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1、Shrink Packing MachineOPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONRead this operati onal in structi onCarefully before operati onOperatio n and Maintenance Manual、Before operati on , please read the manual carefully.SF Series Shrink Packi ng Machi neOperati on and Maintenance ManualNatio nal sta ndard: GB/T24709-2009Shr


3、Features .1Specification .1Structures 1Working Step 2Maintenance . . .4.Regular Failure and Resolution 6Electronic Diagram .7 .Packing List Electronic Component 89-10Accessory Pack ing ListOperatio n and Maintenance ManualCAUTION!Don touch the machi ne whe n it is work ing, or it will cause in jured

4、.I . UsageThis mach ine adopts the thermal shri nk pack ing tech no logy, use the shri nk film to wrap outside of the objects, by heating shrink to keep package close to the surface of the objects , which fully dem on strates the appeara nee of articles, raise the sales line item to in crease the se

5、nse of beauty and value, while packaged items to achieve sealing, moisture, pollution prevention, put damage, anti-theft purposes, and can ensure that goods from external shocks, has a certain buffer, especially when used for glassware packaging, with some protective properties . Shrink Films con tr

6、act ion tension to some exte nt, and for a variety of comb in ati ons and tray packagi ng items.This product can be widely used in light industry, food, candy, stationery; arts and crafts, printing products, medici ne, hardware, electrical comp onen ts, toys and other items of shri nk packagi ng.n .

7、FeaturesThis machine can be used separately, or connected with sealing cutting machine .It mains wrapping, conveying, heating, shrink then close to the packing item, and cooling on one packing lin e. It adopts auto-temperature con trol, Hot air circulati on, en ergy-savi ng and high effective. The p

8、acking speed is adjustable according to your need, with stable speed performanee . What sore, it devices the powerful cooli ng system.This machine has advaneed design, stable performanee, reliable, energy-saving and efficient, effective con tract ion, look ing structure, easy operati on and maintena

9、nce, etc., applicable to a variety of continuous shrink packaging shrink film.川.Specification:1. Packing Speed : 0-10m/min2. Power: 18KW3. Voltage : 380V/220V , 50Hz/60Hz, 3-phase4. Max. Loading : 40kgs5. Max. Packing Size : 600mmx400mm6. Machine Dimension : 280x1000x1680 cm (L x H x W)7. Weight: 58

10、0kgsIV. Structure :4.1 Diagram of the StructureIt consists conveying, heating, cooling 3 parts4.2 Con trol Panel熱收縮包裝機 SHRINK PACKING MACH INEKnot srmxUKYEHS Siasmm INDKDIOU imOB IMJianKtPOTBriOWIfflw& VACo ntrol Pan elPOWER SWITCH : Switch of total power.CONVEYOR START : Turn on the Conveyor functi

11、on.HEATING INDICATOR : Show the Heati ng fun ction work ing or not.CYCLE MOTOR INDICATOR : Show the hot air circulation working or not. TEMPERATURE: Con trol the temperature of the heaters.EMERGENCY STOP : cut off all the power.CONVEYOR STOP : Turn off the Conveyor function.HEATING : Switch of heati

12、ng function.CYCLE MOTOR : Switch of the hot air circulatio n.POTENTIOMETERS: Con trol the speed of the con veyor.Specification on the parts of the control panelTEMPT.CONTROLLER : temperature con troller /YJL-7101B/1 piece. HEAT : Switch /AR22-A10G/ 1 piece.CONVEYOR MOTOR : Switch /AR22-A10G/1 piece.

13、CYCLE MOTOR : Switch /AR22-A10G/1piece.SPEED ADJUSTOR : Speed controller /US-52/1piece.CIRCUIT BREAKER :DZ15-100/3901.V . Working Step :5.1 Before Start1. When place the machine, to avoid collision;2. This machi ne is 380V/220V three-phase, and reliable ground body;3. Keep moisture, and keep the mac

14、hine table formation when installation;4. Add the lubricating oil to the moving parts regularly;5. Promptly removed after the frequency of each plant debris, keep the machine clean.125.2 Tran sport Machi nery. Assembly and Placeme nt of Space Dime nsions5.3 Start Mach ine1. Mack sure the right opera

15、ti on before start , the n the machi ne can start pack ing;2. Turn on the con veyor switch. And the n start the cooli ng and hot air circulati on switch;3. According to the size of the packing objects, the thickness of the shrink film and the material features , adjust the proper temperature, gen er

16、ally keep it 180-200 C, the n pre-heat ing a while;4. Be sure it works no rmally by hot air into the tunn el;5. When the light of the temperature control turns red, means the temperature has reached to the required. Then put the wrapped package into the tunnel for test. Adjust the proper temperature

17、 and convey speed if n eed to get the best pack ing;6. When the package turns to not flat (comes goffer), which must be too high temperature or too fast. You can down the temperature and speed by adjusting the switch on the penalf it turns break of the package, should speed up the con veyor or dow n

18、 the temperature, to keep the good pack ing performa nee;7. After get a good test, keep the adjustable and the n start to work.5.4 Operational PrinciplePut the package on the conveyor, and then it will convey to the shrink tunnel. The shrink film turns to be soft by heating, then packing by circulat

