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1、Unit 3第4課時(shí). 閱讀理解If you dont use a dictionary. What should you do instead? The first thing you can do is trying to guess what the word means. Often the surrounding context gives a very clear idea of the meaning of the word. Even if you cant work out the meaning exactly, you may be able to get a vague

2、 idea, enough to enable you to continue reading.Sometimes it is impossible to guess the meaning of a word from the context and then you will have to decide whether the word is important enough to make it worthwhile stopping and looking it up in a dictionary or whether you can just pass it by.Many ti

3、mes in your reading, you will come across words which you dont know, but which do not prevent you from understanding all the main points of the text. You can make your dictionary use much more efficient if you only look up the words which are necessary to understand the text, and this means that you

4、 must develop the skill to decide whether the words are worth looking up.1. The passage mainly tells us in our reading what we would do _.A.without knowledge of EnglishB.when we look up words in a dictionaryC.when we are guessing new wordsD.without using a dictionary2. What does the underlined word

5、“vague” mean?A.Mysterious.BNot clear.C.Exact. DImportant.3. In our reading some words we dont know _.A.help us to understand the text wellB.dont prevent us from understanding the main points of the textC.will be remembered foreverD.are borrowed from other languages4. In this passage the writer _.A.a

6、dvised us to use the dictionary as much as possibleB.told us not to be discouraged by the sight of a dictionaryC.gave us some advice on how to deal with these unknown wordsD.introduced some ways to take notes in the course of reading. 完形填空2021長春市第二中學(xué)期中檢測A little girl lived in a simple and poor house

7、 on a hill. Usually she _1_ play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill. _2_ she loved her parents and her family, she desired (渴望)to live in such a house and _3_ all day about how wonderful an

8、d exciting _4_ must feel to live there.At the age when she gained (獲得) some _5_skill and sensibility (識別力), she _6_ her mother for a bike ride _7_ the garden. Her mother finally allowed her to go, _8_ her keeping close to the house and not _9_ too far. The day was beautiful. The little girl knew _10

9、_ where she was heading! _11_ the hill and across the valley, she rode to the _12_ of the golden house._13_ she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path(小路) _14_ to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed (失望)when she _15_ that all the wind

10、ows were _16_ and rather dirty.So _17_ and heartbroken, she didnt go any further. She _18_ and all of a sudden she saw an amazing (令人驚奇的)_19_. There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she _20_ that she had been living in her go

11、lden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!1. A. mightB. shouldC. would D. must2. A. Unless B. AlthoughC. Since D. But3. A. dreamed B. worriedC. asked D. shouted4. A. this B. thatC. it D. which5. A. different B. scientificC. musical D. basic6. A

12、. begged B. blamed(責(zé)備)C. invited D. paid7. A. inside B. outsideC. through D. along8. A. insisting on B. relying onCarguing about D. wondering about9. A. traveling B. runningC. riding D. walking10. A. madly B. rapidlyC. exactly D. possibly11. A. Over B. DownC. Around D. Beside12. A. windows B. stepsC

13、. center D. gate13. A. Until B. AsC. While D. Because14. A. getting B. introducingC. leading D. moving15. A. felt B. learnedC. concluded D. found16. Atransparent B. brightC. plain D. wide17. A. anxious B. angryC. serious D. sad18. A. turned around B. cheered upC. settled down D. dropped in19. A. hil

14、l B. valleyC. background D. sight20. A. imagined B. decidedC. realized D. guessed. 語法填空 A few weeks ago, I was on vacation with my family in Malaysia. We visited lots of places. One of the hotels we stayed _1_ was near a ChinaTown. Everything was cheap there _2_ we did a lot of shopping. I was looki

15、ng for a watch for myself and _3_ for my girlfriend. There were many shops that were selling _4_ same watch but for different prices.I finally found the best price, so I bought the watches while my sister and mom were buying other things from the shop. _5_ it was time to pay, I realized I was 10 dol

16、lars short, so I suggested _6_ (return) one of the watches. The _7_ (own) of the shop asked why and I explained I didnt have enough money with me. She smiled and said, “You can take it, but promise me youll pay tomorrow!”So I asked her what time she _8_ (be) there the next day and said, “Okay, I pro

