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1、Recreative Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry1. I ntrouctionClassical Chin ese poetry enjoys a time-h onored and kaleidoscopic history. Si nee the first anthology of poetry The Book of Songs, more and more brilliant chapters have been written into classical Chinese poetry by intelligenee and wi

2、sdom of our people with feeli ng hearts un til Tang and Song Dyn asties, which wit nessed a veritable bloomi ng of classical Chin ese poetry.It is in disputable that classical Chin ese poetry is a priceless cultural heritage unique to our country. With the expedition of global integration and expans

3、ion of cultural excha nges across the world, it is right and n ecessary for this n atio nal treasure to step out of our country into the world, to be embraced and appreciated by people of all n ati on alities. However, un like Pek ing opera, which can be sen sed through gestures and body Ian guage,

4、it can only become alive and meanin gful un der the pens of meticulous tran slators. A poem is esse ntially a comb in ati on of beauty of soun ds, of forms, of rhetoric devices, and of stylistic effects. Literary tran slati on means to properly con vey those aspects to the target text of a culture d

5、iffere nt from that of the source text. And as to classical Chinese poetry, the disadvantage would arise in the sense that many difficulties would lie in the way of prese nting the orig inal beauties of classical Chin ese poetry characteristic of a Ianguage featured by both monosyllaism and richness

6、 in hieroglyphic characters. Due to nu merous lin guistic and cultural reas ons, this is no less than a Herculean task. Yet the translators of our country have blazed new trails and made great contributions persistently generation after generation. Through their persevering effort and never-bending

7、will, they have also formed various theories of their own, which in turn guide their practice.As for me, classical Chin ese poetry has always bee n holdi ng irresistible charm. I am always helplessly in dulgi ng in their soari ng aesthetic realm and in toxicated by their visi onal elega nee as well

8、as verbal melodious ness. I eve n have the aspirati on that I will produce my own versi ons and write a praiseworthy stroke in this glorious un dertak ing. Undoubtedly, enthusiasm is the best working quality, imparting great elasticity and delights to my case study. It is en thusiasm that spurs me t

9、o write dow n this thesis and humbly prese nt my own opinions here. As a prelim inary En glish lear ner, I have a long way to go. The mome nt I braced myself to write this topic, which is a bit too profo und and subtle for undergraduates, I am prepared to overcome all difficulties and accept all fai

10、r criticism. For I am clearly aware that resilience and maturity in both mind and skill has to be achieved through trial and error.2. Necessity of Recreative Translation of Classical Chinese PoetryTranslatability or in translatability, this is a question, which has been hotly debated for decades. Ye

11、t in my point of view, translatability dwells in translatability, whereas in translatability is embodied in translatability.George Henry Lewes pointed out inLife of Geothe(Henry, 1885),“ Evenunder the most successful attempt, translation is no more than an approximation, while attempts are not succe

12、ssful usually. A translation may be good as translation, but it can not be an adequate reproduction of the originalWorld famous linguistician R. Jakobson also pointed out to this effect by citing an example:“ Poetryby definition is untranslatable; it is only possible to do creative transposition. If

13、 we want to translate this age-old Italian epigram traduttore, traditore into English,the translator iswbeewtroauyledr deprive the,Italian rhymingepigram of all its paronomasia value. And the well-known scholar of our country Mr Lin Yutang also pointed out to the same effect:“譯者所能夠達到之忠實,即比較的忠實之謂 一百分

14、的忠實,只是一種夢想 凡文字有聲音之美,有意義之美,有傳押之美,有文氣文體形式之美,譯者或顧 其意而忘其神,或得其神而忘其體,絕不能把文意文神文氣文體及聲音之美完全 同時譯出 我們須記得翻譯只是一種不得已的很有用的事業(yè),并不是只代原文之 謂;譯者所能求的只是比較的非絕對的成功。 ”To sum up, the possibility does exist for translators to reproduce the original meaning, style and emotion to more or less degree depending on better or worse

15、a translation is. Granted, faithfulness is the guiding principle in translation, namely, achieving equivalence with the original text in expressing the source language with the target language. But absolute faithfulness, in other words, a fully adequate translation, is impossible.Reasons of intransl

16、atability are related as follows.2.1 General Reasons of the Impossibility of Absolute Faithfulness in Translation.(1) The innate differences between source language and target language. There are yawning gaps among various languages, including phonetics, spelling and grammar, which, however, are not