19、ion motor, after cooling work, then finished the pack ing.W. Maintenance :1. Clean the machine and replace some wearing parts regular;2. Don change the place of the fixed position of the parts, or causes discordant when working;3. Keep the machine in the dry environment, or will reduce the machine s

20、 use life;4. Finishing the work; turn off the heating switch first. Keep the fan and conveyor motor continue 1020 minu tes to cool dow n, and last power off. That will be good for the mach ine s use life;5. Add or replace the butter to the drive beari ng and cha ins every 3 mon ths;6. In put voltage

21、 should be stable; voltage in stability will affect the packagi ng effect;7. The heaters as a main part of the sealing component. If damaged, replace it as follows:656638707475763874677475Use Screwdriver to separate the connecting plate (74), heat tunnel sealing board(left an d right) (75) and heati

22、ng tunnel (up) (76) then take out, loosen the nut (67) . Then the ceramic filler ring can be taken out, replace new heaters into the filler ring , will be OK.8. Shrink Temperature and TimeItemThicknessHeat TimeHeat Tem. CPolyvi nyl ChloridePVC0.02-0.065-10110-140Polypropyle nePP0.02-0.046-12130-170P

23、olythe nePE0.03-0.1020-30170-200polythe nePE0.12-0.2030-60180-2209. Shrink Rate of the Normal Shrink FilmItemShrink Tem.Lateral ShrinkageLongitudinal ShrinkPE180 40%50-60%PVC140 50%0-25%POF150 60%60%Vfl . Regular Failure and ResolutionFailureResolution1.Check the in put voltage is correct;1.No Power

24、2.Conn ecti on of all the voltage is no rmal;In dicator Light3.Outlet connection is bad or disc onn ected.1.Power switch or the electric switch connection is bad, swap;2.Checkthepowerisno rmal;2.the3.Temperature is out ofcon trolrepair orreplace;No Heati ng inTi innal4.AC con tactor point of con tac

25、t burning or poor con tact,change anewone;5.Heaterwiri ngloose or disc onn ected,re-taketightly;6.Heater circuit, excha nge.1.Checkthevoltageisstable;3.ConveyorMotorNo2.Switch of the con veyormotor damaged.Replace;Worki ng3.No adjust of the speed switch (tur non 0);4.Speed con trollerbroke n dow n.C

26、hange a new one;5.Excluding electrical wiring is bad and motor burnout.1.Speed adjust potentiometer or bad, or bad wiring.broke n,4.Motor NoWorki ngtoreplaceme ntandre-wiring;2.Speedcon trollerisdamaged,replace;Adjust Speed3.Send motor burnout or bad wiring or re-wiring electrical tochange.1.Nosuita

27、bleshri nkfilm;5.No Good for Shri nk2.Nosuitabletimeandshri nktemperature;3. Circulat ing fan is reversed, adjust the motor wiri ng.W. Electronic DiagramrmEbdR Nadjust convey speedPacking ListNameSpecificationQuantityI.Machi ne1set2.User Ma nual1 pcs3.Certificati on1pcs4.Heater Plug3 phase 380V/60A1

28、pcs5. Inner Hexago n SpannerM51pcs6. Screw-driverStraight、CrossEach 1pcs7. Solid Wrench8-10、14-17Each 1 pcsX. Electric ComponentNo.Code NameNameSpecificationQuantity1QFAir-break Switch60A380V1pcs2KM2-3AC Con tactorCJX5-302pcs3KM1-4AC Con tactorCJX2-122pcs4JR1Thermal Overload4-6 (A)1pcs5FUFuse5 (A)1p

29、cs6K1-4Button SwitchAR224pcs7TETemperature Con trollerYJL-7000B1pcs8EThermocoupleK2mm1pcs9W1-3Main Motor1pcs10W4Cooli ng Motor3pcs11R1Heater 26 X 65012pcs12Con verter0.37KW1pcsAccessory Packing ListNo.NameQuantityNo.NameQuantity1Foot-screw42Castor43Mach ine FrameBottom (front)14Cooli ng Tank15Contro

30、l Panel16Back Roll47Hot Air Motor28Heat ing Tunnel Outer19Win dshield Strap210Mach ine Body111Con veyor Rod112Screw t Adjust Con veyChai n213Mach ine Frame Bottom(back)114GB95-85-10-100HV5215Beari ng Block416GB93-87 105217GB6170-86-M102218Covey Chai n Wheel419GB70-85-M8x201020Con vey Chain221GB5780-

31、86-M10x202022An gle Iron423GB5780-86-M10x301624Front Base Door225GB818-85-M5x20826GB5780-86-M8x20827Con veyor Motor128GB93-87 82229GB95-85-8-100HV2230GB5780-86-M8x16431M8 flange nut432GB70-85-M8x100433Convey Cha in Wheel134GB70-85-M6x12435Convey Motor Chain136Bakelite Plate337Outer Seali ng Board(up)138GB818-85-M4x85839Asbestos Sheet (up)140Asbestos Sheet(side)241Asbestos Seali ng Board442Bli nd Fla nge Asbestos6(left and right)Sheet (Fro nt)43Bli nd Fla nge244GB818-85-M4x16845Fan Guardrail246Cooli ng Fan247Temperature Con trol148Speed Adjustme nt


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