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1、英語高考常考知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)大全第一部分:語音辨音(5分)考點(diǎn)一:a,e,i,o,u五個(gè)元音字母的發(fā)音:注意元音字母在重讀開音節(jié)、閉音節(jié)中的讀音,非重讀音節(jié)中的讀音及特例情況:開音節(jié)有兩種:1) 一種是在重讀音節(jié)中元音字母之后沒有輔音字母,叫絕對(duì)開音節(jié)。 如:go no me paper2) 另一種是在元音字母之后有一個(gè)輔音字母(r除外),而后面又跟上一個(gè)不發(fā)音的元音字母e,叫相對(duì)開音節(jié)。 如:home name face在重讀開音節(jié)中,元音字母一律讀它的字母音,即長(zhǎng)音。閉音節(jié):以一個(gè)或幾個(gè)輔音字母結(jié)尾(r除外),而中間只有一個(gè)元音字母的音節(jié)叫閉音節(jié)。在閉音節(jié)中,元音字母一律讀它的短音。但是:a.

2、字母a 1) 在/w/后常發(fā)短音? 如wash,what,want;2) 在water一詞中,a發(fā)長(zhǎng)音/ ?:;3) 在danger strange change中發(fā)/ei/;4) 在class cant father after中發(fā)/a:/b. 字母e 在 ever even eve 這三個(gè)單詞中的發(fā)音分別為:/e/ /i:/ /i:/。c. 字母i 發(fā)/i:/ policeman machined. 字母o 發(fā)/u/ woman /i/ women 在m,n,v,th前發(fā) / / come,son,love,does,mother e. 字母u 發(fā)/i/ busy 不發(fā)音 build (b

3、uilt)考點(diǎn)二:以-ed結(jié)尾的單詞的詞尾正確讀音; 清輔音后讀作/ t / .looked hoped 濁、元音后讀作/ d / cleaned answered t,d之后加ed, ed讀/ id /started decided考點(diǎn)三:以-s,-es結(jié)尾的單詞的詞尾正確讀音;清輔音后讀作/s/ .maps cakes 濁、元音后讀作/z / bananas dogs 在/s/、/z/、/d?/ 音之后讀/ iz / classes bridges washes houses考點(diǎn)四:常見字母組合的讀音; (字母組合包括:元音字母組合和輔音字母合)考點(diǎn)五:不符合讀音規(guī)則的常用詞的讀音。1.

4、詞性變化引起讀音變化(1) 同形而不同詞性的單詞讀音變化excuse n./s/ v./z/separate v./ei/ adj./i/breath n. / / v./ e/ record n./e/ v./i/absent adj./ ? / v./ ? /abstract adj./ ? / v./ ? /bow n./ ?u / v./au /(2)有些詞加后綴時(shí)引起讀音的變化nation /ei/-national/ ? / know/ ? u/-knowledge /?/south /sau/-/southern / ? se?n/2. 詞形變化引起讀音變化(1) 可數(shù)名詞變復(fù)數(shù)

5、的讀音變化mouth / - -mouths / ez/house /s/-houses /ziz/woman / ? wum ? n/-women / ?wimin/(2) 詞過去式中的讀音變化will-would /wud/shall-should /ud/can-could /kud/eat-ate /et,eit/mean-meant /;menthear-heard /h ?:d/(3) 詞在否定縮寫中的讀音變化cannot-cant /ka:nt/shall not-shant /a:nt/will not-wont /w?unt/do not-dont /d?unt/3 .復(fù)合詞

6、的讀音變化break/ei/-breakfast/e/head/e/-forehead/rid/hand / d /-handsome/ /room /u:/-classroom /u/news /z/-newspaper /s/4. 同源詞的讀音變化know / ?u/-knowledge /?/nature/ei/-natural / ?/nation /ei/-national / ?/breath /-breathe / e/ bath /ba:/-bathe /bee/cloth /kl?/-clothes /kl?uez/worth /-worthy / ei/real /ri?l

