【英語論文】由《老人與?!房春C魍τ矟h的看法The Attitude of Hemingway towards Code Hero.doc_第1頁
【英語論文】由《老人與海》看海明威對硬漢的看法The Attitude of Hemingway towards Code Hero.doc_第2頁
【英語論文】由《老人與?!房春C魍τ矟h的看法The Attitude of Hemingway towards Code Hero.doc_第3頁
【英語論文】由《老人與海》看海明威對硬漢的看法The Attitude of Hemingway towards Code Hero.doc_第4頁
【英語論文】由《老人與?!房春C魍τ矟h的看法The Attitude of Hemingway towards Code Hero.doc_第5頁
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1、題 目: the attitude of hemingway towards code hero from the old man and the sea 11abstract:the novel the old man and the sea exalts the hero with the strong spirit known as “grace under pressure”, which is actually an attitude towards life that hemingway had been trying demonstrate in his works, this

2、kind of spirit can not be defeated. this novel presents creating theme of hemingway and it expresses the meaning of life all his lives. it is a perfect work which shows the writers exquisite narration. this novel wins the pulitzer in 1954, and it promotes hemingway won the nobel prize in 1954.the ai

3、m and meaning of this paper is to show the code hero created by hemingway and the change of hemingways attitude towards the code hero. this paper introduces the definition of the code hero and how the code hero presented in the novel the old man and the sea first, then introduces the changing of wri

4、ters background and social background, at last shows the writers different attitude towards the code hero which divided in the early period and latter period. through the analyzing of the different period, the paper shows the change of the writers attitude. through the paper, we can learn hemingways

5、 different attitude towards life, through hemingway, we can learn the society is cruel but worthy fighting for in the early period, but latter the writer began to doubt whether it is worth fighting for.key words: the old man and the sea; hemingway; attitude; change; code hero摘要:小說老人與海贊揚了主人公被稱作“重壓力之下


7、可以知道海明威對生活的不同態(tài)度,通過海明威,我們可以知道在早期,他認為這個社會是殘酷的,但值得拼搏,但到了后期作者開始懷疑值不值得拼搏。關鍵字:老人與海;海明威;態(tài)度;變化;硬漢精神contentsintroduction1i. hemingway code hero11.1 hemingway code hero11.2 hemingway code hero in the old man and the sea2ii. hemingways different attitudes towards hemingway code hero52.1 social background52.2 w

8、riters background62.3 attitude in the early period72.4 attitude in the latter period9conclusion10introductionthe novel the old man and the sea is hemingways most important and most famous works. it wins pulitzer in 1954, and it promotes hemingway won the nobel prize in 1954.through this novel, this

9、paper shows the code hero in the novel, the undefeated spirit and presents the writer hemingways different attitudes towards the code hero.the novel the old man and the sea is regarded as one of the classics which has great effect on history and the hero of the novel santiago is regarded as the toug

10、h guy image which can not be overcame in the literature history. this paper is studied by many people at home and abroad. paul smith writes a book new essays on hemingways short fiction, shows us about the code hero in his novels. cao yu writes a book, a guide to the best works in american literatur

11、e, which shows us the hemingways background and the theme of his novels. more and more writers have new ideas about hemingway and his novel the old man and the sea.this paper introduces the definition of the code hero and the code hero presented in the novel the old man and the sea first, then intro

12、duces the changing of social background and writers background, at last shows the writers different attitudes towards the code hero which divided in the early period and latter period. this paper shows the writers different attitude towards his code hero and towards life. both the hero santiago and

13、hemingway show to us that world is cruel but worth fighting for. man should fight in his battle for what he thinks is treasure no matter he is in good condition or not. the world is beautiful whenever it offers you treasures or dangers. do not lose hope and complain to the world but win your honor w

14、ith your fight. but through this novel, we can see hemingway began to doubt whether it was worth fighting for, and he yielded at last.i. hemingway code hero1.1 hemingway code herohemingway hero, also called code hero, is one who wounded but strong, more sensitive, enjoys the pleasure of life in face

15、 of ruin and death and maintains, through the notion of a code, an idea of him. hemingway wrote all his life about the theme “grace under pressure” and his code hero with stoic courage lives by a pattern which gives life meaning and value. his code hero lives constantly with the idea of death. he li

16、ves intensely when he is in the direct presence of death. he realizes human dignity and integrity can not be bargained for the forces of darkness. in such a chaotic and meaningless world, man fights a solitary struggle against a force he does not even understand. the awareness of his final defeat an

17、d inevitable death, however hard he strives against it, engenders a sense of despair despairing courage a code of honor. this enables a man to behave like a man, to assert his dignity in face of adversity. his code hero often devotes himself to all types of physical pleasures as rewards of his life.

