1、靜悟材料之完形填空閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1 20各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn t move. What was the _J_ was he found himself unable to ask for help his mobile phone went out of 2 as a result of exhausted (用盡的)battery. Nothing c
2、ould be done but to 3 in cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke, and then the 4 of the rescue.It is almost 5that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even moresurpris ing was his6: First of all I checked up my _乙 con diti ons and found myself notin mortal (致命的)dan ger
3、. As there was no _8_ to call for help ,I lea ned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from_9_n this way I dozed (打盹)off.His story put an end to my regret for the 10 of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men 11 to explore a mountain cave and got lost . 12_
4、 to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of 13_ .Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion (筋疲力盡).According to the14people that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the 15_ of the cave. If they stayed on th
5、e spot when they lost their way and tried to 16themselves, they would probably sense a faint light glimmeri ng (閃爍) not far away .Don t you think that you can compare it with 17 itself? When you meet with obstacles (障 礙) in life and work ,you are lost in darkness.18 you it s unclear yet and you need
6、n t put up struggle 19. It seems to be a n egative (消極的) attitude, 20 a pers onwho can afford to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place .1. A. hopelessB. worstC. moreD. best2. A. serviceB. wayC. orderD. work3. A. cryB. lieC. waitD. sleep4. A. delayB. successC. teamD.
7、 arrival5. A. un trueB. uni magi nableC. trueD. useless6. A. planB. decisi onC. expla nati onD. excuse7. A. physical8. A. methodB. men talB. wayC. worki ngC. toolsD. medicalD. stre ngth9. A. rott ingB. spread ingC. hurtingD. bleedi ng10. A. lossB. failureC. disappo in tme ntD. sadness11. A. hadB. ma
8、n agedC. triedD. pla nned12. A. Willi ngB. Un ableC. Determ inedD. Decidi ng13. A. heari ngB. sightC. feeli ngD. directio n14. A. rescueB. villageC. localD. brave15. A. endB. topC. ope ningD. side16. A. saveB. helpC. stopD. calm17. A. adve ntureB. workC. lifeD. mankind18. A. MindB. WatchC. Imagi neD
9、. Warn19. A. reallyB. immediatelyC. carefullyD. hopefully20. A. andB. soC. butD. whileKEY 1 5 BDCDB 6 10 CABDB11 15 CBDAC 16-20 DCABC2閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1-20各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。I left my friend s house nearlevofterltswas still too early for me to have my eveningmeal, _1_ I walked along the sea f
10、ront for about an hour_2_ I began to feel hungry. By thattime I was not far from a favorite restaura nt of mi ne,3 I ofte n went to eat. I went into therestaura nt and 4 my meal. While I was wait ing for the soup _5_ I looked around to see if I knew anyone in the restaura nt. It was the n _6_ I no t
11、iced that a man seated at a corner table kept gla ncing 7 my direct ion, as if he knew me. The man had a n ewspaper in front of him, which he was _8_ to read. When the waiter _9_ my soup, the man was clearly puzzled by the _ 10_way in which the waiter and I addressed ( 稱呼) each other. He became more
12、 11 as time went on and it was 12 that I was well known in the restaura nt. Even tually, he stood up and wen t i nto the 13 . After a few mi nu tes he came out aga in, 14 the bill and left. The n I called the owner of the restaura nt and asked him 15 the man had wan ted. At first the owner did not w
13、ant to tell me, but I 16 .“ Well, ” he said. “ That man was from the police.”“ Really?considerably surprised.“ He wa7 veyou. ”“ But why? ” I asked 8 youHherebecause he thought you were the man he was 19 , ” the owner said.“ When he came into thekitche n, he showed me a photograph of the 20 . Of cour
14、se, it was you.”1. A. andB. butC. soD. yet2. A. un tilB. whe nC.becauseD. after3. A. whereB. whatC. whichD. that4. A. sentB. orderedC. carriedD. got5. A. maki ngB. to arriveC. carry ingD. prepared6. A. thatB. whe nC. whoD. which7. A. backB. inC.offD. at8. A. tryingB. prete ndingC. holdi ngD. going9.