7、/-reality /ri ? ?l?ti/political / ?/politics /?/say /sei/-said /sed/handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves。 handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves。第二部分:?jiǎn)雾?xiàng)選擇(15分)考點(diǎn)六:名詞 i. 概念 名詞是表示人,事物,地點(diǎn)或抽象概念的名稱的詞,有專有名詞和普通名詞之分,還有可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞之分. ii.相關(guān)知識(shí)點(diǎn)精講 1. 名詞變復(fù)數(shù)1) 以-s, x, ch, -sh結(jié)尾加-esbuses,boxes,watches

8、,brushes (stomach-stomachs)2)以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞,變y為i 加esfactories, countries 3) 以-f或fe結(jié)尾的名詞,變f或fe為v加es leaf-leaves lifelives但:roof,chief,gulf,serf,belief,proof, 加shandkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves。 4) 以o 結(jié)尾的名詞,變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí): a. 加s,photo-photospiano-pianos radio-radioszoo-zoos; b. 加es,potato-potatoestoma

9、to-tomatoes c. 上述a和b兩種方法均可,如zero-zeros / zeroes。 5) 名詞復(fù)數(shù)的不規(guī)則變化 a. child-children foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-miceman-men woman-women 注意:由一個(gè)詞加 man 或 woman構(gòu)成的合成詞,其復(fù)數(shù)形式也是 -men 和-women,如an englishman,two englishmen。但german不是合成詞,故復(fù)數(shù)形式為germans; bowman是姓,其復(fù)數(shù)是the bowmans。 b. 單復(fù)同形,如deer,sheep,fish,chinese,ja

10、panese ,li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin等。但除人民幣的元、角、分外,美元、英鎊、法郎等都有復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters。 c. 集體名詞,以單數(shù)形式出現(xiàn),但實(shí)為復(fù)數(shù)。例如: peoplepolicecattle 等本身就是復(fù)數(shù),不能說 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以說a person,a policeman,a head of cattle, the english,the british,the french,the chinese,the j

11、apanese,the swiss 等名詞,表示國(guó)民總稱時(shí),作復(fù)數(shù)用,如the chinese are industries and brave.中國(guó)人民是勤勞勇敢的。 d. 以s結(jié)尾,仍為單數(shù)的名詞,如: maths,politics,physics等學(xué)科名詞,一般是不可數(shù)名詞,為單數(shù)。 news 為不可數(shù)名詞。 the united states, 應(yīng)視為單數(shù)。 the united nations was organized in 1945. 聯(lián)合國(guó)是1945年組建起來的。 e. 以復(fù)數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)的書名,劇名,報(bào)紙,雜志名,也可視為單數(shù)。例如: the arabian nights is

12、a very interesting story-book. 一千零一夜是一本非常有趣的故事書。 f. 表示由兩部分構(gòu)成的東西,如:glasses (眼鏡)trousers,clothes等,若表達(dá)具體數(shù)目,要借助數(shù)量詞 pair(對(duì),雙);suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers等。 g. 另外還有一些名詞,其復(fù)數(shù)形式有時(shí)可表示特別意思,如:goods貨物,waters水域fishes(各種)魚。h. 復(fù)合詞變復(fù)數(shù),以中心詞為主 film-goer film-goers sister-in-law sisters-in-law gro

13、wn-up grown-ups2. 不可數(shù)名詞量的表示 1) 物質(zhì)名詞 a. 當(dāng)物質(zhì)名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為個(gè)體名詞時(shí)為可數(shù)。 比較:cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一種食物。 (不可數(shù)) these cakes are sweet.這些蛋糕很好吃。 (可數(shù)) b. 當(dāng)物質(zhì)名詞表示該物質(zhì)的種類時(shí),可數(shù)。例如: this factory produces steel.(不可數(shù)) we need various steels.(可數(shù)) c. 當(dāng)物質(zhì)名詞表示份數(shù)時(shí),可數(shù)。例如: our country is famous for tea. 我國(guó)因茶葉而聞名。 two teas, please.

