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1、英語專升本翻譯??季毩?xí)資料僅供參考1、她起得很早是為了趕上第一班公共汽車。He get up very early in order to catch the first bus in the morning.2、直到昨天晚上她才改變主意。He didn t changed his mind until yesterday night.3、同意這項建議的請舉手。The people who agree on the suggestion please raise your hands.4、無論多忙,你都應(yīng)該抽時間看望父母。Whatever how busy you are, you shoul

2、d find time to visit your parents.5、每次訪問她們都會發(fā)現(xiàn)這個城市呈現(xiàn)出新的面貌。Every time he visit the city, he find it turn to a new change.6、每個人都知道,學(xué)習(xí)對一個人的成長是至關(guān)重要的。Everyoneknowsthatlearningisvital/veryimportanttoonesdevelopment(growth) 7、我們的新產(chǎn)品非常受歡迎,對此我們感到十分自豪。Our new products are so popular that we are all proud of i

3、t或 Our new products are very popular ,of which we are very proud 8、您能說話大聲點好讓每個人都聽得見嗎?Could you speak a little louder please so that everyone can hear you?9、除了英語,你最好再學(xué)一門外語。Besides English,you d better learn another foreign language10、在教育孩子方面,表揚比批評有效得多。In educating children ,praise is much (far) more

4、effective than criticism11、今年她們建造的房子跟去年一樣多。They have built as many houses this year as they did last year.12、對不起,我忘了把你要的書帶來了。I am sorry to have forgotten to bring the book you want.13、這項工作太難,你干不了。The work is too difficult for you to finish.14、無論多么困難,我也不會失去信心。However difficult it may be, I will never

5、 lose my confidence/heart.15、物品離我們越遠,看起來就越小。The farther an object is away from us, the smaller it looks.16、成功在于勤奮,這句話很正確。It s quite right that success consists in diligence.資料僅供參考17、只要你不斷努力,你遲早會解決這個問題。As long as you go on working hard, you ll solve this problem sooner or later.18、如果有機會,約翰可能就已經(jīng)成為一位杰出

6、的畫家了。Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter.19、她行醫(yī)已經(jīng)有三年零四個月了。She has practiced medicine for three years and four months.20、就是在那間斗室里,她們勤奮地工作著,憧憬著美好的未來。It was in that small room that they worked hard and longed for brightfuture.21、在我看來,她們很難掩蓋事實真相。As far as I am concerned, it i

7、s difficult for them to cover the truth.22、直到會議結(jié)束那位經(jīng)理一直保持沉默不語。Until the end of the meeting, the manager kept silent.23、我想說的是,在奧運會上做志愿者(volunteer )對于年輕人是有意義的事。What I want to say is that to be a volunteer in Olympic games is significant to young people.24、簡而言之,每個人都該為自己的行為負責(zé)。In short, everyone should b

8、e responsible for his behavior.25、我下決心一個月內(nèi)在功課上要趕上同學(xué)們。I am determined to catch up with my classmates in one month.26、使我感到驚奇的是,她的英語說得如此的好。To my great surprise, he speaks English so well/his English is so good.27、開會的時間到了,咱們把收音機關(guān)了吧。It is time to start our conference, let us turn off the radio.28、盡管有許多困難

9、,我們依然決心執(zhí)行我們的計劃。Even though there are a lot difficulties, we are still determined to carry out our plan.29、我們居住的地球是一個大球體。The earth that we are living in is a big ball.30、我們向李先生學(xué)習(xí),因為她有豐富的工作經(jīng)驗。We shouldlearn fromMr.Libecause he is a man withrichworkingexperience.31、每個人都喜歡受表揚而不是批評。Everyone likes to be p

10、raised rather than be criticized.資料僅供參考32、人們抱怨當?shù)卣谔幚砦廴締栴}上力度不夠。People complain that the local government didnt try its best to deal with the issue of pollution.33、只要你盡力而為,即使將來失敗也沒有人會指責(zé)你。As long as you do what you can, no one will accuse you even if you fail it in the future.34、她告訴我要慢慢來,沒有必要提前完成這項工作。

11、He told me to take it easy, because it was no necessary to finish this work in advance.35、我們推遲了這個會議,以便能夠更好地應(yīng)付緊張的局勢。We put off the conference in order to better cope with the tense situation36、她是在大二的時候轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)的。It was in his sophomore year that he transferred to another college.37、沒法知道她會去多久。There is no kno

12、wing how long he might be away.38、大點聲說話,讓大家都聽得見。Speak louder so that everyone can hear you.39、她是如此之壞,我根本就不信任她。He is so wicked that I don t trust him at all.40、那時家里太窮了,不能供孩子們上學(xué)。At that time the family was too poor to send the children to school.41、她習(xí)慣于晚睡晚起。He is used to going to bed late and getting

13、up late.42、她一到家就打開了電視。He turned on TV as soon as he got home.43、你應(yīng)該知道這樣做是為什么。You should know what you are doing this for.44、我們現(xiàn)在把精力放在經(jīng)濟方面。At present our efforts are fpcused on developing economy.45、無論在哪里,我們都應(yīng)該牢記自己是中國人。No matterwhere/Whereverwe are, we must keep in mindthatwe areChinese.資料僅供參考46、既然她已

14、經(jīng)道歉了,我們就應(yīng)該原諒她。Now that he has appologized, we should forgive him.47、她隔一周去看望爺爺奶奶。He goes to see his grandparents every other week.48、令她失望的是,她考試只得了一個B。To his disappointment, he only got a B in the exam.49、她寧愿一個人呆著也不愿意去參加晚會。He d rather stay alone than go to the party.50、為已失去的時光悲傷是沒用的。It s no use grievi

15、ng over past time.51、我們盼望著觀看世界杯。We are looking forward to watching the World Cup.52、她迫不及待地要回家告訴家人這個好消息。She couldnt wait to go home to tell the good news to her family.53、就氣候而言,這個城市是生活的理想之地。As far as the climate is concerned, the city is an ideal place to live in.54、她連自己都養(yǎng)不活,更別說養(yǎng)家了。He cant even support himself, let alone a family.55、我買東西的時候,一個年輕人偷走了我的錢包。I was shopping when a young man stole my wallet.56、無論多么困難,她都堅信自己有一天一定能成功。However difficult it may be, he firmly believes that he will succeed someday.57、她的用心是非常明顯的。There was no mistaking his in


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