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1、介 詞一介詞的含義介詞是一種虛詞, 用來表示名詞或相當于名詞的其它詞語與句中其它詞的關系, 不能單獨使用。介詞可以與名詞或相當于名詞的其它詞構成介詞短語。二 表示時間的介詞at ( 表示鐘點 ) :at 6 : 30固定搭配: at noon;at night; at present / atthe momentin ( 表示年代 / 月份 / 季節(jié) ): in July; in 2006;in September,1998; in spring固定搭配 : in the morning / in the afternoon / in theeveningon ( 表示具體日期 : 某月某日

2、/ 星期幾 ) : on Monday ;on Sunday morning; on December17before在 -之前after在 -之后by 在 - 之前(時間); 到 - 為止until/till:直到 - (時間)since自從 -以來for (接一段時間)during在 -期間from從 -時起in + 一段時間: - 以后(用于 將來時 )within-之內after+ 一段時間 : - 以后(用于 過去時 ) beyond-之外三表示場所,方向的介詞at在某處 (小地方)( atthe cinema ; atschool ; athome; atthe railwayst

3、ation )in在某處 (大地方)( in China ; in Beijing);在 - 里面 ( inthe classroom ; in thewater )on在 - 上面 (緊貼著其表面) : ( on the table;on one s face)near在 - 附近beside:在 - 旁邊by在- 旁邊between 在 - 和 - 之間among 在 - (3者或更多的人或物)當中in front of在 - 的前面behind在 - 的后面beside:在旁邊into進入- 里out of從 - 中出來near / nest to靠近across穿過(沿著表面)thro

4、ugh 穿過(從中間)along 沿著from -to -從- 到 -around在 -周圍over在 -的正上方under在 -的正下面/above 在 - 斜上 方below在 -斜下方四其他介詞in用(某種語言) ,穿著(某種顏色的衣服)about大約;關于as像 - (接句子); 正如 -;like像- (接單詞)with和 - 起;用 -without沒有 -by 通過 (某種方式或手段) ;乘坐by bus ( train /plane /ship /bikefrom來自)on foot-五重要介詞辨析( 1) on, over 與 aboveOn 在上面與物體表面有接觸面Over

5、 在上方垂直正上方,表示“跨越,覆蓋”Above 在 上方“在(偏 )上方”,表示兩者不接觸例如:There is a bag on the desk.The lamp is over the table.The heaven is above us.(蒼天在上。 )( 2) in, on 與 toin 用于主語被包含于某一范圍之內。on 用于表示兩地互相接壤。to 用于主語在某一范圍之外。例如:Beijing lies in the north of China.北京位于中國的北部。Rusia is on the north of China.俄羅斯在中國的北面。Japan is to th

6、e east of China.日本在中國的東面。( 3) across, over, through 與 pastacross “穿過”強調從物體表面的這一邊到另一邊over “越過”強調從人或事物的上方經過,越過through “穿過,通過”強調從物體內部穿過;從長形物的一頭到另一頭。past “經過”只從物體旁邊經過例如:If you see the green light, you can walk across the street.The train run through the tunnel( 隧道 ).I can jump over the fence( 圍墻 ).We wa

7、lked past the hospital.(4) except, except for, besides 與 butexcept “除以外”表示同類事物之間的關系except for“除以外”,“如果不是” ,“若非”表示對局部的否定,不表示同類事物之間的關系besidesbut“除以外”,“還有”所指事物包括在敘述范圍之內“除以外”多與 nobody, none, no one, nothing, anything, everyone, all, who連用例如:We all went swimming except Ann.Besides Ann, we all went swimmi

8、ng.Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.No one but Peter went there.(5) in front of與 in the front of“在前面 ”in front of指一個物體在另一個物體的前方in the front of指一個物體包含在另一個物體內部的前方There is a big tree in front of the classroom.There is a desk in the front of the classroom.(6) since 與 forsince “

9、自從 ”后跟時間點或動作初始的句子,用于現在完成時態(tài)。for “達,計 ”后跟時間段,用于現在完成時態(tài)。例如:I have learned English since 2002.We have known each other since I was a little boy.They have lived here for ten years.介詞專項訓練1 Mary is flying to Italy. She will arriveParisthe morningof July 9.A. at / inB. in / onC. in / inD. at / on2 China lies

10、the east of Asia andthe north of Australia.A. to / toB. to / inC. in / onD. in / to3 - What time did you get there this morning ? -eight.A. InB. OnC. AtD. From4thehelp of Liu Tao, Ihave made much progressin Englishrecently.A. UnderB. InC. WithD. On5 Last night I did my homework11 o clcok, so I got u

