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1、初三中考情景交際題訓(xùn)練 :一 問候1.2.你與你的好朋友很久沒有見面了,一見面你會說什么? _( long time no see!/ how are you) 早晨,你在上學(xué)的路上碰到你的老師( mr brown),你會怎么跟他打招呼?_ (good morning, mr brown./ i am glad to see you , mr brown/ nice to see you)3.當(dāng)別人向你說“how are you ” 你應(yīng)該怎樣回答: _ (fine, thanks. and you)二 介紹1.2.3.在正式場合下,kangkang 把你介紹給他的好朋友認(rèn)識,你會怎么打招呼?

2、 _ (how do you do)你打算把 kangkang 介紹給 jane 認(rèn)識,你會如何介紹?jane, _ (this is my friend, kangkang/ id like you to meet kangkang. )假設(shè)你叫康康,請做一句自我介紹:hello, _ ( my name is kangkang. )三 告別1.2.當(dāng)有人跟你說 see you later, 你要如何回答:_ (see you later)你去參加晚會,但是因為某些原因,你對你的朋友說,你不得不走了,你怎么表達(dá)? _ (i am afraid i have to go now )四 感謝1.

3、當(dāng)他人幫助你了,你會怎么對他說? _ ( thank you/it s very kind of you )2.當(dāng)有人表揚(yáng)你的新衣服很漂亮?xí)r,你要如何回答?_ ( thank you )3. 當(dāng)你向他人救助時,對方也正在忙,無法給你提供幫助,你會怎么對說。 _ ( thank you all the same. )4.當(dāng)有人對說:thank you 時,你要如何回答: _ ( its my pleasure./ you re welcome./ that sok. / that s all right/ not at all. )五 道歉1. 當(dāng)有人跟你說:sorry 時,你要如何回答:_ (

4、 never mind./it doesn t matter./ its nothing/that s ok/ that s all right)2.當(dāng)你做錯事情時,你會說什么? _ ( im sorry六 邀請1.明天是你的生日,你打算邀請康康來你的晚會上,你會如何邀請他?_,kangkang ( will you come to my party/ may i invite you to my party/would you like to come to my party/ how about coming to my party/ why not come to my party2.你

5、的朋友邀請你去他的晚會,你很想去,但是你沒有時間,你怎么說?_ (id love to ,but i have no time. )3.你想知道康康愿不愿跟你一起去野炊,你可以這樣問他:_,kangkang( would you like to have a picnic with me) 七 請求允許1.你想問一下你的朋友是否介意你開窗戶,你要怎么問?_ ( would you mind me opening the window/ would you mind if i open the window )- of course not./certainly not.2.你叫你的朋友別在公共

6、場合吸煙,你要怎么說?_ ( would you mind not smoking in public )3.你想問一下你的朋友康康,你是否可以使用他的自行車?你要怎么問_ ,kangkang( could/may i use your bike) 八 祝愿和祝賀1.你的朋友要去北京旅游了,你會怎么說:_ (have a good trip./ have a good time./enjoy yourself )2.你的好朋友要去參加一個面試,你會怎么對他說:_ ( good luck./ i wish you success/ best wishes )3.人家跟你說 happy birth

7、day. 你要怎么回答:_ (thank you)4.人家跟你說 happy new year. , 你要怎么回答:_ (the same to you ) 九 提供幫助1.你想問一下康康是否需要你的幫助,你會怎么問:_ ,kangkang(can i help you/ may i help youwhat can i do for you/ would you like me to help you)2.你想問一下康康能否幫你搬一下箱子,你會怎么問:_ ( could you help me with the box )3.你去商店買東西,服務(wù)員說的第一句話:hello, _( can i

8、 help you/ may i help youwhat can i do for you/ would you like me to help you)十 約會1.你想問一下康康明天早上是否有空?你會怎么問: _ ,kangkang( are you free tomorrow/ will you befree tomorrow)2.你與康康明天要去動物園,你要問他什么時候碰面(在哪里碰面)_ (when shall we meet/ where shall we meet )3.你與康康明天要去動物園,你說讓我們在 7 點鐘碰見,怎么回答_ (lets make it 7 oclock.

9、)4.你的好朋友邀請你去他的 party,你很想去,但是你沒有時間,你會怎么說:id love to, _ (i have no time) 十一,打電話1.你打電話想找康康,你會怎么說:hello, _kangkang (may i speak to/ i d like to speak to )2.3.4.打電話用語中,你要介紹你是簡,你會如何介紹: _ (this is jane./ this is jane speaking )打電話用語中,你如何問對方是誰:hello, _( who is that/ who is speaking你打電話找康康,他媽媽叫你稍等一下,她會怎么說:_

10、,please. ( hold the line / just a moment )5.打電話用語中,如果你打錯了電話,對方會怎么說:_ (sorry, im afraid you have the wrong number )6.打電話找康康,可是他不在,你想問一下你是否可以留言,你會怎么問:_ ( can i leave a message ) 十二,就餐1.你去康康家做客,他媽媽叫你隨便吃點魚肉,她會怎么說:_ (help yourself to some fish 。)2.你去飯店吃飯,服務(wù)員問你要點什么菜,他會怎么說:_ (may i take your order, sir ) 3