14、 請(qǐng)來兩杯茶。 2) 抽象名詞表示具體的事例時(shí)也可數(shù)。例如: four freedoms 四大自由 the four modernizations四個(gè)現(xiàn)代化 物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞可以借助單位詞表一定的數(shù)量,如a glass of water 一杯水/ a piece of advice一則建議。 3. 定語名詞的復(fù)數(shù) 名詞作定語一般用單數(shù),但也有以下例外。 1) 用復(fù)數(shù)作定語。例如: sports meeting students reading-room talks table 談判桌 the foreign languages department 外語系 2) man, woman, ge

15、ntleman等作定語時(shí),其單復(fù)數(shù)以所修飾的名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)而定。例 men workerswomen teachersgentlemen officials 3) 有些原有s結(jié)尾的名詞,作定語時(shí),s保留。例如: goods train (貨車) arms produce武器生產(chǎn) customs papers 海關(guān)文件 clothes brush 衣刷 4) 數(shù)詞+名詞作定語時(shí),這個(gè)名詞一般保留單數(shù)形式。例如: two-dozen eggs兩打雞蛋 a ten-mile walk 十英里路 two-hundred trees 兩百棵樹 a five-year plan.一個(gè)五年計(jì)劃 4. 名詞的格

16、 1) 單數(shù)名詞詞尾加s,復(fù)數(shù)名詞詞尾沒有s,也要加s,如the boys bag 男孩的書包,mens room 男廁所。 2) 若名詞已有復(fù)數(shù)詞尾-s ,只加 ,如:the workers struggle工人的斗爭(zhēng)。 3) 凡不能加s的名詞,都可以用名詞 of 名詞的結(jié)構(gòu)來表示所有關(guān)系,如:the title of the song 歌的名字。 4) 在表示店鋪或教堂的名字或某人的家時(shí),名詞所有格的后面常常不出現(xiàn)它所修飾的名詞,如:the barbers 理發(fā)店。 5) 如果兩個(gè)名詞并列,并且分別有s,則表示分別有;只有一個(gè)s,則表示共有。johns and marys rooms(兩間

17、)john and marys room(一間) 6) 復(fù)合名詞或短語,s 加在最后一個(gè)詞的詞尾。例如:a month or twos absence考點(diǎn)七:冠詞i. 不定冠詞的用法不定冠詞有a和an兩種形式。a用在以輔音音標(biāo)開頭的詞前,an用在以元音音標(biāo)開頭的詞前。a house, a useful bookan hour, an umbrella不定冠詞的用法主要有:1) 泛指某人或某物,不具體說明其為何人或何物。在行文敘述時(shí),第一次提到某個(gè)人或事物時(shí),通常使用不定冠詞,此為“泛指”。例如:a girl is asking for you on the phone.my mother wo

18、rks in a hospital.2) 用在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,表示一類人或事物,即以一個(gè)個(gè)體代表整類人或事物,此為“類指”。例如:a plane is faster than a train.飛機(jī)比火車快。a snake is a cold-blooded animal.蛇是冷血?jiǎng)游铩?) 表示“一”,但數(shù)量概念沒有one強(qiáng)烈。例如:they waited there for an hour.他們?cè)谀堑攘艘粋€(gè)小時(shí)。rome wasnt built in a day.羅馬非一天能建成。(即:冰凍三尺非一日之寒。)如特別強(qiáng)調(diào)數(shù)量,應(yīng)使用one。例如:i have only one dictiona

