尊重 Excellence卓越,These values were not, however, what was really valued at Enron 這些字眼顯然并非是安然公司真正的價(jià)值觀,6,The actual company values, as

4、opposed to the nice-sounding values, are shown by who gets rewarded, promoted, or let go公司真正的價(jià)值觀和動(dòng)聽(tīng)的價(jià)值觀完全相反,是具體通過(guò)哪些人被獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)、被提升和被解雇來(lái)體現(xiàn),7,Actual company values are thebehaviors and skillsthat are valued in fellow employees真正的價(jià)值觀是被員工所重視的行為和技能,8,At Netflix, we particularly value the following nine behavior

5、s and skills in our colleagues在Netflix,我們特別珍視以下9項(xiàng)同事們擁有的行為和技能,meaning we hire and promote people who demonstrate these nine 也意味著我們雇傭和升遷能夠體現(xiàn)這9項(xiàng)特質(zhì)的員工,9,You make wise decisions (people, technical, business, and creative) despite ambiguity 你在對(duì)人,對(duì)技術(shù)、對(duì)商務(wù)和對(duì)創(chuàng)新上能夠做出明智的決定,摒棄模棱兩可 You identify root causes, and g

6、et beyond treating symptoms 你明辨事物根由,不為表象所惑 You think strategically, and can articulate what you are, and are not, trying to do 你能戰(zhàn)略性思考,有自知之明,并努力做到 You smartly separate what must be done well now, and what can be improved later 你能很聰明地分清楚哪些事現(xiàn)在必須完成,哪些事可以稍后跟進(jìn),Judgment 判斷力,10,Communication 溝通力,You listen

7、 well, instead of reacting fast, so you can better understand 你善于聆聽(tīng),而非快速反駁。如此你能夠更好地理解 You are concise and articulate in speech and writing 你在說(shuō)和寫的時(shí)候簡(jiǎn)潔清晰 You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you 你待人接物心存敬意,不在意對(duì)方的身份,也不在意對(duì)方持有異議 You maintain calm poise in stressfu

8、l situations 在重壓之下,你也能鎮(zhèn)定自若,11,Impact 影響力,You accomplish amazing amounts of important work 你能完成眾多重要工作 You demonstrate consistently strong performance so colleagues can rely upon you 你的同事能仰仗你持續(xù)輸出的強(qiáng)大工作能力 You focus on great results rather than on process 你注重結(jié)果而非過(guò)程 You exhibit bias-to-action, and avoid a

9、nalysis-paralysis 你偏好先發(fā)制人而非謀定后動(dòng),12,Curiosity 好奇心,You learn rapidly and eagerly 快速學(xué)習(xí)且渴望學(xué)習(xí) You seek to understand our strategy, market, customers, and suppliers 努力理解公司的戰(zhàn)略、市場(chǎng)、用戶和供應(yīng)商 You are broadly knowledgeable about business, technology and entertainment 擁有對(duì)商業(yè)、技術(shù)和娛樂(lè)的廣泛認(rèn)知 You contribute effectively ou

10、tside of your specialty 在你專長(zhǎng)之外也能有效提供貢獻(xiàn),13,Innovation 創(chuàng)新,You re-conceptualize issues to discover practical solutions to hard problems 你能重構(gòu)概念以找出難題的特別解決之道 You challenge prevailing assumptions when warranted, and suggest better approaches 你能挑戰(zhàn)成見(jiàn),給出更好的方法 You create new ideas that prove useful 你能想出的新點(diǎn)子且被證

11、實(shí)有效 You keep us nimble by minimizing complexity and finding time to simplify 你能通過(guò)降低復(fù)雜度,找到簡(jiǎn)化時(shí)間的方法以保持公司的敏捷,14,Courage 勇氣,You say what you think even if it is controversial 你想說(shuō)什么就說(shuō)什么,哪怕有所爭(zhēng)議 You make tough decisions without agonizing 你能毫無(wú)痛苦地作出艱難決定 You take smart risks 你能明智地冒險(xiǎn) You question actions incons

