【精品】畢業(yè)設(shè)計 畢業(yè)論文 建筑學 文獻翻譯 建筑與城市景觀設(shè)計 中英文對照_第1頁
【精品】畢業(yè)設(shè)計 畢業(yè)論文 建筑學 文獻翻譯 建筑與城市景觀設(shè)計 中英文對照_第2頁
【精品】畢業(yè)設(shè)計 畢業(yè)論文 建筑學 文獻翻譯 建筑與城市景觀設(shè)計 中英文對照_第3頁
【精品】畢業(yè)設(shè)計 畢業(yè)論文 建筑學 文獻翻譯 建筑與城市景觀設(shè)計 中英文對照_第4頁
【精品】畢業(yè)設(shè)計 畢業(yè)論文 建筑學 文獻翻譯 建筑與城市景觀設(shè)計 中英文對照_第5頁
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1、附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文建筑與城市景觀設(shè)計 在中國的北京城,如果前門、天安門、午門、太和殿這些房子沒有一個城市設(shè)計的軸把它們串起來,它們將失去人們賦予它們的建筑涵義。在美國的華盛頓,林肯紀念堂、國會大廈、白宮、華盛頓紀念碑,這些房子(建筑)離開了那個理性的城市設(shè)計格局,它們也就不成氣候了。這就是為什么學建筑學的人只琢磨房子還不夠,還要把視野擴展到城市設(shè)計的角度來看問題,建筑物就有了它相應(yīng)的存在理由;而規(guī)劃師也必須在適當?shù)臅r候有目的地控制自己的視野,研究相關(guān)的城市規(guī)劃設(shè)計問題,那么規(guī)劃也就不會那么空洞,那么干巴巴了。因此,如果要定個性的話:城市設(shè)計是介于規(guī)劃設(shè)計與建筑設(shè)計之間的一個設(shè)計思維過程。

2、長期以來,由于建筑教育思想的狹隘,把建筑當成了一種自我表現(xiàn)藝術(shù)與技術(shù)的活動,或者是一種局部利益的物化,致使建筑師有意無意地屈從于政治、商業(yè)需求而孤立地研究建筑本身的表現(xiàn)力;很顯然,這種建筑師不可能是城市設(shè)計的建設(shè)者,甚至有破壞者之嫌。無獨有偶,許多規(guī)劃師致力于貫徹毫無調(diào)研的城市設(shè)計發(fā)展要求,被動地將城市一圈圈地擴大,反正設(shè)計房子不是他們的事,領(lǐng)導意圖的落實含糊不得。因此,又造成了城市節(jié)點的無序建設(shè),街的概念在中國城市建設(shè)里逐漸消失,規(guī)劃設(shè)計變成了路網(wǎng)分隔、圈地手段或是賣地計劃。 其實,我們十分需要有人去做城市設(shè)計工作,踏踏實實地處理好房屋與整體環(huán)境的關(guān)系,留給人們行走的街道、宜人的街坊與市集,

3、為人們的城市生活行為留下一點余地,留下一點有人情味有個性的或者說有地方性的、有審美可能性的場所。 現(xiàn)在可好!房地產(chǎn)商“畫地為牢”,竟然有人用老百姓的存款圈城市用地,甚至是農(nóng)民的耕地,進行他們所謂的“造城運動”。這還不算,他們又廉價地購買一些高級“知識分子”的肯定評語。那些盲目的政客,水平低一點的,以舊城改造為名,拓寬馬路、建設(shè)廣場,搞得城市雕塑和噴泉到處都是;水平高一點的,又以 cbd 之類的幌子或者以培訓中心、服務(wù)中心、市民中心什么的,大搞象征主義的建筑群建設(shè);更滑稽的是,居然又冒出了許多大學城,這哪里是大學城?實質(zhì)上是極不負責任的圈地,以教育的名義侵蝕著我國有限的耕地資源和自然資源。之所以