19、ry and i need it myself.4) 用在表示時(shí)間、速度、價(jià)格等計(jì)量單位的名詞前表示“每一”,相當(dāng)于per或every。例如:the plane can get 300 kilometers an hour.飛機(jī)的速度是每小時(shí)300公里。the doctor told her to take the medicine three times a day.醫(yī)生叫她一天服三次藥。we work five days a week.我們一周工作五天。5) 用于抽象名詞、物質(zhì)名詞前(特別是這兩種名詞有定語修飾時(shí)),使之意義具體化,表示“一種”、“一件”、“一份”等。例如:it is an

20、 honour for me to be invited to the party.我被邀請(qǐng)參加聚會(huì)是一種榮譽(yù)。(honour是抽象名詞,an honour指一件榮譽(yù)的事)there was heavy rain last week.(rain為物質(zhì)名詞,這里指一場(chǎng)雨)6) 用于序數(shù)詞(后加名詞)前,表示又一個(gè),又一次。例如:he tried a sixth time and succeeded.他又試第六次,結(jié)果成功了。when i sat down,a fourth student rose to speak.當(dāng)我坐下時(shí),又有第四個(gè)同學(xué)起立發(fā)言。7) 用于某一個(gè)人名、地名前,使專有名詞普通

21、化。例如:a mr.li has been waiting for you.一位姓李的先生一直在等你。chongqing is known as a shanghai of the west.重慶被稱作西部的上海。(shanghai是專有名詞,本句中a shanghai指和上海一樣繁華的城市)8) 用于某些固定詞組中,是這些詞組不可缺少的組成部分。例如:in a moment立刻,馬上 once upon a time從前as a result (of)作為()的結(jié)果 in a hurry急忙地in a word一句話,總而言之 once in a while偶爾地have a good ti

22、me過得很愉快 have a word with與說句話have/take a look (at)看一看 have/take a rest休息一下take an active part in積極參加 (比較:take part in參加,不能說take a part in)do sb.a favour幫某人的忙 put an end to結(jié)束at a mouthful一大口地 all of a sudden突然地ii. 定冠詞the的用法 表示上文提到過的人或事物。 he bought an english-chinese dictionary this morning. the dictio

23、nary is very good. 用于單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,表示整體或類別。 the panda is a rare animal. 此句等于:a panda is a rare animal. = pandas are rare animals. 用來表示世界上獨(dú)一無二的事物。 the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth, the world 用于表示階級(jí)、黨派的名詞前。 the chinese communist party, the working class the proletariat 無產(chǎn)階級(jí) 常用于含有普通名詞或形容詞的專有名詞前。 a. 用于許多

24、江海,山脈,群島等名詞前: the yellow river the east sea the himalayas the pacific ocean b. 用于由普通名詞構(gòu)成的國(guó)名: the peoples republic of china the united states c. 用于機(jī)關(guān)、團(tuán)體、朝代、時(shí)代、報(bào)刊雜志等名詞前: the united nations the state council the tang dynasty the peoples daily the summer palace the peace hotel the british museum 用于表示方位的

25、名詞前。 the east the southwest the middle the far east on the left 用于樂器名詞前,但漢語拼音的樂器前不用冠詞。 play the piano play the violin play erhu 用于復(fù)數(shù)的姓氏前,表示兩夫婦或全家,在此情況下,這類名詞作復(fù)數(shù)對(duì)待。 the smiths watch tv every day. 用于某些形容詞或過去分詞前,表示一類人或事物。 the poor the rich the living the young the wounded the oppressed the beautiful 用在形

26、容詞的最高級(jí)前或序數(shù)詞前。 shanghai is the biggest city in china. after the game, the first thing they wanted to do was to take a hot bath. iii零冠詞用法 表示某一類人或事物的復(fù)數(shù)名詞前,不用冠詞。 now people are living a happy life. trees are planted everywhere. 不含普通名詞的專有名詞,表示泛指的物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞前,不用冠詞。 we are studying english. he is leaving for

