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1、英語2016 小升初陜西名校模擬分類集訓考點匯總難點解析 前言 分類匯編小學英語是為小學六年級的學生應(yīng)對小升初升學考試專門試劑的專項課程,編寫本課程的主要目的是引導學生對各知識點進行梳理規(guī)整,幫助學生清理考點,掌握靈活運用知識的方法和技巧;通過歸納總結(jié),培養(yǎng)學生歸納知識的能力,提高解決問題能力,提升學生的學科能力;讓學生體驗真題,提高學習興趣,學習解題技巧,為小升初考出滿意成績樹立信心。第一,本課程遵循英語學習的規(guī)律及小升初英語科目的命題特點,大量參考了三年來小升初學科的考點特點及核心考點,又參考了一系列小學輔導書及相關(guān)資料設(shè)計編寫而成;第二,將各校的試題在解題和答題思路上給學生以指引,讓學生

2、明確小升初英語學科的考點要求、去年的命題特點及針對性地解題方法、思路,讓學生直接對接考試,少走彎路。第三,教材在編寫過程中還大量融入了各個重點中學歷年的考試真題。對學生應(yīng)對小升初測試有切實指導和很強的參考價值。我們將本課程分為十個模塊,進行全方位的仿真訓練,旨在梳理小升初的知識考點,對其進行鞏固和強化,體現(xiàn)針對性和實效性。由于時間倉促,編寫過程難免有不足之處,懇請廣大使用者批評指正,并將您的寶貴建議和意見及時反饋給我們,謝謝! Contents (目錄) Unit 1 名詞及其用法 Unit2 冠詞及其用法 Unit 3 代詞及其用法 Unit 4 感嘆句和祈使句 Unit 5 There b

3、e 句型 Unit 6 一般現(xiàn)在時 Unit 7 一般過去時 Unit 8 一般將來時 Unit 9 現(xiàn)在進行時 Unit 10 小升初模擬測試 Unit 1名詞及其用法 一名詞的定義名詞是表示人或事物名稱的詞。它既可以表示具體的東西,也可以是表示抽象的東西。二名詞的分類1.名詞可以根據(jù)意義分為普通名詞和專有名詞如:Johnisastudent.student是普通名詞,John是專有名詞普通名詞前可以用不定冠詞a/an,定冠詞the或不加冠詞,專有名詞前一般不加冠詞,專有名詞的首字母要大寫。2. 普通名詞又可以分為個體名詞、集體名詞、物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞,其中個體名詞與集體名詞是可數(shù)名詞,物質(zhì)

4、名詞和抽象名稱是不可數(shù)名詞。3.專有名詞專有名詞是表示人名、地名、團體、機構(gòu)、組織等的專有名詞,多為獨一無二的 三名詞的數(shù)1可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞的區(qū)別普通名詞所表示的人或事物是可以按個數(shù)計算的,這類名詞叫可數(shù)名詞??蓴?shù)名詞分為個體名詞(表示某類人或事物中的個體,如worker, farmer, desk, factory等)和集體名詞(表示作為一個整體來看的一群人或一些事物,如people,family 等)。如果普通名詞所表示的事物是不能按個數(shù)來計算的,這類名詞就叫不可數(shù)名詞。不可數(shù)名詞分為物質(zhì)名詞(表示無法分為個體的物質(zhì),如meat, rice, water, milk, orange 等

5、)和抽象名詞(表示動作、狀態(tài)、情況、品質(zhì)等抽象概念,如work, homework, time, health, friendship等)。2關(guān)于可數(shù)名詞可數(shù)名詞有單數(shù)和復數(shù)兩種形式。指一個人或一件事物時,用單數(shù)形式;指兩個或多個人或事物時用復數(shù)形式。名詞由單數(shù)形式變成復數(shù)形式的規(guī)則如下:1. 一般的名詞詞尾直接加-s 。如:book books room roomshouse houses day days2. 以s,ss, ch,sh, x 結(jié)尾的名詞,在詞尾加-es 。如:bus buses glass glasseswatch watchesdish dishes box boxes3

6、. 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的名詞,要先將y改為i再加-es。如:city cities body bodiesfactory factories等等。4. 以f 或fe 結(jié)尾的名詞,要將f或fe改為v再加-es。如:half halves leaf leavesknife knives wife wives5. 特例 悄悄話:特例常???,要記住。 child children man men woman womenpoliceman policemen(規(guī)律:man men) tomato tomatoespotato potatoes悄悄話: 初中英語以o 結(jié)尾的名詞變復數(shù)時只有這兩個詞加-es

