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1、江蘇省自學考試英語語言學概論(27037)正確判斷題題庫及中文翻譯1. Language is primarily speech ,and not the written form.語言主要是口語形式而不是書面形式。2. The relationship between the sounds and their meanings is arbitrary .聲音和他們的意義之間的關系是任意的。3. Linguistic symbols are produced by human speech organs .語言符號是通過人類語言器官形成的。4. English linguistics is

2、a kind of descriptive linguistics .英語語言學是一種描述性語言學。5. Langue is more abstract than parole and therefore is not directly observable .語言比言語更加抽象,因此是不能直接觀察的。(2009年10月考題)6. General linguistics deals with the whole human language .普遍語言學研究的是所有的人類語言。7. All the English words are not symbolic .不是所有的英語單詞都是有符號的。

3、8. Descriptive linguistics studies one specific language .描述性語言學研究的是一種具體的語言。9. The spelling of words is not a reliable means of describing the English sounds .單詞的拼寫不是描述英語語音的一種可靠方式。10. In terms of tension of the muscles at pharynx ,vowels are grouped into tense vowels and lax vowels .根據(jù)咽喉肌肉的松弛狀態(tài),元音可以

4、分成緊元音和松元音。11. A phoneme is an abstract element in the sound system of a language while allophones are variants of a single abstract element.音位是語言的語音系統(tǒng)中一種抽象的成分,而音位變體是一種抽象成分的變體。12. The sounds that are in contrastive distribution are different phonemes .處于對比分布的語音是不同的音位。13. Two plosives(爆破音) cant go tog

5、ether at the beginning of words .在單詞的開頭兩個爆破音不能搭配在一起。14. Short vowels do not occur finally .短元音不發(fā)生在詞尾。15. All vowels can occur initially except u and u .所有的元音都發(fā)生在開頭除了u和u.16. The sounds that are in complementary distribution and also phonetically similar are allophones of the same phoneme. 處于互補性分布并且語音

6、上相似的兩個音是同一個音位的音位變體。17. All languages have sequential constraints .所有的語言都有序列限制。18. If the initial sound is an affricate ,the next sound must be a vowel.如果開頭的音是一個塞擦音或者破擦音,那么下一個音一定是一個元音。19. Phonetic transcriptions(語音音標) include all the linguistically relevant features of sounds ; phonemic transcription

7、s (音位音標)only record distinctive qualities of sounds which can differentiate the meanings of words .語音音標包括了聲音的所有相關語言特征。而音位音標只記錄了能夠區(qū)分單詞意思的聲音的區(qū)別性特質。20. The two words “bit ” and “bought ” form a minimal pair.Bit 和bought 兩個單詞構成一對最小對立體。21. A palatal plosive appears before or after a front vowel.一個硬腭爆破音出現(xiàn)在

8、一個前元音前面或后面。22. A morpheme is not equated with a syllable .一個詞素并不等同于一個音節(jié)。23. All free morphemes are roots .所有的自由詞素都是詞根。24. All roots are not free morphemes .不是所有的詞根都是自由詞素。25. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are identical in both form and meaning ,then they are regarded as one

9、morph.如果一個或者更多音位的最小的有意義的序列在形式和意思上都一樣,那么它們被視為一個形素。26. Inflectional affixes never cause a change in grammatical class.屈折詞綴不會導致語法等級的變化。27. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are the same in meaning but different in forms, then there are as many morphs as there are forms .如果兩個或者更多音位

10、的最小的有意義的序列在意思上一樣,但是形式不同的話,那么形素和形式一樣多。28. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are different both in form and in meaning ,then there are as many morphs as there are different forms and meanings .如果兩個或者更多音位的最小的有意義的序列在形式和意思上都不一樣,那么有許多形素有不同的形式和意義。29. If both inflectional and derivatio

