



1、傳播優(yōu)秀Word版文檔 ,希望對您有幫助,可雙擊去除!名詞練習1、 用“”表示不可數(shù)名詞1. hair( ) 2. bread( ) 3. room( ) 4. spoon( )5. banana( ) 6.coffee( ) 7. jacket( ) 8.bag( )9. news( ) 10.swing( ) 11. dog( ) 12. envelope( ) 13. animal( ) 14. mango( ) 15.pig( )2、 寫出下列名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式1. key_ 2.walkman_3. glass_ 4.woman_5. story_ 6.watch_7. box_ 8.m

2、ouse_9. mango_ 10.sheep_11. dog_ 12.tooth_13. thief_ 14.wish_15. knife_3、 翻譯題1. 湯姆的小汽車_2. 教師節(jié)_3. 一張我們學校的照片_傳播優(yōu)秀Word版文檔 ,希望對您有幫助,可雙擊去除!4. 南希的一位老朋友_5. 教師辦公室_6. 兒童節(jié)_7. 桑迪和蘇的媽媽_8. 許多芒果_9. 一些紅色的書_10. 一個空盒子_11. 爸爸的和媽媽的帽子_12. 很多中國人_4、 用所給單詞的適當形式填空1. We can see three _(box) of _(apple) in the room.2. Are th

3、ere any _(people) in the playground?3. There are many _(child) in the classroom.4. How many _(man) are there in the picture?5. Lucys_(parent) love her very much.6. Is the big orange_(Yang Ling) ?7. Youre the only _(children) in your family.8. The_(man) in the office are Mr. Mei and Mr. Zhou.9. My _(

4、friend) swim faster than Tom.10. I had some_(fish).傳播優(yōu)秀Word版文檔 ,希望對您有幫助,可雙擊去除!5、 根據(jù)中文提示,完成下列句子1. There are three_(玻璃杯) in the bag.2. How many _(建筑物)can you see?3. The _(男警察) at the crossing are running after a thief.4. I have twenty-six _(牙齒)in my mouth.5. Are there any _(桃子)on the tree?6. Would you

5、 like some_(果汁)?7. Lets give these students some_(文具盒)。8. The _(草莓)in the basket are from the country.9. The elephant has big _(耳朵)。10. My father likes eating some_(魚).6、 根據(jù)句意和所給首首字母,完成下列短文My n_ is Jack.Im from London.Im e_.My b_ name is David.We look the same.We are t_.David and I are in the same c

6、_ at school,too.There are forty s_ in our class.One of the g_ is from New York.She is an A_.Now we are c_.We have many Chinese f_here.傳播優(yōu)秀Word版文檔 ,希望對您有幫助,可雙擊去除!7、 翻譯句子1. 盒子里有許多三明治。There are_ in the box.2. 我想要兩杯牛奶。I would like_.3. 墻上有張中國地圖There is_ in the morning.4. 這個錢包是那個年輕女士的。This purse is_.5. 我們

7、上午喝了一些水。We had_ in the morning.8、 改錯句,將正確的句子抄寫在橫線上。1. These peoples are having lunch at school._2. We do much homeworks every day._3. The students come from different country._4. The four girls students are playing games._5. These walkmen are from our friends and relatives._傳播優(yōu)秀Word版文檔 ,希望對您有幫助,可雙擊去除!9、 選擇合適的選項填空1. Whats _ name,Daming?A. she B.the girls C.the girl2. The _ are on the grass.A. sheep B.pig C.cow3. There is _ behind the door.A. a boy B.two boys C.some boy4. Th


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