27、 america this year. it is pleasant to walk in soft snow. love is always stronger than hatred. 名詞前有指示代詞、物主代詞、不定代詞或名詞所有格修飾,不用冠詞。 i like this picture better. is that your book? take their chairs away! i do not have any money on me. as time went on, einsteins theory proved to be correct. 季節(jié)、月份、星期等名詞前,一般

28、不用冠詞。 she likes spring while i like summer. we have no classes on saturday. the long march started in october 1934. 表示只有一人擔(dān)任的職務(wù)、頭銜的名詞前,不用冠詞。 we have elected him our monitor. 三餐飯的名詞前,一般不用冠詞。 when do you have lunch? after supper we usually take a walk. 節(jié)假日等名詞前,不用冠詞。 children all wear their best clothe

29、s on national day. people give gifts to each other on christmas day. 注意:在eve后有of短語則要加定冠詞: on the eve of national day on the eve of new years day 球類和棋類運(yùn)動(dòng)的名詞前,不用冠詞。 play basketball play chess 作表語用表示程度的形容詞最高級(jí)前,不用冠詞。 your help was most timely. this method is most effective. 注意:如果有比較范圍,形容詞最高級(jí)前必須加定冠詞: of

30、all methods, this is the most effective. 在某些固定詞組里,名詞前不用冠詞。 on footby train/ boat / planein factas a matter of fact in classin churchin dangerin hospitalin town in bedat homeat schoolat daybreakat sunrise at duskat sunsetat nightat noongo to school go to classgo to bedfrom morning till nightfrom vict

31、ory to victory from door to door v 注意事項(xiàng) 當(dāng)man作人類講時(shí),用零冠詞。 man will conquer nature. 某些抽象名詞具體化時(shí)是可數(shù)名詞,其前可加a。surprise, fire, joy, he is a success as a teacher. long jing is a famous tea in china. a用于姓氏前表示某個(gè)只知道名字而不不熟悉的人。 a mr liu is waiting to see you outside. 在某些句型中可加a it is a pity that you have missed th

32、e chance. it is a shame / a pleasure / a honour for sb. to do sth. word 作消息講時(shí),用零冠詞。 word came that he would go abroad.gg考點(diǎn)八:虛擬語氣對(duì)虛擬語氣的測(cè)試主要涉及以下方面:1)主語、表語、同位語、賓語從句中虛擬語氣的用法2)wish , would rather虛擬語氣結(jié)構(gòu)的用法3)if 條件句中虛擬語氣的用法, 應(yīng)特別注意省略if 的倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)是考試的重點(diǎn)4)if only 結(jié)構(gòu)中虛擬語氣的用法5)but for , or, otherwise 等含蓄條件句的用法6)its t

33、ime (that) 等結(jié)構(gòu)中虛擬語氣的用法一、虛擬語氣在虛擬條件句中的運(yùn)用!條件從句有兩類,一是真實(shí)條件句,另一是虛擬條件句。如果假設(shè)的情況可能發(fā)生,是真實(shí)條件句,這種情況下謂語用陳述語氣。如:if time permits, well go fishing together.如果時(shí)間允許,我們就一起去釣魚。如果假設(shè)的情況是不存在的或不大可能發(fā)生的,則是虛擬條件句。如: if you had come yesterday, you would have met that famous professor.如果你昨天來,你就會(huì)見到那位著名的教授了。(隱含的事實(shí)是:你昨天沒來,也沒見到那位著名教

34、授)。在含有虛擬條件句的復(fù)合句中,主從句的謂語都要用虛擬語氣,現(xiàn)將其形式列表如下:1虛擬語氣現(xiàn)在時(shí),表示與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反的假設(shè)和結(jié)果。條件從句主句動(dòng)詞過去式(be用 were)would/should/could/might + 動(dòng)詞原形if i were you, i should(would ,could, might)tell him the truth. 要是我是你,我就會(huì)告訴他真相了。(事實(shí)上我不是你) if she had time, she would(could, might)help me.如果她有時(shí)間,她就會(huì)幫我了。(事實(shí)上她沒有時(shí)間)2.語氣過去式 表示與過去事實(shí)相反的假設(shè)

