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1、四級聽力常見的場所、關系、職業(yè)詞匯總結:大學 University常見關系:classmates , professor v. s. student常用詞匯:admission 錄取 registration 注冊 registrar注冊主任,登記員curriculum 課程 course 課程 selective courses 選修課required courses 必修課 major 主修,專業(yè) minor 輔修lecture 上課,講座 presentation課堂演示,陳述slide幻燈片sem inar 研討會,小組討論team work團隊活動 assig nment作業(yè)pape

2、r 論文 term paper 期末論文 project 項目mid-term exam 期中考試 final exam 期末考試 deadline 最后期限mark 分數(shù) grade 評分 credit 字分top stude nt 尖子生 Straight As成績?nèi)珒?yōu) tuiti on 學費loan 貸款 fieldwork 實習 college 學院departme nt系 preside nt 校長 dea n 院長,系主任tutor 輔導教師 graduation ceremony畢業(yè)典禮兼職the stude nt s uni學生會 win ter / summer vacati

3、 on寒/暑假 part-time jobhistory 歷史 biology 生物 philosophy 哲學physics 物理 psychology 心理學 geography 地理學mathematics 數(shù)學 geology 地質(zhì)學 chemistry 化學electronics電子學 computer scienee計算機科學 economics 經(jīng)濟學bachelor s degree學士學位 master s degree 碩士學位 doctor s degree博士學位freshman年級新生 sophomore年級學生 junior 三年級學生senior四年級學生 aud

4、itor 旁聽生scholarship 獎學金cafeteria 自助餐廳 dinning hall 餐廳 dormitory / dorm 宿舍live on campus 住校 live off campus 不住校 roommate 室友be hard on sb.對某人苛刻 be strict with 對嚴格 lag behind落后come up with 趕上 take the make-up exam補考 take note 記筆記print out打印出來 quit school 退學 transfer to another school轉(zhuǎn)學圖書館Library常見關系:li

5、braria n v.s. reader職業(yè):libraria n常用詞匯:Bookshelf 書架 stack room 書庫 Circulation department流通咅B(yǎng)open shelves 開架 closed shelves 閉架 electronic reading room電子閱覽室periodical readi ng room期干刊閱覽室 loa n desk 借書處library card 借書卡 reader s car讀者卡 borrower s I借書證book catalog 目錄 index 索弓丨computer terminal電腦查詢終端period

6、ical期干刊 magazine雜志 reference book 參考書current issue現(xiàn)干刊 back issue 過干刊journal 學術期干刊reserved book 館藏書 publication 出版物 renew 續(xù)借check out辦理借、還手續(xù)overdue 超過期限郵局 Post Office常見關系: postal clerk v.s. customer職業(yè):postal clerk , postman常用詞匯:registered letter 掛號信 ordinary letter 平信 postcard 明信片stamp 由E票 commemorat

7、ive stamps 紀念郵票package 包裝,包裹 parcel 包裹 postage 由E資air mail 航空郵件 intern ati onal shipme nt國際郵遞mailbox 郵箱 special delivery 專送函 overweight 超重銀行Bank常見關系:Bank clerk v.s. customer職業(yè):bank clerk , cashier , teller , accountant常用詞匯:bank account銀行賬戶 credit card 信用卡 check 支票存折存款savi ngs acco unt儲蓄賬戶 check ing

8、acco unt活期賬戶 passbookteller 出納員 cashier 收銀員 accountant 會計師deposit 存款 bo nd 債券 cash現(xiàn)金interest rate 利息率 interest 禾利息 receipt 收據(jù)open an account開立賬戶 withdraw money 取錢 make a depositoverdraw 透支 飯店 Restaura nt常見關系: waiter / waitress v.s. customer職業(yè): waiter , waitress , cook / chef常用詞匯:靠角落的桌子table for thre