18、1.2 hemingway code hero in the old man and the seafrom the very first paragraph, santiago is characterized as someone struggling against defeat. he has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish he will soon pass his own record of eighty-seven days. but the old man refuses the defeat at every tur

19、n: he resolves to sail out, without considering his bad luck.the old man is very pale and old and he is alone, but although he is old, he does not give up. his appearance contrasts with his enthusiastic inner heart. when hemingway describes the character, he presents the old mans old and grey in the

20、 outer side and the power in the inner side, through his appearance and his eyes:“the old man was thin and gaunt, with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. the brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. the blotches ran wel

21、l down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. but none of the scars were fresh. they were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.” “everything about him was old except his eye and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful an

22、d undefeated.” (hemingway 2005: 2)through the character santiago, the two different kind of counterbalance shapes the character with the great tensile force, and it strengthens the readers prospect and the sense of reality to the character: firstly santiagos bad luck for 84 days and the broken sail

23、symbolizing “the flag of permanent defeat” contrasts with “the undefeated eyes”. secondly, the badly injured body contrasts with the clear happy eyes. the failure and bad luck is permanent in others eyes, but it does not have great effect to santiago. he still believes that he will have good luck an

24、d he will catch a big fish through his rich experience and perfect, skill. it fully shows the tough guys unyielding spirit.“i may not be as strong as i think,” the old man said, “but i know many tricks and i have resolution.” (hemingway 2005: 21) the old man said so confidently. although he clearly

25、knows his weakness in his physical body, he believes that he has advantages in his will and experience. his words are short but full of power, without superfluous words and additional explanation. his words make the child and readers much believe him!except the energetic eyes of the old man .hemingw

26、ay makes the readers sense other powerful parts in santiago through the eyes of the child. both the powerful shoulders and the strong neck show the entailed power: “they were strange shoulders, still powerful although very old and the neck was still strong too and the creases did not show so much wh

27、en the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward.” (hemingway 2005: 14)this kind of old but not bad physical body composes as one of the basic power to believe him. as a fisherman who constantly content against the nature, he deeply knows how to use skill and resistance to win the battle. he ha

28、s no fancy to his ability and boasts himself arrogantly. he just waits for the chance to prove his ability. so he has no strong feeling to the child praise, just one sentence: “thank you. you make me happy. i hope no fish will come along so great that he will prove us wrong.” (hemingway 2005: 21) th

29、is simple sentence presents the old mans calmness before the battle. his words have great force which shocked the readers.santiagos act is as his words, terseness but precise without more action. his every act just like precisely calculated. for example, his act of putting off clothes, nimble and pr

30、actical, the reads are personally on the scene: “he rolled his trousers up to make a pillow, putting the newspaper inside them. he rolled himself in the blanket and slept on the other old newspapers that covered the springs of the bed.” (hemingway 2005: 14)he is simple, poor but not stingy humble or

31、 demanding. he is worth of praising. the writer hemingway has spiritual sustenance on the character; no matter how hard and difficult the conditions is, no matter what the states of human beings are, it is important to keep mans dignity. this kind of dignity will not add or drop with the more or the

32、 less of the fortune and the good or bad luck. it is the essential part of an actually perfect life.there are so many details about the tough guys strong spirit in the novels.santiago, with an overwhelming spirit, makes great preparations to catch a big fish on the sea. one morning, he sailed to the

33、 ocean depths himself, that afternoon he caught a huge martin, which is bigger than his ship. this fish pulled his ship to the north and the east for two days and two evenings. santiago tried his best to tighten the fishing line. he stands with the fish with great resistance. until the third day, he

34、 pulled the fish to the surface, and killed it with fish spear. but the fish was bigger than the ship; he had to tie the fish to the shipside to take it home. however he regretted to catch the fish, when the dangerous and giant sharks ran after the blood, they bit a bit and a bit. when he came back

35、to the harbor, the martin left to a skeleton. although the result of the battle is vain, the competing process is exciting. the “tough guy” santiago brings his physical energy into full play in the conflict with the fish. but in the end of the novel, we can read that santiago talks about his next pl

36、an to fish with marlin:“now we fish together again.”“no. i am not lucky. i am not luck any more. ”“the hell with luck,” the boy said, “ill bring the luck with me.” . “we must get a good killing lance and always have it on board. you can make the blade from a spring leaf from an old ford. we can grin

37、d it in guanabacoa. it should be sharp and not tempered so it will break. my knife broke.” (hemingway 2005: 157)santiago is not being defeated; the failure of this catch leaves his fatigue and more experience and skills. at the same time, he can use his failure to instruct marlin, make this failure

38、have great effect on marlin. so the though guy spirit will extent and expand.when the old man hasnt fished anything for a long time, or he is far away from the achievement for some reasons, he does not feel depress or give up fishing. but insists to go and have a try again. it shows the resistance t

39、o failure. hemingway also does not give up when all of the world think he is run out of ability. both the old man and hemingway believe what they think as precious, and keep on searching for it. after the old man gets marlin out of his imagination, he fights to protect his achievement with sharks. t

