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1、1. II am 5 years old.2. goI like to go to school.3. the4. aI see a cat.Now the cat is in the tree.5. it6. isIt is a dog. It is a dog.8. in7. noThere is no water in the glass.There is no water in the glass.10. to9. andLily and Lucy are twins.I want to drink water.11. up12. ofI put my hands up.Two of

2、them are girls.13. one14. blueThe sky is blue.This is the nu mber One.15. redI like the red one.16. myThis is my p et.i17. come18. downCome here, p lease.The leaves fall dow n from the tree.19. can20. seeI can see many app les on the tree.I can see many app les on the tree.21. me22. bigCould you p a

3、ss me the bookThe red shoe is too big for me.23. smallThe gree n shoe is too small for me./一25. littleShe is a little girl.24. noThis is not a little boy.26. thisThis bird is sad, but that bird is very happy!Id28. onThe cat is on the table.27. thatThis bird is sad, but that bird is very happy!29. at

4、30. weWe are a big family.The girl is sitt ing at the table.千;.一 L一八31. she32. theyShe is a little girl.They are twins.33. are34. workThey are twins.My dad has lots of work to do every day.35. but36. playDo you like to p lay hide-a nd-seekI want to go fishing, but its raining now.5嚴(yán)37. was38. threeI

5、 was sick yesterday.There are three apples.39. have40. yellowI have a yellow yo-yo.I have a yellow yo-yo.T42. doI can do this.41. didI did some laundry yesterday.43. whatWhat is on the box44. cameI came here by bike yesterday.JuZ45. am46. forI am a girl.This is for you.47. in48. outThere is some wat

6、er in the glass.There is an apple out of the box.49. bePI ease be a good dog.50. thereThere are many app les on the tree.51. good52. lookIt is a good p et.They look very happy.IBl53. you54. mustYou must do a good job!You must do a good job!55. will廠存、已仁56. nowI will be a teacher.What are you doing now57. yes58. ateI ate cake yesterday.59.


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