11、nal affixes occur in the same word ,derivational affixes always appear before inflectional affixes .如果屈折性詞綴和派生詞綴同時發(fā)生在一個單詞上,那么派生詞綴總是出現(xiàn)在屈折性詞綴之前。30. Phonemes are said to be minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language .音位是語言的語音系統(tǒng)中最小的有甄別性特征的單位。31. Morphemes are defined as minimal meaningf

12、ul units in the grammatical system of a language .語素或詞素是語言的語法系統(tǒng)中最小的有意義的單位。32. Morphs are the realizations of a particular morpheme.語子是某一個特定詞素的體現(xiàn)。33. The word SARS is formed by the process of acronymy .單詞SARS是通過首字母縮寫法形成的。34. Clipping refers to the process whereby a word is shortened without a change

13、in the meaning and in the part of speech . 略寫法或者截短法指的是不改變意思和詞性而將一個單詞加以簡略的構詞過程。35. Acronymy is the process by which words are formed by putting the initial letters of several words together . 首字母縮略法是指通過把許多單詞的首字母合并而構成新詞的過程。36. Rearrangement of the words of a sentence yields either an ungrammatical sen

14、tence or a different sentence.一個句子單詞的重新排列要么產(chǎn)生一個不合乎語法的句子要么是一個不同的句子。37. The paradigmatic relation is a kind of relation between linguistic forms in a sentence and linguistic forms outside the sentence.縱聚合關系是句子中語言形式和句子外語言形式之間的一種關系。38. The hierarchical relation shows us the inner layering of sentence.等級

15、關系或層次關系為我們表明了句子的內(nèi)部層次。39. The dynamic study of sentences deals with two levels of structure :both surface structure and deep structure .句子的動態(tài)研究涉及兩種結構層次:表層結構和深層結構。(2010年1月考題)40. A surface structure is pronounceable .表層結構是讀得出的。41. A surface structure corresponds most closely to the linear arrangement o

16、f words as they are pronounced . 表層結構最符合單詞的線性排列。42. A deep structure is not pronounceable .深層結構是讀不出的。43. A deep structure corresponds most closely to the meaningful grouping of words. 深層結構最符合單詞有意義的組合。 (2009年10月考題)44. A surface structure is relatively concrete.表層結構相對而言是具體的。45. A surface structure giv

17、es the form of a sentence as it is used in communication . 表層結構給出了在交流中一個句子的形式。46. A deep structure is abstract .深層結構是抽象的。47. A deep structure gives the meaning of a sentence.深層結構解釋句子的意思。48. The basic order of T-rules for Wh-word questions is :the Wh-word insertion rule T-Yes/No question T-Do inserti

18、on the Wh-word switching rule T-Affix.對于WH問句的轉換規(guī)則的基本順序是:T-Yes/No question T-Do insertion the Wh-word switching rule T-Affix.49. Some words do not have negative connotations when they are used generally .Nevertheless , in some contexts , they may take on additional meaning .一些單詞一般沒有負面的隱涵意義,但是,在一些情境中,

19、它們可能會表現(xiàn)出額外的意思。50. The connotation of a word is language-specific .一個單詞的隱涵意義是跟語言相關的。51. The word “boy” is neutral in general without any negative sense. However , when a twenty-year-old white man calls a forty-year-old black man “boy”, it obviously has a negative connotation reflecting the racist att

20、itude of the speaker.單詞“男孩”一般而言是中性的,沒有任何的負面意義。但是,當一個二十歲的白人稱呼一個四十歲的黑人“男孩”的時候,很明顯反映了說話者具有種族歧視態(tài)度的負面隱涵意義。52. Some words or phrases always have negative associations . For example , the English word thirteen is always associated with bad luck.一些單詞或者短語總是有負面的聯(lián)想。比如,英語單詞13總是聯(lián)想到壞運氣。53. An English word and a C