7、,其余的當然加-s嘍!如:photo photos foot feet tooth teeth悄悄話: oo變成ee。 sheep, Chinese, Japanese單、復數(shù)同形悄悄話:變復數(shù)時詞形不變。 people單數(shù)形式表示復數(shù)意義,要求謂語動詞用復數(shù);people的復數(shù)形式peoples通常指“多個民族”。3關(guān)于不可數(shù)名詞1. 不可數(shù)名詞沒有復數(shù),當它作句子的主語時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。如:The food is very fresh.食品很新鮮。2. 有的不可數(shù)名詞也可以作可數(shù)名詞,有復數(shù)形式,但他們的意義往往發(fā)生變化。如:water (水) waters (水域) orange

8、 (橘汁) oranges (橘子)3. 很多的不可數(shù)名詞表示泛指時為不可數(shù),表示種類時就可數(shù),但意義大多不發(fā)生變化。如:fruit fruits food foods fish fishes hair hairs4名詞可數(shù)不可數(shù)“六注意”1、可數(shù)名詞是可以用來計數(shù)的名詞??蓴?shù)名詞有單數(shù)和復數(shù)形式。如:desk-desks, apple-apples等。不可數(shù)名詞是不可以直接用來計數(shù)的名詞。不可數(shù)名詞沒有復數(shù)形式,只有單數(shù)形式。如:some bread, a little milk等。2、單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞表示泛指時,前面要用不定冠詞a(an),表示特指時,前面要用定冠詞the; 而不可數(shù)名詞前不能

9、用a(an)修飾,表示特指時,前面一定要用定冠詞the。如:He is a factory worker. 他是一名工人。No one can see air. 沒有人能看見空氣。3、可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞前都可以用some, any, a lot of, lots of 等來修飾,表示一些,許多。如:There are some oranges on the desk. 桌子上有一些桔子。There is a lot of water in the bottle. 瓶里有許多水。4、可數(shù)名詞前可用具體的數(shù)詞來表示具體的數(shù)量。如:two apples, four books等。不可數(shù)名詞前通常用

10、單位詞+of來表示數(shù)量。如: a piece of paper, three pieces of paper等。5、可數(shù)名詞作主語時,謂語動詞的單復數(shù)與主語的單復數(shù)保持一致。如:This picture is very beautiful. 這幅畫很美。不可數(shù)名詞作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式,但是不可數(shù)名詞前有復數(shù)單位詞時,謂語動詞要用復數(shù)形式。如:There are two cups of tea on the table. 桌上有兩杯茶。6、對可數(shù)名詞前的修飾語提問用how many; 對不可數(shù)名詞前的修飾語提問用how much。 如:How many apples are there

11、 in the box?盒子里有多少個蘋果?How much tea is there in the cup?杯里有多少茶水?注意:對不可數(shù)名詞前的單位詞的修飾語提問時,疑問詞用how many。 如:How many pieces of bread are there on the plate?盤子里有多少片面包?練習一、用括號內(nèi)詞的適當形式填空:1. There are two_ over there. (watch)2. I like taking _. (photo)3. l can see a _and two _ standing there. (man,woman)4. Ther

12、e are two baskets of_ on the floor. (apple)5. You often make a lot of_ in spelling. (mistake)6. Look at those_. (child)7. This is a_. Those are three_. (knife)8. He doesnt like these_. (glass)9. How many _can you see?(radio)10. Thirty _live in this building. (family)11. How many_(sheep) are there on

13、 the hill?12. There is some_(food) in the basket.13. The baby has only two_(tooth) now.14. There is a lot of_(water) in the bottle.15. There are five_(people ) in his family.二、選擇( ) 1.The deer has four _.A. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots( ) 2.Her two brothers are both _.A. policeman B. policemans C.

14、 policemen D. policemens( ) 3.There are four _ and two _ in the group.A. Japanese, Germen B. Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese, Germans( ) 4.Two _ would come to the village.A. woman-doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctors( ) 5.Can you see nine _ in the picture A. sheep B. dog C. pig D.

