



1、七年級上學(xué)期期末詞匯專練I. 根據(jù)句意和首字母提示每空填一個單詞,使句意完整。1. This is my s_ Ann.2. Whats that in E_?3. A_ these your brothers?4. Jack h_ a TV.5. Lets play s_.6. My sister and I like p_ tennis.7. How m_ are these shoes? Twenty yuan.8. Please have a l_ at this shop.9. My ball is on the f_ under the table.10. Do you n_ ba

2、gs for school?11. -W_ is the ruler? -On the desk.12. My father and mother are my p_. Im their d_.13. We have shirts in all c_ at $20 each.14. The red shorts on s_ are very cheap.15. I was b_ in June 15th.16. When is your b_, Nick? Its June 15th.17. We have an Are F_ each year.18. Our English speech

3、c_ is on May 3rd.19. O_ 1st is our National Day.20. Do you want to go to a m_?21. My grandfather thinks Beijing O_ is very i_. He likes it very much.22. You can l_ a lot about Chinese h_.23. My f_ fruit is banana.24. I cant speak J_.25. We want two good m_ for our band.26. T_ for your help.27. S_ is

4、 the last day of a week.28. School s_ at 7:30 in the morning.29. I dont like thrillers because theyre s_.30. Jack Chen is a great a_ movie star.31. Titanic is very s_. Many people like it.32. My c_ study in No. 1 Middle School.33. The n_ month of the year is S_.34. C_ make people laugh.35. Can you p

5、lay the t_?36. My brother often g_ to bed at a_ ten oclock.37. Are you f_ this afternoon?38. His favorite s_ is P.E.39. I have eight classes on W_.40. I have no classes on w_.41. J_ 1st is New Years Day.42. How do you s_ pen?43. Are those your pencil s_?44. Tom has a great sports c_.45. I think this

6、 movie is very e_.46. We want a lot of v_ and fruit.47. The teacher has a q _ to ask us.48. “Whats your f_ name?” “Mike.”49. Sam is sitting n_ to the window.50. We like ice cream for d_.51. Jack plays sports every day, so he is very h_.52. Jane t_ her mother is at home now.53. My father is very s_ w

7、ith me.54. What do you o_ do?55. We are b_ with work, so I have no time to play.56. Jennifers e-mail a_ is .57. Can you sing or d_?58. Thank you. Youre w_.59. Im very s_ Im late.60. We will play football. J_ us soon, please.61. Do you like ball s_?62. Dont worry. Let me h_ you.63. Pla

8、ying baseball is not very easy. Its d_.64. Tennis is an e_ in the Olympic Games.65. A_ comes after July.66. Mary works very long h_, so she is very t_ .67. The hat is not big. Its s_.II. 單詞拼寫,每空一詞。1. How many _(字典) are there on the desk?2. I dont like _(記錄片)。3. April the _(三十) is my mothers birthday

9、.4. I like school _(郊游).5. The blue _(羊毛衣) are fifty _ (美元) each.6. They _(不能) speak Chinese.7. I usually go _(跑步) in the morning.8. I think watching TV is _(無聊的).9. That idea _(聽起來) great.10. Do you have two tennis _(球拍)?11. Is your gold _(戒指) on the _(梳妝臺)?12. _(帶來) your English book to school tom

10、orrow.13. Can you _(帶去) these things to your brother?14. _ (有) some broccoli in the bowl.15. A clock _(有) three hands.16. Can you give me an _(例子)?17. Do you like these _(短褲)?18. There are _(十二) months in a year. The _(十二) month of the year is December.III. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. _ is a boy. _ name is Drew.

11、(he)2. Is _ English name Francisco? (you)3. _ Mr White _(have) a computer?4. Please give the pen to _(I).5. _ (be) there a table and two chairs in the room?6. I want _(join) the _(swim) club.7. He _(not have) a bike.8. His friend _(go) to work in the evening.9. Jerry only _(watch) TV on Sunday.10. H

12、e can _(play) the violin _(good).11. Can you help _(our)?12. Kevin Johnson and Thomas Smith are _ (act).13. What _ (be) your roommates telephone numbers?14. I found a set of _(key).15. These are my family _(photo).16. I dont like _(tomato).Keys:I. 1. sister 2. English3. Are4. has5. sports/ soccer6.

13、playing7. much8. look 9. floor10. need11. Where12. parents, daughter13. colors14. sale15. born16. birthday17. Festival18. contest19. October20. movie21. Opera, interesting22. learn history23. favorite24. Japanese25. musicians26. Thanks27. Saturday28. starts29. scary30. action31. successful32. cousin

14、s33. ninth, September34. Comedies35. trumpet36. goes, around(about)37. free38. subject39. Wednesday40. weekends41. January 42. spell43. sharpeners44. collection45. exciting46. vegetables47. question48. first49. next50. dessert51. healthy52. thinks53. strict54. often 55. busy56. address57. dance58. welcome59. sorry60. join61. sports62. help63. difficult64. event65. August66. hours,tired67. smallII.1. dictionaries2. documentaries3. thirtieth4. trip5. sweaters, dollars6. cant7. running8. boring9. sounds10. rockets11. ring, dresser12. Br


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