21、hinese equivalent may have the same denotative meaning (外延意義)but different connotations .一個英語單詞和對應的中文漢字也許外延意義一樣,但是隱涵意義不同。54. Sometimes a word can be used as a general term as well as a specific term.有時候一個單詞可以作為一個概括意義的詞使用也可以作為一個具體意義的詞使用。55. Some words form a hierarchical structure of a hyponymic rela

22、tion , which moves from general to specific .At the top of the hierarchical structure is the most general term and at the bottom are the most specific terms .The terms “general ” and “specific ” are relative terms .一些單詞形成了具有上下義關系的等級結構,從概括意義到具體意義。在等級結構最上面是概括意義的詞,而最底部的是具體意義的詞。術語“概括”和“具體”是相對的術語。56. The

23、re is variability across languages as to the exact nature of particular hyponymic relationships .關于某種特定的上下義關系的具體性質,不同語言之間是不一樣的。57. If two words A and B show part/whole relationship , and if A is a whole and B is a part ,then B is “a part of ”A ,but not B is “a kind of ” A.如果兩個單詞A和B,顯示了部分/整體關系,而且A是一個

24、整體,B是一個部分,那么B是A的一部分,但不是A的一種。 (2009年10月考題)58. Some synonyms have the denotative meaning but show differences in connotative meaning .一些近義詞有外延意義,但是在內(nèi)涵意義上不同。59. When we concentrate on the denotative meaning of words , we may find that words that appear to be synonymous at first glance are used to refer

25、 to slightly different sets of concepts or occur in different situations of use.當我們關注一些單詞的外延意義時,我們也許發(fā)現(xiàn),第一眼看上去是同義詞的單詞,在概念上是稍有不同的或者使用在不同的情境里。60. Some synonyms have the same meaning but different collocations .一些同義詞意思一樣但是搭配不一樣。61. Complementary pairs of words are mutually exclusive and complementary .互

26、補性反義詞是非此即彼的,是互補的,62. The meaning of gradable pairs of antonyms is characterized by relativity .可分等級的反義詞的意義特征在于相對性。63. In gradable pairs of antonyms , very often one is marked and the other unmarked . The unmarked member is more neutral than the marked one and is thus used in questions of degree.在可分等

27、級的反義詞中,經(jīng)常一個是有記號的,一個沒有記號。沒有記號的比有記號的更加中性,因此被使用于具有等級的問句中。64. The semantic ambiguity(詞匯歧義) that is caused by ambiguous words rather than by ambiguous structures is called lexical ambiguity . 由有歧義的單詞而不是由有歧義的結構所導致的語義歧義稱為詞匯歧義。65. The meaning of a sentence is much more than sum of the meanings of the indivi

28、dual words in a sentence.一個句子的意思并不總是句子中各個獨立單詞意義的綜合。66. A recipient receives a physical object.間接賓語接收一個物質實體。67. Semantic roles and grammatical functions are quite different notions .語義角色和語法功能是完全不同的概念。68. The notion of grammatical functions is independent of the notion of semantic roles.語法功能的概念是獨立于(不依

29、賴)語義角色概念的。69. Semantic roles do not appear to be constrained by grammatical functions .語義角色并不受到語法功能的限制。70. “John married a blond heiress ” entails “John married a blond ”.“約翰娶了了一個金發(fā)碧眼的女繼承人”蘊涵了“約翰娶了一個金發(fā)碧眼的人”。江蘇省自學考試英語語言學概論(27037)錯誤判斷題題庫及中文翻譯1. Every language contains a finite number of sentences; how

30、ever, it has an infinite set of words and a large set of rules, so language is creative. 每種語言都包括無數(shù)的句子,而這些句子由有限的規(guī)則和有限的單詞所構造的。因此將finite 改為infinite , infinite 改為finite ,同時將large 改為small.2. In theory , the length of sentences is limited .從理論上來講,句子的長度是無限的,因此將limited 改為unlimited .3. Linguistic symbols are

