1、improving the quality of wine service in first class by organizing wine culture training摘 要中國國際航空公司是中國唯一載旗飛行的航空公司,它的市場定位是做主流旅客(高端及商務客人)認可,具有世界影響力的航空公司。為了進一步提升客戶體驗,提高頭等艙旅客的酒飲服務質量,國航斥資百萬前往歐洲采購了15種品質優(yōu)良的葡萄酒作為頭等艙的酒品。然而,在近期的工作以及與旅客的溝通中發(fā)現(xiàn),雖然國航努力為高端客戶營造更好的頭等享受,但是酒類服務的滿意度依然不高,主要原因是因為空乘人員在為旅客提供酒類服務時,缺乏有效溝通。這不
3、頭等艙乘務員的酒文化知識得到普遍提高,她們將這些知識實踐到日常的航班工作中,不但使客戶體驗得到了充分提升,也使頭等艙的整體服務得到了提高,從而使得公司前進的腳步邁得更加堅實。關鍵詞:頭等艙酒類服務 ; 服務滿意度; 酒文化培訓; abstractthis ba paper presents a detailed report on improving customer satisfaction in first class by wine culture training. as development of civil aviation, market competition is more
4、 and more fierce. constant pursuit of excellence, and strive to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty is the crucial factor for an enterprise to get victory in competing. air china costs millions of yuan on high-quality wine for high-end passengers. however, the customer satisfaction rating with
5、 wine service did not meet our expectation, and it was only 40%. the low satisfaction rate forced us to conduct training on wine culture to all stewards in first class. it is hypothesized that if we conduct wine culture training for all first class stewards, then they could communicate with clients
6、more effectively during the wine service and we would get higher satisfaction rate eventually. this project aims to improve employees knowledge on wine culture by training, so as to increase the satisfaction rate. business department is responsible for the project. scientific research methods such a
7、s questionnaire, focus groups and swot analysis were used in the identification and analysis of problems. the marketing strategies of promotion and communication were adopted in project design. the project lasts 8 weeks, from may 6th, 2010 to july 6th,2010. in the process of the project, we used the
8、 same way to investigate the first class passengers degree of satisfaction. the statistics showed that we achieved our goal of increasing the satisfaction rate, which has been reached to 74%. the project not only improved the client experience, but also enhanced the comprehensive service qualities i
9、n first class, with which we could keep more high value customers.key words: wine service; customer satisfaction; wine culture trainingtable of content1introduction12problem identification and analysis32.1problem description32.2problem analysis32.2.1situation analysis42.2.2swot profile53project obje
10、ctive and hypothesis73.1project objective73.2project hypothesis74project rationale85project design105.1activities with time-scale105.2people involved and responsibilities115.3costing125.4risks analysis125.5management and control136project implementation156.1general introduction of time, place of pro
11、jectimplementation156.2the working steps of implementation156.3monitoring167results and discussion177.1data presentation177.2data analyzing207.3discussion228conclusion24bibliography25appendix i.26improving the quality of wine service in first class by organizing wine culture training1 introduction a
12、ir china limited is abbreviated as air china, and its predecessor, the old air china, was founded in 1988. based on the joint air transport resources of the three parties, the new air china company was founded on september 30th beijing in due form, with 23,000employees,registered capital of rmb 6.5
13、billion and the paid-up capital of rmb9 433 billion. one december 15th, 2004, air china successfully listed in hong kong. with excellent profitability, air china has made profits for seven consecutive years since 2001, which is the leading position in chinas civil aviation industry. the author of th
14、is paper is working as a purser of air china. air chinas mainstream clients are business passengers. as the high-speed development of aviation industry, obtaining the recognition of mainstream customers, especially the recognition of high-end passengers, is a crucial factor for air china to keep the
15、 competition strength. in february of this year, air china cost more than millions to buy 15 kinds of high quality wines to provide more choices for first class passengers. however, after observing and communicating with these high-end passengers, i found that some of them were not satisfied with th
16、e wine service. some of them complained that when they ask for red wine, the stewards would give them the wine without asking their like and dislike, and without showing the wine bottle as well. sometimes, these passengers even have no idea how many choices they could have when they want to have a d
17、rink. according to the statistic, we found that only 40% passengers were satisfied with the wine service in first class. it is not a positive signal for us. the company has to take measures to deal with current problems. otherwise, customer lose would be a possible risk we may have.it is said that c
18、ustomer satisfaction is the key element of any business. if trained to learn the detailed information of each bottle of wine which offered in first class, and enhanced some related manners, all first class stewards would act more confident and professional, and could also recommend the most suitable
19、 wine to passengers when they have their meals. in order to provide higher quality service to our high-end passengers, as well as to improve working skills of stewards, i reported the problem to the manager of business department, and suggested organizing training to first class stewards. the busine
20、ss department is responsible for the project, and i will participate in the works related with projects planning and data collecting.in the process of the project, i read the practical business project and proposal design (hilton, 2003) carefully to find a way to analyze our problem. i did find out
