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1、人教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)Unit 6單項(xiàng)選擇 專(zhuān)題訓(xùn)練L單項(xiàng)選擇()1.1 Want to beengineer When I grow up.A. aB. an C. the D. /()2. m reading a bookYang HOngying She is my favorite Writer.A. byB. for C. to D. at()3. DaIe IikeS flying a plane, SO he WantS to be aOne day.A. POliCeman B driver C. PiIOt D. SCientiSt()4.-What does your COU

2、Sin Want to be When She? An actress Iike GOng Li.A. grow UP B grows UP C. grew UP D. is growing UP()5. He may COme to the party, but m not quiteitA SUre about B. afraid Of C. famous for D. read()6. He PlayS theVery WelLHe is going to be aA. violin: ViOlin B violin: ViOIiniSt C. violinist: ViOliniSt

3、D. violinist: ViOlin()7.The boy kept OnSOme Siny questions in class.A. asks B. asked C. asking D. to ask()8.ThereEngliSh Party in OUr CIaSS next week.A. is going to have B. is going to be C. Win have D. have()9.is Linda going to Iearn French?She,s going to WatCh FrenCh InOVieS every day.A. Where B.

4、Why C. When D. HOW()10. It,s a good idea to Send the OId booksthe ChiIdren WhO need them.A. atB. ofC. toD. from)11.-What is a resolution? -Ifs.A. a PrOmiSe B. an action C. a messageD a Ietter)12. LiIy IOVeS music. She is going toA. Play SPOrtS B. exercise more C eat more VegetabIeS D. take guitar Ie

5、SSOnS)13. ThiS math PrObIem ishard for meWOrk out.A. so: that B. enough: to C. too: to D. very; too)14. -We Canft decide Where to go for the trip.一Why notit With your parents?A. ask B. discus C. hope D. SeIl)15 -What do you think Of the CartOOn ZOOtOPiClI一 I really IOVe it. The CharaCterS are Very f

6、unny and they make Ine.A. IaUgh B. IaUghed C. to IaUgh D. IaUghS)16. -HOW are We going to SPend OUr free time?-Why nota hobby, Iike COneCting cards?A. turn UP B. PUt UP C. PiCk UP D. take UP)17. Lucy,s PhOne number is 563-2648 PIeaSeOn a PieCe Of paper,A Write down them B. Write them down C. Write i

7、t down D. Write down it)18.Most StUdentS make a resolutiona new SChOOl year.A. at the beginning Of B. at the top Of C .at the end Of)19.-Why Were you ShOUting at Tom?一 I told him to be quiet, but hetalking.AJoined in B. ended UP C. kept On D. PUt Of)20.I won,t tell this to anyone-?A. Agree B. GUeSS

8、C. HOPe D. PrOmiSe)21 .These foreigners are PraCtiCingChinese. to SPeak B SPeaking C. SPeak D. SPeakS)22.In his e-mail,David PrOmiSedhis daughter during her Stay in JaPan.A. ViSiting B. ViSit C. ViSited D. to ViSit)23.Lily enjoysa film at the WeekendA. See B. to See C. Seeing D. Seing)24.-一John, rem

9、emberOff the IightS When you IeaVe the ClaSSrOOmNO problem!A. turn B. turned C. to turn D. turning)25.The Old Inan IeadS a SimPIe life,he has a IOt Of WeaIthA although B. so C UnleSS D.because)26. Is thereUniVerSity in your city?-Yes. My brother is StUdying there He WantS toenginee匚A. a: a B. an; th

10、e C a; an)27. Julie,s birthday is COming. I Plan toher a Pen as a gift.A. reach B. tellC. SendD. make)28. 一HoW are you going to be a SCientiSt7-m going tofrom now OILA. buy a fast Car B. StUdy harder C. go to a music CIUb D. take acting IeSSOnS)29.You have a bad cold, SO you need to take SOme Then y

11、ou,ll feel better.A. Clinner B medicine C. advice D. food)30. We,re going toSanya, because it is Very COId here in Winte匚A. move in B. move On C. move to D.move around)31.-are you going to start?m going to Start When I finish high SChOOlA. HOW B. What C. When D. WhiCh)32.-Is your mother free this we

12、ekend? - No, She Singing lessons.A. takes B. is going to take C. took)33.一Whafs your NeW Year,s? 一Fm going to get good gradesA resolutionB education C improvement D hobby)34.一What do you USUany do in your free time, John?I Write articles andthem to magazinesA IendB SendC discussD tell)35.Student Tim

13、eS is anewspape匚 It COlneS OUt every Tuesday.A dailyB WeeklyC InOnthIyD yearly)36.are you going to be a COmPUter PrOgrammer?一I am going to StUdy COmPUter SCienCe Very hard.AHOWBWhatCWhenDWhy)37. NeXt year, Fm going toa hobby Iike PIaying the Piano.A take UPB make UPC Set UPD PUt UP)38. -Therea Party

14、 tomorrow evening. WOUId you Iike to go With me?-d IOVe toA.isB. hasC. is going to haveD. is going to be)39. Is he going to StUdy COmPUter science?一Its his favorite SUbjeCtA. Yes. he is B. No, he isnt C. Yes. he does D. No. he doesn,t)40. TO beengineer is my dream .Fm going to StUdy math reallyA an:

15、 hardB. a: hard C. an: hardD a; hardly)41. Lily IOVeS music. She is going to.A. PIay SPOrtS B. exercise InOre C. eat more VegetabIeS D take guitar IeSSOnS)42. -m going to join a SOCCer CIUb to PraCtiCe SOCCer next year. 一A. No PrObIem B. SOUndS great C. Thank you D. HaVe a good day)43 ThiS math PrOb

16、Iem ishard for meWOrk out.A. so: that B. enough; to C. too; to D very: too)44.-Do you knowgirl With IOng CUrIy hair?-Yes. She is Mary. She PIaySPianO Very well.A.a:/ B. the: / C. the: the D. a: the)45. What is theOf What you said?A. Inean B. means C. meaning D meaningless)46.-What ShOUId We do next,

17、 Peter?-Hmm.maybe We ShOUIdthis PrObIem OtherSA. hear: about B. agree: to C. discuss: With D. improve: On)47. If We Want to get good grades, We ShOUId think and more.A. believe B. question C. mind D Stand)48 EVeryOne has ideaA himself B. his OWn C their OWn D. themselves)49.Joe, I Iike ChmeSe but I CaIft SPeak it WelL一I think the best Way toyour ChineSe is to IiVe in China.A describ


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