9、e 三人的桌子 table around the comer/by the windowkitchen 廚房 menu 菜單 order 點菜;所點的菜tip 小費,付小費 well-done全熟的tray 托盤paper napkin餐巾紙 tableware 餐具 chopsticks 筷子fork 叉子spoon勺子knife 餐刀appetizer 開胃品 snack 小吃 specialty 特色菜butter 黃油cheese 孚L酪salad 沙拉dessert 甜點 main course 主菜 steak 牛排wine 葡萄酒 pudding 布丁 soup 湯Chinese

10、 cuisine中國菜 sushi日本壽司 pizza 比薩餅French cuisine 法國菜 Mexican food墨西哥菜 pasta 意大利而點pay the bill 付帳 go Dutch各付一半帳 It s my treat 我請客make an reservation訂座位 smoke area 吸煙區(qū)旅館Hotel常見關系:receptionist v.s. customer職業(yè):hotel attendant, receptionist常用詞匯:standard room 標準間 single room單人房間 double room雙人房間room service客房

11、服務 reception desk 接待臺 lobby 大廳check in 入住 check out結帳離開旅館reserve a room預訂房間醫(yī)院 / 診所 Hospital/CIinic常見關系:doctor/ nurse v.s. patie nt職業(yè):doctor, surge on, physicia n, nu rse, den tistden tist 牙科醫(yī)生 physicia n 內(nèi)科醫(yī)生 surge on 外科醫(yī)生nurse 護士 appointment 預約 surgery夕卜科手術accident事故 disease 病 fracture 骨折headache 頭

12、痛 cough 咳嗽 fever 發(fā)燒cold 感冒 flu 牙痛 toothache 牙痛heart attack 心臟病vomit 嘔吐dizzy 頭暈temperature 體溫 symptom 病癥 weary 疲乏tablet 藥片 pill藥丸 capsule 膠囊syrup 糖漿 medical exam in ati on醫(yī)療檢查 prescripti on處方infectious傳染的 injection針齊U treatment 治療某處)預約go to see a doctor 看病 perform an operation 做手術 be painful in (have

13、 an injury take the temperature量體溫 make an appointmentcure the disease 治病 get well 恢復 recover 恢復機場和車站 Airport and Railway Stati on常見關系:air hostess / Taxi driver v.s. passenger職業(yè):air hostess , pilot , Taxi driver常用詞匯:airport 機場flight航班ticket agency售票代理處run way 跑道pilot飛行員 crew 全體乘務員airliner 客機 direct

14、flight直航 luggage claim領行李處boarding gate 登機口 security check 安檢處 boarding pass 登機牌passport 護照 first class一等艙 bus in ess class 商務艙economy class 經(jīng)濟艙 take off 起飛 land 著陸train station 火車站 platform 站臺 railroad 鐵路train schedule火車時刻表 express train特快歹 U車 non-stop train直達歹 U車one-way ticket 單程票 round-trip ticke

15、t 往返票 porter 腳夫driver s licens駕駛執(zhí)照 traffic lights 交通燈 intersection十字路口speedi ng超速駕駛traffic jam 交通阻塞rush hour 高峰時間fare出租車費 overcharge超額收費、公司 Company常見關系: boss / manager v.s. staff / job applicant職業(yè):secretary , manager , salesman , engineer , technician常用詞匯:secretary 秘書 sales manager 銷售經(jīng)理 personnel ma

16、nager 人事經(jīng)理memo 備忘錄 printer 打印機 photocopier 復印機import 進口 export 出口 R&D department技術研發(fā)部vacation 休假 position 職位 salary 薪水salesman 銷售員 engineer 工程師 technician技術員job applica nt 求職者 in terview面試 employee / staff 員工 arrange the file 歸檔文件 send an email 發(fā)郵件 send a fax 發(fā)傳真其他表示職業(yè)或身份的詞匯barber 理發(fā)師 storekeeper 店主

