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1、高一英語考試試題第卷第一部分:英語知識運用( 共三節(jié),滿分 85 分 )第一節(jié)單項填空 ( 共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)從 A 、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。1. Dont worry too muchabout making _ mistakes. They are _ naturalpart of learning.A. /; aB. the; /C. /; theD. the; the2. Tom was very sick with a bad cough, _ he could neither eat norslee

2、p.A. as a resultB. after allC. anywayD. otherwise3. Two thirds of the work _ done by Jimmy, and _ was done by Nancy.A. was; the restB. was; the othersC. were; the othersD. were; the rest4. I am his best friend, and I will always _ him.A. look intoB. watch overC. join inD. worry5. With the great dam

3、_, we ll have enough electricity for everyday use.A. completeB. completedC. to be completedD. to complete6. I advised that he_ to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he _ quite well then.A. was sent; feltB. be sent; feelC. be sent; was feelingD. was sent; felt7. - Have you heard that Tom, as

4、well as his parents, _ moved toBeijing?- Really? No _ I haven t seen him for a long time. A. have; doubt B. has; wonder C. have; reason D. has; choice8. The old man had one son and two daughters, _ treated him well, _made him very sad.A. neither of whom; thatB. neither of them; whichC. none of whom;

5、 whichD. none of them; that9. -Do you have anything to do this afternoon?-What s up?-Lets go shopping. It s said that Yimin Shop _and allthe sweatersare sold at half price.-Why not?A. has closed downB. was closing downC. closes downD. is closing down10. John admitted _in the exam. That s why he was

6、not admit _the skating club.A. cheatingtoB. to cheatbyC. cheatingbyD. to cheatto11. With the development of science,more new technology_to the fieldof IT.A. is being introducedB. has introducedC. is introducingD. was introduced12. New Zealand wine is _ quality and _ all over the world.A. high; sells

7、B. high; is soldC. of high; sellsD.of high; is sold13. The movie star turned to be a _ at that time.A. beatB. strikeC. defeatD. hit14. Do you suppose the idea he stuck _ correct?A. to provedB. to proveC. provedD. to proving15. Would you please give me a hand and take the bookcase upstairs? _.A. With

8、 pleasureB. My pleasureC. Of course I doD.Yes, that s all right第二節(jié):完形填空(共20 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、和)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該選項涂黑。More and more studentswant to studyin“hot ” majors As a16 ,many students want to17their interests and study in these 18such as foreignlanguages,inte

9、rnationalbusinessand law,etc Fewerand fewerstudentschoose scientificmajors,19 maths,physics andbiology,and art20,likehistory,Chinese and philosophy(哲學(xué))21studentscan study in these “ hot ” majors,because the 22ofthese“hot ” majors is limitedIf23hasno interestinhiswork or study, 24 canhe do well?I 25t

10、hisfrom one of my classmates He is26 thecountryside Hisparents are farmers Though he 27biology,he chose “internationalbusiness ” He 28 tolivea lifewhich isdifferentfrom29ofhisparents In theend, he foundhe was not 30indoingbusiness Hefoundallthe subjectstobe3132thiswouldnthave happenedif he had chose

11、n his major according to his own interestsChoosing a major inuniversity 33decide oneswhole lifeMajors34 are not“ hot ” todaymay become the“ hot ”major oftomorrow Choosing your majoraccording to yourown 35isthe bestway to succeed16 A personBwayCteacherD result17 A give upBpick upCtake upD make up18 A

12、 placesBsubjectsC areasD schools19 A for exampleBsuch asCas toD as well as20 A images B majorsCfeaturesDmuseums21 A Only a few B Quite a fewC. Perhaps fewD.the.few22 A number B powerC levelD degree23 A thatBthoseConeD ones24 A whyBwhereChowD when25 A suggestedBguessedCsearchedD heard26 A aboveBoffCi

13、nD from27 A studiesBlikesClearnsD fails28 A wantsBstartsCrefusesD stops29 A whatBthatCwhichD one30 A richBcleverCinterestedD easy31 A lovelyBvaluableCsimpleD tiresome32 A SoBThenCJust thenDMaybe33 A doesBdoes notCwillDcan often34 A whatBin whichCwhichDwhen35 A interestsBexperiencesCmindDskill第三節(jié);閱讀理

14、解(共 20 小題 ;每題2 分,滿分40 分)閱讀下列短文,理解其含義,從A、B、C、D 中選出最佳答案,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。AHave you ever heard the story of the four-minute miles? Many years ago, people believed that it was impossible for a human Being to run a mile in less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it wrong in1954.Whathappens ifyou pu