31、 a kind of visual symbols , which include vocal symbols 。語言符號包括兩種visual symbols (視覺符號)和auditory symbols (聽覺符號),同時vocal symbols ,是由人類語音器官發(fā)出的,它屬于auditory symbols 的一部分。不是visual symbols 的一部分。4. Every language has two levels :grammatically-meaningless and sound-meaningful. 語言有兩個層次:語法上有意義的層次和聲音上無意義的層次。因此將

32、句子改成Language has two levels .They are grammatically meaningful level and sound meaningless level.5. Such features of language as being creative ,vocal ,and arbitrary can differentiate human languages from animal communicative systems.人類語言區(qū)別于動物交流系統(tǒng)的特征有創(chuàng)造性,任意性,但是vocal 卻是兩者都有的特征。6. General linguistics

33、aims at developing a theory that describes the rules of a particular language. 普遍語言學把語言作為一個整體進行研究,因此將a particular language 改成human languages in general . 7. Competence is more concrete than performance. 語言能力是抽象的,而語言運用是具體的,因此需要將more 改成less.8. Descriptive linguistics attempts to establish a theory whi

34、ch accounts for the rules of language in general. 描寫語言學關注一種特定的語言。因此將language in general 改為a particular language.9. All sounds produced by human speech organs are linguistic symbols. 不是所有由人類語音器官發(fā)出的聲音都是語言符號。因此需要在are 后面加上not 10. Language is arbitrary, which means that any individual speaker has the fre

35、edom to determine the pronunciation of a word. 語言是任意的,但不是指任何一個人都有自由決定一個單詞的發(fā)音。而是指The relationship between the sounds and their meanings is arbitrary .聲音和他們的意義之間的關系是任意的。11. Some languages are primitive and some languages are advanced.不能簡單地說某些語言是低級的,而某些語言是高級的。12. Morphological knowledge is a native spe

36、akers intuition about how a sentence is formed . 形態(tài)學知識是語言者關于單詞是如何形成的知識。因此需要將sentence 改成word.13. Phonetics is the science that deals with the sound system. 音位學是研究語音系統(tǒng)的科學。因此需要將phonetics 改為phonology .14. A diachronic study of a language is concerned with a state of a language at a particular point of t

37、ime. 語言的共時性研究關注的是處于某一時間點的語言所做的描述。因此需要將整句改成The synchronic study of a language is concerned with a “state” of a language at a particular point of time.15. Phonology is the study of speech sounds of all human languages . 語音學是對所有人類語言的語音研究。因此需要將phonology 改成phonetics .16. Acoustic phonetics is concerned w

38、ith how a sound is produced by the vocal organs . 發(fā)音語音學研究聲音是如何通過發(fā)音器官形成的。因此需要將整句改成Articulatory phonetics is concerned with how a sound is produced by the vocal organs.17. All consonants are produced with vocal-cord vibration .所有的元音都是通過聲帶振動產(chǎn)生的。所以要將consonants 改成vowels . (2010年1月考題)18. There are 72 symb

39、ols for consonants and 25 for vowels in English .國際音標中共有72個符號代表輔音,25個符號代表元音,并不是在英語中。所以要將English 改成IPA.19. Bilabials are different from alveolars in terms of manner of articulation .根據(jù)發(fā)音位置的不同,雙唇音和齒齦音是不同的。而不是根據(jù)發(fā)音方法的不同。所以要將manner 改成place .20. When two articualtors are brought together to form a complet

40、e closure which is followed by a sudden release ,the sounds are called affricates.在發(fā)音器官形成完全徹底的阻礙的情況下,阻礙一下子被釋放,同時氣流有聲地發(fā)出,這樣產(chǎn)生的語音叫做爆破音。所以要將affricates 改成plosives .21. All the back vowels are rounded vowels .并不是所有的后元音都是圓唇元音,在英語中,除了a:之外所有的后元音都是圓唇音。22. Triphthongs are produced by glide from one vowel to a

