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1、人教版初一英語上冊(cè)期末復(fù)習(xí)試題 (帶答案) 導(dǎo)讀:本文 人教版初一英語上冊(cè)期末復(fù)習(xí)試題 (帶答案),僅供參考, 如果能幫助到您,歡迎點(diǎn)評(píng)和分享。 一、單項(xiàng)選擇 ( ) 1. I have egg. You can have it. A. a B. 不填 C. the D. an ( ) 2. My birthday is May and his birthday is March 26th. A. in; in B. in; 不填 C. for; 不填 D. at; on ( ) 3. Does Helen like ? Yes. She likes eating apples, pears

2、and bananas. A. vegetables B. sports C. fruits D. clothes ( ) 4. How do you eat at school? We eat . A. well B. good C. nice D. fine ( ) 5. Does Peter like geography? . He thinks it is boring. A. Yes, he is B. No, he doesn t C. Yes, he does D. No, he - isn t ( ) 6. is his birthday? It is December 19t

3、h. A. How B. What C. When D. Where ( ) 7. ? He is thirteen. A. How old is he B. How is he C. Where is he D. How much is it ( ) 8. How much are the shorts? 20 dollars. A. It is B. They are C. He is D. You are ( ) 9. Hi, Nancy. Are you now? Sorry. I have some things to do. A. healthy B. busy C. fat D.

4、 free ( ) 10. We have at 7 in the morning. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. dessert ( ) 11. do you like history? Because it is interesting. A. When B. How C. Where D. Why ( ) 12. Let s go to Lihua Clothes Store. OK. They all the clothes at very good prices. A. buy B. find C. sell D. call ( ) 13. G

5、race doesn likt e math because she thinks it is A. difficult B. fun C. useful D. interesting ( ) 14. What s the of the book? 5 dollars. A. time B. price C. date D. color re welcome. ( ) 15. Can I help you? A. Yes, please. I want a hat. B. You C. I m fine. Thanks. D. Here you are. 二、閱讀理解 (A) Mr Clark

6、 goes to a dinner party in old clothes. He comes into the room, but the people in the room don t look at him. They don t ask him to sit at the table. Mr Clark goes home and puts on (穿上) his good clothes. He goes back to the party. People in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very go

7、od food to eat. Mr Clark takes off his clothes, and puts them in the food and say,“ Eat, clothes! ” The other people ask, “ What are you doing? ” He answers, “ I masking my coat ( 外套) to eat food. When I am wearing my old clothes, you don t look at me. You don t ask me to sit down. Now I am in these

8、 clothes. And you give me very good food. Now I know, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!” 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。 ( ) 16. How does Mr Clark goes to the party at first? A. With his friends. B. In old clothes. C. With good food. D. In good clothes. ( ) 17. When Mr Clark comes to the party in good clot

9、hes, people . A. don t know him B. don t look at him C. don t ask him to sit at the table D. are good with him ( ) 18. Mr Clark asks to eat the food. A. his coat B. his old clothes C. his parents D. the people ()19.“ Takes off ” meanS)( 意思是Chinese. A. 買下 B. 收起 C. 脫下 D. 拿走 ( ) 20. From the story (故事

10、), we know . A. Mr Clark takes some good food to the party B. Mr Clark does not like the people at the party C. The people at the party don t know Mr Clark D. Mr Clark was not good with the people at the party (B) Mr Hand is busy every day. He has a big clothes store. He usually gets up at 6:00. Aft

11、er brushing his teeth, he does some running. He has breakfast at 6:30 and takes a bus to his store at 7:00. His clothes are cheap (便宜的). So many people go to his clothes to buy clothes. He usually has lunch at 11:30 in the store. For lunch, he usually eats burgers, salad or oranges. He gets home at

12、about 19:00. He has dinner with his families his wife (妻子 ) Julia Brown and their daughter Nancy Hand. They like chicken, broccoli, salad and tomatoes. After dinner, he takes a shower ( 淋浴 ). Then he watches TV. He goes to bed at 21:30. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤。正確的填 A ,錯(cuò)誤的填 B。 ( ) 21. Mr Hand usually gets up at 6:

13、30. ( ) 22. Many people buy clothes in his store because His clothes are cheap. ( ) 23. Mr Hand has lunch at 11:30 at home. ( ) 24. Mr Hand has dinner with his wife and daughter at home. ( ) 25. Mr Hand watches TV after he takes a shower. 三、詞匯運(yùn)用 A) 從以下方框內(nèi)選出適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~完成句子,使句子意思通順。 每詞限用一次。 short, question,

14、 finish, sale, but 26. Alice likes math, she d oesn t like geography. 27. This skirt is too long. Here is a one. 28. Come and buy your books at our great 29. We have classes at eight and our classes at 3: 50. 30. My first What s your favorite sport? B) 根據(jù)句意和漢語提示填寫單詞。 31. The sweater is not mine. It

15、is ( 她的 ). 32. I like math. I think it is ( 容易的 ). 33. 蔬_(dá)菜( ) are healthy food. 34. The yellow T-shirt is ( _十八 ) dollars. 35. There are 24 小_(時(shí) ) in a day. C) 用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 36. Bob is 9. February 27th is his (nine) birthday. 37. There are two (_li_brary) in our school. 38. The sweater (l_o_ok) ni

16、ce. I ll take it. 39. We like apples and pears. We eat (they) for breakfast. 40. I have a blue jacket and my sister (have) a black jacket. 四、完成句子 根據(jù)漢語提示,完成句子。每空一詞。 41. 我們必須向我們的老師請(qǐng)求幫助。 We must our teacher help. 42. 讓我們看電視吧 !那聽起來很無聊。 Let s watch TV. That 43. 本學(xué)期我們每天上一節(jié)英語課。 We have two English classes

17、every day 44. 他們?cè)谛瞧诹挛绱蚓W(wǎng)球。 They play tennis on . 45. 九月十號(hào)是教師節(jié)。 Day. is Teachers 五、情景交際 填寫句子,補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。 A: Welcome to our store? (46)? B: I want to buy my son a pair of sports shoes for his birthday. A: (47)? B: His birthday is next Monday. A: You are a great mother. (48)? B: He is 14 years old. A: We hav

18、e great sports shoes here. (49)? B: He likes white. A: What size ( 尺碼 ) does he need? B: He needs size 26. A: How about this pair? They are nice and cheap. B: Let me see. They look great. (50)? A: They are 30 dollars. B: OK. I ll take them. 六、書面表達(dá) 本學(xué)期即將結(jié)束,寒假即將開始。假如你是 Linda ,請(qǐng)你給你的 美國朋友 Sally 寫一封信告訴她你

19、的學(xué)校生活好嗎 ?文中請(qǐng)?zhí)岬侥愕?學(xué)校飲食、運(yùn)動(dòng)、學(xué)科及對(duì)它們的印象等。字?jǐn)?shù): 60-80 。 My school life Dear Sally, Nice to write to you again. 期末復(fù)習(xí)題答案 一、1 5 DBCAB 6 10 CABDA 11 15 DCABD 二、(A) 16 20 BDACB (B) 21 25 BABAA 三、A) 26. but 27. short 28. sale 29. finish 30. question B) 31. hers 32. easy 33. Vegetables 34. eighteen 35. hours C) 36. ninth 37. libraries 38. looks 39. them 40. has 四、41. ask; for 42. sounds boring 43. this term 44. Saturday afternoon 45. September 10th 五、46. Can I help you? / What can I do for you? 47. When is his birthd


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