15、 A. broughtB. fetchedC.sentD. took10. A. familiarB. stra ngeC. in terest ingD. easy11. A. puzzledB. i nterestedC. funnyD. impatie nt12. A. obviousB. knownC. difficultD. impossible13. A. officeB. restaura ntC. kitchenD. WC14. A. gaveB. sentC. paidD. ordered15. A. howB. thatC. whichD. what16. A. thoug
16、htB. saidC. expla inedD. i nsisted17. A. excited atB. worried aboutC. satisfied withD. interested in18. A. searchedB. followedC. persuadedD. advised19. A. findingB. looking forC. talking toD. liste ning to20. A. wan ted manB. ownerC. policema nD. waiterKEY 1 5 CAABB6 10 ABBAA11 15 AACCD16 20 DDBBA3閱
17、讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C 和 D)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。believe the cha nge in him .In fact , he did nThe other day , I happe ned to meet some one I had n see n for many years . I could n t t even1seem peesthe.When I first knew Bill , back in 2 he was one of the most carefree (無(wú)憂無(wú)慮) people I had ever 3. He w
18、as always ready to have a party . He thought 4 ofgoing out for beer at three o clock in the morning or driving 15sBeeart(old5 hereally liked . Bill and I were in the same class in college , and6was n ever dull whe n hewas 7. With him there was one wild 8after ano ther . Sometimes I won der howwe 9 t
19、o study for our exams .Last week I was in Houst on on bus in ess and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel . 10 , I was n t even sure it was 11. Was this short-haired bus in essma n really the sameperson ? I wasn t really sure until I came near him but it indeed was Bill . Now he works for abank .
20、 He 12 most of the eve ning about his job , his new car and his house . How he had cha nged ! Back whe n we were in college , the 13thi ng Bill cared about were possessi ons . Now they seemedto be his main 14. Although I have changed quite a bit myself , somehow . I never15 Bill changing so much . M
21、y image of him 16 the one I had formed17 thetime whe n we were college stude nts together .I suppose it18sto expect people to remain the same , especially 19 I havecha nged so much myself . But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more tha n the new Bill .Maybe he20the same way about me .1.A.
22、 properB . sameC.usualD . right2.A. childhoodB . the armyC.his thirtiesD . college3.A. consideredB. supposedC.metD . expected4.A. nothingB . muchC.mostD. none5.A. manB . hospitalC.movieD . country6.A. learningB . lifeC.workD . fun7.A. inB . outC.awayD . around8.A. adventureB . mistakeC.chaneeD . jok
23、e9.A. decidedB . con ti nuedC.man agedD. hoped10.A. First of allB . At firstC . Now and the nD . All the time11.A. thatB . usC.thereD . he12.A . thoughtB . talkedC.arguedD . spe nt13. A. firstB. lastC. nextD. only14. A. interestB. eventC. subjectD. problem15. A. forgotB. mindedC. likedD. imagined16.
24、 A. remainedB. remindedC. suggestedD. became17. A. si neeB. fromC. atD. till18. A. unnecessaryB. foolishC. com monD. unusually19. A. becauseB. thatC. howD. when20. A. feltB. actedC. lookedD. discoveredKEY 1 5 BDCAC 610 BDACB 1115 DBBAD 16-20 ACBDA4閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。Severa
25、l years ago,while atte nding a com muni cati on course, I experie need a most unu sual process (過(guò)程).The instructor asked us to list _1_ in our past that we felt _2_ of,regretted, or in complete about and read our lists aloud .This seemed like a very _3_ process, but theres always some _4_ soul in th
26、e crowd who will volunteer . The instructor then _5_ that we find ways to _6_ people , or take some action to right any wron gdo ings . I was seriously won deri ng how this could ever _7_ my com muni cati on .Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story:“ Makingmy _8_, Iremembe
27、red an incident from high school . I grew up in a small town . There was a Sheriff (警長(zhǎng)) _9 _of us kids liked. One night, my two buddies (朋友)and I decided to play a _10_ on him .After drinking a few beers , we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town , and wrote on the tank in bright red