12、istent with our values 你能質(zhì)疑和我們價(jià)值觀不一的行為,15,Passion 熱情,You inspire others with your thirst for excellence 以你對(duì)卓越的渴望激勵(lì)他人 You care intensely about Netflixs success 你對(duì)公司的成功深系于心 You celebrate wins 你熱愛(ài)勝利 You are tenacious 你堅(jiān)忍不拔,16,Honesty 誠(chéng)實(shí),You are known for candor and directness 眾人認(rèn)為你坦白直率 You are non-poli

13、tical when you disagree with others 你不同意他人意見(jiàn)時(shí)并非出于公司政治的考量 You only say things about fellow employees you will say to their face 你不背后議論他人 You are quick to admit mistakes 你能很快承認(rèn)錯(cuò)誤,17,Selflessness 無(wú)私,You seek what is best for Netflix, rather than best for yourself or your group 你尋求的是什么對(duì)Netflix最好,而不是什么對(duì)你

14、自己和你的小團(tuán)隊(duì)最好 You are ego-less when searching for the best ideas 當(dāng)大家一起找尋最佳方案時(shí),你沒(méi)有那么多自我要維護(hù) You make time to help colleagues 你愿意花時(shí)間幫助同事 You share information openly and proactively 你能主動(dòng)開(kāi)放地分享資訊,18,Seven Aspects of our Culture文化的7個(gè)方面,Values are what we Value(價(jià)值觀來(lái)自于我們推崇和珍視的價(jià)值) High Performance (追求高績(jī)效) Freed

15、om & Responsibility(自由和責(zé)任) Context, not Control(情景管理而非控制) Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled(認(rèn)同一致,松散耦合) Pay Top of Market(支付市場(chǎng)最高工資) Promotions & Development (晉升和成長(zhǎng),19,Imagine if every person at Netflix is someone you respect and learn from設(shè)想一下,如果公司里的任何一個(gè)員工,你都發(fā)自內(nèi)心地尊重,而且能夠從他們身上學(xué)到東西,20,Great Workplace is

16、Stunning Colleagues最好的工作環(huán)境是擁有一群超級(jí)棒的同事,Great workplace is not espresso, lush benefits, sushi lunches, grand parties, or nice offices 最好的工作環(huán)境不在于上等咖啡、豐厚福利、日本料理、盛大派對(duì)和漂亮辦公室 We do some of these things, but only if they are efficient at attracting and retaining stunning colleagues 我們也會(huì)做上述的事情,但那只是因?yàn)檫@樣才能吸引和留

17、住那些超級(jí)棒的同事,21,Like every company, we try to hire well和許多公司一樣,我們努力將招聘做好,22,Unlike many companies, we practice:和許多公司不一樣,我們實(shí)行: adequate performance gets a generous severance package僅僅做到稱職的員工,也要拿錢走人,23,Were a team, not a family我們是個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì),不是個(gè)家庭Were like a pro sports team, not a kids recreational team我們就像個(gè)專業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)

18、隊(duì),而不是小孩子過(guò)家家Netflix leadershire, develop and cut smartly, so we have stars in every position因?yàn)镹etflix的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能夠明智地聘用、培養(yǎng)和裁員,所以我們?cè)诿總€(gè)崗位上都是明星員工,24,The Keeper Test Managers Use:管理者的員工去留測(cè)試,Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving,for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight hard to keep at Ne

19、tflix? 我手下的員工里,如果有人要辭職去同業(yè)公司做類似工作,有哪些人是我會(huì)拼命挽留的,25,The other people should get a generous severance now, so we can open a slot to try to find a star for that role 如果不是,那么這樣的員工我們只能讓他們拿錢走人,這樣我們才能空出位子,為團(tuán)隊(duì)找到明星員工,The Keeper Test Managers Use:管理者的員工去留測(cè)試,Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving,

20、for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight hard to keep at Netflix? 我手下的員工里,如果有人要辭職去同業(yè)公司做類似工作,有哪些人是我會(huì)拼命挽留的,26,Honesty Always永遠(yuǎn)保持誠(chéng)實(shí),Asa leader, no one in your group should be materially surprised of your views 作為領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,你團(tuán)隊(duì)中的任何一名成員都不應(yīng)該對(duì)你的評(píng)估感到特別驚奇,27,Candor is not just a leaders responsibility, an

