



1、全國 2008 年 10 月高等教育自學(xué)考試現(xiàn)代語言學(xué)試題課程代碼: 00830I.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets.(2%X 10=20%1.The distinction between langue and parole was made by early last cent

2、ury. ()A. American linguist N. ChomskyC. American linguist Edward Sapir2.The sounds that begin and end the wordsB. Swiss linguist F. de SaussureD. British linguist J. R. Firthchurch and judge are voiceless and voiced respectively.()A. stopsC. affricates3.In the word unreliable , the prefixA. freeC.

3、rootB. fricativesD. plosives- ”“isu(na n) morpheme. ()B. boundD. inflectional4. Words in a sentence are organized into groups of lexical , commonly known as partsof speech. ()A. verbsB. nounsC. phrasesD. categories5. The words stationary and stationery are identical in sound, but different in spelli

4、ng andA. socialB. regionalmeaning. They are . ()A. complete homonymsC. hyponyms6. The illocutionary point of is toB. homographsD. homophonesexpress the psychological state specified in theutterance. ()B. expressivesD. representativesA. directivesC. commissives7. Grimm pointed out that certain phonol

5、ogical changes must have occurred early in the history of the Germanic languages, which did not take place in , Greek, or Latin. ()A. EnglishB. SanskritC. GermanD. Danish8. Language planning refers to any attempt by a government, etc. to choose a particular speech variety and spread the use of it, i

6、ncluding its pronunciation and spelling systems, across boundaries. ()C. culturalD. political9. The case of Phineas Gage showed us that.()A. huma n Ian guage ability is not located in the brain because Phin eas brain was so damagedand he could still speakB. huma n Ian guage ability is located in the

7、 right hemisphere of the brainC. if huma n Ian guage ability is located in the brain, it is not situated right at the backD. if huma n Ian guage ability is located in the brain, it is not situated right at the front10. The Chinese sound/d/in English interlanguage pronunciation of “ datf”r “ that b”l

8、ongs toerror.()A. fossilizati onB. tran sferC. in terfere neeD. overge neralizati onII. Directions: Fill in the bla nk in each of the follow ing stateme nts with one word, the firstletter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, andyou are not allowed to cha n

9、ge the letter give n. (1% x 10=10%11. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the Ianguage people actually use, it is said to bed.12. If you say door, new, two, senior, zoo, you will notice that the first sounds in all these wordsare asoun ds. The t and s are voiceless, and d, n and z are voice

10、d. Only n is n asal.13. The word snowfall is a word formed by joining two separate words, i.e.“ snow” and “ fall.n ewly formed word is gen erally regarded as a c_.14. A csentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word, such as“ and, ”“ bi15. Pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relat

11、i on ship betwee n the two items are calledr,opposites.16. All the speech acts that bel ong to the same category share the same purpose or the sameipoint, but they differ in their stre ngth or force.17. The d of spin dle is developed betwee n an adjace nt n and I. Such a process or cha nge inwhich s

12、uccessive sounds are separated by an in terve ning segme nt is known as e_.18. The two ( or possibly more ) groups use their native Ianguages as a basis for a rudimentaryIanguage of few lexical items and “ straightforward grammatical rules. Such a mIan guage is called pidg in.19. The brain neurologi

13、cal specialization for Ianguage is called linguistic , whichpsycholi nguists are particularly in terested in.20. Within the framework of C Analysis, second Ianguage learning was believed to be amatter of overco ming the differe nces betwee n L 1 and L2 systems.III. Directions: Judge whether each of

14、the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets infront of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correctversion. (2%x 10=20%21.() The arbitrary nature of Ianguage makes it possible for Ianguag

15、e to have anunlimited source of expressions.22(.) When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segmentthat occurs in the same place in the string, then the two words are called minimal pairs. Sip and zip are a minimal pair, as are fine and vine, and veal and leaf.23. () T

16、he meaning of a compound is the combination of the meanings of the words inthe compound.24. () The structure that occurs after movement takes place is what we term as surfacestructure.25(.) The predication analysis of a sentence only applies to statements and interrogativeforms.26. () Speech act the

17、ory was proposed by the British philosopher John Austin in the late1950s.27. () Derivation covers various processes of word formation by the addition of affixes,such as the creation of adjectives from nouns ( professional profession) , nouns from verbs ( computer compute ) , adjectives from verbs (

18、conceivable conceive) , and verbs from nouns (eulogize eulogy) .28. () In Black English, when the verb is negated, the indefinite pronouns something ,somebody , and some become the negative indefinites nothing , nobody , and none, such as He dont know ntohing . Such double negation constructions indicate that speakers of Black English are deficient because they use language “ illogically. ”29. () The right hemisphere controls voluntary movements of, and responds to signalsfrom, the right side of the body.30. () Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the g


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