41、nother rapidly and continuously .對于三合元音的定義是這樣的:Triphthongs are produced by moving from one vowel position to another and then rapidly and continuously to a third one .23. The sounds that are in free variation are allophones of the same phoneme. 處于互補性分布并且語音上相似的兩個音是同一個音位的音位變體。而不是處于自由變異的兩個音。所以要將整句改成The

42、 sounds that are in complementary distribution and also phonetically similar are allophones of the same phoneme.。(2009年10月考題)24. Chinese is an intonation language. 中文是聲調語言,而英語是語調語言,因此需要將intonation 改寫成tone .或者將Chinese 改寫成English . (2010年1月考題)25. A phoneme is defined as a minimal meaningful unit in th

43、e sound system of a language. 音位被定義成在語言的發(fā)音系統(tǒng)中最小的具有甄別性特征的單位。因此需要將meaningful 改寫成distinctive . (2009年10月考題)26. Allophones are the realizations of phonemes in general. 音子是整個音位的體現(xiàn),因此需要將Allophones 改寫成Phones . (2009年10月考題)27. Phones are the realizations of a specific phoneme. 音位變體是某一具體音位的體現(xiàn)。所以需要將Phones 改寫成

44、Allophones . (2009年10月考題)28. If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another brings about a change of meaning, they are in free variation. 如果兩個或者更多的音在同一種環(huán)境下能夠發(fā)生,并且一個語音代替另一個語音會產(chǎn)生意義的改變,他們就是對比分布。因此需要將free variation 改寫成contrastive distribution .29. I

45、f two or more sounds never appear in the same environment, they are said to be in contrastive distribution. 如果兩個或者更多的音從不會在同一種環(huán)境下發(fā)生,他們就是互補分布。因此需要將整句改寫成If two or more sounds never appear in the same environment ,they are said to be in complementary distribution . (2009年10月考題)30. If two sounds can occu

46、r in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for the other does not cause a change of meaning ,then they are said to be in complementary distribution . 如果兩個音能在同一環(huán)境下發(fā)生,并且一個語音代替另一個不會導致意義的改變,那么他們就是自由變異。因此需要將complementary distribution改寫成free variation .31. In English, the suprasegmental f

47、eatures include stress, tone and juncture. 在英語中,超切分特征有三種:重音,語調和連音,因此需要將tone 改寫成intonation .32. A morpheme is a minimal distinctive unit in the grammatical system of a language. 詞素被定義為語言的語法體系中最小的意義單位。而不是區(qū)別性單位。因此需要將distinctive 改寫成meaningful . (2009年10月考題)33. All bound morphemes are affixes .并不是所有的黏附詞素

48、都是詞綴。在英語中,就有一些黏附詞素就是詞根,而不是詞綴。比如說tele 和vise.在比如ceive 在receive , deceive. perceive 中,都是黏附詞素,因為ceive 不能在句子中獨立使用,然而確是這三個單詞的詞根。(注意:All free morphemes are roots but not all roots are free morphemes ,all affixes are bound morphemes ,but not all bound morphemes are affixes .所有的自由詞素都是詞根,但不是所有的詞根都是自由詞素。所有的詞綴都

49、是黏附詞素,但不是所有的黏附詞素都是詞綴。)34. Not all affixes are bound morphemes. 所有的詞綴都是黏附詞素,比如de, dis ,ir , ly tion ,able ,ible ,ful 等。(注意:All free morphemes are roots but not all roots are free morphemes ,all affixes are bound morphemes ,but not all bound morphemes are affixes .所有的自由詞素都是詞根,但不是所有的詞根都是自由詞素。所有的詞綴都是黏附詞