17、mise.”Unfortunately we changed our hotel and the new one was much _9_ (far) away from ChinaTown, but I still walked all the way to her shop and gave her the money. She smiled and said, “Youre a good person.”Its so beautiful when people _10_ you dont know trust you.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._. 短文改錯T

18、here was a time when Zhang Yi and I was good friends, but now we are like stranger. On his first day in our class two years ago, he had no one to talk. I was the first one to say hello to her, so we became friends. Zhang Yi did well in math or he was always ready to helping me with it. One day last

19、month, I told him about that I would be away from school for two days to see a friend. But he told my father about it and that made me angrily. Now, I know I was wrong. I decide to say sorry for him, because I dont want to lose so a good friend. 書面表達(dá)假定你是李華,從互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上得知一個(gè)國際中學(xué)生組織將在新加坡(Singapore)舉辦夏令營,歡迎各國學(xué)

20、生參加。請寫一封電子郵件申請參加。內(nèi)容主要包括:1.自我介紹(包括英語能力);2.參加意圖(介紹中國、了解其他國家);3.希望獲準(zhǔn)。注意: 1.詞數(shù)100左右;2.可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;3.郵件開頭和結(jié)尾已為你寫好。Dear Sir or Madam,_Looking forward to your reply!Regards,Li Hua答案. 閱讀理解本文講述的是我們在閱讀的時(shí)候遇到生詞該如何處理!1. D細(xì)節(jié)考查題。根據(jù)文章第一段中的第一句話“If you dont use a dictionary. What should you do instead?”可知,文章回答的是:

21、如果你不用詞典,你在閱讀文章的時(shí)候會怎么做?2. B詞義推測題。根據(jù)文章中第一段的“Even if you cant work out the meaning exactly, you may be able to get a vague idea, enough to enable you to continue reading.”可知道,即使你不知道詞語的確切意思,你也該知道它的模糊意思,這也足夠你繼續(xù)閱讀下去。3. B細(xì)節(jié)考查題。根據(jù)文章第三段中的“Many times in your reading, you will come across words which you dont

22、know, but which do not prevent you from understanding all the main points of the text.”可知在我們閱讀文章時(shí),我們會遇到一些我們不懂的詞,這不會影響到你理解文章的主旨大意。4. C主旨大意題。根據(jù)第一段文章的中心句知,文章告訴我們在遇到生詞時(shí)的處理方法有三個(gè):根據(jù)語境來猜測詞義。在不影響大意的情況下,跳過這些詞。判斷一下你有沒有必要查這個(gè)詞。. 完形填空本文是一篇記敘文,講述了一個(gè)小女孩看到對面山上有一個(gè)金色的房子,很想在那里過幸福的生活。有一天,她騎車到了那個(gè)房子卻意外地發(fā)現(xiàn)那個(gè)房子很普通并且很臟。她很失望

23、,就在她轉(zhuǎn)身的時(shí)候,她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的家就是一個(gè)充滿關(guān)愛的金色的房子。這個(gè)故事給我們的啟發(fā)是:只有自己的家才是充滿愛的地方。1. C考查情態(tài)動詞的用法。might可能;should 應(yīng)該;would 過去常常;must 一定。根據(jù)上文中的時(shí)態(tài)可知道此處的would表示過去總是。她過去總是在花園里玩,她能看到籬笆外,山谷的對面的另一座山上有一座房子,房子的窗戶金光閃閃。2. B考查狀語從句的連接詞。此處Unless除非;Although盡管;Since自從; But但是。盡管她愛她的父母和家人,但她渴望住在那樣的房子里,并且整天夢想住在那里一定感覺多么好、多么令人興奮。3. A考查動詞詞義辨析以及語境

24、理解。dreamed夢想;worried擔(dān)心;asked問;shouted喊叫。她渴望住在那樣的房子里,并且夢想住在那里感覺那么好,那么興奮。4. C考查代詞的用法。此處it是形式主語,真正的主語是后面的不定式to live there。5. D考查形容詞辨析。當(dāng)她獲得了一些基本(basic)的技能和識別力的時(shí)候,她祈求(begged)她的母親騎自行車到外面的花園。6. A考查動詞詞義辨析以及語境理解。見解析5。7. B考查副詞詞義辨析及語境理解。此處inside在里面;outside在外面;through通過;along沿著。根據(jù)上文可知,小女孩很想走出自己的家到外面的花園去。8. A考查介

