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1、中國傳統(tǒng)文化中國傳統(tǒng)文化 China China is the hometown of china.the invention of china is a great contribution to world civilization. In English,china means porcelain(瓷器). The Origin of Porcelain Around the 16th century BC in Shang Dynasty, the early Chinese porcelain appeared. As it was still rough on the firing

2、 process, it can be only called proto-porcelain(原始瓷). proto-porcelain Development of Porcelain Proto-porcelain appeared from the Shang Dynasty, after the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Warring States to the Eastern Han Dynasty, after 1600 years of change and development, Porcelain firing technology has b

3、een improved gradually. 三國鉛釉陶器 唐 白瓷花口渣斗 唐三彩唐三彩 Song porcelain had a new improved on glaze(釉) and production technology. Porcelain technology had reached full maturity(成熟) level. A clear division of labor had appeared.The development of porcelain in China is an important stage. Successfully firing th

4、e exquisite(精致的) white glaze porcelain and the single-glaze porcelain with copper(銅) as the coloring agent(色劑), made the Ming Dynasty porcelain colorful. The porcelain technology continued to improve. CONTENTS On Qing Dynasty,porcelain firing technology had reached the top level of the history.An ne

5、w kide of porcelain,which called enamel inml (琺瑯器), had apeared. Technology of firing porcelain shows the brightness and hardworking of Chinese people.On Han Dynasty,the government break a new path(開辟新路) to the westerns.Now we named it The Silk Road ,through which Chinese porcelain was traded to the

6、 world. From that time on, China means pocelain and china is the symbol of China. Referring to Chinese tea, it can be traced back to the ancient times, and it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty. We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectl

7、y, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink. 2. Why do we have tea? In china , tea has a very long history, and have formed the Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, tea is helpful to our body, then it is loved by many people. lgreen tea; lb

8、lack tea; l oolong tea; lyellow tea; lwhite tea; ldark tea (heicha); 綠茶green tea 紅茶black tea 綠茶; 紅茶; 烏龍茶; 黃茶; 白茶; 黑茶; 黃茶yellow tea白茶white tea 黑茶Dark tea (heicha) 4.Some famous tea in China (1)西湖龍井茶西湖龍井茶 West Lake longjing tea green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea, more than 30 brands; the centra

9、l government of china buy more than100kgs every year; (2)洞庭碧螺春茶洞庭碧螺春茶 Dongting biluochun tea green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, named biluo; in 1954,premier Zhou attend the Geneva meeting, taking 2kgs; (3)黃山毛峰茶 Huangshan maofeng tea one of the top te

10、n chinese tea; the fresh leaves collected from the peak of huangshan; health effects; tea gift of our country; (4)六安瓜片茶 Liuan guapian tea Green tea; Anhui province; piece tea; designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China; (5)盧山云霧茶盧山云霧茶 Lusan yunwu tea; (6)信陽毛尖茶信陽毛尖茶 Xin

11、yang maojian tea; (7)鐵觀音茶鐵觀音茶 Tie guanyin tea; (8)武夷巖茶武夷巖茶 Wuyi rock tea; 信陽毛尖Xinyang maojian 鐵觀音Tie guanyin武夷巖茶Wuyi rock tea Tea 剪 紙 藝 術(shù) Introduce The paper-cut art is the Chinese Han nationalitys most ancient one of folk art. Its history can be traced back to the sixth Century a.d. Tracery or cut

12、art, some with scissors, some use a knife, although the tools are different, but the creation of works of art is basic and same, collectively known as the paper-cut. The carrier can be paper, gold foil, bark, leaves, cloth, leather and other sheet materials. Paper-cutting as Chinese traditional cult

13、ure fully reflects peoples wisdom and hard work. It has a huge impact and a driving force on the modern society. The history of paper-cutting Paper-cutting can date from 1600BC. During western Han Dynasty, the emperors wife dead; and he was very missed his wife. So, he let a warlock drew his wifes p

14、icture on the paper, cut it down and hung in his bedroom. This is probably the earliest paper-cutting. Paper-cutting is the most popular traditional decorative folk art, because the materials are easy to get, low cost, and convenient to make. The development of paper-cutting Paper-cutting comes from

15、 life. The creators use paper- cutting to express their understanding of nature, and their thoughts about life. It is an expression of their inner feelings. The creator of the folk paper-cutting see it as a part of life, to yearn a better life and worship the ancient totems. from generation to next

16、generation. Types of paper-cutting and using before Paper-cutting has many types. the most common one: (1) paper-cutting for window decorations. Its very popular in the north, because people in north use white paper to make window. Every spring festival they change new paper, and stick colorful wind

17、ow decorations (paper-cutting). It makes people feel fresh, bright, and lively. (2) Character which represents happy. When people are getting married and having children, it is used to decorate the wedding festivals, various artifacts and gifts. (3) Flowers on the shoes. It is one of the paper-cutti

18、ng styles on the surface of the shoes. In the folk paper- cutting, either North or South is important style. Its patterns tend to be better shaped and optimistic. Paper-cutting in modern use paper-cutting is a kind of unique and a special design. Its a cultural heritage, its unique shape and color b

19、ring boundless space to the modern design, and modern design is inseparable from popular culture. Ex: (1) 2008 Beijing Olympic Games (2) 2010 shanghai World Expo (3)as present 2010 shanghai World Expo2010 shanghai World Expo2010 shanghai World Expo2010 shanghai World Expo2010 shanghai World Expo2010 shanghai World Expo 諧音Homonym 年年有余(yu魚fish ) surplus May you always get more than you wish for 諧音Homony


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