15、 horse( ) 6.The _ has two _.A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches D. boys, watch( ) 7.The boy often brushes his _ before he goes to bed.A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths( ) 8.The Japanese _ will not leave China until she finishes her study.A. woman B. women C. man D. men( ) 9.There are

16、lots of _ in the basket on the table.A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss( ) 10. The cat caught two _ last night.A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. micesStep 5、名詞的所有格名詞所有格用法口訣英語名詞所有格,表示物品所有權(quán)。名詞后加 s,這種情況最常見。兩者共有添最后,各有各添記心間。復數(shù)名詞有s, 后面只把 來添。 名詞若為無生命,我們常把of用。 A of B是B的A,體現(xiàn)英漢序不同。用所給詞的適當形式填空:1.March 8t

17、h is _Day. (woman).2.Taking twenty _(分鐘) exercise every day is good for your health.3.The shop sells _(婦女) handbags.4.Teachers in western countries have a _(三個月的) holiday in a year.5.Ill give my English teacher a card for _Day. (teacher)6.Its only ten _walk from the station to the hotel. (minute)7.I

18、ts an _(hour) ride from here to the museum.Unit2 冠詞及其用法 一冠詞分為不定冠詞:a,an和定冠詞theA little boy wrote_ ”u” and _ “n” on the wall. A. a,a B. an,an C. a, an D an,a_ English name _ black pen _ old hotel _ big apple_ telephone _ desk _ old box _ hour二不定冠詞的用法:1表示一類或一類中的一個,用來概括人或事物的整體。He is a policeman.A tiger

19、is an animal.2介紹第一次提到的某人或某樣東西Look, there is a new bag on the chair.A man is standing under the tree.3表示數(shù)量“一”,但語氣沒有one強烈。I have an egg and a pear.I only have one yuan.Doctor Green is an English doctor.4 相當于“每一”的意思。They have five Chinese classes in a week.5一些固定用法中,不定冠詞必不可少Have a good timeHave a lookPl

20、ay a gameA piece ofA pair of三定冠詞the的用法1來表示特指的人或物。The white cat is very beautiful.The tall man is in a black hat.2表示前面談到過的人或事物。That is a Chinese man. The man looks young.My mom made a dish. The dish is yummy.3雙方都知道的人或事物。Look at the picture,please.Close the window, please.4 世界上獨一無二的事物前用the.The earth t

21、he moon The sun the skyThe east the west The north the south5專有名詞前(江河湖海、地方等)the Great Wall the United Statesthe Yellow River the Tianshan Mountain6樂器前要加the.Play the vilionPlay the pianoPlay the accordion7在序數(shù)詞前要加the.the 1st of Class Fourthe third boy8形容詞最高級前加the.The tallest boyThe most beautiful girl

22、The best movie9和姓氏的復數(shù)連用時表示全家人。The Browns are very happy.10一些固定搭配中要用the.In the tree on the treeIn the morning in the afternoonGo to the cinema go to the zooIn the hat look the same不能使用冠詞的情況一. 復數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞前,且不特指時不用冠詞。二.名詞前有限定詞(my your some any this that)時不用冠詞。三. 表示三餐前不加冠詞。四. 表示稱呼前不加冠詞。 Mr.Green五. 體育運動、棋

23、類前不加冠詞。六. 表示節(jié)日、星期、月份、季節(jié)的詞前不加冠詞。七. 一些固定搭配中不用冠詞。at school at home go to class go to bed stay in bed在一些短語中,有沒有定冠詞在意義上有很大差別:go to bed 上床睡覺 go to the bed 到床邊去in front of 在前面(外部) in the front of在前面(內(nèi)部)in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在醫(yī)院里1. There are sixty minutes in _ hour.A.an B.the C.a D./2. Which is big

24、ger,_ elephant or _ horse?A.a,the B.an,a C. the,a D.an,the3._ monkey can climb _ trees.A./,the B.A,/ C.The,a D. /,/4.After _ quick breakfast,I hurried to _ school.A./,/ B. the. The C. the,/ D. a,/( )1. There is _ apple on the desk.A. a B .the C. an D./( )2. The girl under _ tree is my sister. A. a B

25、 .theC .an D./( )3.Mary is from _ USA. A. a B. the C. an D./( )4.Mr Black will go back to England_.a .by air b .by a plane c. by trains d. at a train( )5.Yesterday i went to work on foot. a. /, / b ./, thec .the, / d. the, the( )6.There is “h” in the word “hour”, but “h”doesnt make a sound. a. a, a

26、b. a, thec. the, ,an d .an. the( )7.Im going to see my mother. she is ill _.a. in hospital b. in the hospitalc. in a hospitald. at a hospital( )8. We have three meals day. We have breakfast at 6:30 in morning every day.a. the, the b. the, /c. a, / d .a, the( )9.Tina,could you please play piano for m