4、如此這般地反復著這種破壞城市的“城市設(shè)計”活動,是因為我們?nèi)狈Τ鞘性O(shè)計教育,缺乏一支有城市設(shè)計眼界的技術(shù)隊伍,而建設(shè)的主管部門和教育部門對這個問題的認識十分膚淺。 那么,什么是真正的城市設(shè)計呢?我以為,它是一種城市生活行為,是關(guān)于城市各區(qū)域的、特別是重點區(qū)域的城市形態(tài)的一種思考。第一,它務(wù)必審慎地借助與利用我們有限的山水資源、尊重地形地貌和氣象水文特征;第二,它務(wù)必認真地研究城市和局部地區(qū)的中、遠期功能性質(zhì),特別是機動車交通、消防和行人通道問題、停車問題、垃圾處理、燃料供應(yīng)、電力供應(yīng)等問題。當下,中國不少城市都在鬧水荒、水災(zāi)、拉電閘,教訓還不夠么?當水漫金山的時候,壯觀豪邁的建筑形象已經(jīng)無人問

5、津了;當酷暑可以奪命、電梯停運的時候,豐富的城市輪廓線將是城市居民痛苦的記憶。難怪那些所謂的戰(zhàn)略家會想得出在怒江搞“高峽出平湖”,也難怪他們?nèi)轮纤闭{(diào)了。 在中國,以前沒有景觀設(shè)計這個詞,有關(guān)這類設(shè)計活動在中國稱為“園林設(shè)計”。由于門戶不同,在中國這類設(shè)計教育往往被排斥在建筑學科之外,只是在農(nóng)學院、林學院有那么幾個園林設(shè)計系,這種做法與英國 horticulture 這類學科的設(shè)置非常接近。 所謂景觀設(shè)計,又所謂景觀建筑學是發(fā)生于英、美資本主義成熟時期的新興學科,典型案例則是紐約的中央公園、華盛頓的中軸線景觀以及英國的一些公園設(shè)計?!熬坝^設(shè)計”這個詞在中國正式啟用是改革開放以后的事,特別是

6、近幾年,隨著城市設(shè)計的介入,環(huán)境質(zhì)量意識的提高,人們開始思考這個問題,當然,思考歸思考,當今中國的所謂景觀設(shè)計業(yè)務(wù)又大多數(shù)來自于那些個圈地發(fā)財?shù)姆康禺a(chǎn)奸商。因此,景觀設(shè)計還沒有開始在中國奠定自己的理論和實踐基礎(chǔ),就墮落成為了房地產(chǎn)商們的售樓圈套的一個必要的組成部分,此做法,嚴重地扭曲了景觀設(shè)計的基本精神,那些既不遮蔭又十分昂貴的棕櫚樹飛遍大江南北就是這個原因。 中國,由于封建時期太長,也就是說:中世紀的意識形態(tài)的影響過于深刻,人口眾多,貧富懸殊,長期以來自我保護意識強于向公眾、大自然開放必要的生活空間。歐洲中世紀的城堡,石壁堅厚,缺少窗子,正是人類恐懼自然甚至敵視自然的表現(xiàn);在中國,客家民居,

7、空間的內(nèi)聚性很強,對外封閉,強調(diào)以家族的力量抵御外來勢力,這些都是人類在生產(chǎn)力水平低下的情況下回避自然,以至對自然景觀視而不見的居住習慣。因此,在中國,我們從前輩那里所得到的設(shè)計遺產(chǎn),只是幾個封閉的園子,園子里模仿自然山水,并自詡為“宛若天開”。中國文人、帝王將相的所謂景觀意識連幾個出家人都不如,只要看看喇嘛寺、普陀山、五臺山,這一點就非常明白了。依我之見,中國鋪天蓋地的景觀設(shè)計都是那些地主老財思想指導下的相對封閉的造園活動,與真正意義上的景觀設(shè)計相去甚遠。 那么,什么是景觀設(shè)計呢?我的回答是:首先,不要造作,不要浪費,不要無病呻吟,造房子留點兒空地讓居民們有個出口氣的地方就得了,我們沒有那么

