



1、人教版(PEP)2020學年小學英語五年級下冊Unit,1,My,day,Part,B同步練習(I)卷 人教版(PEP)20XX-2020學年小學英語五年級下冊Unit 1 My day Part B同步練習(I)卷 姓名:_ 班級:_ 成績:_ 小朋友們,經過一段時間的學習,你們一定進步不少吧,今天就讓我們來檢驗一下! 一、 Look and write.(看 _,寫短語) (共1題; 共5分) 1. (5分) 看一看,讀一讀,選一選 A. B. C. D. E. (1) National Day is October 1. We have a three-day holiday. _ (2

2、) Where do you live? I live in a house beside the park. _ (3) How do you go to school?I go to school by car. _ (4) These are my favorite. They are chicken,noodles,hot dogs _ (5) My favorite school work is to play ping-pong. _ 二、 Read and choose.(讀一讀,選出不同類的一項。 (共5題; 共10分) 2. (2分) 選出不同類的一項( ) A . teac

3、her B . farmer C . doctor D . watch 3. (2分) 選出在意義上屬于不同類的單詞( ) A . this B . is C . that 4. (2分) 選出不同項( ) A . drive B . car C . ball 5. (2分) 選出不同類的單詞( ) A . school B . bed C . have 6. (2分) 找出不同類的單詞 A . fa _ B . ri _ C . bread D . egg 三、 Read and write.(讀一讀,選擇合適的單詞寫在橫 (共4題; 共13分) 7. (1分) He is_ (a/ an)

4、 king. 8. (1分) We go_(swim/swimming)in summer. 9. (1分) Are they _ (apple/apples)? Yes,they are. 10. (10分) 選用方框內的單詞補全短文。 are Sarahs boating ni _ high her lunch ducks near play Its Sunday today. Its _ birthday. All _ friends are in Sarahs house. Its big and _.There is a nature park _ the house. There

5、is a _ mountain in the park. There is a lake beside the mountain. There _ _ny _ and a boat on the lake. After _,Sarah and her friends e to _ near the lake. They go _ on the lake,too. 四、 Choose the best answer.(選擇填空。) (共10題; 共20分) 11. (2分) ( ) A . Well stay in a hotel with a swimming pool. B . Well s

6、tay in a hotel by the road. C . Well stay there for two days. 12. (2分) I like winter. Its . A . dont; cold B . dont; hot C . do; cool 13. (2分) 告訴對方這個光盤是給邁克的,可以說: A . This cd is for Mike. B . This CD is for Mike. C . Its for Tim. 14. (2分) 你想讓同學看看你的新鉛筆盒,可以說: A . Look at my new pencil B . This is a new

7、 pencil case. C . Whats that? 15. (2分) He goes to school_. A . on bus B . by bus C . in bus 16. (2分) We _ an English show this afternoon. A . are B . have C . has 17. (2分) Does Amy like playing puter games ? No ,_ . A . she doesnt . B . she cant . C . she isnt . 18. (2分) Do you like _? Yes,I do. A .

8、 fish B . ginger(姜) 19. (2分) _ will you do this evening? I will watch TV. A . Who B . What C . When 20. (2分) My birthday is May. It is 10th May. A . on,in B . in,on C . in,at 五、 Read and write.(讀一讀,補全對話。) (共1題; 共5分) 21. (5分) A:How does he go to school? B: . 六、 Read and choose.(讀一讀,選一選,請幫小貓找 (共1題; 共2

9、分) 22. (2分) 句型轉換。 (1) Is Peter doing his homework?(肯定回答) _ (2) What is he doing? (看圖回答問題) _ 七、 給下列句子選擇適當的答語。 (共1題; 共5分) 23. (5分) 選出正確的答語。 A. No,it isnt. B. In your desk. C. Its Jennys pencil. D. Yes. Its my book. E. A ruler. (1) Whose pencil is this? _ (2) Is it Kims crayon? _ (3) Whats in your penc

10、il box? _ (4) Is this your book,Danny? _ (5) Wheres my ruler? _ 八、 Read and judge.(讀一讀,判斷正誤。) (共1題; 共10分) 24. (10分) 閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案。 A train stops at a station(車站). A young _n wants to e out,but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young _n says to the boy,“Can you go and get us t

11、wo hamburgers,one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars. “ “Great!“says the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time,the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. “Where is my hamburger?“asks the young _n. “Oh,there is only one hamburger left(剩下). So Im eating mine. Here is your dollar

12、. “ (1) Where is the young _n? A . At a station. B . Under a big umbrella. C . On the train. (2) What does the young _n want to buy? A . An umbrella. B . Hamburgers. C . Dollars. (3) Who does the young _n ask for help? A . A boy. B . A _n. C . A girl. (4) Does the young _n get a hamburger? A . No,he

13、 doesnt. B . Yes,he does. C . I dont know. (5) Is the boy clever? A . No,he isnt. B . Yes,he is. C . No,Im not. 參考答案 一、 Look and write.(看 _,寫短語) (共1題; 共5分) 1-1、 1-2、 1-3、 1-4、 1-5、 二、 Read and choose.(讀一讀,選出不同類的一項。 (共5題; 共10分) 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 6-1、 三、 Read and write.(讀一讀,選擇合適的單詞寫在橫 (共4題; 共13分) 7-1、 8-1、 9-1、 10-1、 四、 Choose the best answer.(選擇填空。) (共10題; 共20分) 11-1、 12-1、 13-1、 14-1、 15-1、 16-1、 17-1、 18-1、 19-1、 20-1、 五、 Read and write.(讀一讀,補全對話。)


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