閩教版小學英語第一冊Unit 3 Numbers Lesso說課稿型教案n 5_第1頁
閩教版小學英語第一冊Unit 3 Numbers Lesso說課稿型教案n 5_第2頁
閩教版小學英語第一冊Unit 3 Numbers Lesso說課稿型教案n 5_第3頁
閩教版小學英語第一冊Unit 3 Numbers Lesso說課稿型教案n 5_第4頁




1、閩教版小學英語第一冊unit 3 numbers lesson 5the first period說課稿型教案一、teaching aims:1. knowledge aims:(1) enable pupils to master the words freely: from one to five.(2) enable pupils to understand the structure of “how many ?” and use it orally.2. ability aims:(1) enable pupils to use “how many ?” in the real si

2、tuation.(2) to develop pupils basic ability of listening, speaking and observing.3. emotional aims:(1) to train pupils spirit of cooperation and consciousness of competition.(2) to train the pupils interest in english and arouse their study motivation.二、the key points:(1) to enable pupils to master

3、the numbers freely.that is: one, two, three, four and five.(2) to enable pupils to grasp the structure of “how many ?” freely in a real situation.三、difficult points:how to understand the pattern sentence: “how many ?” and communicate with each other. in order to solve the difficult points. i design

4、some games and let the pupils act in groups to finish the teachers task.5main topicteachers activitiespupils activitiesstep 1warm-up(2 minutes)1. greeting2. sing a song: “the morning song” with the pupils.1. greetings2. sing the song of “the morning song” with the teacher熱身運動的目的是為了集中學生上課的注意力,讓學生放松地學

5、習英語。歌曲中不僅復習了舊知識,還為這一節(jié)課的學習作好準備。step 2review(5 minutes)1. teacher plays the ppt to review the words: apple, banana, egg. (an apple is falling down from a tree; a monkey is eating two bananas; a hen is laying five eggs.)then ask pupils: “what can you see ?” in english and in chinese.2. do actions to re

6、view the words: dog, cat.3. have a chant1. pupils answer the questions. such as:apple, banana and egg in english or in chinese.2. say out the words: dog and cat according to the teachers actions.3. read after the chant.aaa applebbb bananaccc catddd dogeee egg精彩動畫的展示立刻吸引了學生的眼球,加上chant的鞏固認知,有效地復習了前面學過

7、的實物名稱和a、b、c、d、e字母,還為下文的新知學習作了鋪墊。step 3presentation(15 minutes)1. divide the class into five groups: group beibei, jingjing, huanhuan, yingying, nini(北京歡迎你)2. teacher plays the ppt again, and ask pupils: “how many ?”(the teacher may do actions or gestures when pupils didnt understand the sentence) wr

8、ite the sentence and words on the blackbord.3. teach the words from one to five, such as:oneoneonetwotwotwothreethreethreefourfourfourfivefivefive4. teacher show his finger and has a chant.1. pupils answer questions.(they may answer the questions in chinese)2. read the new words use . then read them

9、 by the whole class, by groups or by individual.3. look at the teachers gesture, then have a chant among groups. such as:group beibei: how many? how many?group jingjing: one, one, one. how many?group huanhuan: two, two, two. how many? how many?1.學生對“福娃”了解比較少,老師可向學生介紹奧運會吉祥物貝貝、晶晶、歡歡、迎迎、妮妮,把全班分成五組,并代表“

10、北京歡迎你”。2. 利用形體及手勢語言,直觀明了,形象生動,為學生創(chuàng)設真實的語言環(huán)境,活躍了課堂氣氛,增強了學生們的理解力。3. 小組間的chant更能讓那些英語學習后進者達到有機會說英語的目的,增強了孩子們說英語的信心,提高了學習英語的興趣。step 4practise(8 minutes)1.play the tape and have the chant of page 21.2. play a game: memory agame. show pupils some pictures of different count of things, and let pupils observ

11、e them for about ten seconds. then the picture disappears, the teacher asks: “how many ?” pupils have a competition. test which group has the best memory.3. according to page 20, ask and answer in groups.1. read after tape.2. looking at the slide show, and count and say.3. work in groups.1、游戲是孩子們的天性

12、。因此,在練鞏固句型和單詞過程中,用游戲來吸引學生的興趣是再適合不過了。2、利用互動的教學方法,通過師生互動,生生互動,加強師生、生生之間的交流與合作培養(yǎng)學生的合作精神和競爭意識。step 5extension(3 minutes)ask pupils to say the numbers from the life.say the numbers from the life. for example: 120、110、119拓展練習主要是為了將所學知識運用到現實當中,使學生變被動學習為主動學習。step 6evaluation(1 minute)count which group has the most starsstep 7homework(1 minute)to know the other sign of numbers after class.彈性化教案step 4 practise中的教學還可以這樣設計: 讓學生們自己拿出一些實物來操練,可以同桌互問,也可以小組內問,還可以


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