27、e while Im singing?with pleasure.a .a b. an c. the d. /( )10. I want to try again. please give me third chance again. a .a b. the c. an d. /( )11. whats the matter with you? I caught_bad cold and had to stay in_ bed. a. a; / b. a; thec. a; a d. the; the( )12._ sun is shining brightly. a. A b. Anc. T

28、he d. /練習:在下列名詞前填入a或an.1 month 2 clinic 3 apple 4 carnation 5 knife 6 fridge 7 hospital 8 photo在下列詞組前,填入a、an、或the.9 piece of paper 10 Great Wall11eat pineapple 12 old friend of my fatherss13on right 14 nice holiday 15 letter 16in year 按要求填入the,不需要的填寫“/”.17.Beijing is capital of China.18 . boys often

29、 play table tennis after school .They seldom play 19. She cant go to school today. She stays in bed.20.February is 2nd month in a year.21. I usually have bread for lunch. 用a、an或the 填空.22 There is egg in box. egg is small.23Look,thats old monkey.24Mary has uniform .Its orange uniform.25What s in bag

30、? There is eraser.Its small one.26Shanghai is in east of China.選擇正確的答案,并把編號填入括號內(nèi)。()27There is apple on the desk. A . a B./ C.an()28 Tine ,could you please play piano for me while Im singing? With pleasure. A . a B./ C.the()29 sun is shining brightly.A . / B. A C.The()30 The girl under tree is my sis

31、ter.A . a B. the C./()31 Whats that ? Its interesting book. A . an B./ C.a()32 Tom is under the tree.He is beside tony.A . the,/ B./ ,the C.the,the()33Mary has fish .Its smallA . a ,a B./ ,/ C.a,/()34 Is Mr .Black teacher of park school?Yes,he is . teacher is my friend.A . a,The B.the,The C.a,A()35

32、Where is the Bund? Its near Huangpu River.A . the,the B./,/ C.a,a()36 There are sixty minutes in hour.A . a B.an C./ 閱讀短文,用適當?shù)墓谠~填空,如不需要,用“/”表示。Im HongWei . Im in37 Class 1,Grade5. Can you see 38 Photo on 39 wall?Its 40 old photo of my family.Whos 41 old man?Hes my grandfather. 42 man in 43 blue is m

33、y uncle . 44 woman in 45 brown dress is my aunt.My father is behind 46 my mother.He is in 47 black coat. He is in 48 No.1 Middle school.Look, 49 dog beside 50 boy is my friend.Its name is Bobby.All 51 people in 52 photo are very happy. Unit 3 代詞及其用法 一常用的代詞1、常用的代詞記憶表代詞主格賓格所有格名詞性反身代詞第1人稱Imemyminemysel

34、fweusouroursourselves第2人稱youyouyouryoursyourselfyouyouyouryoursyourselves第3人稱hehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfitititsitsitselftheythemtheirtheirsthemselves2、代詞的分類人稱代詞 I/me, you/your she/her (主/賓格)物主代詞 my , your, hers (形容詞性/名詞性)反身代詞 myself, yourselves不定代詞 one, each, another, neither指示代詞 this, th

35、at, those, these疑問代詞 who whom whose what which3、人稱代詞數(shù)單數(shù)復數(shù)格主格賓格主格賓格第一人稱Imeweus第二人稱youyouyouyou第三人稱hehimtheythemshehertheythemitittheythem1)在句子中作主語,用主格。如:I am a teacher. Are you OK? She is a good student.2) 在動詞和介詞后作賓語,用賓格。如:Please give me a pen. His mother is waiting for him outside.3)幾個人稱代詞并列作主語時,它們的

36、順序是:單數(shù)形式:(第二人稱、第一人稱、第三人稱)you ,he/she, me復數(shù)形式:(第一人稱、第二人稱、第三人稱)we, you, they4、物主代詞人稱形容詞性名詞性單復數(shù)單數(shù)復數(shù)單數(shù)復數(shù)第一人稱my ourmine ours第二人稱youryouryoursyours第三人稱His/her/itstheirHis/hers/itstheirs1)形容詞性物主代詞用在名詞前,不能單獨使用。This is my bag.His parents are both doctors.2)名詞性物主代詞相當于一個名詞,使用時后面不再加名詞。形容詞性物主代詞+名詞=名詞性物主代詞如:This