15、t an animal in a pond? Any animal,big or small,will swim its way through. What happens when someone, who doesnt knowhow to swim, falls in deep waters? They drown. If an animal who has notlearntswimming could escape by swimming, why not you? Because you believeyou will drown while the animal doesnt.H

16、ave you ever wondered why the lettersare organizedin a particularorder on your keyboard? You might have thought itis to increase the typingspeed. Most people never question it. But the fact is that this systemwas developed to reducethe typing speedat a timewhen typewriter partswould jam (堵塞) if the

17、operator typed too fast.These three cases show the power of our beliefs. There is no othermore powerfuldirectingforcein humanbehaviorthan belief.Your beliefshave the power to createand to destroy.A beliefdeliverscommandto yournervous system.Iusedasnakeinmy workshopsforchildrentoshow them howunrealis

18、ticsomeof theirbeliefsare. Students of a school in India,saidsnakes are slipperyand slimyand poisonous.Afterdoing an exerciseforchanging beliefs,they handled my snake and found itto be dry and clean.They also remembered that only three types of poisonous snakes exist inIndia.Did thisstoryend the way

19、 you thought? Review yourbeliefs now andfind out which ones you need to change?36. In the author s opinion,ifa person in deep water doesnt know howto swim, he will drown because_A.he is afraid of water.B .he believes he will drown.B.he hasn t learnt to swim before.C .he dont want to live inthe world

20、.37. According to the passage, the way the letters organized on yourkeyboard is to _A. save more spaceB. satisfy the operatorC. reduce ones typingspeedDincrease ones typingspeed38. The authors experiment shows that_A. snakes are dry and cleanB.snakes can be caught easilyC. snakes are slimy and poiso

21、nousD. snakes in India arentpoisonous39. According to the passage, we know that_A.studentsfrom Indiahave unrealisticbeliefson how to livea betterlifeB. an animal who hasnt learnt how to swim will drown if you put itin pond.C.most people dont likethe orderthe lettersare arranged on yourkeyboardD. Rog

22、er Banister was the first person who ran a mile in less than four minutes.40. The main idea of this passage should be that_A. beliefs are very powerful.B. Beliefs make us seem stupidC. Changing your beliefs now is necessaryD. People should always believe in themselves.BWhen Andrea Peterson landed he

23、r first teaching job, she faced thedauntingtaskofcreatinga music program withalmostno money forequipment or suppliesin a climatewhere standards-basedlearningwas thefocus and music just provideda break forstudentsand teachers For herdrive and creativity in overcoming those challenges, shes been named

24、national teacher of the yearPrincipalWaynes Kettlersaidhe sworked withmany outstandingteachers in his22 yearsas an educator,but Petersonis“just thatonestep above anybody I ve ever worked with before”Kettler and others at Monte Cristo Elementary School talk about theways she has introducedthe learnin

25、gfrom otherclassrooms intoher musicprogram and her creativity in working around things such as the lack ofmoney for new musicWhen students were reading SEHinton s novel The Outsiders intheirregularclassroom,Peterson helped them writea 30-minute play withscenes from the bookThen they chose three Broa

26、dway tunes that focusedon race, equality and social justice, the themes of the bookPetersoncomposed two other songs herself after classroom discussions about theplay and the bookThe honor meansa lotto residentsof GraniteFoils It s inspiringto know thatpeople from small towns even win nationalhonors

27、As nationalteacherof the year,Peterson willspend the more yearsoutside the classroom, as a national and international spokeswoman foreducation She said it s essentialforschools to offerclassessuch asart or music and physical education because for some kids one of thosesubjects is the only thing that

28、 attracts them to come back to school dayafter day41The underlinedword “ daunting ” inParagraph 1 most probably means_AdiscouragingBinterestingCcreativeD unbearable42When Peterson began her teaching career, _Amusic was a focus of learning in most schoolsBthe environment was favorable to music teachi

29、ngCthe school lacked teaching facilities for musicDsupport for music programs was unavailable43What is the most important reason that Peterson won the award?AShe concerned herself with current social problemsBShe motivated students to learn music with her creativityCShe has taught music at the eleme

30、ntary school for 22 yearsDShe madegreat effortsto amusestudents interestin literature44Which of the following is an example of Petersons way of teachingmusic?AShe wrote plays on themes of race, equality and social justiceBShe made use of the contents of other classes in her teachingCShe organized cl

31、assroom discussions of Broadway tunesDShe helped students compose songs by themselves45In Petersons opinion, _Aart music and PE classes are all importantBmore subjects should be offered to studentsCstudents should be motivated to attend art classesDarts education is more important than other subject