28、 paint : Sheriff Brown is an s. o. b. The next day, almost the whole town saw our glorious _11 _. With in two hours , Sheriff Brow n had us in his office . My friends told the truth but I lied . No one _12_ found out . ”“ Nearly 20 years late, Sheriff Browns name _13_ on my list. I did nt even know
29、if he was still 14 _. Last weekend, I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed . I tried his number . After a few _15-, I heard ,“ Hello ” Isaid,“ SheriffBrow n ? ” Paused “ Yes ”“ Welthis is Jimmy Calk ins. ”“ And I want you to know that I did it . ” Paus
30、ed I knew !t ” he yelled back We had a good laugh and a _16 - discussion. His closing words were :“ Jimmy I always felt bad for you _17_yourbuddies got it off their chest , but you were carrying it _18- all these years. I want to thank you for calling me for your sake . ”Jimmy in spired me to _19- a
31、ll 101 items on my list withi n two years , and I always remember what I learned from the course : Its never too late to _20_ the past wrongdoings .1. A. somethingB. anythingC.somebodyD. anybody2. A. ashamedB. afraidC.sureD. proud3. A. privateB. secretC.in teresti ngD. funny4.A. foolishB. politeC. s
32、impleD. brave5.A. expectedB. suggestedC. orderedD. demanded6.A. connect withB. depend onC.make an apology toD.get along with7.A. improveB. continueC. realizeD. keep8.A. notesB. listC. planD. stories9.A. anyB. mostC. noneD. all10.A. partB. gameC. trickD. record11.A. viewB.signC. attentionD.remark12.A
33、. alsoB. evenC. stillD. ever13.A. appearsB. considersC. presentsD. remembers14.A. angryB. happyC. doubtfulD. alive15.A. wordsB. ringsC. repeatsD. calls16.A. coldB. plainC. nervousD. lively17.A. in caseB. so long asC. uni essD. because18.A. aroundB. outC. onD. away19.A. build upB. make upC. clear upD
34、. give up20.A. regretB. forgiveC. rightD.punishKEY 1 5 BAADB610 CABCC11 15 BDADB 1620 DDACC5閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。It was the end of my first day as waitress in a busy New York restaura nt. My cap had gone away, and my feet 丄 .The loaded plates I carried _2_ to be heavier and
35、heavier. Tired and discouraged, I did nt seem able to do anything_3_ . As I made out a check for a familywith several childre n who had cha nged their ice-cream 4_ a doze n times, I was ready to stop. Then the father _5_ at me as he han ded me my tip. Well don e, he said, youve _6 us really well. Su
36、ddenly my tiredness _7_ . I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I d like my first day, I said,8 r Those few words of praise had _9_ everything. Praise is like 10to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And 11 , while mostof us are only too 12 to apply(應(yīng)用 )to other
37、s the cold wind of criticism(批評(píng)),we are 13 unwilling to give ourfellows the warm sunshine of praise. Why-whenone word of praise can bring such 14 ?Its strange how chary (吝嗇)we are about praising. Perhaps its 15 few of us know how to accept it. Its 16reward ing(獎(jiǎng)賞)to give praise in areas in which 17g
38、en erallygoes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets complimented (admired) for a glorious picture, a cook for a18 meal. But do you ever tell your laundry man ager how pleased you are whe n theshirts are19_ just right? In fact, to give praise 20 the giver nothing but a momentsthought and a mome nt
39、s effort.1.A. restedB. hurtC. brokeD. slipped2.A. rema inedB. lookedC. seemedD. appeared3.A. newB. specialC. n ervousD. right4.A. orderB. priceC. materialD. chair5.A. staredB. smiledC. gla needD.nodded6.A. called onB. looked afterC. passed byD. thought of7.A. arrivedB. con ti nuedC. disappearedD. de
40、veloped8.A. OhB. WellC. FineD. Terrible9.A. madeB.changedC. fou ndD. improved10.A. heatB. warmthC. sno wstormD. sun light11.A. thenB. thusC. thereforeD. yet12.A. readyB. doubtfulC. satisfiedD. disappo in ted13.A. un ableB. un willi ngC. likelyD. an xious14.A. atte nti onB. choiceC. pleasureD. diffic
41、ulty15.A. becauseB. whe nC. whatD. where16.A. fin allyB. especiallyC. sillyD. fortun ately17.A. effortB. attemptC.deedD. feeli ng18.A. dailyB. lightC. perfectD. poor19.A.doneB. soldC. chosenD. give n20.A.addsB. leavesC. offersD. costsKEY 1 5 BCDAB 610 BCCBD 11 15 DABCA1620 BACAD6閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1 20
