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1、人教版新目標(biāo)英語七年級上冊期末試卷、單項(xiàng)填空15分)16. Rush Hour isacti on movie, andstory happe ned in America.A. a, theB. the, aC. an, aD. an, thet find)17. Excuse me. Where is your mother? I canA. herB. sheC. himD. he)18. - Does your brother an orange backpack?one.-No, he doesn t. But my sister)19.A. has, hasB. have, has

2、C. has, haveD. have, haveis a stude nt from Australia.n ame is Tina.A. She, HerB. He, HerC. She, HisD. He, His)20. I really like playi ng and I have two rackets.A. chessB. volleyballC. tennisD. baseball)21. In our class there are healthy students, and they have)22.weeken ds. I ofte n go shopp ingmy

3、mother.D. much, muchA. I n, withB. On, withC. At, andD. For, andhealthy food for breakfast.A. many, many B. lot of, lots of C. many, lots offor dinn er.)23. His cous in often has Fre nch fries, tomatoes andA. chicke nB. a chicke nC. the chicke nD. chicke nsme some, please?)24. I m a ltttlesty. Can y

4、ouA. take, drinkB. bring dr inkC. get, eggs D. buy, bananas()25. - Let s have hamburgers for breakfast today.- .A. I like noodles betterB. Let s have bteaC. yes, let s doD. That s sounds great()26. It s only 10 yuan! You buy it at a good .A. wayB. saleC. priceD. money()27. Theis only 31 dollars.A. s

5、hortsB. T-shirtC. pantsD. socks()28. I can t paint wellI like are very much.A. andB. soC. butD.because()29. Edwardthrillers because he thi nks they are too scary.A. wants to seeB. not wants to seeC. likesD. doesn t like()30. Do you want some?A. eggB. chicke nC. hamburgerD. banana()37. A. deskB. bike

6、C. floorD. chair()38. A. wellB.youngC. right (正確的)D. wrong 錯(cuò)誤的()39. A. homeB. workC. partyD. school()40. A. whatB. whoC. whereD. how三、閱讀理解(20分)(A)This is a picture of Bill s famrlyiriTlhiea car is Mr. Read. He s in his car.The woman is in the black car, too. She is in a yellow sweater. She s a worke

7、r. Mrand Mrs. Read have a son and two daughters. Their son, Bill, is on a bike. Heblue coat. His sister, Ann, is a teacher. She s not here. She s at school. Sue is Billsister, too. She is beh ind her father as. She has a n ice cat. It black and white.Look, it is on the car.41. Mr. Read s car_isA. re

8、dB. blueC. blackD. white42. Who s Bill s mother?A. The one on the bikeB. The one in Bills car.C. The one beh ind the car.D. The one in a sweater.43. How many people can you see in the picture?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five44. Who s a school teacher?A. Bill s father. B. Bill s motherC. Sue s brother.D.

9、 Sue s sister.45. Where can you see a cat?A. I n the bike.B. On the car.C. In the car.D. On the bike.五、單詞拼寫20分56. How much are these 短襪?57. Dick is only five and his birthday is 十月五號58. Can you 跳舞?59. Have a look at the T-shirts. We sell 它們for only 5 dollars.60. What is your 父親的favorite mon th?61. W

10、hat club do you want to 參加?62. Jerry can play the guitar very 好.63. Mike usually (去)to school at 7:30 in the morning.64. Nancy (有) a white hat. She likes it very much.、單項(xiàng)填空(共20分,每題1分)()1、 “and U are in the word “UnA. An, aB. An, anC. A, aD. A, an()2、 is your father?He fine.A. What B. WhereC. HowD. H

11、ow old()3What coloryour shoes?Blue.A. is,ItB. is, IsC. are, TheirD. are, Theyre(4、Let gosoccer ball with theboys.That sounds great.A. to play ingB. and play ingC. playD. and play()5、We need a lot ofevery day.A. vegetablesB. meatsC. broccolisD.apple()6、Jimlike basketball. Hecomputer games.A. don , li

12、keB. doesnt, likesC. don, likesD. doesnt, like()7、 these two boys your brothers?No, my friends.A. Are, it B. Is, itC. Are, theyreD. Is, theyre()8、I want the box to my room.A. to putB. takeC. to have D. to take()9、May I have a look your new watch?A. atB. forC. after D. with()10、Look! Some broccoli in

13、 the box. Some apples in the bagA. are, areB. is, isC. are, is D. is, are()11、This is a picture of family.A. JimB. JimC.JimsD.Jims()12、Her birthday is February.A. inB. onC. at D. for()13、Paul usually goes to the movie weekends.()14、Can I help you?.A. Y es, IcanB. No, I ca nnotC. Y es, I doD. Y es, p

14、lease()15、Mary can playguitar but she cantplaychess.A.the, theB. the, /C. /, theD. a, a()16、are the pan ts? Theyre 50 dollars.A. onB. inC. to D. forA. HowB. How muchC. Where D. What()17、He likes but he doesntlike B. thrillers, comedies D. thrillers, comediesB. mon ths years old D. mon thes yearsA. t

15、hriller, comedyC. thriller, comedies)18、The baby is only tenA. mon th oldC. mon ths old)19、What can Cindy do? She can.D. swimA. swimsB. swimmi ngC. to swim)20、Thanks your photo of your family.A. forB. ofC. to D. at二、按要求完成句子(共5分,每空0.5分)1. The computer and the CD are on the table對劃線局部提問)2. Theyre appl

16、es.改為單數(shù)形式)3. They can play the guitar well.(改為否認(rèn)句)4. Julia likes ping-pong very much.(改為一般疑問句)5. Jim wants to watch TV on Sun day.改為否認(rèn)句)An old tiger lives in the forest .He doesn want to look for food himself ( 他自 己).He ofte n tells other an imals to bring him someth ing to eat.He sees a mon key and

17、 says “I am hun gry. Go to the village (村寸莊)and bringme a fat pigOh, Tiger, says the mon key. “ca n do that now. There is ano ther tiger over there. He wants a fat pig , too. He wontlet me get anything for you to eat. Im afraid of him. What? cries the old tiger. Show me that tiger .Ill teach him a l

18、ess onCome with me , says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge (橋)over the river. Now look down at the water, says the monkey. Do you see the head, the white teeth and the large大的)green eyes of a tiger? Yes ,I do. cries the old tiger. Ileat him up! With these words, the tiger jumps i

19、nto the river.()1、 There are two tigers and a mon key in the forest.()2、The mon key is very clever.()3、 The tiger catches the other one in the river.()4、 The tiger is not clever.()5 The mon key jumps in to the river, too.In many En glish homes, people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any

20、 time from seve n to nine in the morni ng .They eat porridge(粥),eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the after noon and dinner is about half past seve n. First they have soup , then they have meat or fish with vegetables

21、. After that they eat some other thin gs, like bananas,apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.()6.Many English people have meals a day.A. twoB. three C. four D. five“.People may havefor their breakfast according to thepassage根據(jù)短文.A. t


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