



1、長(zhǎng)壽實(shí)驗(yàn)一小“志趣新課堂”有效教學(xué)框架 授課班級(jí): 年級(jí): 備課教師: 付宇星 執(zhí)教教師: 付宇星topic: Unit1 Self-assessment課時(shí):1TeachingAims:A: 1.can read the words of subject correctly. 2.can find the missing letters.B: 1.can express : I have on Monday./ I dont have on Monday. He has on Monday. He doesnt have on Monday.2. can do some exercises.

2、3. can recite 5 subjects: Chinese / English /Art /Math/ ComputerC: 1.鍛煉英語(yǔ)思維,培養(yǎng)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)素養(yǎng) 3.培養(yǎng)良好的書(shū)寫(xiě)習(xí)慣Preview Exercise:1. Try to read the text of Unit 2 lesson 1教學(xué)板塊(注明各板塊解決目標(biāo)序號(hào)及所用時(shí)間)學(xué)生課堂練習(xí)單(一個(gè)假象學(xué)生的課堂上的所有學(xué)習(xí)行為)The First Class:Greeting and Revision 5 mins Aim CWhat day is it today?How are you? Whats your fa

3、vorite color /sport/lessons? Do you like ? Which do you like best?When do you have lesson? What day is today? Whats the date today?presentation 28mins Aim A and B CA.sentences:1. Look at the school schedule. This is my schedule. I have English on What about you?2. Ss express3.T: look at my school sc

4、hedule again. I dont have English on what about you?4.Ss express5.T: this is Wang Yifeis schedule. Look : He has Math on Monday. Can you express? And he doesnt have on 6. compare the sectences: I have on . I dont have on He has on He doesnt have on 7.finish the exercises.B.words:Guess: what am I goi

5、ng to write?M_ S_ L_.Try to find the missing letters:A_t Sci_n_e _ath La_or _hinese_nglish C_mputer M_sic Recite the 5 words in pairs. Discuss how to remember the words. Then reportChinese English Art Math ComputerUse the right ways to remember them.Extension:5m Aim cSs listen and write the 5 words .Summary and Homework(2mins)Read the text 3.Greeting each otherask and answer.Ss: we have on Monday. We have on Tuesday.Ss: I dont have on Ss: Wang Yifei has on Ss : he dont h


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