8、多水資源、人力資源、苗木資源來為謀暴利者提供附加值。真正的景觀設(shè)計務(wù)必是自自然然的,當然也是安安全全的,經(jīng)濟實惠的,設(shè)計形態(tài)是服從于原始的自然景觀形態(tài)的。也就是說,景觀設(shè)計是以屬于自然一部分的人和其相關(guān)物象的多樣化生存環(huán)境、多層次的功能性和審美性因素相關(guān)聯(lián)的一個系統(tǒng)工程為工作對象的。此間,沒有以藝術(shù)為幌子的騙局,只有動植物學基礎(chǔ),水資源的運用與保護,對地形地貌的尊重,以及該方便時候給人提供的方便等必要疏導性的設(shè)計處理。這里,要強調(diào)的植被是個基本問題,本土化、地方化和多元化是基本原則。其次,景觀設(shè)計的另一個重要問題就是“看法”問題, 一個重要的說法 : “ to see and to be se

9、en ”。在中國園林中 , 這一點體現(xiàn)得尤其充分。窺視是景觀設(shè)計的重要手法,許多好的攝影作品都是窺視的杰作,景觀設(shè)計中框景、借景的手法說白了就是占便宜。按中國的看法,道學與景觀設(shè)計是有無之間的辨證關(guān)系,中國人做的就是關(guān)系:生活與道路的關(guān)系,疊水與交通的關(guān)系,休憩與橋梁的關(guān)系,橋梁與水和山體的關(guān)系,橋梁與對面房子的關(guān)系,村落與亭子的關(guān)系,鋪地與當?shù)夭牧系年P(guān)系等等。中國的景觀設(shè)計就是用道家思想在有無之間、不經(jīng)意之間形成的, 不是施工圖能畫出來的,是匠人們因材、因地一點點兒弄出來的,好的景觀是科學的,同時也是藝術(shù)的,當然,也必然是技術(shù)的。那么,建筑師如何設(shè)計景觀呢?當我們處在景觀設(shè)計還不成形的時期,


11、周邊環(huán)境的關(guān)系?!拔覀冊O(shè)計的是場所,而不是空間”??臻g是一個非常抽象的概念,一個沒有階級、沒有文化、沒有更多思想的東西,所以,我們要少用這個詞,多用“場所”這個詞,多考慮一些環(huán)境、文脈、關(guān)系以及物象之間對話的可能性,并且,用這些常用的語匯來表達我們的建筑設(shè)計。 好的總圖正是一個真正的景觀設(shè)計的開始,如果一個建筑師、一個建筑的學習者能夠在總圖上有清醒的景觀意識,再加上他能謙遜地與植物學家、農(nóng)學家以及其他相關(guān)的水利、地質(zhì)、能源專家協(xié)作,那么這個團隊的同心協(xié)力的設(shè)計活動,往往會引導出一個相對健康的所謂景觀設(shè)計的雛形。有了一個健康的雛形,有了一個系統(tǒng)的構(gòu)筑思維,很顯然,地形得到了尊重,資源得到了保護,

12、生態(tài)環(huán)境得到了優(yōu)化,景觀之美也就在其中了。這里,我要強調(diào)的是,景觀設(shè)計是科學與設(shè)計的結(jié)合,而這個科學我指的是生命科學、環(huán)境保護科學,而不是簡單地找個施工員,邀一幫人種種樹、鋪鋪馬路牙子、搞點噴泉疊瀑、臺階、放個雕塑、搞個形象工程那一類不入流的偽劣產(chǎn)品。 building and view in the city designcity in peking in china, if ex- door, tienanemen, noon door, too and palace these houses dont have a city design of the stalk string toge

13、ther them, they will lose people to give their building connotations.washington in the united states, lincoln is in remembrance of hall, houses of parliament, the white house and washingtons monument, these houses(building) left that rational of the city design structure and form, they also not amou

14、nt to anything.this be why learn to construct person learning cuts and polishes a house to return not enough, also want to expand the visual field to the angle of city design to see a problem, the building had the existence reason that it corresponds;and programming teacher have to also at appropria