21、d you should periodically ask your manager: “If I told you I were leaving, how hard would you work to change my mind?” 坦誠(chéng)不單是領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的責(zé)任,作為員工,你也應(yīng)該定期地詢問(wèn)你領(lǐng)導(dǎo):如果我告訴你我要辭職,那你會(huì)多大程度上努力挽留我,Honesty Always永遠(yuǎn)保持誠(chéng)實(shí),28,All of Us are Responsible for Ensuring We Live our Values我們所有人都有責(zé)任確保價(jià)值觀的延續(xù),You question actions incons

22、istent with our values” is part of the Courage value 質(zhì)疑和我們價(jià)值觀不一致的行為”是勇氣那一章的一部分。 Akin to the honor code pledge: “I will not lie, nor cheat, nor steal, nor tolerate those who do” 和我們的榮譽(yù)準(zhǔn)則一致:“我不撒謊,不欺詐,不偷竊,也絕不容忍這么做的人,29,Pro Sports Team Metaphor is Good, but Imperfect專業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)隊(duì)的比喻很好,但有瑕疵,Athletic teams have a

23、 fixed number of positions, so team members are always competing with each other for one of the precious slots 運(yùn)動(dòng)隊(duì)有固定的位置數(shù)量,所以成員們會(huì)為了寶貴的位置而相互競(jìng)爭(zhēng),30,Corporate Team合作團(tuán)隊(duì),The more talent we have, the more we can accomplish, so our people assist each other all the time 我們的團(tuán)隊(duì)能力越大,我們所取得的成就也就越大,所以我們的人始終彼此幫助。 I

24、nternal “cutthroat” or “sink or swim” behavior is rare and not tolerated 內(nèi)部人員之間的傾軋行為非常少見(jiàn),而且不被容忍,31,We Help Each Other To Be Great我們彼此幫助,共同成就,32,Isnt Loyalty Good? 忠誠(chéng)有益?What about Hard Workers?如何對(duì)待勤奮員工?What about Brilliant Jerks? 如何對(duì)待不羈天才,33,Loyalty is Good忠誠(chéng)有益,Loyalty is good as a stabilizer 忠誠(chéng)就像穩(wěn)定器

25、一樣有益。 People who have been stars for us, and hit a bad patch, get a near term pass because we think they are likely to become stars for us again 那些想成為明星員工的人表現(xiàn)低迷,會(huì)得到原諒,因?yàn)槲覀冋J(rèn)為他們很有可能會(huì)再次成為我們的明星員工。 We want the same: if Netflix hits a temporary bad patch, we want people to stick with us 我們也想得到同樣的回饋:如果Netf

26、lix遭遇短期低迷,我們希望員工會(huì)和我們緊密團(tuán)結(jié)在一起。 But unlimited loyalty to a shrinking firm, or to an ineffective employee, is not what we are about 但是,對(duì)于一個(gè)走下坡路的公司,或者對(duì)一個(gè)無(wú)效率的員工,無(wú)限度的忠誠(chéng)并非我們所希望的,34,Hard Work Not Relevant勤奮工作-并非切題,We dont measure people by how many hours they work or how much they are in the office 我們不會(huì)用花了多少

27、小時(shí)工作,或者有多少人呆在辦公室里作為衡量員工和團(tuán)隊(duì)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 We do care about accomplishing great work 我們只在意是否完成了偉大的工作成就。 Sustained B-level performance, despite “A for effort”, generates a generous severance package, with respect 持續(xù)做出B級(jí)的工作輸出,不想著做到A級(jí)的效能,只能請(qǐng)他拿錢走人,客客氣氣的。 Sustained A-level performance, despite minimal effort, is rew

28、arded with more responsibility and great pay 保持A級(jí)的工作輸出,追求最大效用,將會(huì)被委以重任,酬以重金,35,Brilliant Jerks不羈天才,Some companies tolerate them 有些公司容忍他們。 For us, cost to effective teamwork is too high 對(duì)于我們而言,這種人會(huì)使得保持團(tuán)隊(duì)效率的代價(jià)太大。 Diverse styles are fine as long as person embodies the 9 values 保持多樣性的風(fēng)格很好,但這個(gè)人得體現(xiàn)出前述9種價(jià)值觀