17、baker 面包師plumber 管道 32 carpenter木匠 weatherman天氣預報員shop assistant店員 fireman消防員 telephone operator電話接線員tailor 裁縫 jeweler 珠寶商 electrician電工editor 編輯 journalist 記者 writer 作家publisher 出版家 actor 演員 actress 女演員violinist 小提琴家 soloist 獨唱演員 musician 音樂家composer 作曲家 con ductor 指揮 comedia n 喜劇演員artist 藝術家 sculp

18、tor 雕塑家 architect 建筑師athlete 運動員 coach 教練 mayor 市長governor 州長 consultant 顧問 politician政客2006-12-5 13:39:00 homlee5. 關系、身份題。短對話中,由于說話人的身份、關系不同,其說話時的用詞會有差別,話題也會帶有說話人的職業(yè)或身份特征。聽這類對話時,考生必須能夠靈敏捕捉到提示職業(yè)、身份等的關鍵詞,通過推理判斷對話人的職業(yè)、身份和相互關系。這類題相對來說比較容易。例 25 M: Hello, Mrs. White. What can I do for you?m usualW: I don

19、 t know what s the matter with me. I m always feeling tired. Iworn out at the end of the day.Q: What do we know about the woma n?A) The woma n is see ing a doctor.B) The woma n is a close friend of the man.C) The woman is tired of her work.D) The woma n has bee n worki ng too hard.這是一道變相考查說話人身份的題。選項

20、是描述情景的句子,但與人物身份有關。一般病人看醫(yī)生,話題不外乎身體如何不舒服,而且從第一個人打招呼的方式可以看出他并非女士的 朋友或親人。Be worn out的意思是 疲憊,筋疲力盡”。從女士的訴說中不能看出她是否工作得過于辛苦,也沒有反映她對工作看法的信息,因此可以逐個排除B、C、D選項。例 26 W: I heard you got a full mark in math exams. Congratulations!M: Than ks! I m sure you also did a good job.Q: What s the probable relati on ship bet

21、wee n the two speakers?A) A math teacher and his colleague.B) A teacher and his stude nt.C) A stude nt and his classmate.D) A libraria n and a stude nt.二人談論數(shù)學考試成績,女士聽說男士考了滿分,特意祝賀,男士也相信女士考得不錯。很明顯,兩人的關系是同學,故選Co例 27 W: I have a sore throat and often feel dizzy recently.M: Well, let me have a look. Well

22、, it s nothing serious.Q: What is the probable relati on ship betwee n the two speakers?A) Teacher and stude nt.B) Waiter and customer.C) Patient and doctor.D) Stewardess and passe nger.關系題,第一句是病人看病時最常說的話,第二句有99 %的可能性是專業(yè)人員說的話,因此兩人是病人和醫(yī)生,故選C o6. 場所題。在不同場所(如餐館、賓館、醫(yī)院、銀行、機場等 ),人們談話的內(nèi)容一般與場所 密切關聯(lián)。此類考題通常會選

23、取比較典型的話題,如地點在醫(yī)院,對話內(nèi)容可能是與身體狀況相關的討論;在機場,話題可能與航班或機場設施有關。例 28 M: Excuse me. I d like to place an advertisement for a used car in theSun day editi on of your paper.W: OK, but you have to run your advertisement all week: We can t quote ratesfor just Sun day.Q: Where is the con versati on most probably tak

24、 ing place?A) At a n ewssta nd.B) At a car dealer s.C) At a publish ing house.D) At a n ewspaper office.對話有幾個關鍵詞 place an advertiseme nt, Sun day editi on,只要抓住這幾個詞就不會選錯。男士想在周日版上登出售二手車的廣告,向女士咨詢,女士表示廣告必須登滿一周。周日版”告訴我們這和報紙報社有關,因此這個對話的地點只能是在報社,故選D。newsstand 是書報亭,報刊攤”,常識告訴我們出版社、報刊攤不會承攬廣告業(yè)務。例 29 W: Dear, I

