



1、Un it 5 Our new home 教學(xué)設(shè)計【教學(xué)內(nèi)容】譯林版小學(xué)英語 4A Unit5 Our new home第一課時Story time?!窘虒W(xué)目標】1、在情景中三會掌握單詞 sofa, bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom。2、初步感知句型 Where She ? Is it ? Yes, it is. /No, it isn. It -s Where are the ? They , r并嘗試運用這些句型來談?wù)搯螐?fù)數(shù)物品 的方位。3、通過看圖、聽錄音和閱讀等方式學(xué)習(xí)文本,把握文章的主要內(nèi)容。4、通過合作探究,提高學(xué)生英語語言的思維能力和

2、交際能力。5、通過對家庭布置的交流,激發(fā)起學(xué)生對家的熱愛之情。【教學(xué)重點】1. 理解和掌句型 Where s the? Is itYes, it is. /No, it isn .It s Where are the ? They re 2. 理解閱讀課文?!窘虒W(xué)難點】1. 對復(fù)數(shù)物品的方位表述?!窘虒W(xué)過程】Step 1: Warm-up1. Liste n to a song“h my room ”.2. Free talk:T: Look at this house. We have Dad and Mum here. We watch TV in the liv ing room. We

3、 cook dinner in the kitche n. We take a bath in the bathroom. We go to sleep in the bedroom. So this is our home.T: I have a big and happy home. What about you?Step 2. Presentation and practice1. T: We all have a happy home. Look, who are they? They have a new home. It sni ce. What rooms do they hav

4、e?Lear n the words: kitche n, liv ing room, bedroomT: Wheres the kitchen? Oh, ifs here. Do you remember chicken?Oh, we cook dinner in the kitche n.T: Is it a kitche n? No, it isn . It a livi ng room.What can we do in the livi ng room?We can sit and have a rest in the livi ng room. So we also can say

5、 sitti ng room.T: Read them, what can you find? When they meet room, we will get some new words.So, how to say this word?2. T: Su Haisfamily have n ice rooms. And they take many thi ngs to their newhome. What are they?3. T: Wow, so many thin gs. Su Yan gsMum and Dad put the things in differe ntrooms

6、. Where are they? Now letsguess!T: Wheresthe bag?You can ask is it ?”Maybe Yes, it is. / No, it isnItStude nts use the senten ces to guess.Wheres the .? Is it ? Yes, it is. /No, it isn t. It”Step 3: Learn to say1. T: Now, we know where the things are. But Su Hai and Su Yang can tfindtheir thi ngs. W

7、hat are they look ing for?Liste n and an swer the questi on: What are Su Hai and Su Yang look ing for?2. T: What are these thin gs? Watch the carto on and find them?T: Wheresthe bag?Where are they? Please discuss in pairs.Here is one cap. So we should use is and It : Here are two skirts, so we shoul

8、d use are and Theyte” Follow me.并呈現(xiàn)板書。3. T: Oh, I can say a chant! Can you?Can you make a cha nt?Say a cha nt with plural thi ngs.Skirts, skirts,Where are the skirts?Livi ng room, liv ing room,They are in the livi ng room.4. So much for this! It time to read the story. Letsread after the tape.Look a

9、t this picture! The cap is in the dogsmouth. Can you say someth ing about this dog? I think it sa naughty dog. If you are Su Yang, what do you want to say to the dog? The dog just wants to make a joke with Su Yang. At last Su Hai finds the cap. She is so surprised. L read after Su Hai.5. Read the story after the tape.6. Read in roles.7. Read together.Step 4: Consolidation1. T: Look, Su Hai and Su Yang are still look ing for their thin gs. They cafi nd other things like pen cils, pen cil case, books and so on.Let make a dialogue. Who wants to act a d


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