29、,36,Why are we so insistent on high performance?為什么我們對(duì)高效能如此堅(jiān)持,In procedural work, the best are 2x 對(duì)于程序型的工作,頂級(jí)員工的輸出量是一般員工的2倍。 better than the average. In creative/inventive work, the best are 10 x better than the average, 對(duì)于創(chuàng)新型/創(chuàng)意型的工作,頂級(jí)員工的輸出量是一般員工的10倍!so huge premium on creating effective teams of t

30、he best 以頂級(jí)員工組成的高效團(tuán)隊(duì)就有那么大提升,37,Why are we so insistent on high performance?為什么我們對(duì)高效能如此堅(jiān)持,Great Workplace is Stunning Colleagues 最好的工作環(huán)境是擁有一群超級(jí)棒的同事,38,Our High Performance Culture Not Right for Everyone我們的高效能文化并非對(duì)所有人都合適,Many people love our culture, and stay a long time 許多人喜歡我們的企業(yè)文化,并且呆了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間 They thr

31、ive on excellence and candor and change 他們因?yàn)楣镜淖吭?、坦率和變化而成長(zhǎng)。 They would be disappointed if given a severance package, but lots of mutual warmth and respect 他們會(huì)因?yàn)楸晦o退而感覺(jué)到失望,但是帶走彼此之間的熱情和尊重,39,Our High Performance Culture Not Right for Everyone我們的高效能文化并非對(duì)所有人都合適,Some people, however, value job security an

32、d stability over performance, and dont like our culture 部分人看重工作的安穩(wěn)甚于高效輸出,而且并不喜歡我們的企業(yè)文化。 They feel fearful at Netflix 他們?cè)贜etflix會(huì)心懷憂懼。 They are sometimes bitter if let go, and feel that we are political place to work 如果讓他們走人,有時(shí)他們會(huì)感到苦澀,覺(jué)得我們?cè)诟戕k公室政治,40,Our High Performance Culture Not Right for Everyone

33、我們的高效能文化并非對(duì)所有人都合適,Were getting better at attracting only the former, and helping the latter realize we are not right for them 在吸引前一類人這方面,我們正在越做越好。同時(shí),我們幫助后者認(rèn)識(shí)到這里并不適合他們,41,Seven Aspects of our Culture文化的7個(gè)方面,Values are what we Value(價(jià)值觀來(lái)自于我們推崇和珍視的價(jià)值) High Performance (追求高績(jī)效) Freedom & Responsibility(自

34、由和責(zé)任) Context, not Control(情景管理而非控制) Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled(認(rèn)同一致,松散耦合) Pay Top of Market(支付市場(chǎng)最高工資) Promotions & Development (晉升和成長(zhǎng),42,The Rare Responsible Person,Self motivating(自勵(lì)) Self aware(自知) Self disciplined(自律) Self improving(自我提升) Acts like a leader(如同領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者一般行事) Doesnt wait to be told

35、 what to do (不會(huì)等著被叫去做事) Picks up the trash lying on the floor (主動(dòng)撿起地上的垃圾,43,Responsible People Thrive on Freedom, and are Worthy of Freedom有責(zé)任感的人因?yàn)樽杂啥砷L(zhǎng),也配得上這份自由,44,Our model is to increase employee freedom as we grow,rather than limit it, 公司成長(zhǎng)的同時(shí)增進(jìn)員工的自由,而非限制;to continue to attract and nourish innov

36、ative people, so we have better chance of sustained success持續(xù)吸引和培育有創(chuàng)新精神的員工,使得公司更有可能維繼成功,45,Most Companies Curtail Freedom as they get Bigger大多數(shù)公司伴隨成長(zhǎng)而來(lái)的是縮減員工自由,Bigger 企業(yè)越來(lái)越大,Employee Freedom 職業(yè)自由度越來(lái)越低,46,Why Do Most Companies Curtail Freedom and Become Bureaucratic as they Grow?為什么大多數(shù)公司成長(zhǎng)伴隨著員工自由的縮減和

