



1、.六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)月段檢測(cè)(M1M3)班級(jí)_姓名_ 分?jǐn)?shù)_聽力部分(60分)一. 聽音,選出你聽到的單詞,將其編號(hào)寫在題前括號(hào)中.( 20分)( ) 1. A. games B. names C. plays( ) 2. A. football B. basketball C. volleyball( ) 3. A. Mexico B. Canada C. America( ) 4. A. these B. there C. they( ) 5. A. people B. pear C. little( ) 6. A. soon B. tooth C. room D. door( ) 7. A. w

2、hat B. where C. whose D. which( ) 8. A. yellow B. window C. how D. know( ) 9. A. nice B. milk C. drink D. river( ) 10. A. north B. short C. south D. door二. 聽音, 選出你聽到的句子,將其編號(hào)寫在題前括號(hào)中.( 10分)( ) 1. A. I want to send my mum an email.B. I want to send my mum a letter.( ) 2. A. What beautiful stamps!B. Wha

3、t beautiful maps!( ) 3. A. Ive got nothing to do.B. Ive got something to do.( ) 4. A. Have you ever climbed a mountain?B. Have you ever been to a beach?( ) 5. A. Whats the matter?B. Whats the weather? 三、請(qǐng)按聽到的先后順序給下列句子標(biāo)號(hào)。( 10分)( ) A. Listen, read and say.( ) B. Class begins.( ) C. Go back to your sea

4、t.( ) D. Lets sing a song.( ) E. Listen carefully, please.四、聽錄音,判斷正誤,正確的寫T,錯(cuò)誤的寫F。(10分)1. The flag has got twenty stars. ( )2. It has got three colours. ( )3. Its red, green and blue. ( )4. The chant is about China. ( )5. The chant is about America. ( )五、聽音排序,標(biāo)序號(hào) (10分)筆試部分( 60分)一. 詞形轉(zhuǎn)換(10分)1. many (比

5、較級(jí)) _ 2. Canada(形容詞)_3. miss(單三)_ 4. real(副詞) _5. dancing(動(dòng)詞) _ 6. hobby(復(fù)數(shù)) _7. man(復(fù)數(shù)) _ 8. women(單數(shù)) _9. can not (縮寫) _ 10.riding(原形) _二. 根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)寫出英語(yǔ)(10分)1. 公里_ 2. 另一個(gè)_3. 有時(shí)_ 4. 百萬(wàn),百萬(wàn)個(gè)_5. 舞蹈_ 6. 廣場(chǎng)_7. 郵票_ 8. 業(yè)余愛好, 嗜好_9. 收集_ 10. 一千, 一千個(gè)_三. 寫出已給出首字母的單詞( 10分)1. Tell me m_ about the Great Wall.2. Beijin

6、gs got about f_ million people.3. Its a p_ of the Great Wall.4. New York is in the e_ of America.5. Im s_ an email to my family in China.6. Therere lots of Chinese shops and r_ there.7. Theres Chinese d_.8. R_ bikes is my hobby.9. Theres a Great Wall in China. It is very, very s_ and its a very f_ w

7、all.四. 選擇( 10分)( )1. The Great Wall is about_ kilometers.A. six thousands seven hundreds B. six thousand seven hundredC. six thousand and seven hundred D. six thousands and seven hundreds( )2. - What is your mother doing? - She is_.A.makes a shopping list B. making a shopping listB. makes a shop lis

8、t D. making a shop list( ) 3. _ that man. How fat he is!A. Look B. Look at C. Looking( ) 4. Shanghai is _ the east of China.A. in B. on C. at( ) 5. The flag _ got fifty stars.A. have B. is C. has( ) 6. There _ lots of flowers in the park.A. am B. is C. are( ) 7. There is a letter_ you. Its_ your fri

9、end.A. to, for B. for, form C. to, from( ) 8. My hobby is _.A. fly kites B. to fly kites C. flying kites( ) 9. Hes in New York _ his cousin.A. and B. with C. at( ) 10. Lets _ Chinatown now.A. go B. to go C. go to五. 連詞成句( 5分)1. New York, million, got, people, has, eight._.2. me, tell, the Great Wall

10、more about._.3. a, map, what, America, big, of !_!4. a, square, in, middle, famous, is, the, of, there, Beijing, very. _.5. you, got, from, any, Japan, have, dolls?_?六. 按原文填空( 10分) Daming: Do you collect stamps, Simon? Simon: Yes, Ive got lots of stamps. _ stamps is my _. Daming: What are those? Sim

11、on: _ are some stamps _ Canada. They are_ men and _. Simons Mum: Look, boys! Letters! Daming: Is there a letter_ me? Simon: Yes, there is. This letter is_ your mother! Daming: _! Now you can have_ Chinese stamp, Simon.七. 根據(jù)下列表格中的內(nèi)容判斷正誤,正確的寫T,錯(cuò)誤的寫F.(5分) FavouriteName foodcoloursubjectfestivalfruitAmyfriesRedEnglishChristmasappleSamchickenBlueP.EThanksgivingpearLinglingnoodlesyellowmusicSpring FestivalgrapeDamingfishgreenscienceChildrens Daybanana1. Linglings favourite subje


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