37、is his bike. That bike is his. 5、指示代詞1)近指this(這個),these(這些)遠指that(那個), those(那些)2)指示代詞在句子中作主語、定語、表語和賓語成分This is her book. (作主語)What is the use of those books? (作定語)I want is that? (作表語)She likes painting, but I dont like that. (作賓語)3)用了一次指示代詞,后面要用it和they 來代替。What are these? They are apple.5)this 可指下

38、文要提到的事,that 可指前面剛剛提到過的事。Please remember this: No pains, no gains.He was ill. That was why he didnt go to school.6)打電話時用this介紹自己,用that詢問對方。This is Mary speaking. Whos that? 6、代詞it 1)it 用作人稱代詞,指動物或者其他事物,有時指人,尤指嬰兒,小孩。如:I have a ball-pen. Its very nice. Whos it? Its me.2)it 用作指示代詞,表示“這”或“那”如:How far is

39、it from here? Its about 1km away.7、疑問代詞1)who (誰)whom(誰 賓格) whose (誰)who 在句中作主語、賓語和表語。whom 只能用作動詞賓語或介詞賓語。Who will go to the party?Who are you waiting for?2)whose 表示“誰的”,后面跟物品。Whose bag is this.3)what whichWhich 表示“哪一個” “哪一些”,可指人也可指物。有選擇范圍限制。What沒有選擇范圍限制。Which do you prefer, coke, tea, or cofe?What fo

40、od do you like?8、反身代詞9、不定代詞 Unit 4 感嘆句和祈使句 祈使句概念 用來表達請求、命令、建議(勸告、警告)、| 祝愿等句子就叫祈使句。如:Go and wash your hands. 去洗你的手。(命令)Be quiet,please./Please be quiet. 請安靜。(請求)Be kind to our sister.對姐妹要和善。(勸告)Watch your steps.走路小心。(警告)Look out!Danger!小心!危險?。◤娏揖妫㎏eep off the grass.勿踐草坪。(禁止)祈使句往年真題:1. Lets _ (speak)

41、 English in class . _(not speak) Chinese. 2._(not stay) out too late ,Wendy ! 祈使句分類 肯定結(jié)構(gòu) A Do 型: 動詞原形(+ 賓語)+ 其他成分 Open the window ,please ! 請把窗戶打開 Sit down , please ! 請坐 Please have a seat here . 請這邊坐 Have a good weekend ! (祝您)周末愉快 Go and wash your hands .去洗洗你的手 Come on and join us ! 來加入我們的行列吧 Keep

42、quiet ! 請保持安靜 Look out ! The bus is coming !當心,車子來了 有的祈使句在意思明確的情況下,動詞可省略。如:This way, please .= Go this way ,please .請這邊走B Be型: Be + 表語(名詞或形容詞)+ 其他成分 Be careful ! Its dangerous ! 當心/小心,危險 Be quiet , please ! 請安靜 Be a good boy ! 要做一個好孩子 Be kind to your little sister ! 對你的小妹妹溫和C Let型: Let + 賓語 + 動詞原形 +

43、 其他成分 Let me help you .讓我來幫你 Lets go to have a picnic .讓我們?nèi)ヒ按栋?Let me show you hao to do it .我來告訴你怎么 Let him try . 讓他試試 否定結(jié)構(gòu) Do 型和 Be型 祈使句變否定時,直接在句首加 Dont 例句: 1. Dont forget me ! 不要忘記我 2. Dont speak to others with your mouth full.嘴里有事物時不要和人講話。(那樣是沒禮貌的)3. Dont read in bed .Its bad for your eyes .不要躺在

44、床上看書,那樣對眼睛不好4. Dont open the window!不要打開窗戶5 Dont be late for school again !不要再次上學遲到 Let型 祈使句變否定有兩種:直接在句首加 DontDont let him go !別讓他走 Let + 賓語 + 動詞原形 + not + 其他成分Let him not go ! (同上)有些可用No 開頭,以表示禁止性的祈使句。No smoking ! 禁止吸煙 No fishing ! 禁止釣魚NO parking ! 禁止泊車 NO photos ! 禁止拍照 精講精練一用所給詞的適當形式填空1. _( put )o

45、n your coat ! Its cold outside !2. _( not be ) late for school ,please !3. _( not read ) books in the bed !4. Lets_( have ) classes ._ ( not talk ),please !5. _ (not look ) out of the window .Its too dangerous. 6. Please _ ( open ) the door !7. _ ( look ) at the blackboard , please !8. Please _( not watch ) TV so much ,Sam!9. _( let ) me _( have ) a look at you new ph


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