17、 the biggest obstacles yet. The broadest gap lies in the habitual way of using language, including vocabulary selection, metaphor and associations.(2) Traditional and cultural background varies from language to language. A simple and familiar illustration goes to “ dog” , which irsegarded by western

18、ers as bright and adorable, hence the phrase “ luckydog”. While in China, it is always associatedwith “ betrayaland meanness” .The deviation of information reception resulted from traditional cultural background difference may likely lead to unfaithfulness of translation.(3) Difference of national p

19、sychological features. Each nation has its own culture and customs, hence different psychology. Owing to their open-mindedness and magnanimity, westerners writing features frankness, straight-to-point style and they never beat about the bush, While Chinese are indisposed to a more delicate, roundabo

20、ut and milder style, which bears consideration. It naturally follows that amalgamating these two differing mentalities is no easy thing.2.2 Particular Reasons of in Translatability of PoetryThe above-mentioned is the general reasons of impossibility of absolute faithfulness; next this thesis will an

21、alyze the reasons why translation of poetry could not abide by faithfulness, taking the unique characteristics of poetry into consideration.Mao Dun said this on literary tran slation: 文“學翻譯是用另一種語言把原作的 藝術意境傳達出來,使讀者在讀譯文的時候能夠象讀原作時一樣得到啟發(fā),感動 和美的感受”. Moreover, as the most concentrated and concise literary

22、 pattern, poetry imposes especially strict demand on language art. Translation of classical Chinese poetry is demanded to reproduce the artistic beauty of the original2.2.1 Outward Artistic Beauty.(1) Phonic beautyFirst, Chinese charactersall end with vowels, producing a sonorous and lasting sound a

23、s the end rhyme, while English usually ends with consonants, far lessresounding and pleasant than vowels.Second, English is named“ stress language” in phonology, while Chinese is name“ tonelanguage ”In. classical Chinese, there is four toneslevel tone ,rising tone,falling tone and entering ton&5), b

24、ut English usually has only descent and ascent tones, has no evident stressedand light sounds, which renders it hard to display the sound effects of Chinese four cadenced tones and contagious musical effects.(2) Formal beauty.Classical Chinese poetry has a fixed set of rules and forms with respect t

25、o rhyme scheme.絕句(a poem of four lin es, each containing five or seve n characters) anc律詩 (a poem of eight lines, each containing five or seven characters) both have a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. Just like the metrical foot, such as iambic pentameter, trochee and dactylic hexameter in the

26、 Victorian English poetry, they appear neat and clean, and sound cadenced and melodious. Besides, Chinese features particular hieroglyphic characters, which appeal to the eyes and present a visual beauty.Talking about this ,Yu Guangzhong and Swedish literary academician Zhang Yueran said in Taiwan,

27、cited two lines in Chinese poet Du Fus 登高 “無邊落木蕭 蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來”and commented as follows: 木的后面接蕭蕭,兩個草字頭, 草也算木,不盡長江呢,江字是三點水,后面就滾滾而來 , 這種字型,這種視覺上 的沖擊,無論你是怎樣的翻譯高手都是沒有辦法的 ” .2.2.2 Inward Artistic Beauty.English poems emphasize on image while classical Chinese poems attach great importance to artistic concep

28、tion. English poetry lays particular stress on imagery beauty, arousing visional response, whereas classical Chinese poetry appeals to readers psychological and mental empathy. On discussing about Chinese condolence poetry, Mao Yumei pointed out “重含蓄不多外露,喜詞盡而意無窮,無須鋪陳,有時只是 清白如畫的素描,便感人肺腑 ”。2.3 Cultura

29、l AssociationThe so-called cultural association, reduced to simple terms, is that the associations aroused by certain words are familiar to and widely accepted by an overwhelming majority of people of the same language as well as cultural background, hence communicative function comes into existence

30、. British poet and easiest Hilaire Belloc gave a report in Oxford University on Chinese-English translation. In his opinion, one word, as simple as it is, usually has many connotations, reminding people of other relevant famous works and famous lines. One word has a certain atmosphere in the origina

31、l, but once translated into target language, the atmosphere vanishes or may even be totally twisted and different.For example, willow is not only the willow in willow trees in Chinese culture. It means far beyond this. The following are some poems containing this character.楊柳東風樹,青青夾御河。近來攀折苦,應為別離多。 (

32、王之煥送別)渭城朝雨浥清晨,客舍青青柳色新。勸君更進一杯酒,西出陽關無故人。 (王 維渭城曲 多情自古傷離別,更堪,冷落清秋節(jié)。今宵酒醒何處?楊柳岸,嘵風殘月。 , 此去經(jīng)年,應是良辰好景虛設,便縱有千種風情,更與何人說? (柳永雨霖鈴 )In all these widely spread and recited lines, willow has been endowed with a sense of sorrow and reluctance in departure; namely, two people could not bear to part from each other.

