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1、八年級英語期末單元復習(三)Unit3一、根據(jù)提示及句意完成單詞用所給動詞的適當形式填空。1. You n eed to eand keep fit.2. Do you know the n ame of the first pof the Un ited States?3. They ofte n go to work by c.4. I like Nanjing Road in Shanghai, but I do not like the busy( 交通).5. He(邀請)me to join the trip to the World Park last Sunday.6. The

2、re are many places of iin Hefei.7. I wwhere Kate is hidi ng.8. We hope you can jus soon.9. With your s, we will win.10. They can go to the World Park by uor by coach.11. Thank you for(agree) to let me go there.12. I want(take) some photos of the sun set.13. Lets(go) to the Great Wall, shall we?14. I

3、f you(want) to go, please let us(know) as soon as possible.15. Their team(wi n) the basketball final yesterday.16. We don know who are the(主人)of these cars.17. Give me one more(機會),I will never make any mistake.18. The boy(迷失)his way and couldn tfind his mother.19. Go and see whos(敲)at the door.20.

4、My dog likes to(追逐)and catch balls.21. Please get up(quick), or youll be late for school.22. We did n ot enjoy it at the(begi n).23. (luck), he did nt hurt badly.24. Thanks for(keep) our secret.25. She wan ted to be on the side of the(win).26. Will you please (come) here on time next time.27. They (

5、build) a new bridge over the river in the future.28. Who(give) us a talk yesterday?29. Listen! Who(sing) in the next room now?30. They will have a trip to the Great Wall if it (not rain) tomorrow.31. Don t make any noise. Grandma(sleep).32. It (rain) hard now. You d better(stay) at home.33. Yesterda

6、y my mother told me(not play) with fire. It s dangerous.34. Please give me a(機會).I ll make it better.35. The Class3, Grade 7 students are(計劃)a trip to the Great Wall.36. Miss Green bought a very beautiful(毯子)last Sunday.37. I really don tknow what(發(fā)生)to her yesterday.38. My e-friend Nicky is fond of

7、( 收集)stamps.39. My brother (chat) with his teacher this time yesterday.40. Jill says she will arrive on the(follow) day.41. -Did you see Wu Hua here just now? -Yes, he walked away( sad )42. We should protect the(peace) ani mals.43. When the cat is away, the(mouse) will play.44. The(lose) of his job

8、worried him.二、單項選擇。1. The White House is a beautiful buildi nga big garde n and many trees.A. have B. has C. withD. there is2. They became verywhen they saw the Eiffel Tower.A. excit ingB. excite C. excitedD. A and C3. There are overplaces of in terest from all over the world in the World Park.A. tw

9、o hun dred of B. two hun dredsC. hun dreds of D. two hun dred4. How aboutthe dancing?A. joi ningB. joi ning inC. tak ing partD. tak ing in5. Last Sun day I went shopp ing with my mother,bought nothing.A. and B. so C. orD. but6. A pers on cannot sn eeze andhis eyesat the same time.A. lets, ope nB. ke

10、ep, ope nC. lets, closeD. keep, close7. Lei Feng alwaysothers first.A. thought of B. thought about C. thought overD. thought up8. Lilya bad cold a few days ago. Now she ishospital.D. got, inD. can be able toD. Ion ely, aloneA. catches, in the B. gets, in the C. caught, in9. Im sure she willlear n En

11、 glish well.A. canB. be ableC. be able to10. The old man lives, but he doesn feel.A. alone, alone B. l on ely, Ion ely C. alon e, l on ely11. interesting story it is!C. What aD. What anA. What B. How12. There isn t in today s newspaper.A. something interestingB. interesting somethingC. anything inte

12、resting D. interesting anything13. Kitty and Millie to tell each other amazing things last night.A. take turnsB. took turns C. took photos D. took place14. A tortoise can live 150 years old.A. up toB. up at C. up for D. up15. I would recommend Yao Ming NBA Basketball Player Award.A. for, Good B. for

13、, Better C. for, Best D. at, Best16. I want to borrow a book animals.A. with B. in C. of D. about17. volleyball here, you may break the windows.A. Play, orB. Don t play, or C. Play, soD. Don t play, so18. Animals don t_l_ik_e_ cages.A. live inB. liveC. living inD. living19. I m hungry,me my lunch.A.

14、 takeB. BringC. ShowD. Helpgo to bed my father came back.A. won t, until B. didn t, until C. will, until20. ID. /, when21. He likes singing,he doesnt sing well.A. andB. butC. soD. or22. Mr. Green speak a little Chinese, but he canA. canB. mayC. mustD. need23. She was very tired after for three hours

15、.A. walking B. walks C. walked24. Mr. Black wrote article for the Reading Club last week.t speak any Japanese.D. walkA. a eight-hundred wordsC. an eight-hundred-word25. Are these shoes ?A. your, yours, Mary s.C. mine, mine, YoursB. eight-hundred wordsD. an eight-hundred word No, they aren t . They a

16、re B. yours, mine, Mary s.D. mine, yours, Yours.26. There are students in our school.A. nine hun dredsB. nine hun dreds ofC. hun dred ofD. nine hun dred27. You can see some photosthe tripthe Intern et.A. of; on B. with; in C. from; at D. to; by28. Mrs Li pla nsBeiji ng with her daughter.A. visitB. t

17、o visitC. visitedD. visits29. Dont forgetthe door whe n you leave.A. closeB. clos ingC. to closeD. closed30. -Our team won the basketball final today! -A. I hope not. B. Im not sure. C. I know. D. Thats great!三、根據(jù)漢語完成句子。1當我們看到長城時,我們變得很興奮。When wethe Great Wall, we _.2你可以在因特網(wǎng)上看到這些照片。You can see_ .3 看到

18、如此多的世界名勝真有趣。It was interesting_ _so many _ from all over the world.4.我們不可以乘地鐵到頤和園去旅行。We cannot _ _ _the underground_.5 孩子們昨天玩得很高興。The children_ yesterday.6 他現(xiàn)在在一家工廠上班,不再上學了。He works in a factory. Hego to school.7. 讓他們盡可能快點知道這件事。Let them know this _.8. 街道盡頭有一家商店。There is a shop _ the street.9. 今天上午你怎

19、么了 ?What _ this morning?10. 大部分時間我喜歡一個人獨自呆在家里。, I enjoy .11. 聽!有人在按門鈴。Liste n! Some one12. 如果你想保持健康,確保自己每天都做些運動。If you want to , make sure you every day.13. 我對看NBA籃球賽很感興趣。I m NBA games.14 狗是我們的朋友。我們不應該怕他們。Dogs are, we shouldn_t them.15 .從北京到上海旅行乘火車需要3小時。It takes three hoursfrom Beiji ng to Shan ghai.16. 那小孩對玩電腦著迷。The child iscomputers.17. 他們正在為希望工程捐書。They arefor.18. 我妹妹害怕晚上一個人出去。My sister isat n ight.19. 當教室里沒人的時候,不要讓燈亮著。Don leave whe


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