15、te of time there is oneselfs visual field of the destination control, study a related city planning design problem, so programming also not so empty, so and very dry.therefore, if want to settle the words of personality:design in the city is a design thinking process that lies between the programmin

16、g design and the building design.for long time, because the building educates thought of narrow, be the building as a kind of ego performance art and technical activity, or is a kind of thing of partial benefits to turn, cause architect in the mood for not intentional the ground bend from in politic

17、al, business need but isolatedly research building oneself of performance dint;very obviously, this kind of architect isnt likely to be the constructor of design in the city and even have the suspicion of destructor. rare but happens to have a counterpart, many programming teachers concentrates on t

18、he city that carries through to have no an investigation to design a development request, passively extension in the city, anyway design a house isnt their businesses, leadership intention of implementation unclear not get.therefore, and then result in node in the city of have no preface constructio

19、n, the city of concept at china in the street construction in gradual disappear, programed a design to become a network to box off, turn ground means or sell a ground of plan.in fact, we pretty much need someone are design work in the city and step to dependably and on the spot handle good house a r

20、elationship with whole environment and stay street, pleasant neighbors and country fair that runs about for people and lives behavior to leave some leeway for peoples city and leave to include at 1:00 human interest has a personality of or say that have local of, have already appreciated beauty a po

21、ssibility of place. now is good!real estate companythe painting ground is a prison, unexpectedly someone uses ground with the savings turn city of common people, even is the farmland of farmer, carry on their so-calledbuild city sport.this still doesnt calculate, they cheaply purchase the affirmativ

22、e comment of some high classesknowledge member again.those blindness of politician, the level is a little bit lower and take old city reformation as and open widely street and constuct square and make the city carve with the fountain is everywhere all be;the level is a little higher, again with the

23、curtain like cbd or with center in the training center, service center and citizen what of, greatly make the buildings of symbolism construction;more funny be, incredibly came out many university cities again, this where is an university city?the turn substantially taken no responsibility very much

24、ground, erode the our country limited farmland resources and natural resources by educational name.of socity design activity that such and suchly again and again wears this kind of breakage city, is because we lack design education in the city and lack a technique troops with the city the design ran

25、ge of experience, while supervisors section constucting is as very superficial as understanding of education section to this problem.so, what is a real city to design?i think that it is life behavior in a kind of city, is concerning each district of city of, especially and particularly a kind of thi

26、nking of appearance in the city of district.the first, it must carefully ask for help of and make use of our limited landscape resources and respect a friendly elephant hydrology of geography geography characteristic;the second, it must in earnest study the medium and long-term function property of

27、tie department region in city, especially the problems, such as processing, fuel supply and electricity supply.etc. of the problem, parking problem and garbage of the automobile transportation, fire fight and pedestrian passage.at that moment, not a few cities in china be all suffering on water shor

28、tage, flood disaster and pull to give or get an electric shock zha and teach return not enough?when water man kingsoft of time, sublime heroic building image already no man ask about;when the intense heat can kill, the elevator stop a luck of time, the city outline line enriching will be residents i

29、n the city painful of memory.no wonder that those so-called strategists will think make the even lake of gao xia chu at the river of nu, also no wonder that their rang wrote to want the south water north to adjust.in china, had no view to design this phrase before, relevant this design activity was

30、called park design in china.because the gate is different, this type of design education in china usually is rejected constructing an academics outside, just have so a few park designs to fasten at agriculture hospital, college wood, the constitution of this academics of this kind of way of doing an

31、d horticulture england approaches very much.so-called view design, again the so-called view building learn is occurrence at the newly arisen academics of english, the beautiful capitalism mature period, typical model case then the medium stalk line of the central park, washington of new york the vie

32、w and some parks of england design.the phrase view design the matter after chinas formally being in use is reform to open, especially the last few years, gets involved along with design in the city, the exaltation of environment quality consciousness, people start considering this problem, certainly