42、各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。Some personal characteristics play an important role in the development of one s in tellige nee . But people fail to realize the importa nee of training these factors in young people .The so-called n ointellige nee factors (非智力因素)in elude1 feeli ngs , will ,motivation(動(dòng)機(jī)),
43、interests and habits . After a 30-year follow-up study of 8000 males ,America n psychologists (心理學(xué))2 that the main cause of disparities in in tellige nee isnot in tellige nee3, but non-i ntellige nee factors in cludi ng the desire to learn , will powerand self-c on fide nee .4people all know that on
44、e should have defi nite objectives , a strong will and goodlearnin g habits , quite a number of teachers and parents don p ay much attention to 5these factors .Some pare nts are greatly worried 6their childre n fail to do well in their studies .They blame either gen etic(遺傳的) factors , malnu tritio
45、n ,(營(yíng)養(yǎng)不良)or laz in ess , but theyn ever take7con sideratio n these non-i ntellige nee factors . At the same time , someteachers don t inquire into these , as reasons 8students do poorly . They simply givethem more courses and exercises , or 9 criticize or laugh at them . After all , these stude nts
46、lose self-c on fide nee . Some of them just feel defeated and10 themselves upas hopeless . Others may go astray (迷途)because they are sick of learning .11investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai showed that 11.5 per cent of them were 12 of lear ning , because of exam in ati
47、 ons , 1.4 per cent lacked persiste nee ,initiative (主動(dòng))and consciousness (正直地、謹(jǐn)慎的)and 10.3 per cent were sick of learning .It is clear 13 the lack of cultivati on (培養(yǎng)) of non-i ntellige nee factors has bee n a main 14 to intelligenee development in teenagers . It even causes an imbalanee betwee n p
48、hysiological (生理的) and 15developme nt among a few stude nts .If we don t start now to 16 the cultivation of non-intelligenee factors , it will notonly affect the development of the 17 of teenagers , but also affect the quality of awhole gen erati on . Some experts have put forward18about how to cult
49、ivate stude ntsnon-i ntellige nee factors .First , parents and teachers should 19understand teenage psychology . On thisbasis , they can help them to pursue (調(diào)動(dòng))the objectives of learning ,20 their interestsand toughe ning their willpower .1. A. one sB. theirC. hisD. her2. A. came outB. found outC.
50、made outD. worked out3. A. in itself4. A. Though5. A. believing6. A. about7. A. for8. A. why9. A . ever10 . A . put11. A . The12 . A . afraid13 . A . that14 . A . difficulty15 . A . in tellige nt16 . A . practise17 . A . in tellige nee18 . A . projects19 . A . fully20 . A . in suri ngKEY: 5ABCACB .
51、by itselfB . NeverthelessB . study ingB . whe nB . inB . thatB. evenB . getB . AnB. aheadB . howB . questi onB . characteristicB . thrustB . dilige neeB . warningsB . greatlyB . goi ngC . itselfC . HoweverC . cultivat ingC . howC. intoC . whe nC . stillC . han dleC . An otherC . awareC . whyC . thre
52、atC . psychologicalC . stre ngthe nC . maturity (成熟)C . suggesti onsC . veryC . en couragi ngD . on its ownD . MoreoverD . develop ingD . whetherD . overD . howD . moreD . giveD . AD . ashamedD . whichD . obstacle(障礙)D . physicalD . urgeD . performa neeD . decisi onD . highlyD . excit ing610BCABD111
53、5BAADC1620CACAD7閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1 20各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。I do a lot of man ageme nt training each year for the Circle K Compa ny. Among the 1 we discuss in our classes is the 2of quality employees (雇員)“ Whahas caused you to stay3 eno ugh to become a man ager? ” asked. After awhile a new man ag
54、er took the4 and said slowly,It was a baseball glove.Cynthia said she used to 5 a Circle K clerk job as an interim (臨時(shí)的)one while she looked for someth ing6. On her sec ond day beh ind the coun ter, she received a (an ) 7from her nin e-year-old son, Jessie. He 8 a baseball glove for the little League. She 9that as a single mother, money was 10, and her first check would have to go for paying11 .When Cyn thia arrived for work
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