11、p late thismorhing.A. untilB. atC. fromD. in6 I ll return back to Qingdaoa few days.A. sinceB. inC. onD. after7 I prefercoffeetea,and soI oftendrink coffeeinsteadtea.A. from / toB. with / atC. to / ofD. for / of8 We can t liveair or water.A. withB. out ofC. inD. without9 When Li Ming talks to foreig

12、ners, he always thinksChinese first,then he turns her wordsEnglish.A. by / toB. in / intoC. with / intoD. through/ to10 Qingdao is famousQingdao Beer and Zhanqiao Pier.A. forB. asC. toD. with11 It s impolite to laughsomeone who makes mistakes.A. toB. onC. atD. into12 Finally I came upa good idea to

13、solve the problem.A. withB. toC. atD. on13 - Is this car yours ?- No, it s not mine. It belongsPeter.A. withB. toC. inD. at14 May 4 Square and Zhanqiao Pierare regardedthesymbol of Qingdao.A. toB. onC. inD. as15 Great changes have taken place in Qingdao2008.A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. for16 We alway

14、s provide the customersa good after-sale service.A. forB. withC. toD. from17 My mobile phone is differentyours.A. fromB. toC. atD. in18 This method is not suitableme. I ll think about other ones.A. toB. atC. forD. with19 I have been workingthree hours, so I feel a bit tired.A. afterB. inC. sinceD. f

15、or20 Fruitswatermelon are very popular in summer.A. asB. likeC. forD. with21 I paid 3000 yuanthe computer.A. forB. toC. onD. in22the end, we decided to go to the zoo together the next Sunday.A. AtB. InC. OnD. With23 I always go homeWei Huaschool.A. after / atB. to / beforeC. with / afterD. without/

16、from24the time I arrivedthe railway station, the train hadalready left.A. At / toB. In / intoC. After / onD. By / at25 Tom often make some mistakes becausehis carelessness.A. ofB. offC. toD. at26 - Would you like some coffee ?-Yes,please.Bytheway,doyouhaveanymilk?Iprefercoffeemilk.A. fromB. with27.

17、I didn t go to bed last nightA. atB. from28 I usuallygo to schoolC. toC. infootD. forI finished my homework.because my home isnotfarD. untilmyschool.A. by / toB. by / awayC. on / fromD. on / for29 Mr Smith left the officesaying anything.A. withB. withoutC. withinD. after30 A bird flew into the house

18、the window.A. throughB. acrossC. fromD. behind31thenightof August 8, 2008, the Opening Ceremony of the 29th OlympicGames was held in Beijing.A. InB. OnC. ForD. At32 Linda always spends too much moneyclothes.A. forB. inC. onD. with33 Your backpack is similarmine.A. toB. withC. forD. about34 I will go

19、 to Hangzhoutwo weeks.A. forB. inC. afterD. with35 My father is always busyhis work.A. withB. onC. inD. for36 It is usually coldwinterthe north of China.A. on / atB. at / onC. in / inD. at / at37 Mr Brown came to ChinaJuly, 2005.A. onB. inC. atD. since38 Thanksyour help, I ve made great progress in

20、English.A. toB. forC. ofD. X39 The buses are always crowdedpeople.A. ofB. forC. amongD. with40 Chen FeiislearningJapanesethemoment.She willleaveJapannext year.A. in / toB. for / withC. at / forD. on / at41 Whether we will go to the zoo tomorrow dependsthe weather.A. onB. forC. atD. in42 It s very ki

21、ndyou to come to see me.A. for/ ofB.of/ offC.with/ offD.to / with43 Itisvery necessaryusto learnEnglish.Itisthe most widely-usedlanguagethe world.A. for / inB. of / atC. to / onD. with /around44 I have been living heremore than 20 years.A. sinceB. forC. afterD. before45The mantheleftis Jenny. He is

22、talkingA. in / aboutB.to / withC.on / to46 Can you swimthe river ?A. overB. throughC. underD. across47 We should standline when we are waitinga bus.PaulD.over there.at / aboutA. on / inB. in / forC. in / on48Japan istheeast of China,A. to / onB. on / inC. in / on49 I workedthe problemaccident.A. up

23、/ inB.with/ at50 It is nearly 10 pm, but Tom still didnworriedD. on / forand Indiaisthewest of China.D. on / toC.out / byD.in / with t come home, and so his mother is veryhim.A. forB. aboutC. withD. on51 Chinese people like drinking teanothing in it.A. withB. inC. onD. for52 A new railway was builtthe two cities.A. alongB. inC. betweenD. among53 Che


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