21、many specific methods for analysis, including interview, face-to-face discussion, questionnaire, focus groups, brainstorming and swot analysis. the project design was based on the needs and wants analysis and the current situation of our companythe financial resource, human resource, and physical re
22、source. this project lasted 8 weeks, from may the 6th to july the 6th in 2010. the goal of this project is to have stewards obtain the knowledge of all kinds of wine that provided in first class and apply them in their work to improve the service. this paper used a series of monitoring and evaluatin
23、g tools to ensure the scheduled activities were fully carried out, which include project schedule, leader spot-check, test and so on.it was expected that with the mentioned tools for the project, careful arrangement, and hard working of all involved people, this project would take place progressivel
24、y and the objective would be achieved.2 problem identification and analysis2.1 problem descriptionon june the 28th of 2010, air china ranked the 10th of the 500 most valuable brands in china with 406.29 billion yuan. in the same year, air china ranked among the 4 airlines on forbes magazines 2000 mo
25、st profitable companies in the world. since the very beginning, air chinas goal is to be the most valuable and profitable airline in china. it is demonstrated that 80 percent of the profit of air china is from the 20 percent high-end passengers. improving services for these high-end passengers and t
26、herefore improving their satisfaction is the key to win in the fierce competition of the air travel market. in early 2010, for the high-end passengers to enjoy the top grade and luxuriant services of wine, air china sent a group of sommeliers to europe, spending 1.6 million yuan, with the purpose of
27、 choosing 15 types from thousands of wines for the first class passenger. however, as a purser of air china, the author recently find it seems that the passengers do not know anything about it. everything is just the same as before; no one ordered our new wine product. after observing and communicat
28、ing with passengers and stewards, the author thinks it is mainly due to the stewards who work in first class are lack of this kind of knowledge. including the author, the stewards rarely mention our newly offered wine. even asked, only simple information such as the name and sort of wine could be to
29、ld. the diversity of wine does not effectively improve the satisfaction of clients. and the investment does not win back what it should, what more, it would reduce the overall quality of service.in order to convert the investment into satisfaction more effectively, we should first know the key facto
30、r of the problem. it is believed that questionnaire and face-to-face communication could gather useful information from both passengers and stewards. the result will draw a clear picture of what the problem is.2.2 problem analysisto understand the problem of wine service better, we conducted a swot
31、analysis, comprised of a situation analysis of the companys business in general, a needs analysis of the key factors concerning the company, and a swot profile summarizing the advantages and disadvantages in first class. 2.2.1 situation analysis physical resourcesair china is the only airlines which
32、 carries the national flag. it became a member of star alliance in december 2007 and it is also the airline partner of the 2008 beijing olympic games. it is known to all that air china takes the responsibility of special plane task for chinese national leaders visiting abroad, and foreign government
33、al leaders visiting china, which demonstrates the exclusive status as the national flag carriers. on the base of providing safe, pleasant, fast and high quality service to passengers all over the world, air china also spend a huge of money in improving the quality of first class service. for example
34、, refitting the seats in first class and expanding the space between seats to make passengers feel more comfortable; hiring famous restaurant to prepare high quality meals for passengers and so on. whats more, in february of this year, our company spent more than millions in buying high-quality wine
35、 to increase selection for high-end passengers. all of these newly purchased wines have won not common evaluation in wine product matches. human resourcesthere are 540 first class stewards in beijing where is the base of air china. all of them have worked in economic class for at least 2 years, and
36、then promoted to serve in the first class. most of them have good sense of service and appetency, as well as good service skills and the ability of english speaking. some of them have the experience of working abroad. financial resourcesair china remains profitable from 2004 to 2009. it ranks no.9 a
37、mong airlines world wide in 2007 in profitability. in 2009, air china won the title of top 25 exemplary annual brand of china brand china huapu award in the selection of brand china with the brand value of 42.32 billion rmb. the most important reason of making such big success is that comparing to o
38、ther airlines in china, air china has the most percentage of high end passengers (with 71% business passengers). with this reason, air china has the highest passenger yield. pest analysisthe chinese civil aviation industry has met more opportunities than challenges since china joined the wto. at the
39、 same time the development of chinese economic has stepped into a new phase which requires more demands for civil aviation. besides, the living standard of chinese people are getting higher than before, more people would like to travel by air. with these reasons, one of the keys to win the competiti