11、, 你去飯店吃飯, 服務(wù)員問你要吃點什么,他會怎么問:_(what would you like (to have))would you likesomething to eat/drink 十三,就醫(yī)1.你去醫(yī)院看病,醫(yī)生說的第一句話:_ (what s the matter/whats wrong with you/ how are you feelinganything wrong )2.你牙齒痛,你好朋友給你的建議:_ (you should see a doctor./ you shouldn t eat too much candy.3.你聽到你好朋友生病的消息,你會怎么說:_ (

12、 im sorry to hear that.) 十四,購物1.你去商店,要買一雙鞋子,服務(wù)員問你要什么碼的,他會怎么問:_ (what size would you like/ what size do you need )2.你去商店要買一件衣服,服務(wù)員問你需要哪一種類的衣服,他會怎么問:_ (what kind of clothes do you need/would you like )3.你想問一下服務(wù)員那件外套多少錢,你會怎么問:_ (how much is the coat )4.你想問一下服務(wù)員你是否可以試穿一下那條褲子,你會怎么問:_ (can i try the pants

13、 on ) 十五,問路1. 你不知道去銀行的路怎么走,你可以這樣詢問路人:. excuse me, _ (where s the bank/ could you tellme how to get to the bank/ which is the way to the bank / could you tell me the way to the bank/ how can i get to the bank/ could you tell me how i can get to the bank)2 . 你想問一下,從這里到火車站的距離,你會怎么問:excuse me, _(how far

14、 is it from here to the station )十六, 天氣1. 你向你的朋友打聽倫敦的天氣,你會怎么問?_?(whats the weather like in london/how is the weather in london/in spring,summer,autumn,winter2. 今天的天氣真好,你會怎么表達(dá)_(what a nice day! it is sunny today.十七。語言交際困難1. 你無法跟上你的英國朋友的談話,你會怎么說: _(i beg your pardon/ sorry, i cant follow you./ can you

15、 speak more slowly)2. 你想知道蘋果用英語怎么說,你會如何問?_(whats this in english)十八,提醒注意1. 你跟你的朋友與野炊,你提醒你的朋友別忘記帶相機(jī),你會怎么說: _(remember/dont forget to bring your camera.) 十九,勸告1. 你的好朋友生病了,你給他的建議是:_(you had better go to see the doctor./ you should have a good rest/)二十,建議1. 你的好朋友很無聊,不知道這周末要干嘛,請給出你的建議: _(lets go to the p

16、ark./what about having a picnic./ why not go to a movie)二十一,態(tài)度1. 如何表達(dá)同意他人的觀點_(i agree with you./ i think so.)2. 如何表達(dá)不同意他人的觀點_(i dont agree with you./ i dont think so.) 3.如何表達(dá)你最喜歡的運(yùn)動是籃球_(i like basketball best./ my favorite sport is basketball.)不喜歡 i dont like at all.4.你的同學(xué)問你是否喜歡聽流行音樂,你無法做出判斷,你要如何回答:

17、 _(its hard to say.) i like it very much. 5. 你表達(dá)你會游泳,你會怎么說:_(i can swim./ i am good at swimming.)二十二 表揚(yáng)與鼓勵1. 你的好朋友要參加面試,你會怎么對他說:_(good luck./ i wish you success./come on.) 二十三,希望與愿望1. 長大后,你希望當(dāng)一名醫(yī)生,你會怎么表達(dá):_(i am going to be a doctor when i grow up.) 二十四,責(zé)備,禁止1. 不能在公共場合吸煙_(dont smoke in public)2. 作為一名

18、中學(xué)生,不能在上課吃東西,你會怎么表達(dá): _(dont eat in class.)二十五,表達(dá)難過1.你聽到你的好朋友生病的消息,你的反應(yīng)是什么_(i am sorry to hear that.)3. 你的好朋友康康買不到電影院的票,不能和你一起去看電影,你感覺如何 _(what a pity!)二十六,安慰1. 你的好朋友要參加英語演講比賽,很緊張,你怎么安慰他 _(dont worry./ take it easy./calm down.) 2. 你的好朋友康康輸了比賽,你怎么安慰他 _(i am sure you will win next time.)二 二十七,時間1.你的手表壞

19、了,你想問一下你同學(xué)幾點了,你會怎么問?_ (whats the time./ what time is it )2.你想問你的同學(xué)多久去一次圖書館,你會怎么問?_ (how often do you go to the library ) 二十八,方式1.你想問一下簡的媽媽上班的方式,你怎么問:_ (how does your mother go to work, jane )2.你如何表達(dá)你通常走路去學(xué)校_school. ( i usually walk to ) 二十九,形狀1.你想問一下康康的禮物的形狀,你怎么問:_ ,kangkang( what shape is your present, / what s the shape of your present,/ what does your present look like,)三十, 顏色1.你想問一下康康鞋子的顏色,你會怎么問_ (what color are


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