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1、精品文檔現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)一、概念: 過(guò)去發(fā)生或已經(jīng)完成的動(dòng)作對(duì)現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果, 或從過(guò)去已經(jīng)開(kāi)始, 持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)。舉例: I have finished doing my homework. 我已經(jīng)完成了我的家庭作業(yè)。 (對(duì)現(xiàn)在的影響:我自由了,輕松了。 ) He has left his keys in the room. 他把鑰匙留在房間里了。 (對(duì)現(xiàn)在的影響:他現(xiàn)在進(jìn)不去房間了。 )I have lived in Wuhan for four years. 我在武漢已經(jīng)住了五年了。 (表示五年前我在武漢居住,直到現(xiàn)在我依然在武 漢居?。┒?、現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的構(gòu)成:一種是:助動(dòng)詞 ha

2、ve(has)+動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去分詞構(gòu)成。 has用于第三人稱單數(shù), have 用于其他各種人稱;I/You/We/Theyhaveseen the film.He/She/Ithasseen the film.另一種是: 助動(dòng)詞 have(has)+been+形容詞。 has用于第三人稱單數(shù), have 用于其他各種人稱;His parentshave been deadfor sixteen years.He/She/Ithas been deadfor sixteen years.三、如何判斷何時(shí)使用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)第一種)是 :標(biāo)志性的單詞 already(已經(jīng))、 ever (曾經(jīng))、 befo

3、re (以前)、 yet (至今,還 )、 just (剛)、 never(從不 )、now、today、注意: ever 一般用于疑問(wèn)句中, already 一般用于肯定句中; yet 一般用于疑問(wèn)句中或否定句中 just now( 剛才 ) 是一般過(guò)進(jìn)時(shí)的標(biāo)志,注意與 just 的區(qū)別 Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 你去過(guò)長(zhǎng)城嗎? I have never been to the Great Wall. 我從未去過(guò)長(zhǎng)城。 I have already had lunch. 我已吃過(guò)午飯了。Has she done her homework ye

4、t? 她做完作業(yè)了嗎? They have not arrived yet. 他們還沒(méi)來(lái)I have seen her before , but I can not remember where. 我以前見(jiàn)過(guò)她,但記不清在哪兒。I have just finished reading the book. 我剛讀完這本書(shū)。He never helps us.他從不幫我們。(一貫如此,故用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))He has never helped us.他沒(méi)幫過(guò)我們。(強(qiáng)調(diào)到目前為止他沒(méi)幫過(guò)我們,以后會(huì)不會(huì)幫,不知道)He is doing his homework now.他正在做家庭作業(yè)。(強(qiáng)調(diào)此時(shí)此

5、刻)Hehas done his homework now他. 已做完了家庭作業(yè)。(強(qiáng)調(diào)到目前為止)I paid a visit to him today. 今天我曾拜訪過(guò)他。They are having a meeting all day today. 今天他們一整天都在開(kāi)會(huì)。Shewill goto seea film today. 今天他會(huì)看一場(chǎng)電影。I have bought a new computer today. 今天我買(mǎi)回一臺(tái)新電腦。第二種)是 :標(biāo)志性的詞組so far 到現(xiàn)在 (目前 ) 為止、 up to now 直到現(xiàn)在 /迄今為止、this morning/afte

6、rnoon/evening 今天上午 /下午 /晚上this week/month/year/term 這個(gè)星期 /月 /年/學(xué)期延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞 +since+時(shí)間點(diǎn)、延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞 +for+ 時(shí)間段 since two years ago 與 for two years 可以相互轉(zhuǎn)化 since 2000/then/lunch time 自從 2000年/那時(shí)/午餐時(shí)間 起或開(kāi)始 since last week、 since two years ago 精品文檔精品文檔for two years/a long time ( 有 )兩年 /很長(zhǎng)的一段時(shí)間in the past (last) two

7、years 在過(guò)去的 2 年里So far there has been no bad news到. 現(xiàn)在為止還沒(méi)有什么壞消息。We haven t had any trouble so far. 到目前為止,我們還沒(méi)有遇到任何麻煩。Up to now, the work has been easy.到 現(xiàn)在為止這工作還算容易。I have heard nothing from him up to now. 到現(xiàn)在為止我還沒(méi)有聽(tīng)到他一點(diǎn)音信。I saw him this morning.今天早上我見(jiàn)到過(guò)他。(說(shuō)話時(shí)已是下午或晚上時(shí)間)I have seen him this morning今.