25、 feel hungry now. How about you?,M: So do I. Let me call the room service. Hello, room service, please send a menu to room 320 right away.Q: Where are the two speakers?A) In a hotel.B) At a dinner table.C) In the street.D) At the man s house.聽到room service,應立刻想到賓館。打電話叫人送菜單到320房間,毫無疑問對話一定是在賓館里,故選 A。例

26、 30 W: You seem very con fide nt about the jobin terview, don t you?M: Yes, I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit i n a clothi ng store and had my hair cut. I had studied almost everyth ing about finance and econo mics.Q: Where is the man probably going to work?A) In a bank.B) In a school.C) In

27、a clothing store.D) In a barbershop.提示詞:job in terview, good suit , had hair cut , studied finance and economics這些詞直接告訴我們某人為面試穿了新衣、理了頭發(fā),而且還學了所有與金融和經(jīng)濟學有關的東西,那么他將應聘的工作必然是與金融和經(jīng)濟學有關的,選項里必然有關的只有A。7. 數(shù)字題。四級;考試的數(shù)字題會涉及重量、價錢、房間號、電話號碼、時間等。有時一 個對話中出現(xiàn)多個數(shù)字,考生需要根據(jù)提問內(nèi)容對這些數(shù)字作一些取舍或簡單的四則運算。 做數(shù)字題時,除了必須對數(shù)字敏感、反應快之外,還要注意

28、數(shù)字后面的量詞,聽的時候最好把數(shù)字記下來,聽清楚每個數(shù)字對應什么事物有幾個、在幾樓、是幾號、多少錢等等,注意區(qū)分單位數(shù)量、單價和總量、總價,聽問題時要聽清問的是差額還是總數(shù)。涉及價錢的數(shù)量題需要掌握一些量詞,如:美元:dollar 元,cent 分,quarter 二角五分(dollar 有時也可稱為 buck,女口 20 dollars 也可以說成 20 bucks 。)英鎊:pound / pound sterling 鎊,penny 便士其他與錢相關的詞語:bill鈔票,note 紙幣,check支票,credit card 信用卡,bank account 銀行賬戶,tip小費,cha

29、nge找零長度量詞: mile 英里,foot 英尺,inch 英寸,kilometer 千米,meter 米,centimeter 厘米,millimeter 毫米容積和重量量詞:liter升,quart 夸脫,gallon 加侖,pound 磅。kilogram 公斤表數(shù)量的詞組:a dozen 一打(12 只)a score 二十例 31 M: I want two C90 and three C60 cassettes, please.W: Yes, certai nly. 5 pou nds for two C90, and 7 pou nds for three C60.Q: Ho

30、w many pounds will the man pay?A) 12 pounds B) 60 pounds C) 90 pounds D) 20 pounds這是一道購物算賬題,涉及的數(shù)字較多,容易混淆,加之有的學生不熟悉計價用語,根本搞不清楚什么幾個多少錢,糊里糊涂就做錯了。5 pou nds for two C90 cassettes是兩盒90分鐘磁帶5英鎊。兩種磁帶加起來一共是5+7=12,數(shù)字雖多,有用的卻只有兩個。聽的時候要特別細心,不要被一堆數(shù)字弄懵了。例 32 M: This jacket costs 40 dollars, but I have only 30 dolla

31、rs.W: I have 16 dollars.Q: How much money do they have betwee n them?A) 46 dollars B) 10 dollars C) 40 dollars D) 6 dollars男士想買夾克衫,但錢不夠,差10美金,女士也只有16元。對話不難理解,解題的關鍵在于聽懂提問。 How much money do they have between them是他們共有多少錢,不是他們錢的差額是多少、也不是買完衣服還剩幾塊,40美金在這里是個干擾,要得出答案很簡單,把兩人的錢加一下就出來了。選A。例 33 M: I d like a