33、, the thinking returns a thinking, the so-called view of china designs business again the great majority to come from the real estate dishonest traders for becoming rich nowadays.therefore, views designing hasnt started laying his/her own theories and fulfillment foundation in china and astray becam

34、e constituting of a necessity part of the building trap of selling of real estate the companieses, this way of doing, severity ground the basic spirit that distorted a view design, those since dont cast a shade again the very expensive palm tree fly big river south the north is this reason.china, be

35、cause of feudalism period too long, is also say:the influence of basinet consciousness appearance is too deep, densely populated, the rich and poor hang extremely, for long time by ones own protect consciousness is stronger than to public, the great universe open necessity of living space.the fortre

36、ss of hippocras, the stone wall is hard thick, the want for window is exactly mankind to fear nature to even regard with hostility a natural performance;in china, the hakka people resides, banding together of space sex is very strong and outward close and emphasize to resist foreign influence by the

37、 strength of the household, all of these are the mankind to next time avoid nature in the productivity level lowly circumstance, with go to turn a blind eye to the natural view of live a habit.therefore, in china, we formerly the generation gains there of design inheritance, just several gardens for

38、 closing, the mimicry natural landscape in the garden, and from xu isyuan if the sky opens.the chinese scholar, emperor king connects mutually so-called view consciousness a few family are all not equal to, as long as you see lama temple, the mountain of pu tuo, five set mountains, this very underst

39、and.depend on me it see, china all over the place of views designing is all those the landlord old wealth thought instruction under of opposite close of build a park activity, design with the view of real meaning totally different.so, what is a view to design?my answer is:first, dont build to make,

40、dont be wasted, dont complain without cause, building a house to stay some place that the son vacant land makes an export annoyed have to, we dont have so much water resources, human resource and seedling wood resources to provide an additional value for striving for an exorbitant profits.real view

41、design must be from nature however, certainly is also anne all of safety of, utility of, design appearance is obey in originality of natural view appearance of.is also say, view design is with belong to the diversification of natural related thing elephant of person and it of one part to exist envir

42、onment, multilayers of function and appreciate beauty sex factor related allied of a system engineering is work object of.didnt take art as the bunco of curtain here, only move botany foundation, the usage and protection of water resources, to the respect of geography geography, and that convenient

43、time appeases a sexual design processing for the convenient etc. necessity that the person provides.here, emphatic vegetation is a basic problem, the localization, place turns and diversification is basic principle.secondly, another important problem of view design is viewpoint problem, an important

44、 parlance: the to see and to be seen.in the chinese park, this embodiment get particularly full.it is the important skill of view design to peep, many well photograph works to all peep of masterpiece, the view designs medium frame view, lent the skill of view to say white be take advantage of.press

45、the viewpoint of china, taoism and view design is have without of of dialectical relation, what chinese do is relation:live a relationship with road, fold water relationship with transportation, stop and rest a relationship with bridge, bridge relationship with water and mountain body, bridge relati

46、onship with opposite house, relationship with station son in the small village, spread ground relationship with local material etc.the view design of china is to use taoist thought at have have no of, pay no attention of formation of, isnt what construction diagram can draw out, is what the craftsma

47、ns because of material, because of ground a little son make come out, the good view is science of, also is art in the meantime of, certainly, also by all means technical.so, how does the architect design a view?when we are placed in a view design to return a deformed period, we have to in earnest in

48、vestigate the research region, geography, peripheral environment, this basic problem, to basic physical factor on the earlier period in the study and the research building design should pay attention to.moreover, student, who learn to the architect and the building, comes to say, a count for much re

49、search topic is a not building but total diagram and speak on a certain meaning, i am the assertiontotal diagram decision theory.i cant be optimistic about those forever beard shao in the flower, make threatening gestures and express myself of chinese and foreign architect, i think that what they ba

50、sically dont understand to is an environment, they basically dont respect place culture and that place.we can definitely see out from a common total diagram whether this architect pays attention to a peripheral house, concern because of architectural existence but causable resources problem and can keep on a development problem, even we can see the superiority of its occupation morals.existing


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