8、 天早上我見(jiàn)到過(guò)他。(說(shuō)話時(shí)仍是在上午)I have seen three films this week. 這個(gè)星期我已經(jīng)看了三部電影。They have built three bridges in the past two years. 在過(guò)去 2 年里,他們已經(jīng)建造了 3 座橋。I have worked here for two years. 我在這里已工作了 2 年。( for 與延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞連用)Tom has studied Chinese since 2011. 湯姆自從 2011年起就開(kāi)始學(xué)漢語(yǔ)。 ( since 與延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞連用)特別注意:、在肯定句中,短暫性動(dòng)詞不能和表示

9、一段時(shí)間的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。如: come、 go、 arrive 、 reach、 hear、close、 leave、 begin、start、 lose、 buy、fall 、 join 、 die、 get up 等。但如果要保留表一段時(shí)間的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ),必須 將動(dòng)詞改為延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞?,F(xiàn)歸納總結(jié)一下 由非延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞到延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞的轉(zhuǎn)換 ,如:fall asleep (ill)be asleep (illb)ecome beget to know know open be open get up be up go out be out close be closed join be in, be a

10、 名+ 詞 leave, move be away, go to school be au dset nt begin to study study put on wear 或 be onbegin,(start) be on buy have die be dead come be in arrive be here finish( end ) be over borrow keep catch(a cold) have(a cold) come back be back如: He has been a soldier for three years.他參軍三年了。His father ha

11、s been dead for two years. 他父親去世二年了。 The film has been on for 5 minutes. 電影已開(kāi)始五分鐘了。We have studied English for three years. 我們(開(kāi)始)學(xué)英語(yǔ)已三年了。 、表示時(shí)間長(zhǎng)度時(shí),通常用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)代替現(xiàn)在完成時(shí): It s ten years since he left here. 他離開(kāi)這兒已 10 年了。 、只有在否定句中 ,“終止性”動(dòng)詞才可以和“ since+時(shí)間點(diǎn)、 for+ 時(shí)間段”連用 I haven t heard from him for many years.

12、 我已好多年沒(méi)有收到他的來(lái)信了。 I haven t seen him since then. 自那以后我就沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)他。、現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)不能與疑問(wèn)詞 when 一起用第三種)是:通過(guò)翻譯成漢語(yǔ),若翻譯成“已經(jīng)做過(guò)什么事”比較通暢,就用完成時(shí)態(tài)Both his parents look sad.Maybe theywhats happened to him .( )A.knew B. have known C.must know D.will know三、幾點(diǎn)注意事項(xiàng)I. have been(to)與 have gone( to)、 have been in的區(qū)別:have been(to)表示“去過(guò)

13、某地(現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回來(lái)了) ”,可用于各人稱; 它可與 once ,never,several times精品文檔 精品文檔 等連用,如: They have been to Beijing twice. 他們?nèi)ミ^(guò)北京兩次。他去北京了。have gone(to) 表示“去某地了(說(shuō)話時(shí)某人不在當(dāng)?shù)兀?”,常用于第三人稱, He has gone to Beijing . She has been in Beijing for two weeks. (她在北京已兩周了,指現(xiàn)在仍然在北京)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的練習(xí)一、用 since 和 for 填空1. two years 2.two years ago3._

14、last month 4. 19995. yesterday 6. 4 o clock 7. 4 hours 8.an hour ago9. _we were children10. lunch time 11. she left here12. He has lived in Nanjing _ the year before last.13. I ve known him we were children.14. Our teacher has studied Japanese three years.15. She has been away from the city about te

15、n years.16. It s about ten years she left the city.二、單項(xiàng)選擇1、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they whats happened to him .A. knew B. have known C. must know D.will know2、He has been to Shanghai , has he ?A. alreadyB.never C.ever D.still3、Have you met Mr Li ?A. yesterday B. ago C.before D. a moment ag

