



1、Lesson 113 and Lesson 114一 根據(jù)句意及所 首字母填空(10 分)1. If you want to take a bus, you must pay the f_ first.2. How long does it take to get to Tianan Men S_ by bike?3. I cantc_ the ten-pound note.4. Im a_ I ve got no small change.5. The c_ asked passengers for tickets.6. There is no water in the bottle. Th

2、ere is n _.7. He can change the note. S_ can I.8. There are trees on e_ side of the street.9. Im sorry. You must g_ off the bus.10. None of the passenger can change this note e_ the two tramps.二 用所 的適當(dāng)形式填空(10 分)1. Which city do you like _ (well), Beijing or Shanghai?2. Beijing is one of _ (beautiful

3、) cities in China.3. _ ( no) of us would like to try it.4. They are all _ (million).5. Ill ask some of the _ (passenger).6. All go there except _ (we).7. The _ (two) passenger hasntgot any small change, either.8. I haventany, either. _ (either) have I.9. They are too expensive for us _ (afford).10.

4、Can we buy it on _ (instalment)?三用 either, neither, either or, neither nor , so, bothand, not only but also, none 填空 (5 分 )1. She has lived in London and Manchester, but she doesn tlike _ city at all.2. I have two sisters. They are _ students.3. May I have some food?Sorry, there is _ is the refriger

5、ator.4. We went to the cinema yesterday._ did they.5. Students should _ study well _ keep healthy.6. They are _ millionaires.7. _ my mother _ my father are teachers.8. We dontlike watching TV._ he _ I am interested in it.9. There are only two ways.You _ take this _ take that.10 I cantafford this new

6、 car. _ can she.四 填空( 15 分)() 1. _ of them has lunch at school.A. NoB. No oneC. NobodyD. None() 2. No one was interested in it _ him.第 1頁(yè)A. forB. ofC. exceptD. beside() 3. There is _ time left.We must hurry.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few() 4. You must take _ in class.A. paperB. diaryC. notesD. w

7、riting() 5. I ve got _ small change, I m afraid.A. neitherB. noneC. noD. no one() 6. I like Chinese food. What about you?_.A. So did IB. So didn tIC. So do ID. So dontI() 7. Either my parents or my grandmother _ me _ my English after supperevery day.A. help, withB. helps, withC. help, studyD. helps,

8、 for() 8. Both of them are not good at singing._ of them _ good at singing.A. None, isB. No one, itC. Neither, isD. Neither, are() 9. Beijing duck is _ food in Beijing.A. more, popularB. popularestC. much nicerD. the most popular() 10. They didn tcook at home. _ we.A. So didB. Neither didC. So doD.

9、Neither do() 11. It s far away from here to the cinema. You d better _.A. by busB. catch a busC. to catch a bus D. get on a bus() 12. John doesntlike eating rice and I don tlike it, _.A. tooB. as wellC. alsoD. either() 13. There are few eggs in the basket, _?A. aren tthereB. are thereC. isn tthereD.

10、 is there() 14. People _ the bus when it stops at the bus stop.A. get onB. get toC. will get on and offD. will get ready for() 15. How many of you have been to the U.S.A.? _.A. NoneB. No oneC. NobodyD. No六句型轉(zhuǎn)換( 10 分)1. We arentall happy to see you. ( 變?yōu)橥x句 )_ of us is happy to see you.2. My father d

11、oesn tunderstand English.My mother doesn tunderstand English, either. (兩句合并為一句)_ my father _ my mother _ English.3. Jane is a doctor. Finn is a doctor, too. (改為同義句)(1) Li Lei is a doctor._ _ Finn.(2) _ Jane _ Finn _ doctors.4. None of the students go to bed early.(就劃線部分提問(wèn))_ _ of the students go to b

12、ed early?5. All the passenger cantchange this ten-pound note.第 2頁(yè)Only the two tramps can.(兩句合并為一句)_ of the passenger can change this ten-pound note _ the two tramps6. We can go to the park or go to the cinema. ( 變?yōu)橥x句 ) We can go _ to the park _ to the cinema.7. Lets ask the policeman over there. (變

13、為反意疑問(wèn)句) Let s ask the policeman over there, _ _?8. “Don tbe late again, Tom.”Mr. Zhang says. (改為間接引語(yǔ)) Mr. Zhang tells Tom not _ _ late again.9. Both of us are good at football. (變?yōu)榉穸ň洌 of us _ good at football.10. Neither the pens are good to use. (變?yōu)橥x句)_ of the pens _ good to use.七 根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示完成句子(10

14、分)1. 他付不起這么高的車(chē)費(fèi)。He cant_ to pay such high bus _.2. 你和我都不能離開(kāi)。_ you _ I can leave.3. 群眾站在街道兩邊歡迎這個(gè)歌手。The crowd stood on _ side of the street to _ the singer.4. 你已讀過(guò)課文注釋了嗎?Have you read the _ _ the text?5. 他脫下了他的套裝,換了一件工作裝。He took off his suit and _ _ a working suit.6. 除了我之外誰(shuí)也沒(méi)到達(dá)。_ of them arrived _ me.

15、7. 售票員要求乘客們下車(chē)。The _ asked the _ to get _ the bus.8. 他感到困難,我也感到困難。He felt difficult. _ _ I.9. 他不能早起,我也不能早起。He cantget up early. _ _ I.10. 那個(gè)流浪漢能兌換這張鈔票。That _ can _ this note.八 補(bǔ)全對(duì)話( 10 分)A: Look out! You must _1_ careful. A car is coming.B: I must _2_ my mother in the hospital and _3_ over there.A: B

16、ut you mustn t_4_ the road from here.There _5_ traffic. It s _6_ and a car may _7_ you.B: Where shall I cross he road, please?A: There, _8_ the first turning. But you should _9_ care.B: Thank you _10_ your help.A: It s a pleasure.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _第 3頁(yè)6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _九 完形填空( 10 分)One day the

17、boys in John s village _1_ to him.“You have a fat sleep. Will you let us_2_ it with you? ”John didn t want the boys to eat his sheep, so he said, “Its not fat_3_.”“But do you know? ”they said, “The world is going to end tomorrow. So _4_ will neverget gat. ”John said, “5_, boys. Let s eat the sheep t

18、omorrow. ”And the next morning they_6_ went to the river side. The boys _7_ their clothes and jumped into the river. Johnkilled the sheep. When the boys got _8_ the water, they _9_ not find their clothes.“Where are our clothes? ”they asked. “Oh,”John answered. “I make fire with _10_ to cook the shee

19、p. The world is going to end, so you don tneed them, do you? ”() 1. A. toldB. saidC. speakD. talk() 2. A. look afterB. washC. eatD. sell() 3. A. tooB. eitherC. veryD. enough() 4. A. weB. youC. the sheepD. sheep() 5. A. All rightB NoC. That s all rightD. That s OK() 6.A. bothB. eitherC. neitherD. all

20、() 7.A. put onB. take offC. took offD. wore() 8.A. outB. out ofC. inD. into() 9.A. canB. mustC. couldD. may() 10. A. itB. theyC. itsD. them十閱讀理解( 10 分)General (將軍 ) Pershing was a great American officer. He was in the American army, and he fought in Europe in the First World War. After he died, some people in his home town wanted to remember him, so they put up a big statue of him on a horse. There was a school near the statue, and some of the boys passed there every day on their way to school and again on their way home. After a few months, some of


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