32、single room for two nights, please.W: Would you sig n here, please? Thank you. Here is your key. Your room is on the third floor, No. 357. Would you like the porter to take the baggage for you?Q: Where is his room?A) 1st floor, No. 357 B) 3rd floor, No. 527C) 3rd floor, No. 357 D) 2nd floor, No. 527

33、這是一道住址題,主要考考生聽記數(shù)字的能力。聽音之前先瀏覽選項,看到全是數(shù)字,聽的時候就應準備好做記錄。first和third比較容易聽錯,但這道題有個小竅門,一般旅館房間號的第一個數(shù)字與樓層相同, 這樣樓層和房間號這兩個數(shù)字只要有一個聽清楚了,都可以用排除法縮小正確答案的范圍。不過解這樣的題總的來說還是要靠聽記數(shù)字的硬功夫。答案為C。例 34 W: Here s a 10 -dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight s how please.M: Two tickets and here s $1.40 change.Q: How much do

34、es one ticket cost?A) $1.40 B) $4.30 C) $6.40 D) $8.60此題問單價,已知買兩張票,付 10美元,找回1.4美元,則單價應是10減去1.4的余額 再除以2,簡單一算,每張票是4.3美元。這道題除了要聽清幾個數(shù)字之外, 還要知道change 的意思是找的錢”。例 35 M: I wonder if Sue will behere by five o clock.W: Her husba nd said she left home at half past four. She should be here at tenafter five and

35、a quarter past five at the latest.Q: What time did Sue leave home?A) 5:15 B) 5:10 C) 4:30 D) 5:00做此題的關鍵在于理清楚各時間點對應的動作,并且熟悉時間的各種表達方法。根據(jù)女士聽說Sue四點半離家,最晚應該在 5點10分到5點15分之間到達。問題是 Sue是何時離 開家的?搞清時間關系后,答案一目了然。2006-12-5 13:38:00 homlee3. 態(tài)度題。在短對話中常常出現(xiàn)對話人之一就某件事、某個話題或另一對話人的觀點、建議表示贊同、反對或發(fā)表自己看法的情景,態(tài)度題即是針對說話人的態(tài)度、觀

36、點出題,考查學生對對話內(nèi)涵理解的一類題。做這類題目,可以根據(jù)說話人的語調(diào)、用詞和某些標志性的短語判斷。態(tài)度題通常對第二人提問,選項為第二人觀點、看法的再現(xiàn),但第一個人往往引出話題,故對第一個人的話要抓重要名詞。例 17 M: I think it s high time we turned our atte nti on to the dan ger of drunkendriv ing now.W: I can t agree with you more. You see, countless innocent people are killed bydrunken drivers each

37、 year.Q: What does the woma n mean?A) Most people killed in traffic accidents are heavy drinkers.B) People should pay more atte nti on to the dan ger of drunk drivi ng.C) Drunk drivers are not guilty.D) She does not agree with the man.lean t agree with you more是表肯定、同意的慣用短語。男士建議關注酒醉駕車現(xiàn)象,女士用此句表示贊同男士的建

38、議,接著指出酒后駕車造成的嚴重后果。cou ntless是數(shù)不清的”,不等同于 most,且killed by drunken drivers的意思并非說被害的是drinkers ,故A錯,C說drunk drivers 無罪,但本對話沒有評述,故屬無關選項,D是對女士所說lean t agree with you more 的理解錯誤。正確選項應為 B。注意It s high time we turned our attention to. 為虛擬語氣 該做某事了 ”一般后面的信息是對話的主要話題。例 18 W: Did you go to see the concert of the Ro

39、lli ng Stone yesterday?M: I wouldn t miss it for anything.Q: What do we learn about the man?A) He did n t go to see the con cert.B) He would rather do anything else tha n go to the con cert.C) He did go to the con cert.D) He missed the concert for someth ing importa nt.will /would not miss sth. for