33、 Through thousands of years of cultural drifts and deposits, this word in classical Chinese poetry has already changed from a mere name of plant to a special term suggesting forlornness and regret in departure. It is the same case with swallows. Swallows leave in autumn and return in spring, bringin

34、g comfort and warmth in the midst of loneliness. For example,笙歌散盡游人去,始覺春空。垂下簾櫳,雙燕歸來細雨中。(歐陽修)無可奈何花落去,似曾相識燕歸來。(晏殊)花褪殘紅青杏小,燕子飛時,綠水人家繞。 (蘇軾)Profound culture has cultivated the natural trend of thoughts of our Chinese people. Therefore, the meaning we can comprehend easily can not be grasped by westerner

35、s, which makes the translation of classical Chinese poetry arduous all the more. The unwitting misleading in cultural association of translation usually ends in regrettable partial loss of the meaning.3. The Core of Recreative Translation3.1. Re-experience the Spirit of the Poets3.1.1 Poetry Flowing

36、 Spontaneously from the SoulZhu Chunshen said in心的放歌:“詩,不是通過對其所指意義的解釋而獲得,而是通過閱讀過程中因為用心的 體驗而產(chǎn)生,因為放心的翻譯而駐留。這就是詩 “意”。如果說先人造字,讓后人明 白“武”的真意在于“止戈”,那“意”的漢字形體就告訴我們其真諦乃 “心”之“音”;而 音則是“立”而“曰”的言說所謂“意”,歸根結底,是心“(獨)立”而“曰”的言說, 心的呼喚。由心發(fā)出的呼喚,能釋放他人之心使之放歌的,就是 “詩”,就是“言” 之“寺”,就是語言永恒的神殿。每一個詩人的心中都有著也在不斷建構著一座這樣 的神殿,通過心的呼喚,心

37、的放歌來敬拜所供奉的神,這就是超越了韻律的詩人 內(nèi)心的詩?!盩his piercing and beautifully written remark cuts to the core of poetry. Poetry flows spontaneously from the bottom of the poets hearts and transcends any form of verse. It is the souls voice rather than glottal voice that appeals most to the translator; it is the sound

38、 of right chord rather than the sound of chord that sounds the most dulcet and harmonious of all.Poetry is about reaching deep down, down, inside yourself to the center of your heart and exploring your strongest feelings, and then climbing back up, up, up to innermost cells of your brain and choosin

39、g the best words in the best order to say exactly what you found in your heart. so is the translation of poetry.As a poet himself, Yu Guangzhong said: “青年讀詩如初戀,學者讀詩如選美, 詩人讀詩如尋妻” . The poetsreading poetry is more than any other a pursuit of heart. Such kind of reading transcendsover the facade of cha

40、racters,but emphasizes more on the empathy, whereas a scholar stops at mere characters. Beauties can be selected by him through artificial standards,but he cannot necessarily understand the hearts of them.3.1.2 Artistic Appealing PowerAnother quintessential element of poetry lies in its artistic app

41、ealing power.Classical Chinese poetry is a condensed form of language as well as emotions; therefore tremendous contagious power breaks out from the short lines, which appeals straight to the soul of the readers. Since our classical Chinese poetry writes its first chapter from The Book of Songs, a c

42、lassic passage of The Book of Songs is quoted here.毛詩序:“詩者,志之所之在也, 在心為志, 發(fā)言為詩。情動于中而形于言, 言之不足故嗟嘆之,嗟嘆之不足則永歌之,永歌之不足,不如手之舞之,足之道 之?!盩hen this passage of our ancient China coincides happily with description of the America n famous female poet Emily Dick in sonM,If I read a book and it makes my whole body

43、so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry, if I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. Poetry is not only the record of thoughts and feelings, but has tremendous influencing power. Dickinson s description is more viviPdo.etry goes straight in to

44、 the depth of your mind and soul, this kind of heart-shaking strength.Then as to the important two factors related above, both of these are intangible things, which can only be sensed with whole heart and soul, how can the inner merits of classical Chinese poetry, how can the profound meaning hidden

45、 in lines be reflected outwardly?The answer is style.3.2 Reproduce the Style of the OriginalAs for classical Chinese poetry, various aspects of features relevant with language and language use such as vocabulary, sentencestructure, grammar, rhetoric, stylistic, tones, rhyme, rhythm, cultural feature

