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1、6.2.7.過去分詞作定語(yǔ),表語(yǔ)專題練習(xí)?childre nare ope ning their Christmasprese nts.is now closed .I .分析下列劃線部分在句中做什么成分(過去分詞做定語(yǔ),表語(yǔ)還是表示被動(dòng) 1. Theexcited2. This supermarket 3.The blackboardlook on her face in terested in the year (= which ryn. Fill the form1. The animal and plantsa worriedHe lookedThe machine produced

2、last4. She had5.I was(astoni sh)to3. The 4. The 5. Madame Curie6. I saw(en courage),was broken by Tom.she failed the exam. put forward.n ewsmotherfound husba ndsthethebecause idea I were produced last year) are veexpe nsive.with proper form.適當(dāng)形式填空 that they(ast oni sh)lear nthatfound, made us went t

3、ofoundhisthere werelong lost child had bee nvisitEin ste in.death.(disappoint)(puzzle).(shock)boy very girl was greater like a (excite)determ ined to studyprogress.bird(frighte n)harder and make9.Thefiercelio nlooks(frighten).Keep away fromitsF f- j i V 1it willattack you.10. The look on her face wa

4、s very(con fuse).川.Fillthe form with V-ed1.The book(一本農(nóng)民寫的書)is verypopular.2.Thebuildi ng(去年建的樓房)nowcollapsed intheWen chua n earthquake.3.Theproblem在昨天會(huì)議上討論的)wasvery difficulttosolve.4.Thewi ndow被那個(gè)頑皮男孩打破的)isbeing repaired5.Thechildre n昨天在醫(yī)院檢查的)were seriouslyill6.Thepeople(暴露在陽(yáng)光下的)gotsun burnt.7.Th

5、eboy受到老師嚴(yán)厲懲罰的)isnow a collegestude nt.8.Thewater送到他家的水)carried disease.9.TheEn glish todayisquite differe ntfrom theEn glish年前所說的).8.(被邀請(qǐng)去參加聚會(huì)(驚弓之鳥)Be brave. You look10. Most of the artists的) were from South Africa.cage or(300歡迎共閱11. The stude nts 受至U老師鼓舞的)worked harder tha n ever before.IV.基礎(chǔ)單選題1.M

6、ary is anewnurse andherjob isto takecare of thesoldiers.A.woundB.woundedC. woundingD. beingwounded2. Lilyseemsverymuchinthemagaz ine.but Ithi nkit s tooexpe nsive.A.in terestedB.in terest ingC.toin terestD.to be in teresting弋、IJ3. All the passe ngers should remainwhen the plane is making a landing.A

7、. seatB. seati ngC. to be seat ingD. seatedJ4. After her journey from Australia, Sophie Armstro ngreturned home, A. being exhaustedB. exhaust ingC. exhaustedD. hav ingexhausted5. their new album on time, the two famous sin gersworked far in tothe ni ghtevery day.A.ReleaseB. ReleasedCTo releaseD.Havi

8、ng released6.The meetingn ext Thursdaymain lyaimstodealwith the problemsrelated toteenagers mental health.A.tobeheldB. heldCbeing heldD.hav ingbee nheld7. There isno thi ngtodo but wait formyparents to come here.A.leaveB.leftC.to leaveD.leav ing8.are nowgoodcare ofin thehospital.A.The workersinjured

9、;take nB.Theinjuredworkers;being take nC.The injuredworkers; take nD.Theworkersinjured;being take n9. All hisfansareA.in spireB.in spiri ngCin spiredD.beingin spiredV. Choose the bestanswer.1. Most of the artists to the party were from South Africa.A. in vitedB. toin viteC. being in vited D. had bee

10、 n in vited2. The computer center.last year,is very popularamong the students4. How do youdealwith thedisagreement between the company and tomers?thecusThekeytheproblemis to meet thedema ndby thecustomeA. tosolvi ng;maki ngB. to1 Osol ving;madeC. to solve;mak ingD.tosolve; made5. Dont use words,expr

11、essi ons,or phraseson ly topeoplewithspecifickno wledge.A. beingknown B. havingbee n knownC. tobe knownD.in this school.A. openB.ope ning C.hav ingopenedD. opened3. Clea ning wome ninbig citiesusuallygetby the hour.A.payB.pay ingC. paidD. topay6En glishisdiffere ntfromEnglish in many ways.A. Spoke n

12、;writte nB. Speak ing;writte nC. Spoke n; writ ingD. Speak; write7The womanthere un derthe tree,in a blue shirt,isour headmaster.科/ *1A.sitti ng;weari ngB.sitti ng;dressedC. seat ing;dressedD. seated;dress ing8Linda worked fortheMinn esotaManu facturi ngMining Compa ny,as 3MknownA.knowing.B.known.C.

