



1、on time 和 in time 的區(qū)別on time 及 in time 都是形容詞,意思是準時、按時、沒遲到等。但在英文句子的用法及結(jié)構(gòu)中卻不一樣。(1) on time:一般用在句子后或最后兩個字。on time 的用詞是當一件事準時發(fā)生,事情是按計劃而發(fā)生的,如egthe 11:45a.m. train left on time. 上午 11 時 45 分的火車按時出發(fā)了。(火車在上午 11 時 45 分出發(fā)。)eg“ill meet you at 7:30 tonight。”“okay,but please be on time.”“我今晚七點半見你。”“好的,不過請準時?!保ǖ诙?/p>

2、者提醒第一者別遲到。)egthe conference was very well organized. everything began and finished on time.會議安排得很好,所有的事項都準時開始及結(jié)束。on time 的反義詞是 late(遲到)egbe on time. dont be late. 要準時,別遲到。(2) in time:英文句子結(jié)構(gòu)是in time動詞或某些情況egwill you be home in time for dinner?你會準時到家吃晚飯嗎?(趕得及到家吃飯)egive sent a birthday greeting card fo

3、r jills birthday.i hope it will arrived in timebefore her birthday. 我已經(jīng)寄了一張生日卡給 jill,希望那張卡會在她生日前準時寄到。(趕得及寄給 jill。)egi must hurry.i want to get home in time to watch the football final match.我一定要快。我要準時到家看足球決賽。(趕得及看球賽。)我們也可說 just in time, 意思是剛好、正好、恰好準時egwe got to the station just in time to catch the

4、last train. 我們剛好準時到達車站,及時趕上最后一班火車。ega child ran across the road in front of my car,but i managed to stop my car just in time.有個小孩沖出馬路到我的車前,不過我剛好及時把車停下來。練習(1)填上 on time 或 in time.1.the bus was late this morning,its usually.2.i like to get upto have a big breakfast before going to work.3. we want to s

5、tart the meeting,so please dont be late.4. ive just washed this shirt.i want to wear it this evening,so i hope it will be dry.5. the train service isnt very good. the trains are rarely.6.i nearly missed my flight this morning. i got to the airport just.7.i nearly forgot that it was joes birthday, fo

6、rtunately, i remember.8.why are you never?you always keep everybody waiting.練習(2)按照以下情況,造一句使用 just in time 的句子。a child ran across the road in front of your car. you saw the child at the last moment.(manage/stop)i managed to stop just in time.1. you were walking home without an umbrella.just after yo

7、u got home,it started to rain very heavily.(get/home)2. tim was going to sit on the chair you had just painted.you said,“dont sit on that chair!”so he didnt.(stop/him)3. you went to the cinema. you were a bit late and you thought you would miss the beginning of the film. but the film began just as y

8、ou sat down in the cinema.(get/cinema/beginning of the film)答案練習 11.on time2.in time3.on time4.in time 5.on time6.in time7.in time8.on time練習 21.i/we got home just in time.2.i stopped him just in time.3.i/we got to the cinema just in time for the beginning of the film.記住, 英語的介詞的引申用法都和原義有關, in 是在里面,在

9、內(nèi). 那么在時間范圍內(nèi), 就是沒晚,及時的意思. on 是在.上,是在邊界上, 確切的點上, 所以是準時的意思.“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage. minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. in every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. as a professional clerical and teaching position, i understand the importan

10、ce of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the need


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