50、素,但不是所有的黏附詞素都是詞綴。)35. Inflectional affixes serve to create new words. 屈折詞綴或者屈折詞素,表現(xiàn)的是語法關系,如數(shù)、性、時態(tài)、態(tài)、格和級。因此需要將create new words 改寫成indicate grammatical relations , (2010年1月考題)36. Derivational affixes serve to indicate grammatical relations. 屈折詞綴或者屈折詞素,表現(xiàn)的是語法關系,如數(shù)、性、時態(tài)、態(tài)、格和級。因此需要將derivational affixes 改

51、寫成inflectional affixes . 同時需要注意派生詞綴是用來創(chuàng)造新的單詞的。(2010年1月考題)37. When a new word is formed by putting an affix to the base, the process involved is called affixation .Here the term base refers to both inflectional and derivational affix. 當一個新單詞是通過添加一個詞綴到詞基上形成的,所涉及的過程被稱為詞綴法。(2010年1月考題)38. Derivational af

52、fixes cause a change in grammatical class.派生詞綴經(jīng)常改變單詞的語法類型。因此需要將整句改寫成:Derivational affixes often , but not always , change the grammatical class of words .39. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are the same in form but different in meanings, then there are regarded as one morph .

53、如果兩個或者更多音位的最小的有意義的序列在意思上一樣,但是形式不同的話,那么形素和形式一樣多。40. Phones are the realizations of a particular morpheme .詞素變體是某一具體詞素的體現(xiàn)。因此需要將Phones 改寫成Allomorphs . (2009年10月考題)41. Allophones are the realizations of a specific phone .音位變體是某一具體音位的體現(xiàn)。所以需要將phone 改寫成phoneme . (2009年10月考題)42. Some new words are created s

54、imply by changing their parts of speech .The process involved is called blending. 一些新單詞只是通過改變他們的詞性而創(chuàng)造的,這種過程被稱為轉類法。因此需要將blending 改成conversion .43. Allomorphs are the realizations of a particular morph. 詞素變體是某一具體詞素的體現(xiàn)。因此需要將morph 改寫成morpheme .44. Some new words are created simply by changing their part

55、s of speech .The process involved is called affixation. 一些新單詞只是通過改變他們的詞性而創(chuàng)造的,這種過程被稱為轉類法。因此需要將affixation 改成conversion .45. If two or more separate words are conjoined to produce a form which is used as a single word, the combining process is known as blending. 如果兩個或者更多的獨立單詞合在一起形成可以被作為一個單獨的單詞而使用的形式,這種

56、合并的過程就是復合法。因此需要將blending 改成compounding 46. Compounding is a process in which a compound is made by blending parts of two words . 混合法是一種通過刪除或者合并兩個單詞的部分而構成一個復合詞的過程。因此需要將compounding 改成blending . (2009年10月考題)47. By prefixation, we delete a suffix from an apparently complex form instead of adding a suffi

57、x. It may be regarded as the opposite case of suffixation. 通過逆序造詞法或者逆生法,我們刪除掉一個復雜形式的后綴而不是添加后綴。它可以被認為是后綴法的反過程。因此需要將prefixation 改成back-formation .48. If the words or phrases in a sentence can be replaced by words and phrases outside the sentence and the resulting sentence is still grammatical then we

58、say the replacing forms and replaced forms have syntagmatic relations .如果一個句子中的單詞或者短語可以被句子外的單詞和短語所替代,并且產(chǎn)生的句子仍然合乎語法,那么我們可以說取代的成分和被取代的成分有縱聚合關系。因此需要將syntagmatic 改成paradigmatic (因為替代關系就是縱聚合關系。)49. Morphology is a science that is concerned with how words are combined to form phrases and how phrases are combined by rules to form sentences. 句法學關注單詞是如何組合成短語以及短語是如何通過規(guī)則形成句子的。而形態(tài)學研究的是單詞的構成和單詞的內(nèi)在結構。因此需要將Morphology 改寫成Syntax.50. Dynamically, we make structural descriptions of sentences to illustrate the parts of sentences and the relationships among the


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