32、sCWhen We speak and when we write we represent ideas and feelings withwordsIn painting,ideasand feelingsare presentedby paint ,by color,shape and line, etc Painting is languageThere are many differentlanguages in the world There are the traditional languages of the manycountriesand cultures ,and the

33、reare the speciallanguages of scientists,sports lovers and othersThere are just as many styles of painting inthe world Inthe NationalGalleryinLondon thereare about 450 pictures,painted at different periods in history and by very different people,so many of these are very different from each otherWe

34、have to learn to understand and to speak a language In the sameway, we have to learnto understand a styleofpaintingbefore we can beginto appreciate all its qualities and what the artist is trying to say tousBabies have to learn to see and then learn to understand what theysee Seeingand understanding

35、arenotlikebreathing ! They arenotinstinctive When blind people have an operation in hospital they haveto learnto seeAtfirsteverythingis justa wild pattern of colorsandlight They have to see the information which tells them about how nearobjects are They have to learn to associate the shape of cat wi

36、th whatthey have previouslyknown throughsound,touch and smell Weare learningto see all the timeSomeone who is learning to drive a car may see asmuchas the other road users , but he may not understandwhat is important,An experienced car driver has learnt to understand what he or she sees46What is the

37、 main idea in the first paragraph?A There are many pictures in the National GalleryB There are many different languages in the worldC Painting is language w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mD Painting and language are different47“ Painting is Language”becauseA in paintings, ideas and feelings are represented by wor

38、dsB painting can be used to represent ideas and feelings in the sameway as a language doesC painting represents the history of languageD there are as many pictures in the world as languages48Before we begin to appreciate a picture,we have toA 1earn to understand the way of painting itB 1earn to spea

39、ka languageC 1earn to see the worldD 1earntopaintapicture49The underlined word instinctive”meanA imaginativeBnatural bornCimportantD special50Which of the following is NOT true?A Seeing is as important as understandingB Babies understand what they see after they learn to seeC Before operation thebli

40、ndpeople know a catthroughsound,touchand smellD An experienced car driver may not understand what is importantDWe have two daughters: Kristen is seven years old and Kelly is four. Last Sunday evening, we invited some people home for dinner. I dressedthem nicelyforthe party,and toldthem thattheirjob

41、was to joinMommyin answering the door when the bell rang. Mommy would introduce them to the guests, and then they would take the guests coats upstairs and put them on the bed in the second bedroom.The guests arrived. I introduced my two daughters to each of them.The adultswere nice and kind and said

42、 how lucky we were to have such goodkids.Eachof the guests madea particularfuss over Kelly,the younger one,admiringher dress,her hairand her smile.They said she was a remarkablegirl to be carrying coats upstairs at her age.I thought to myself that we adults usually make a big to do overthe younger o

43、ne because shes the one who seems more easily hurt. We do it with the best of intentions.But we seldom think of how it might affect the other child. I was alittle worried that Kristen would feel she was being outshined. I was about to serve dinner when I realized that she had been missing for twenty

44、minutes. I ran upstairs and found her in the bedroom, crying.I said, What are you doing, my dear?She turned to me with a sad expression and said, Mommy, why dontpeople like me the way they like my sister? Is it because I m not pretty? Is that why they dont say nice things about me as much?I tried to

45、 explain to her, kissing and hugging her to make her feel better.Now, whenever I visit a friends home, I make it a point to speak to the elder child first.51The underlined expression make a big to do over (paragraph 4)means _.A show much concern aboutBhave a special effect onC list jobs to be done f

46、orDdo good things for52The guests praised Kelly for carrying coats upstairs because of her_.A beautiful hairBpretty clothesC lovely smileDyoung age53Kristen felt sad and cried because _.A the guest gave her more coats to carryB she didnt look as pretty as KellyC the guests praised her sister more th

47、an herD her mother didnt introduce her to the guests 54We can conclude from the passage that _.A parents should pay more attention to the elder childrenB the younger children are usually more easily hurtC people usually like the younger children moreD adults should treat children equally55Which of t

48、he following saying is right?A Kristen and Kelly are not getting along with each other.B Kristen is older than Kelly.C The mother likes Kristen more than Kelly.D People usually talk more to Kelly than they do to Kristen.第卷(共 65 分)第一節(jié)閱讀表達(dá)(共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分)閱讀下面短文,并根據(jù)要求完成文章后的題目。Surely, it s good to get along with your teacher because it makesthe time you spend in the classroom more pleasant. But really, theres one important reason why you should get along with your teacher. Whenyou do it,“l(fā)earningbursts ( 猛然 ) rightopen, ” says Evelyn Vuko, a longtime te


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