37、公司的日益官僚化,47,Desire for Bigger Positive Impact Creates Growth對(duì)于做大的渴望壓縮了創(chuàng)造的增長(zhǎng),Growth,48,Growth Increases Complexity成長(zhǎng)增加了公司的復(fù)雜度,Complexity,49,Growth Also Often Shrinks Talent Density成長(zhǎng)經(jīng)常稀釋了人才密度, High Performance Employees,Complexity,50,Chaos Emerges(混亂出現(xiàn), High Performance Employees (高效能職員百分比,Chaos and

38、errors spike here businesshas become too complex to runinformally with this talent level (混亂和錯(cuò)誤釘牢這里,在這個(gè)人才水平上,業(yè)務(wù)已經(jīng)變得太過(guò)復(fù)雜而不可能以非范式的形態(tài)運(yùn)行。,Complexity(復(fù)雜度,51,Process Emerges to Stop the Chaos流程開(kāi)始出現(xiàn)以停止混亂,Procedures(流程,No one loves process, but feels good compared to the pain of chaos 沒(méi)有人喜歡流程,但是和混亂帶來(lái)的痛苦相比,前

39、者讓人感覺(jué)好一點(diǎn)。 “Time to grow up” becomes the professional managements mantra “成長(zhǎng)的時(shí)候到了”已經(jīng)成為職業(yè)經(jīng)理人的密咒,52,Process-focus Drives More Talent Out強(qiáng)調(diào)流程作業(yè)驅(qū)離更多人才, High Performance Employees 高績(jī)效職業(yè)人員百分比降低,53,Process Brings Seductively Strong Near-Term Outcome流程作業(yè)引出強(qiáng)有力的短期行為結(jié)果,A highly-successful process-driven company

40、 一個(gè)高度成功的流程驅(qū)動(dòng)型公司 With leading share in its market 在所處的市場(chǎng)上占據(jù)領(lǐng)先份額 Minimal thinking required 對(duì)思考的需求最少 Few mistakes made very efficient 很少犯錯(cuò)-聽(tīng)起來(lái)不錯(cuò) Few curious innovator-mavericks remain 很少有好奇的創(chuàng)新者-難有突破 Very optimized processes for its existing market 對(duì)既存市場(chǎng)擁有高度優(yōu)化的流程 Efficiency has trumped flexibility 效率戰(zhàn)勝了

41、靈活性,54,Then the Market Shifts接著市場(chǎng)變了,Market shifts due to new technology or competitors or business models 由于新技術(shù)或者新對(duì)手或者新商業(yè)模式的出現(xiàn),市場(chǎng)變了。 Company is unable to adapt quickly 前述公司不能快速適應(yīng) because the employees are extremely good at following the existing processes, and process adherence is the value system 因

42、為員工們已經(jīng)極端適應(yīng)既有的流程作業(yè),對(duì)流程的依靠是系統(tǒng)價(jià)值的核心。 Company generally grinds painfully into irrelevance 這樣的公司將會(huì)痛苦地被碾成昨日黃花,55,Seems Like Three Bad Options貌似更糟的第三種選擇,1. Stay creative by staying small, but therefore have less impact 通過(guò)保持公司小型化而保存創(chuàng)新能力,但是因此失去市場(chǎng)影響力。 2. Avoid rules as you grow, and suffer chaos 成長(zhǎng)的同時(shí)不設(shè)立規(guī)則,然后

43、為混亂所苦。 3. Use process as you grow to drive efficient execution of current model, but cripple creativity, flexibility, and ability to thrive when your market eventually changes 當(dāng)公司成長(zhǎng)時(shí),使用流程驅(qū)動(dòng)現(xiàn)有模式的有效執(zhí)行。當(dāng)市場(chǎng)最終改變時(shí),只能用跛腳的創(chuàng)新能力、靈活性和業(yè)務(wù)能力實(shí)現(xiàn)成長(zhǎng),56,A Fourth Option第4種選擇,Avoid Chaos as you grow with Ever More High

44、Performance People not with Rules 通過(guò)和更多高效能員工共同成長(zhǎng),而非制定規(guī)則以避免混亂 Then you can continue to mostly run informally with self-discipline, and avoid chaos 于是你可以最大程度上憑借自律而使得靈活運(yùn)作的業(yè)務(wù)得以進(jìn)行,同時(shí)避免混亂 The run informally part is what enables and attracts creativity 靈活運(yùn)作的那一部分能夠激發(fā)和吸引創(chuàng)造力,57,The Key: Increase Talent Densit