46、 of the times constitute the dominant stylistic system of poetry while such distinctive characteristics such as artistic style, poise and romantic charm, images, inherent qualities, artistic conceptions and artistic appealing power constitute recessive stylistic system. In a word, the style is the m

47、an. The transfer of style touches the most sensitive and complicated spot in literary translation. With this account, Flaubert said, for a literary work, style is the life, this is the blood of thoughts, which coincides with professor Wang Zongyan(12): “能否譯出原文風格是衡量譯文的 最高標準,尤其是在翻譯文學作品或用文學筆調(diào)寫歷史書的時候” .

48、In a certain sense, reproduction of the style of the original works is tantamount tothe preservation of the life of the original; the opposite is no less than snuffing the fountain of its life. But then, how to realize the reproduction? Just as above-mentioned, the literary style of the poet is outw

49、ardly reflected in the indisposition (inclination) and characteristics of the language use, the combining structure and methods of sentences, the selection and adoption of rhetoric devices. It naturally follows that translator should make initial attempts in these aspects, transform the original sym

50、bolic system so as to transfer the original style into the target language. However, obstacles resulted from language differences are inevitable. In order to overcome these hindrances, translator should display creativity to the full, try to seek ways and means to adapt the form difficult to be corr

51、esponded between the original and the translated version. English translating master of classical Chinese poetry Wu Juntao used to speak on this in the second periodical of Chinese TranslatorsJournal in 2000,“在英譯中找到替代的方 法,比如每行五言,可以視內(nèi)容多少,譯為每行五個,六個,以至七個音步,或 者十個,二十個,以至十四個音節(jié)。只要整首詩有規(guī)律可循便可不再苛求了。平 仄聲則用抑揚格,

52、揚抑格,或者欹抑揚格,揚揚抑格取代,實在辦不到,用每行 較為整潔的音節(jié)取代,也可形成自然的節(jié)奏”.This is called stylistic adaptation, which is the only method to transfer the style of the source language into the target language.4. Stylistic AdaptationIn a more accurate and detailed explanation所謂風格變通, 是指在英語缺乏與漢語對應的風格符號, 或者由于思維,語言, 文化差異等原因,照搬原文語言風

53、格形式回防礙詩歌意境的重構或影響詩歌語用 功更的實際等情況下,尋求近似的風格手段,以便最大限度的保持原詩意境與整 體風格特征的創(chuàng)造性翻譯行為(13)。This chapter will give a concrete presentation of the feasibility of stylistic adaptation and discuss in detail the various circumstances as well as the corresponding strategies.4.1 Adaptation of MeaningExample 1.流水落花春去也,天上人間

54、!李后主浪淘沙Australian scholar Rober Kotewall and Norman L.Smith translated this line in Selected Chinese Verse published by Penguin Books:Flowing water, falling petals, all reach their homes,Sky is above, but man has his place.Reading this complete literal translation, could the foreign readers read bey

55、ond the line and grasp the hidden sense? Of course not. It has been loaded much cultural and deeper meaning. In this case, adaptation of meaning is introduced in the following version.Spring has gone with the fallen petalsAnd the waters runningWhat a difference between a prisoner and a King!Example

56、2 海上升明月,天涯共此時 張久齡望月懷遠 Herbert A. Giles translated this into:Over the sea the round moon rises bright,And floods the horizon with its silver light.The translator faithfully transfers the literal meaning, yet the intrinsic sense remains unseen, westerners will just dismiss it as two lines depicting sc

57、ene for lack of sensethat “ moon”commutates “ nostalgia in ”Chinese culture. Therefore, the second line can be changed into:“And bathes the distant dear ones both in light”. In this way, the intrinsic meaning is clear on the basis of reserving the original end rhyme and iambic meter.4.2 Adaptation o

58、f Rhetoric DevicesExample 3春色滿園關不住,一枝紅杏出墻來葉紹翁游園不值A grateful of spring can t be shtuhtouupg,h, within sighta twig of apricot flowers is flaming out o(14) er th wall.If 一枝紅杏出墻來 is translated literally and flatly by means of sketch, it may be suitable for aesthetic tendency and mentality of Chinese rea

59、ders, but it cannot give westerners the same artistic affections. This translation adopts the rhetoric device of metaphor (“flaming”depicts vividly the dynamic beauty as well as color beauty of red apricot, obviously enhances its contagious appeal, achieve functional equivalence. Besides, this version al


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