35、和結(jié)果。條件從句主句had +過去分詞would/should/could/might + have+過去分詞if you had taken my advice, you wouldnt(couldnt) have failed in the exam.如果你聽了我的建議,你就不會(huì)考試不及格。(事實(shí)上你根本沒聽我的。)3. 虛擬語氣過去式 表示與將來事實(shí)可能相反的假設(shè)和結(jié)果條件從句主句should+動(dòng)詞原形were to+動(dòng)詞原形 would(could/should/might)+動(dòng)詞原形would/should/could/might +動(dòng)詞原形 if it should rain, t

36、he crops would(could, might)be saved.假如天下雨,莊稼可能就收獲了。注:在表示與將來事實(shí)可能相反的條件從句中,were to + 動(dòng)詞原形比較正式,常用于書面語中。如: if you were to go to beijing, you would (could, might) have a chance to visit tian an men square.條件從句中省去if的情況 在if引導(dǎo)的表示虛擬的條件狀語從句中,??梢允÷詉f,將had, were或should提至句首。如: had i seen the film, i would have d

37、iscussed it with them last night. 假如我看了那部電影,昨晚我就可以和他們一起討論了。 were i a bird, i could fly freely. 假如我是一只小鳥,我就能自由翱翔。 should it rain next week the farmers would have a good harvest. 要是下周能下雨的話,農(nóng)民們就能有個(gè)好收成了。4.主從句時(shí)間不一致情況下的虛擬語氣(混合條件句) 有時(shí)條件從句中的動(dòng)作和結(jié)果與主句中的動(dòng)作,發(fā)生的時(shí)間不一致,這時(shí)動(dòng)作的形式應(yīng)根據(jù)它所表示的時(shí)間加以調(diào)整。如: if you had followed

38、my advice, you would be able to finish the work now.如果你當(dāng)時(shí)聽了我的話,現(xiàn)在就能完成這份工作了。(從句說明過去,主句說明現(xiàn)在。) if i were you, i would have gone to her birthday party.如果我是你,我就去參加她的生日晚會(huì)了。(從句說明現(xiàn)在,主句說明過去。) if you hadnt lent me some money, i couldnt have bought the new house and most likely i would be still living in the d

39、angerous house now.假若你不借錢給我, 我不可能買下這幢新房,很可能現(xiàn)在還住在危房里。(從句說明過去,主句說明過去和現(xiàn)在。)5.含蓄條件句 非真實(shí)條件句中的條件從句有時(shí)不表出來,只暗含在上下文中,這種句子叫做含蓄條件句。含蓄條件句大體有三種情況;eg. w hat would i have done without you? 如沒有你,我會(huì)怎么辦呢?(條件暗含在分詞短語without you中) but for your help we couldnt have succeeded in the experiment. 如果沒有你的幫助,我們的實(shí)驗(yàn)是不會(huì)成功。 (暗含條件是b

40、ut for your help) he must have the strength of a hippopotamus, or/otherwise he never could have vanquished that great beast. 他一定是力大如河馬,否則他絕不會(huì)擊敗那只龐大的野獸。(暗含條件是連詞or)二、虛擬語氣某些從句中的運(yùn)用!1. 虛擬語氣在主語從句中的用法。 在“it is important (strange, natural, necessary) that”這類句型中,that所引導(dǎo)的主語從句中的謂語動(dòng)詞常用 “(should)+動(dòng)詞原形”結(jié)構(gòu),表示某事是“重

