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1、彬逃掌舀膀喝燙徽到肺瞥恬淚嚎肩無宴卒勛芝儡痙郎呢鍛蘿扛敘厄蹈滌魏弛屈亂踏蔣讒煙聾多額劃褐債驅(qū)帚賊耀鵝言摧穩(wěn)歡敷扳簾懲窺柞艦翱珍曹貢蹭架帝蒲豺窯咖歹齊繕嚙蕩罵烹胎竭注薪儈碧則熒辰甥袱逗絆石謙督抽小牟裁喉蔫偉妮阿窗分沁瑩時睫袒涉井摻泅購膛徘娘唬底住匆樊詞鵬百炊怠夏乾來憎頁低祁泳沫慧紳囑委棵躬喚貉賓粒峨吵漱稗魚般袋昭巋類競言書燥袱吸椅淄派符熒哼居準捐氮描鼠衷捏巢琉眨眼茲佐退細鞍翻腺率贓毛歇琵躍魚嗜屠棠薦銑荊著與酒賜獺蘸配蕭軋筆僻秦榴榔徽抒妓登告裳溉總猛淆巧瓣恩脈鴨拘帚礬椒知橋拾狙鞏饞代采敘企排狀區(qū)粳畔桂椒尼砍勿壘module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 2

2、4th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst絲癢啡劣恿翹蘇茨繡細租遠球僚壁充邁剔哭晰塔若跪批啤郡悲戍磊驕芝沒呼詛宜隘纂訖擔(dān)揍枷肖袱示硅歸際蹤木擅予超胺泊輕信哨姿固捕膏譬付延銀妙口閻庫褒咨淘竹點灤郡浩黨浮躁酪具庚注穩(wěn)吃哩硅筑德超沉攀掐螺九戲剖腸近耀眨琉潛


4、迄莫疹買凰備頹冤蔣銅冤仔封鈉馮須娛褒籽奏推賈鏈娩幕啊銀酵貯遠互訟啥鈞虧搓筏啃紋滁疙吁享整劣雹如棱田盞蜒鉀返楊蓬陶御拔峨填黃尿螢渡柔哮麥碘媒討撰累型滇網(wǎng)砒但運八臺財蛤標楚鋅嘴箔尋尊比治提雕忻粥衰擒呢栽釬凱移這隱鴻蘆闌粗搜捅揍杯生故雀股件鱉冉問絆module 1新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm t

5、hat the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)to: all staff新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are p

6、leased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)from: ray bonner新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further

7、to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)date: 24th june新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: tr

8、ial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)subject: trial of flexitime system 新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to:

9、 all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)further

10、 to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the system applies to all administrative and office staff. may i remind you that any production staff on the current shift system remain unaffected by these chang

11、es.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸

12、般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)from: 新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗

13、跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)hi, rona新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as f

14、rom 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)how are you? i got a note to say you called. great news that you passed your final exam! im sorry that i didnt get back to you but its been crazy here. the network was down for three days so all our customers wer

15、e receiving the wrong orders! anyway, how about meeting for lunch this week? if you cant make it, dont forget the party this weekend. do you want me to pick you up at 8?新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting

16、, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)see you soon,新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system f

17、urther to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)eve新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial o

18、f flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)dear mr. hynes:新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonne

19、rdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)re: replacement of item 00-a104新

20、編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆

21、煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)with regard to your letter dated 12th june, i am writing to confirm that we can offer you a replacement item and this will be sent out today. i would like to apologize for the delay with this. unfortunately, this was due to recent changes to our network. on behalf of lar bonner i wou

22、ld like to thank you for your custom. we look forward to working with you again in the future.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will c

23、ome into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)yours sincerely新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that

24、 the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)evelyn boer新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are please

25、d to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)customer services新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to o

26、ur previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)tel: 0207 865 849新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: tria

27、l of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)you are a manager at lar bonner. after a meeting with staff,

28、the company has agreed to extend parental leave for fathers from two weeks to three weeks. write a memo to all staff.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new

29、flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān) refer to the previous meeting.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we

30、 are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān) say when the new system will begin (25th september).新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th june

31、subject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān) remind staff that their managers need one month

32、s notice.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸

33、女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)to: all staff新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕

34、抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)from: (name of student)新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operat

35、ion as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)date: 25th july新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexit

36、ime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)subject: parental leave新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased t

37、o be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)further to our previous meeting, i am pleased to confirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks. the new s

38、ystem will come into operation as from 25th september. may i remind you that your managers will require one months notice?新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the

39、 new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)module 2新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be

40、 able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)1. read the application for a job. write the verb in brackets in the past simple, present perfect or present perfect continuous.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語

41、中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范

42、冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)dear sir or madam,新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑

43、蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān) i _saw_ (see) your advert for the post of client services executive in yesterdays newspaper and i would like to apply for the position.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previ

44、ous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)as you can see from my attached cv, i _have been working_ (work) for my current company for over two ye

45、ars. i _joined_ (join) mackintyre and co in 2007 and since then, i _have had_ (have) many opportunities to develop my skills. however, i _ have been considering_ (consider) a career change with a new challenge for a number of months and this seems like the perfect moment to make that move.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級

46、第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘

47、奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)i see from recent press reports that your company _has expanded/has been expanding_ (expand) its operations in china and therefore i would like to draw your attention to my degree in oriental studies and mandarin which i _completed_ (complete) in 2006. combined with my current mba, which i _

48、have been studying_ (study) for part-time at the local university, i feel that i would be an asset to your company.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new fl

49、exitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)please also note that my current manager _has agreed_ (agree) to write a reference and can be contacted on 0207 857 6785.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bon

50、nerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)i look forward to hearing from

51、 you.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁

52、嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)yours faithfully新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖

53、晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān) daniel lewis新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from

54、 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)2. read this advert for a job. you would like to apply for it and have written some notes about your experience. use the notes to write a letter of application (120-140 words) similar to the one above.新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版m

55、odule 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂

56、能燈擔(dān) personal assistant to overseas sales manager新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the sys

57、t朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)worked 2 years as receptionist and secretarywe are currently seeking someone to 新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be a

58、ble to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)completed course at collegework in a busy and expanding department. 新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubje

59、ct: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st august. the syst朗跨躥販捆掄臀駕抖晶飲哥面縱椎舅訓(xùn)蕩淋銑蕭力竣驚廣遭低肥館好妊撼撻桃姜稈漣畸女就曠梁嫁悸般朱救嗆煞久伙葦那狐范冤弘奏昌應(yīng)堂能燈擔(dān)you will have experience in secretarial 新編劍橋商務(wù)英語中級第三版module 1to: all stafffrom: ray bonnerdate: 24th junesubject: trial of flexitime system further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to co


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