



1、精品好資料學(xué)習(xí)推薦姓名_ 班別_ 座號(hào)_ 成績(jī)_單詞拼寫(xiě)。(10分,每空1分)There are many _(學(xué)說(shuō)) about the origin of life.A truck went out of control and _(碰撞)into the back of a bus.What you said _(使困惑) me greatly.Our school doesnt permit the students to watch v_ movies.We cant e_ without food.Smoking is h_ to your health and it will d

2、o harm to your lungs.There is a(n) _(基本的)difference between the two points of view.8. The hotel offers a friendly _(氣氛) and the personal service.9. She is u_ her mother; she is tall while her mother is very short.10. A drier _( 氣候) would be good for his health.句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(10分,每題2分)1. Why they went there i

3、s not clear. _ _ _ why they went there.2. There are three times as many books in our library as those in yours.There are _ _ books in our library than those in yours.3. Since you are a college student, you should learn to be independent._ _ you are a student, you should learn to be independent.4. As

4、 our society develops, pollution is getting more and more serious. _ the development of our society, pollution is getting more and more serious.5. To glance at the headlines in the newspaper is a good way of reading. _ is a good way of reading to glance at the headlines in the newspaper.完成句子。(10分, 每

5、空1分)戴上你的太陽(yáng)鏡,免得你的眼睛被曬傷。Please put on your sunglasses to _ your eyes _ the sunburn.使得生命開(kāi)始發(fā)展成為可能。That made _ _ for life to begin developing.他不開(kāi)心,所以我們講笑話(huà)來(lái)讓他感到高興點(diǎn)。He was unhappy, so we tried to _ him _ by telling him some jokes.有些動(dòng)物通過(guò)孵蛋來(lái)繁衍后代的。Some animals produced their young by _ _.5.第二次世界大戰(zhàn)爆發(fā)于1939年9月。

6、The 2nd World War _ _ in September, 1939.四填上正確的引導(dǎo)詞。1. _ she is a famous actor is known to all.2. _ he had a son remained a mystery.3. _ was responsible(負(fù)責(zé)) for the accident is not yet clear.4. _ the teacher said today was quite right. .5. _ dictionary has not been found is still unknown6. _ comes is

7、 welcome.7. _ they will start out hasnt been decided yet. 8. _ he comes from still puzzles all of us.9._he can finish the homework in such a short time is still a mystery.10. _ the professor said is of great importance.五 單項(xiàng)填空。(10分,每題1分)( ) 1. The happy news quickly _ through the whole village. A. wa

8、s spread B. were spreading C. spread D. had been spread( ) 2. The hall was already full, and hundreds of _ fans were turned away at the door. A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. disappointment( ) 3. The book still _ where I _ it two days ago. A. laid; lied B. lied; lay C. lies; laid D.

9、 lies; lay( ) 4. You are not a child, so you should not _your parents but yourself. A. depend on B. live on C. turn on D. lie on( ) 5. The government has to close those small factories to prevent air _. A. polluting B. from polluting C. being polluted D. polluted( ) 6. Dont worry. I am sure that you

10、 will be better_. A. on time B. in time C. at the same time D. every time ( ) 7. Some of the doctors are paid almost _ as the nurses. A. twice as much B. much as twice C. as much twice D. as twice much( ) 8. _ anyone should want to kill her was unbelievable. A. Whether B. That C. What D. If( ) 9. _

11、the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids puzzled people for centuries. A. Whether B. What C. How D. Where ( ) 10. The club women gathered _ clothes for people in the tsunami-hit countries. A. a mass of B. mass of C. a large amount of D. amount of六語(yǔ)法填空。(15分,每空1.5分)Im lucky to have such 1 great chance

12、 to study in this new campus. How 2 (difference) it is from what the old campus looks like! Buildings are well arranged according 3 their functions so that we know clearly where we can have lessons, sports and so on. All the buildings for teaching and experiments 4 (link) together and it dont matter

13、 much 5 it is raining or fine. As those 6 graduated from, works in or loves the school can donate (捐獻(xiàn)) money for trees and flowers, lots of them were planted at wherever there is spare space. 7 makes us always feel refreshed and relaxed that distance between buildings if far enough 8 (bring) in fres

14、h air and leave a good view. 9 we are expecting is 10 the whole building work will be finished within this year. 1_ 2 _ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7 _ 8_ 9_ 10_Unit 4小測(cè)的參考答案一1. theories 2. crashed 3. puzzled 4.voilent 5. exist 6. harmful 7. fundamental 8. atmosphere 9. unlike 10. climate二1. It isnt clear 2. twice more 3. Now that 4. With 5. It三1. prevent/ keep/ stop from 2. it possible 3. cheer uplayin


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