40、he old man never gives up even facing the enemy more powerful than himself. being similar with the old man, hemingway never agrees with the report that hemingway was the history. they both can not be conquered by the so called fate.ii. hemingways different attitudes towards hemingway code hero2.1 so

41、cial background“l(fā)iterature is the reflection of society. the 1910s to 1930s was regarded as modernism.” (余孝明 2001: 158) the life of the early 20 years of 20th century has greatly changed. the new inventions made people travel in the world with an unprecedented speed. the telephone, the radio and the

42、 books, the newspapers is so universal that they not only made people feel exciting but also let them trapped in the ambivalent life style and thought. the first world war was one of the most important events in the period of modernism. the great war destroyed the generation of the europeans in that

43、 time, but also killed tens of thousands of americans. too many people, they maintain the view that the first world war is the drastic failure of the old values, old policies and the old thoughts. the world after the first world war was quite different. all the old certainties were gone, and everyth

44、ing was new. the disillusionment with the lives of the people drastically, and the mobility that this brought about and with it the lack of supervision, and all this happening at the same time as the rise of the gangsters, the enforcement of the prohibition and the loss of respect for the law under

45、these circumstances, social life was going through very odd changes. there was affluent and excitement on the one hand, and on the other hand, disturbing indications that the world was simply dying. hemingway reacted to it, he did not describe it. he went away to europe and wrote about the expatriat

46、es. his world was basically rootless. the other circumstances that made hemingway wrote the novel was hemingways writing capability had been questioned by people at that time. under kinds of gossip, hemingway decided to write the old man and the sea which had been constructed in his mind for more th

47、an 10 years. at last, this masterpiece proved his writing talent. all the tragic experience had great effect on hemingway. so his characters with code hero were set in the bad conditions. they must struggle against their fate.2.2 writers background“earnest miller hemingway was born in a well-to-do f

48、amily in oak park, illinois near chicago, on july 21st, 1899. he was an american nobel prize winner in literature (1954), a spokesman for the lost generation. after he got the nobel prize, he ended his life by himself. his life was filled with many kinds of adventures that represent in his works.”(徐

49、葆耕 2002: 56)hemingways style of living as an adult and the fact that his books abound in sports terms are partly traceable to his early life. as a boy, hemingway liked boxing and football and wrote light verse and humorous stories. he had on the whole a happy boyhood thought he did run away from hom

50、e twice and observed once that the best training for a writer is an unhappy boyhood. on july 8, 1918 he was severely wounded in the knee in italy. he recovered in time and remained with the italian army until the end of the war. his war experience proves so shattering and nightmarish that his life a

51、nd writings were permanently affected. in a sense, all his life he lived with it emotionally and continued to write about it in order to relive it and forget about it.he settled down in paris and worked on some short impressionist stories. gradually a distinct style of his own began to evolve, and t

52、ogether with it a hemingway theme with a hemingway hero. in one sense hemingway wrote all his life about one theme, which is neatly summed up in the famous phrase ,”grace under pressure,” and created one hero who acts that theme out. the book that appeared in 1925, in our time, is interesting precis

53、ely because for the first time, a hemingway hero appears on the scene to learn to live in grace under pressure. and his finest novels, the sun also rise (1926); and a farewell to arms (1929), seemed distant and unfulfilled; hemingways nonfiction of the 1930s; death in the afternoon (1932) and green

54、hills of africa (1935), had been disappointing by comparison, and a “novel” like to have and have not (1937), two previously published short stories hastily cobbled together, seemed a shocking performance from a craftsman once so exacting; across the river and into the trees (1950) had been savaged

55、by the critics, and hemingway was widely considered to be a has-been. the old man and the sea (1952), however, was hailed as hemingways triumphant return. william faulkner as hemingways strong competitor was ever said “time will show that this novel (the old man and the sea) would be the most brilli

56、ant medium-length novel for our time”.hemingway was a myth in his own time and a myth in american literature. he was a glamorous public hero of sorts whose style of writing and living was probably more imitated than any other writers in human memory. he was so precisely because he acted out the them

57、e of his own books. that was why he liked sports of all kinds and was thought of as one going deep-sea fishing, big game hunting, going into the bullring or becoming a prize ring boxer. his public image was one of a tough guy whom even an air-crash could not kill. during 1930s and the 1940s his non-

58、literary activities were widely published and did more to advance his reputation. in 1942 he began to work for the united states navy and for two years scoured the cuban coast to seek to help destroy enemy ships. in 1944 he went on several flights with the british air force as a reporter. he took pa

59、rt in the landing of the allied forces on the french coast and fought with a small force of his own in paris before the french entered their capital themselves. he was injured many times, suffered at least a dozen injuries to the brain, and survived three bad automobile accidents and two air crashes. from the wounds, 237 steel fragments were taken outer of his body .in his later


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