40、anything也是一個慣用表達,意思是 決不會錯過 ”表明一種堅決的態(tài)度。由此可判斷男士前一天晚上去看了滾石的音樂會,故選C。例 19 M: Wouldn t you get bored with the same routine yearafter year teachingthe same thi ngs to childre n ?W: I don t think it would be as boring as working in an office. Teaching is most stimulat ing.Q: What does the woma n imply about

41、 office work?A) It s awfully dull.B) It s really exciting.C) It s veryxhausting.D) It s quite challenging.as boring as 是一個同級比較句,當被問到是否覺得年復一年地教書很枯燥時,女士把教 書和坐辦公室做行政工作作了一個比較:I don t think it would be as boring as workingin an office.表明她認為教書不像做行政工作那么枯燥,也就是說行政工作非??菰?。因此 應選A。例 20 W: How about going to dinn

42、er and movie with me tonight?M: I d love to, but I have n t collected eno ugh materials for my prese ntatio n ontomorrow s geology class and my partners will come at eight to discuss how the prese ntati on should go.Q: What does the con versatio n tell us?A) The man will go to dinner and movie with

43、the woma n.B) The man will make a presentation tomorrow.C) The man doesn t know how a presentation goes.D) The man loves dinner and movie.I d love to, but.是委婉拒絕的一種表達,類似的還有 I d like to, but.或it s a good idea , but.等。男士委婉地拒絕了女士的建議,顯而易見應該選B。下面是一些對話中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的表達態(tài)度的用語:贊同反對You said it. I don t see why.You bet.

44、 I don t think so.You can say that again. I couldn t agree less.I can t agree more. You can t mean that.That s it. You can t be serious.I know. Don t look at me.Sure/Of course/Certai nly/Defi ni tely/Absolutely. I doubt it.It sure is/That s for sure. I don t see why.No doubt. You must be kiddi ng.Th

45、at s how I feel. I wouldn t say that.That s what I m thinking of. Not if I can help.熟記這些短語,對做好態(tài)度題大有幫助。另外態(tài)度題有時也通過語調(diào)反映出來,如下例:例 21 M: The Brow ns asked me to their party n ext Sun day and I agreed.W: Are you sure? Didn t you promise Tom to take him to the Disney Land nextSunday?Q: What do we lear n fro

46、m the con versati on?Are you sure?是升調(diào),此處表懷疑、反對。女士提醒男士不該去參加派對,因為他早已答應帶Tom去迪斯尼樂園。4. 建議題。建議題的特征是說話人之一提出建議,主要的標志性建議句型有下面幾種:How about. ? Why not. ?Shall we. ? You d better.Isn t it nice that. If ! were you, .Wouldn t. ? Would you like.Wouldn t it be great if. ? What do you say. ?建議題的出題方向是建議的內(nèi)容,選項會變換成另一種說

47、法,考查學生對話語真正含義的理解。例 22 W: I m thinking of taking five courses next semester.M: Wouldn t four be better?Q: What does the man mean?A) There are too many courses offered to stude nts.B) The woma n should take fewer courses n ext term.C) The man will take four courses next term.D) It is wiser to take mor

48、e than four courses.對話和題目都很簡單。女生要選5門課,男生建議選四門,建議是以反問的形式提出的。注意本題不可搞錯對象,建議的對象是女生,不是男生。選項B換了一種說法,把選四門課說成是少選一些課”,是正確選項。例 23 M: Hi, Jane, do you have some change? I have to make a call on the payphone.W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.Q: What will the man most probably do?A) Get som

49、e cha nge from Jane.B) Go Look for a pay pho ne.C) Use the woman s phone.D) Pay for the phone call.男士向女士借零錢打電話,女士主動出借自己的手機。建議用了why not句型,故選C。例 24 M: I ve had this new camera for a week and I still don t know how to workit, even with the han dbook.W: Didn t a hotline number come with it?Q: What does