40、on for air china is to improve the quality of staff , as well as the quality of cabin service. needs analysis air china has the most high-end passengers in all domestic airlines. these clients play a big role in constantly earnings of the company. with the development of civil aviation industry, air
41、lines are constantly adjusting development strategy, upgrading service to attract customers. air china must take more effective measures to meet the growing demands of passengers. providing better quality of service continuously is the most basic factor to win customer resource. as an important bran
42、ch of customer service, the quality of high-end passengers service appear especially important.2.2.2 swot profilebased on the results of situation analysis and needs analysis of the first class service, we came up with the following swot profile.strengthsl the operating department has rich experienc
43、e in training. l we have a strict training process to ensure training effect.l we have a group of high-quality and experienced staff.(include business personnel and trainers)l the training will be organized inside our department ( cabin service department), so we do not need to worry about the train
44、ing site and any other training equipment and the application.weaknessesl it is obviously to see that a part of stewards are lack of the knowledge about wine culture, which makes them act unprofessional while serving wine.l after communicating with some stewards, we find that most of them are not fa
45、miliar with the detailed information about existing wine products in first class, some of them even have no idea about the pronunciation of these wine.( most of red wine that provided are imported from france) l the customer satisfaction on wine service is low. opportunitiesl with the rapid developm
46、ent of aviation, the company encourages departments to do internal trainings to make staff develop their skills.l most of stewards that working in first class are 20 to 30 years old, they are interested in learning about the knowledge of wine culture. l our stewards will act more professional in win
47、e service after training, and they will have more enthusiasm in recommending our wine products to passengers as well, which will make our investment in wine convert into customer satisfaction effectively.threatsl in order to ensure the run of regular flights, the stewards have to join in the trainin
48、g in their spare time , which will reduce trainees positivity of participating. l this training has a strong pertinence that is to improve the knowledge of stewards on supplied wine products in first class and wine culture. however, we are short of this type of trainer.the ultimate goal of the proje
49、ct is to overcome the third weakness, namely to improve the customer satisfaction of wine service. to achieve this goal, we need to deal appropriately with all of its weaknesses as well as some threats. if it can make good use of its strengths, grasp some golden opportunities, face up to the threats
50、, and overcome its weakness, the quality of service in first class will be definitely improved.3 project objective and hypothesis3.1 project objectivewe can conclude from the result of questionnaires that the problem we are facing in first class service now is that the company provides luxuriate win
51、e products to passengers ,however, due to the lack of wine culture and the knowledge of new buying wines, the stewards are not able to communicate with clients effectively during wine service. the goal of this project is to increase their knowledge about wine culture, as well as the information of e
52、xisting wine in first class by training. so that the stewards can act more professional in the process of service, and clients would be more satisfied.3.2 project hypothesis it is hypothesized that after participating in the training on wine, the stewards will provide higher-quality service to our p
53、assengers, and the customer satisfaction on wine service will be enhanced from 40% to 70% within 8 weeks. 4 project rationale the main purpose of our project is to make the investment on wine service for first class passenger converting into customers satisfaction more effectively. at first, why it
54、is so important to enhance the service in first class? the competition between airlines becomes more and more intense, improving profit has become an important task for air china. at present, the first-class stateroom and business class passengers accounted for about 9% of all passengers, but income
55、 contribution is 40% for foreign airlines, the passenger of these 2 classes has become the key of profit. in a flight, once other airlines have enough profit from the 2 class cabins, they will have enough capital on price war for economy class and all this will make air china fall into predicament.
56、thus, win the high-end clients, enhance corporate profit margins is the biggest topic for air china. according to statistics, 80% of profit is from 20% of the guests for most enterprises. air china invested so much on wine product service is just for consolidating this 80% of profit source. but as w
57、e have mentioned, the plan did not work very well, we have to find the reason and make it better, this is our most basic starting point of this project.for finding out the key factor, we use questionnaire to gather information. questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that
58、they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. main modes of questionnaire administration are: face-to-face questionnaire, paper-and-pencil questionnaire, computerized questionnaire, adaptive computerized questionnaire. in our case, the paper-and-pencil questionnaire is the most practical method. while designing the questionnaire, we draw lessons from the methods of ian brace. from the questionnaire we found that the lack of communication
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