13、being known.D.to beknown9Thedisheslay onthe floor.i 1uAbreak ing.B.broke n.C. bro1 ike. D. break10the ship,bya hugepiece oficeberg,cam toasuddenstop.A.hitti ng.Bhit.C.hitted.D. to hit.11San dy,hurryupIm afraidyouwonthavetimetobefore theparty.A.get cha ngedB.getcha nge.C.getcha nging.D.gettocha nge.1

14、3heseems quiteattheidea.Apleas ing.B.pleased.C.please.D.pleasa nt.14Shefeltratherthatsheshould ntdrivethecar at such aspeed.A. frighte ning,frighte ningB.frighte ned,frighte nedC. frighte ning,frighte nedD.frighte ned,frighte ning15 Tell Marythat theressome oneforheratthe door.A. waiti ng.B. waits.C

15、.waited.D.to wait.16 there is a big dogtoa fenceoutsidethehouseA.tyi ngB. tied.C.totie.D. ties.A. firstplayedB. tobefirstplayedC.firstplayi ngD.tobefirstplayi ng18. What he has done isreallyNow hisparentsarehim.A. disappo in ti ng;disappo in tedatB. disappo in ti ng;disappo in tedaboutC. disappo in

16、ti ng;disappo in tedwithD.disappo in ted;disappo intingby過去分詞作定語(yǔ),表語(yǔ)專題練習(xí)19. Prices of dailygoodsthrough a computer can be lowertha nsomestore prices.B. boughtC. bee n boughtD.buying20.MrSmith,ofthespeech,startedtoread ano vel.A.tired;bori ngB. tiring;boredC.tired;boredD.tiri ng;bori ng21 Assoonasshe

17、en teredtheroom, thegirlcaughtsight ofthe flowersbyhermother.A. buyingB.beingboughtC. wereboughtD.bought22.Aswejoined thebig crowd I gotfrommy friends.A.separatedB.sparedC.lostD.missedA. are bought23.The stude nts.at the way thequestionwas put,to an swer it.didn t know howAbeingsurprisedB.surpris in

18、gC. surprisededD. hav ingsurpris24.Thefirsttextbooksforteach ingEn glishasa foreig nIan guagecame outin the 16thcen tury.Ahav ingwritte nB. tobe writtenC.beingwritte nD.writte n25.Look at then otetothe door,you will see thatsome one paid avisitwhen weare away.A.pi nningB. pinnedC.being pinnedD.is pi

19、nned26.I was veryto findall theticketshad bee nsoldout whe n 1got there.A.disappo intB. to disappo intC. disappo intingD.disappo in ted27-Awoma n waskilled.- Where is oma n?the body of thewA.murderB. murderedC. murderi ngD. hav ing murdered28.Thelook on the girlsface suggestedthatshesuch bad news.A.

20、surpris ing,would expectB.surprised,should expectC.surpris ing,should nt havebee n expectedD.surprised,had ntexpected29.You IIfind thewordpsychology un derP inyour dicti on ary.A. have listedB.listC.listedD.listi ng30From the dateonthegoldcoi n,wedecidedthat it was madefivehun dredyears ago.A.marki

21、ngB.markedC.to be markedD.hav ingbee nmarked31. There was a terribleno isethesuddenburst of light.A. followedB. follow ingC.to befollowedD. being followedA. hav ing bee n builtB built C bee n builtD. being built8. The disco,thatnigh9.A. recordedB.recordi ngD. hav ing recordedC. to be recordedDon tus

22、e words,expressi ons, or phrasesin the radio,soun ded good at the partyt. only to people with A. being knownspecific kno wledge.B. hav ingbee n knownD. knownC. to be known10. The flowerssweet in the garde n attractthe visitors.The OlympicGames,in776 B. C., 12.did nt in cludewome n un til19firstplayi

23、 ngB.tobefirstplayedC. firstplayedD.tobe play ing33.Whasthelang uageinGerma ny?A.speak ingBspokenC. bespokenD. tospeakChoose thebestan swer.、I J、Fivepeoplewontheaward,a titletoordinarypeoplefor their32.A.VI.1.con tributi onstoen vir onmen talprotect ions.A. beinggive nBis give nC. give nD. was given

24、2.Tom soundsverymuchin thejob, but Imnotsure whetherhe can man age it.A.in terestedB.in teresti ngC.in teresti nglyD interestedly二、p3.Who would you liketo see at themome nt?-The manJoh n.A. calledhimB.we call himC callingDcalled4.Clea ningwome ninbigcitiesusuallygetbythehour.A.payB.pay ingC. paidD.

25、topay5.The childrenwereallafter they heard thenews thattoAustraliaintern atio nalexchangestudents(國(guó)際交換生).in spiredin spiri ngB.in spired;in spiredC in spiri ng;in spiredD. in spiri ngin spiri ng6. Theglasscup wasby Joh n.break ing;broke nB.break ing;break ingC. broke n,broke nD. broke n;break ing7Lo

26、ok!Everythi nghere isun dercon struct ion.-Oh,has the museum onceforexhibit ingkitesbee npulledA.A.they would be sentdown (推倒),too?A.to smellB. smelli ngC. smeltD. to be smelt11.Did yougotothe partyon New YearsEve?A. heldB.tobeholdi ngC.to be heldD. beingheld12. The televisionisamach ine.A. n ewlyin

27、ven tedB. new inven tedC. n ewly inventD.newinven ti on13.I dont know thegirlinthe snow storm.A. to catchB.caughtC. catchi nghi ngD. to be catc14.Traveli ngis, but we oftenfeelwhen weareback from travels.II. JA.in teresti ng,tiredB. in terested,tiri ngC.in teresti ng,tiringD. in terested,tired15The

28、film was sothat all ofus wereto tears.A. moved, movingB. moving, movedC. movi ng,movi ngD.moved, moved16.The Olympic Games,in 776 B.C.,did not in cludewome nplayersun til1912.A.firstplayedB. to be firstplayedCfirstplay ingD. to befirstplay ing17. The pictureon the wall ispain tedby myfather.A. hav ing hungB. hangingC. hangsDbeing hung18. Prices of goods through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are boughtB. bo


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