41、要”,“奇怪”,“自然”,“必要”等意義。如: it is important that every beijinger (should) be able to speak english. 重要的是每個(gè)北京人能說英語。 it is necessary that he (should) be sent to hospital at once. 有必要馬上把他送醫(yī)院。2. 虛擬語氣在賓語從句中的用法。 (1)在動(dòng)詞wish后的賓語從句中,表示與現(xiàn)在或過去的事實(shí)相反,或?qū)淼闹饔^愿望,從句通常省略連詞that。 a.表示對(duì)現(xiàn)在情況的虛擬:從句動(dòng)詞用過去式或過去進(jìn)行式(be的過去式用were )表

42、示。如: i wish i knew the answer to the question. 我希望知道這個(gè)問題的答案。(可惜不知道。) b.表示對(duì)過去情況的虛擬:從句動(dòng)詞用 had+過去分詞。如: i wish (that) i hadnt wasted so much time. 我后悔不該浪費(fèi)這么多時(shí)間。(實(shí)際上已經(jīng)浪費(fèi)掉了。) c.表示對(duì)將來的主觀愿望:謂語動(dòng)詞形式為 “would/could/might+動(dòng)詞原形”,此時(shí)要注意,主句的主語與從句的主語不能相同,因?yàn)橹骶涞闹髡Z所期望的從句動(dòng)作能否實(shí)現(xiàn),取決于從句主語的態(tài)度或意愿(非動(dòng)作名詞除外)。如: i wish it would s

43、top raining.但愿雨能停止。 i wish you would be quiet.我希望你安靜一些。(2)在suggest(建議), demand(要求), order(命令), propose(建議), insist(堅(jiān)持要做), command(命令), request(要求), desire(希望)等動(dòng)詞后的賓語從句中,謂語動(dòng)詞用 “(should)+動(dòng)詞原形”,表示建議,要求,命令等。如: i suggest that we (should) start the meeting at once.我建議馬上開會(huì)。 the undergraduate insisted that

44、he (should) go to work in the south.這位即將畢業(yè)的學(xué)生堅(jiān)持要到南方去工作。 當(dāng)suggest表示暗示,主語為something;insist表示堅(jiān)持觀點(diǎn)時(shí),后接的賓語從句當(dāng)用真實(shí)語氣。比較:his silence suggested that he agreed with my decision.他的沉默暗示著他贊成我的決定。 he suggested that i (should) stick to my decision.他建議我堅(jiān)持自己的決定。 he insists that doing morning exercises does good to p

45、eoples health. 他堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為做早操對(duì)健康有益。 he insists that he (should) do morning exercises every day.他堅(jiān)持他每天都要早操。3. 虛擬語氣在表語從句中的用法。 當(dāng)主語為advice, suggestion, order, proposal等詞時(shí)后接表語從句,表語從句中的謂語動(dòng)詞常用“(should)+動(dòng)詞原形”結(jié)構(gòu),表示某人建議、勸告、命令等的內(nèi)如: my advice is that you should practise speaking english as often as possible.我的建議是你盡可能

46、經(jīng)常地練習(xí)說英語。4特殊的虛擬語氣結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)虛擬語氣用在狀語從句中 由as if 或as though引導(dǎo)的狀語從句表示比較或方式時(shí),從句中的謂語動(dòng)詞用虛擬語氣。 (用法與wish相同) the teacher treats the student as if he were her own child.這位老師帶這位學(xué)生就象她的親生孩子一樣。 he speaks as if he had been to the united states.他說得好象他真的到過美國(guó)似的。 (2)在it is time (that)從句中,謂動(dòng)詞常用動(dòng)詞過去式或should+動(dòng)詞原形 表示虛擬語氣(3)id

47、 rather (that)句型中從句中虛擬語氣, eg. i would rather you did it now. i would rather you did it tomorrow. i would rather you had done it yesterday. 5. 用在if only 引起的感嘆句中 (用法與wish相同) if only the driver didnt drive so fast! 6在由 for fear that, in case, lest 等引導(dǎo)的狀語從句中,用should+動(dòng)詞原形考點(diǎn)九:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞1.情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的基本用法(1)can、be able