16、o4、The famous writer one new book in the past two years .A. is writingB.was writing C.wrote D.has written5、Our country a lot so far . Yes . I hope it will be even .A.has changed ; well B.changed ; good C.has changed ; better D.changed ; better6、Zhao Lan already in this school for two years .A. was ;

17、 studyingB. will ; study C. has ; studied D. are ; studying7、We Xiao Li since she was a little girl .A. knowB. had knownC. have known D. knew8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I it twice .A.will see B.have seen C.saw D.see9、 These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When there ?A. wil

18、l they goB. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone10、 you _ your homework yet ? Yes . I it a moment ago .A.Did ; do ; finished B.Have ; done ; finishedC.Have ; done ; have finished D.will ; do ; finish11、His father the Party since 1978 .A. joined B. has joined C. was in D. has been in12、Do you

19、know him well ? Sure .We friends since ten years ago .A. were B. have beenC. have become D. have made13、 How long have you here ?精品文檔 精品文檔 About two months .A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived14、Hurry up! The play for ten minutes .A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began15、It ten years since

20、 he left the army .A. is B. hasC. willD. was16、Miss Green isnt in the office .She to the library .A.has gone B. wentC.will go D. has been17、My parents Shandong for ten years .A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been18. The students have cleaned the classroom, ?A. so they B. don t

21、 they C. have they D. haven t they19、has Mr White been a member of Greener China since heto China?A. How soon, comes B. How often, got C. How long, came D. How far, arrived20. The factory since the February of 1988.A . has been open B. has opened C. was open D. opened21. The meeting for a week .A. h

22、as finished B. has ended C. has been over22. Miss Gao this school for nearly 5 years.A. has been in B. has come to C. has taught23. Ben a teacher for 4 years .A. has been B. has become C. was D. became24. I home for a week.A. have returned B. have been back C. returned三、用 never, ever, already, just,

23、 yet, for, since填空1. I have seen him before, so I have no idea about him.2. Jack has finished his homework.3. Mr. Wang has taught in this school ten years.4. “ Have you seen the film?” “ No, I have seen it.5. “ Has the bus left ? ” “ Yes, it has left. ”四、用適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)態(tài)填空:1.She s (live) here evr since she wa

24、s ten.2. Both of them (be) in Hongkong for ten days.3. Both of them (come) to Hongkong ten days ago.4. Half an hour (pass) since the train (leave).5. Mary(lose) her pen. you (see) it here and there?6. you (find) your watch yet?7. -Are you thirsty? -No I just (have) some orange.8. We already (return)

25、 the book.9. they (build) a new school in the village?10. I (not finish) my homework . Can you help me?11. My father (read) the novel twice.12. I (buy) a book just now.13. I (lost ) my watch yesterday.14. My father (read) this book since yesterday.五、劃線提問(wèn) 精品文檔精品文檔1) I have been there for two days. yo

26、u ?2) My father has lived here since 2000. your father ?3) He left here yesterday. he ?4) They bought a book two hours ago. they a book六. 翻譯下列句子:1. 你曾經(jīng)吃過(guò)魚(yú)和薯?xiàng)l嗎?2. 我剛剛丟了我的化學(xué)書(shū)。3. 我以前從來(lái)沒(méi)去過(guò)那個(gè)農(nóng)場(chǎng)。4. 他已經(jīng)吃過(guò)午飯 .5. 你已經(jīng)看過(guò)這部電影了嗎?6. 我哥哥還沒(méi)回來(lái)。7. 這本字典我已買(mǎi)了三年了。8. 他離開(kāi)中國(guó)三年了。9. 我認(rèn)識(shí)他們五年了。10、他們?cè)诿绹?guó)已經(jīng)五年了精品文檔精品文檔參考答案、用 since 或者 for 填空1. for 2. since 3. since 4. since5. Since6. since 7. for8 since9.since10. since11. since 12.since 13. since 二、單項(xiàng)選擇14.for15.for16. since1.B2. B 3. C4.D5.C6.C7. C8. B9.B10. B 11.D 12. B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16. A17.A18.D 19.C20.A21.C22. A23.A24.B三、 1. never 2. just , already 3. fo


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