25、詞短語的含義。 此處insisting on 堅(jiān)持;relying on 依賴;arguing about 爭論;wondering about想知道。根據(jù)句意可知:最終母親同意了她騎車去,但是堅(jiān)持她必須在院子附近,不能騎得太遠(yuǎn)。9. C考查詞義辨析。 traveling 旅行;running 跑;walking步行;根據(jù)全篇可知,小女孩要騎車外出。10. C考查副詞詞義辨析及語境理解。此處madly瘋狂地; rapidly快速地;exactly準(zhǔn)確地;possibly可能地。小女孩很清楚地(exactly)知道她要去哪里。11. B考查介詞的用法。此處Over在之上; Down向下;Arou

26、nd周圍;Beside旁邊。小女孩下了山穿過山谷,騎車到了金房子的門口。12. D考查名詞辨析以及語境理解,根據(jù)文章可知道,她騎車先到達(dá)的是門口。13. B考查狀語從句的連接詞。 until直到;as當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)候;while在期間;盡管;然而;because因?yàn)?。句意:?dāng)她下了自行車,把車子靠在門柱上,她凝神看了看通往房子的小路之后看了看房子。14. C考查動詞詞義辨析。getting得到;introducing 介紹;leading導(dǎo)致,引領(lǐng);moving移動。句意見解析13。15. D考查動詞詞義辨析及語境理解。felt感覺;learned學(xué)會;concluded推斷,結(jié)論;found 發(fā)現(xiàn)。

27、當(dāng)她發(fā)現(xiàn)所有的窗戶都很普通并且很臟,她很失望。16. C考查形容詞詞義辨析和語境理解。transparent透明的;bright明亮的;plain普通的;wide寬的。17. D考查形容詞詞義辨析及語境理解。此處anxious 焦急的; angry生氣的;serious嚴(yán)肅的;sad悲傷的。所以她既悲傷又傷心,她不再向前走了。18. A考查動詞短語辨析及語境理解。 turn around原地轉(zhuǎn)身;cheered up 振作起來;settled down 定居;drop in拜訪。她轉(zhuǎn)身,突然發(fā)現(xiàn)驚人的一幕。19. D考查名詞辨析及語境理解。hill是小山;valley山谷;background

28、背景;sight視野,情景。20. C考查動詞辨析及語境理解。 imagined想象;decided決定;realized意識到;guessed猜想,認(rèn)為。句意:看到那個(gè)小房子,她意識到她一直住在充滿關(guān)愛的金色的房子里面,她所夢想的就在她的眼前。. 語法填空這是一篇有關(guān)信任的文章。1. in “we stayed_”hotel后為省略了關(guān)系代詞的定語從句,由于從句中的stay為不及物動詞,因此需加介詞。2. so考查句子之間的邏輯關(guān)系,此處表示因果關(guān)系。3. one前句中的a watch for myself對應(yīng)_for my girlfriend. 因此,代指a watch的應(yīng)該是one。4

29、. the考查固定的結(jié)構(gòu),same通常與定冠詞the連用。5. when考查兩句子之間的邏輯關(guān)系,另外上文中提示買表后應(yīng)該去付賬,以及下句話中的缺10美元。6. returning考查suggest的用法,suggest doing。7. ownerthe后面應(yīng)該填寫名詞,own的名詞形式以及句意可知,此處應(yīng)該填寫owner。8. would be考查時(shí)態(tài),the next day 以及前面句子中的asked可確定此處應(yīng)該填寫過去將來時(shí)態(tài)。9. farther /further根據(jù)句意可知道此處應(yīng)該與現(xiàn)在居住的賓館的距離進(jìn)行比較,much修飾比較級。10who/that/whom考查定語從句中的關(guān)系詞的運(yùn)用。從句中缺少賓語,先行詞指人,所以填寫that/who/whom均可。. 短文改錯答案:There was a time when Zhang Yi and I good friends, but now we are like . On his first day in our class two ye


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