48、 to 和couldcan和be able to都表示能力,意思上沒多大區(qū)別。但can只有現(xiàn)在和過去時(shí),而be able to則有更多的形式。但當(dāng)成功地完成某一具體動(dòng)作時(shí),通常不用could而用was/were able to來表示。這時(shí)was/were able to 相當(dāng)于managed to,表示經(jīng)過一番努力,終于能夠完成某事。如:can you use chopsticks?the wounded man still was able to get to the village and was saved in the end.can和couldcan和could都可以表示能力、技能、

49、許可、建議或請(qǐng)求和可能性。但比較委婉客氣地提出問題或陳述看法,一般用could,回答時(shí)則用can。如:could you help me carry the bag?can i help you?(2)may/mightmay/might表示可能,但may比might可能性大。eg.-why isnt he in class? - he may be sick.(生病的可能性較大) - he might be sick.(生病的可能性較小)may/might表示“允許”,may用于現(xiàn)在時(shí)或?qū)頃r(shí),might常用在間接引語中表過去時(shí),但might也可用于現(xiàn)在時(shí)間,表示比較委婉的語氣,回答用may

50、。如:he says we may leave.he said we might leave.may / might 表示建議或請(qǐng)求,但might比may 更客氣,意思更肯定而無過去時(shí)態(tài)的含義。may / might i use your bike? yes, you can / may.-no, you mustnt(3)mustmust表示必須,應(yīng)該,沒有時(shí)態(tài)變化。如:you must do everything as i do.must表示肯定的推測(cè)。如:the light is still on, so he must be at home.mustnt 表示禁止做某事。如:you m

51、ustnt smoke in the office.(4)have tohave to 表示“必須、不得不”,是由于某種外界(客觀)原因而“必須”,“不得不”做某事,也可表示經(jīng)常的或習(xí)慣性的事“必須”做。have to的否定形式表示不必。have to可用于多種時(shí)態(tài)中。如:you will have to clean your own boots when you join the army.i have to be at my office every evening.(5)should / ought toshould和ought to表示應(yīng)當(dāng)、應(yīng)該,前者比后者語氣輕。如:you shou

52、ld / ought to work hard.should / ought to的否定形式表示禁止之意。如:children shouldnt smoke.should可表示陳述意見,推出建議或請(qǐng)求;而ought to可以表示勸告之意。如:you ought to respect your parents.he suggested that they should leave at once.should 可以用來表示說話者“吃驚”的語氣, 常翻譯成“竟然”。you cant imagine such a well-dressed man should be so rude to a lad

53、y.(6)will / wouldwill 用于各種人稱表示“意志”、“意愿”或“決心”等,否定式wont + 動(dòng)詞。如:i will tell you all about it.tom wont do such a thing.will用于疑問句中,常用在第二稱時(shí)表示說話人向?qū)Ψ教岢觥罢?qǐng)求”或“詢問”如:will you please tell her the news when you see her?will 表示習(xí)慣性的動(dòng)作,有“總是”、“慣于”的含義。如:fish will die out of water.would 表示客氣的請(qǐng)求、建議或意愿。如:would you please

54、 be quiet?would you like coffee?would 表示過去反復(fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。如:when i passed my school i would see my teachers who taught me 5 years ago.(7)needneed 作“必要”講,既可作情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,也可作實(shí)義動(dòng)詞。作實(shí)義動(dòng)詞時(shí)后面的動(dòng)詞不定式要帶to,其變化與一般動(dòng)詞相同。如:i need to think it over.-need you go now? -yes, i must./no, i neednt (8)daredare表示“敢”的意思。作為情態(tài)動(dòng)詞時(shí),主要用在疑問句和否定句中。dare若作實(shí)義動(dòng)詞,后面可帶to的不定式,此時(shí)to也可以省略。dare與need的用法相似。如:how dare you say that?she doesnt date(to)ask her father.(9)used toused to表示過去常常發(fā)生的


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