【xx教育網(wǎng)優(yōu)選】人教PEP英語四年級(jí)上冊(cè)Unit 5 Part B 教學(xué)_第1頁
【xx教育網(wǎng)優(yōu)選】人教PEP英語四年級(jí)上冊(cè)Unit 5 Part B 教學(xué)_第2頁
【xx教育網(wǎng)優(yōu)選】人教PEP英語四年級(jí)上冊(cè)Unit 5 Part B 教學(xué)_第3頁
【xx教育網(wǎng)優(yōu)選】人教PEP英語四年級(jí)上冊(cè)Unit 5 Part B 教學(xué)_第4頁
【xx教育網(wǎng)優(yōu)選】人教PEP英語四年級(jí)上冊(cè)Unit 5 Part B 教學(xué)_第5頁
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1、,第一課時(shí),Lets learn,Lets sing,Warm up,7:00 PM,Presentation,Would you like some_ ?,Yes, please./ No, thanks.,bowl,Would you like some rice? (想吃飯嗎?),Yes, please.(好的),Pass(遞給)me the bowl.,/,Big picture,loud voice.Small picture,low voice.(大圖大聲,小圖小聲),Would you like some noodles?,Yes, please.,Pass me the cho

2、psticks.,/,/i/,chop,sticks,red chopsticks,black chopsticks,white chopsticks,yellow chopsticks,I like the _. Pass me the _.,knife,Would you like some beef?,Yes, please.,Pass me the knife.,knife A,knife B,I can use knife_.,B,knife A,knife B,I can use knife_.,A,knife A,knife B,I can use knife_.,B,fork,

3、Would you like some beef?,Yes, please.,Use the fork.(用餐叉),/:/,Fork or knife?,spoon,Would you like some soup?,Yes, please.,Use the spoon.,/ u:/,red 讀2次 blue 1次 green clap your hands,bowl,chopsticks,sofa,spoon,fridge,fork,phone,knife,Game1:Whats missing?,Magic eyes,Read as quickly as you can.,Game 2,(

4、魔力眼),Lets act,Practice,Its time for dinner, I want to eat some noodles , how can I eat it? Can you help me?,Consolidation,猜一猜,fork,spoon,bowl,畫一畫,How to make a salad?,Practice in groups!,T:Letsmakeasalad. S2:Great! T:Passmethebowl,please. S2:Hereyouare. T:Thanks.(Tusesthebowl.)Passmetheknife,please.

5、 S2:Hereyouare. T:Thanks.(Tusestheknifetocutthevegetables.)Passmethespoon,please. S2:Hereyouare. T:Thanks.(Tusesthespoon)Passmethefork,please. S2:Hereyouare. T:Thanks,Nowletstrythesalad(Tusestheforktoeatthesalad)Mmm,itsyummy!,Summary,Words knife 刀 spoon 湯勺 chopsticks 筷子 fork 餐叉 bowl 碗,Sentences Pass

6、 me the spoon/knife/fork/chopsticks/bowl. Use the spoon/knife/fork/chopsticks/bowl.,Homework,1.Read and write the new words,each word for 4 times. 2.Listen to and repeat “Lets learn”. 3.Tell your parents how to make a salad.,第二課時(shí),Lets talk,Warm up,Lets play,Whats missing?,bowl,spoon,chopsticks,fork,

7、knife,bowl,spoon,fork,knife,bowl,spoon,chopsticks,fork,bowl,chopsticks,fork,knife,juice,eggs,bread,cake,milk,fish,rice,beef,soup,chicken,noodles,vegetables,Menu,What would you like .? Id like some.,Who are they? What are they doing?,Presentation,Watch and answer,1.Can Mike use chopsticks? 2. Would M

8、ike like some soup?,Watch and answer,1.Can Mike use chopsticks? Yes, he can. 2. Would Mike like some soup? Yes, he would like.,你想要刀和叉嗎?,隨便吃吧。,我會(huì)用筷子。,你想喝些湯嗎?,I can use .,我會(huì)用 。,chopsticks,筷子,I can use .,我會(huì)用,Id like some . 我想吃.,學(xué)生兩人一組表演對(duì)話內(nèi)容, 教師評(píng)出最佳表演獎(jiǎng)。,表演時(shí)間,Practice,今日特價(jià),A:Here are todays specials. Wou

9、ld you like some beef. B: Yes, please.How much is it? A:Its 10yuan. How about you? What would you like? C: Id like some noodles. A: Noodles are 3yuan. C:They are cheap. A: OK, 13 yuan. C:Here you are.,雙簧游戲,一個(gè)孩子坐在椅子上,在前面表演課文內(nèi)容,但是只動(dòng)口形,不發(fā)聲,另一個(gè)孩子蹲在后面給他配音。,Consolidation,Summary,I can use Help yourself. W

10、ould you like? Yes, please. No, thanks.t.,1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. 2. Make a new dialogue and act it out with your partner.,Homework,第三課時(shí),Read and write &Story time,Sing a song,Warm up,1. What would John like to eat for dinner? 2. Can John use a fork and knife?,聽錄音回答問題:,Presentation,表演對(duì)話,L

11、ook, choose and write.,vegetables,rice,beef,5,3,1,4,10,7,8,9,2,6,Story time,Answer the questions:,Where is Zip? What would Zip like? Where is the bill?,Answer the questions:,Where is Zip? She is in a restaurant. What would Zip like? Shed like some rice, fish, noodles, beef, soup and vegetables. Where is the bill? Its in a birds mouth.,New phrases,Anything else? 還需要?jiǎng)e的嗎? Here is you bill. 這是你的賬單。,跟讀錄音,注意語音語調(diào) 分角色表演對(duì)話內(nèi)容。 老師評(píng)出最佳表演小組。,Role paly,Practice,What would you like? Id like some. Anything else? 還需要?jiǎng)e的嗎


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