45、y faster than Complexity Grows關(guān)鍵點(diǎn):以超過(guò)復(fù)雜度提升的速度提升人才密度, High Performance Employees 高績(jī)效人才的密度,Business Complexity 商業(yè)復(fù)雜度,58,Increase Talent Density提升人才密度,Top of market compensation 支付市場(chǎng)最高薪酬 Attract high-value people through freedom to make big impact 用自由吸引高價(jià)值人才產(chǎn)生巨大影響 Be demanding about high performance cu

46、lture 強(qiáng)化高效能的企業(yè)文化, High Performance Employees,59,Minimize Complexity Growth將復(fù)雜度增長(zhǎng)降至最小,Business Complexity 商業(yè)復(fù)雜度,Few big products vs many small ones 用少數(shù)大產(chǎn)品取代數(shù)量眾多的小產(chǎn)品 Eliminate distracting complexity (barnacles) 消除讓人分散精力的復(fù)雜度(藤壺) Be wary of efficiency optimizations that increase complexity and rigidity

47、警惕效率優(yōu)化所帶來(lái)的復(fù)雜度和僵化度增長(zhǎng),Note: sometimes long-term simplicity is achieved only through bursts of complexity to rework current systems 注:有時(shí)長(zhǎng)期簡(jiǎn)單化只有通過(guò)現(xiàn)有系統(tǒng)爆發(fā)式的復(fù)雜性再造才能完成,60,With the Right People, 和對(duì)的人一起工作, Instead of a Culture of Process Adherence, 而非流程控制他們,We have a Culture of Creativity and Self-Discipline,

48、Freedom and Responsibility我們因而建立起富于創(chuàng)新精神和自律精神,自由和負(fù)責(zé)的企業(yè)文化,61,Is Freedom Absolute?自由是絕對(duì)需要的嗎,Are all rules & processes bad? 是否所有的規(guī)則和流程都不好,62,Freedom is not absolute自由不是絕對(duì)的Like “free speech”there are some limited exceptions to “freedom at work”正如“言論自由”一樣,“工作中的自由”也有幾項(xiàng)有限的例外,63,Two Types of Necessary Rules兩

49、類必要的規(guī)則,1. Prevent irrevocable disaster 為了阻止不可挽回災(zāi)難 Financials produced are wrong 財(cái)務(wù)程序錯(cuò)誤 Hackers steal our customers credit card info 黑客竊取了我們顧客的信用卡號(hào) 2. Moral, ethical, legal issues 為了避免道德、倫理和法律問(wèn)題 Dishonesty, harassment are intolerable 不誠(chéng)實(shí),性騷擾都是不能容忍的,64,Mostly, though, Rapid Recovery is the Right Model

50、(大多數(shù)情況下,快速修正都是正確的模式,Just fix problems quickly 盡快修復(fù)問(wèn)題 High performers make very few errors 高效能員工很少犯錯(cuò) Were in a creative-inventive market, not a safety-critical market like medicine or nuclear power 我們處在一個(gè)創(chuàng)新的市場(chǎng),而不是一個(gè)類似醫(yī)藥或者核能這樣以安全性為第一的市場(chǎng) You may have heard preventing error is cheaper than fixing it 你也許

51、聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)預(yù)防錯(cuò)誤比修復(fù)代價(jià)更低 Yes, in manufacturing or medicine, but 是的,在制造業(yè)或者制藥業(yè)的確如此,但 Not so in creative environments 在創(chuàng)新型行業(yè)里并非如此,65,Good” versus “Bad” Process好流程VS.壞流程,Good” process helps talented people get more done 好流程幫助人才搞定更多事情 Letting others know when you are updating code 當(dāng)你在升級(jí)代碼時(shí)讓其他人知道 Spend within budge

52、t each quarter so dont have to coordinate every spending decision across departments 在每個(gè)季度都按照預(yù)算花錢,這樣就不用頻繁通過(guò)部門會(huì)議調(diào)整每一筆支出 Regularly scheduled strategy and context meetings 定期制定戰(zhàn)略和搞清會(huì)議背景,66,Good” versus “Bad” Process好流程VS.壞流程,Bad” process tries to prevent recoverable mistakes 壞流程試圖阻止可以恢復(fù)的錯(cuò)誤 Get pre-appr