50、the wome n imply the man should do?A) Take it back to the store.B) Fi nd the warra nty.C) Find the han dbook.D) Call for help.本題的建議比較隱晦,是以否定反問句的形式出現(xiàn)的,難點有二:一是建議提的比較間接,用 didn t a hotline number come with it而不是 Maybe you can call the after-salesservice,二是hotline number這個詞對中國學生來說還是有些陌生的,而且謂語動詞用的是come wi

51、th it,不是中國學生熟悉的表達“ is there a ho tline number in thehandbook?其實考生如果聽清了第二個人的話,并且能明白hotline number意味著 打服務熱線”就能找到正確答案 D 了。2006-12-5 13:38:00 homlee2.細節(jié)題(事件、虛擬語氣、弦外之音)。細節(jié)題通常著眼于考查考生對對話細節(jié)的掌握及 綜合分析推理能力。雖被稱為細節(jié)題,這類題卻并不僅局限于細節(jié),它要求考生在掌握細節(jié)的基礎上能夠把握全局、理順頭緒。細節(jié)題中并非所有的細節(jié)都是有效的,有些只起到分散考生注意力、干擾考生思路的作用。所以做細節(jié)題,不可陷于對細節(jié)的窮究,

52、而要通過細節(jié)把握對話的主題和脈絡。聽對話之前必須先瀏覽選項,大致預測談話的主題和提問內(nèi)容,如果選項分別為不同的主題,則聽的時候要特別注意與此相關的內(nèi)容;如選項為同一主題的不同陳述,則應注意談話者的語氣、時態(tài)、語態(tài)等。(1) 事件題。這樣的對話一般會包含較多信息,關鍵信息和干擾信息混在一起,問題通常是:What do we lear n from this con versati on? What can be in ferred from thema n/woma n?考生必須能夠?qū)⒓姺钡男畔⒗沓鲱^緒,辨別出有用信息并加以分析才能找到正確答案。做這類題應特別注意事件之間的關系,如:事件先后、邏

53、輯。試看下例:例 7 M: Hello, My n ame is Carls on. I believe you have a room booked for me.W: Carls on? Oh, yes, Mr. Carls on .It s a sin gle room with a bath. On the sec ondfloor. I hope it will suit you, sir.Q: What does the con versatio n tell us?A) The man wants to reserve a room.B) The man reserved a r

54、oom some time ago.C) The man has booked a room with no bath.D) The man wants to buy a fiat on the sec ond floor.聽錄音之前瀏覽一下選項,看到全是與book a room 有關,此時心中就應對話題有數(shù)了是關于在旅館訂房間的。注意第一個人的措辭:I believe you have a room booked forme,I believe 顯示說話人很有信心,他相信旅館已經(jīng)為他準備好房間了。第二人(接線員或前臺接待)的答話中包含了很多細節(jié)如:客人的名字、房間規(guī)格及樓層,這些具體信息并

55、不重要,只起干擾作用,但最后一句話很重要“ I hope it will suit you 希望它能讓您滿意),只有安排好房間了,才能這樣說。根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容和男士的措辭推斷,男士一定是以前訂過房間,此次專門來確認的。選項A) The man wants to reserve a room說男士正在預訂房間,顯然不對,C和D陳述的細節(jié)有誤也可排除,因此正確選項只能是B。例 8 W: You ve sold your car. You don t need one?M: Not really. I ve n ever liked drivi ng any way. Now that we ve mo

56、ved to a placen ear the subway entrance, we can get about quite convenien tly.Q: What do we lear n from the con versati on?A) The man enjoys traveli ng by car.B) The man lives far from the subway.C) The man is good at drivi ng.D) The man used to own a car.女士問男士 你已經(jīng)把車賣了,你不需要車嗎? ”男士的回答中信息較多 一一從來就不喜歡駕車、現(xiàn)在搬家了、住的地方離地鐵很近、去哪兒都很方便。選項則是與


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