53、ovals for $5k spending 得到預(yù)先批準(zhǔn)的5000美金支出額度 3 people to sign off on banner ad creative 要3個(gè)人簽字才能終止的橫幅廣告創(chuàng)意 Permission needed to hang a poster on a wall 在墻上貼個(gè)海報(bào)需要的許可 Multi-level approval process for projects 項(xiàng)目所需的多層級(jí)許可流程 Get 10 people to interview each candidate 找10個(gè)人去面試每一個(gè)應(yīng)聘者,67,Rule Creep規(guī)則潛行,Bad” proce

54、sses tend to creep in 壞流程傾向于潛入 Preventing errors just sounds so good 能夠預(yù)防錯(cuò)誤只是聽(tīng)起來(lái)不錯(cuò) We try to get rid of rules when we can, to reinforce the point 我們盡可能去除繁文縟節(jié),以強(qiáng)化工作重點(diǎn),68,Example: Netflix Vacation Policy and Tracking案例:Netflix休假規(guī)定和考勤管理,Until 2004 we had the standard model of N days per year 截至2004年,我們

55、有一個(gè)每年N天假期的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)休假模式,69,Meanwhile與此同時(shí),Were all working online some nights and weekends, responding to emails at odd hours, spending some afternoons on personal time, and taking good vacations 一些晚上和周末,我們都在工作,在非上班的時(shí)間回郵件,在私人時(shí)間的下午工作,然后休假,70,An employee pointed out一個(gè)員工指出,We dont track hours worked per day or

56、 per week, so why are we tracking days of vacation per year? 我們并不追蹤每天或者每周的工作時(shí)間,為什么我們要追蹤每年休假了幾天呢,71,We realized我們意識(shí)到了,We should focus on what people get done, not on how many days worked 我們應(yīng)該關(guān)注人們做了什么,而不是做了多少天。Just as we dont have an 9am-5pm workday policy, we dont need a vacation policy 既然我們沒(méi)有朝九晚五的工作

57、時(shí)間規(guī)定,我們也就不需要假期規(guī)定,72,Netflix Vacation Policy and TrackingNetflix休假規(guī)定和考勤管理是,there is no policy or tracking” “沒(méi)有休假制度的規(guī)定,73,There is also no clothing policy at Netflix, but no one comes to work naked 在Netflix我們也沒(méi)有著裝規(guī)定,但也沒(méi)有人光著身子來(lái)上班。 Lesson: you dont need policies for everything 教訓(xùn):你不需要為每樣事情都制定規(guī)則,Netflix

58、Vacation Policy and TrackingNetflix休假規(guī)定和考勤管理是,there is no policy or tracking” “沒(méi)有休假制度的規(guī)定,74,No Vacation Policy Doesnt Mean No Vacation沒(méi)有休假規(guī)定不等于沒(méi)有假期,Netflix leaders set good examples by taking big vacations and coming back inspired to find big ideas 通過(guò)討論休假,Netfilx的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層設(shè)立了很好的榜樣,然后回來(lái)激發(fā)出大的創(chuàng)想,75,Another E

59、xample of Freedom and Responsibility自由與責(zé)任的其他一些例子,76,Most companies have complex policies around what you can expense, how you travel, what gifts you can accept, etc. 圍繞員工如何花銷,如何出差,可以接受何種饋贈(zèng)等等,大多數(shù)公司都會(huì)制定復(fù)雜的政策。Plus they have whole departments to verify compliance with these policies再加上一整個(gè)部門來(lái)核實(shí)員工是否遵循了這些政

60、策,77,Netflix Policies for Expensing, Entertainment, Gifts & Travel:Netflix公司關(guān)于花銷、娛樂(lè)、饋贈(zèng)和出差的政策是,Act in Netflixs Best Interest” 最合乎公司利益 (5 words long) (一共7個(gè)字,78,Act in Netflixs Best Interest” Generally Means(“最合乎公司利益”一般指,Expense only what you would otherwise not spend, and is worthwhile for work(花你應(yīng)該花的


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