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1、大學(xué)生英語(yǔ)四六級(jí)答題技巧一、整體作答安排四六級(jí)考試分為六大部分,分別是作文、聽(tīng)力、十五選十、匹配題、閱讀理解、翻譯題。筆定的答題順序以及時(shí)間分配才能夠做到有條不紊的答題,分享下筆者的時(shí)間及答題順序安排:者認(rèn)為考試時(shí)應(yīng)該按照一接下來(lái)就1)作文:30mi n2)聽(tīng)力:30mi n3)匹配題 :20mi n4) 閱讀理解 :15m in+15m in5)翻譯題 :20mi n6) 十五選十 :10m in (快速寫(xiě)完,如果時(shí)間不夠可以放棄筆者認(rèn)為考試時(shí)帶一塊手表是非常有必要的,因?yàn)樗軌蜃屇愫芊奖愕闹雷约旱拇痤}順序以及進(jìn)度,按照如上時(shí)間安排,一題題的在各自規(guī)定的時(shí)間答完。還有就是在平時(shí)的練習(xí)當(dāng)中要

2、有意識(shí)的按如上時(shí)間和答題步驟安排練習(xí),這樣不管你的英語(yǔ)水平如何,至少能夠不緊不慢的把所有的題目答完,能夠穩(wěn)住心態(tài),不至于手忙腳亂的。注:答題過(guò)程中,遇到難以抉擇的選項(xiàng),思索一會(huì)兒難以確定時(shí),不要戀戰(zhàn),可以選擇你猜 測(cè)的選項(xiàng),并在題號(hào)邊注上標(biāo)記。當(dāng)時(shí)間有剩時(shí) ,應(yīng)該檢查匹配題以及閱讀理解部分注過(guò)標(biāo)記的部分,快速掃視原文,找出答案( 你所選的答案,原文一定有對(duì)應(yīng)的句子可以印證它所選的是不是答案,這個(gè)靠猜是不靠譜的 )二、聽(tīng)力策略聽(tīng)力: 1、視聽(tīng)一致+ 同義替換 + 高頻詞匯(用相近的詞或句子替換的一般為答案)2、首尾呼應(yīng)(前面聽(tīng)到說(shuō)什么,結(jié)尾又說(shuō)了一遍,那么趕緊看選項(xiàng)有沒(méi)這項(xiàng))3、轉(zhuǎn)折/強(qiáng)調(diào)(語(yǔ)氣

3、突然轉(zhuǎn)變,比如 but, 或者強(qiáng)調(diào)某件事很不可思議。4、 第二方的回答5、 語(yǔ)意模糊,不精確(很少出現(xiàn)語(yǔ)意很確定的答案,一般正確答案都是拐彎抹角出來(lái)的,需要推測(cè))Passage OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the conversation you have just heard.What does the speaker say characterizes America n campuses?16. A )The cozy com mun al life.B) The cultural diversity.C) 【答案】 CC) l nno vati

4、ve academic programs.D) lmperative school buildi ngs.【答案】 AWhat does Brow n Uni versity preside nt Vartan Gregoria n say about stude ntsdaily17.A)Itislife?very ben eficial to their academic聽(tīng)長(zhǎng)對(duì)話的時(shí)候,只需要盯著每個(gè)題目的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)最后三個(gè)詞看,然后注progress. B)It helps them soak up the surr意聽(tīng),聽(tīng)力是否念出出和最后三個(gè)或者兩個(gè)詞ounding culture.t

5、heir learning一模一樣的,比如16 題,C)It is as important asexperience【答案】C原文出現(xiàn) cozy communal life,可能你 聽(tīng)不D)lt sures their physical and men tal heal.In what way is the Uni States unrivaled according to the speaker18. A)It offers the most challe nging academic programs.B) It has the worlds best-k nown military a

6、cademics.What does the speaker say about uni versities in Europe andC) It provides nu merous opti ons for stude nts.Japa n?D) It draws faculty from all around the world.19. A)They try to give stude nts opport un ities for experime nt.B) They are respon sible merely to their Mini stry of education.懂

7、communal,但是至少你應(yīng)該能聽(tīng)到什么cozy.life 吧,一看 A選項(xiàng)有這個(gè),趕緊勾選,依此類(lèi)推, 最后等選完,聽(tīng)力開(kāi)始問(wèn)問(wèn)題的時(shí) 候,就可以把答案搬到答題卡上了, 不需要管題目問(wèn)的是什么, 因?yàn)榧幢隳懵?tīng)懂問(wèn)什么,也很難知道選哪個(gè),對(duì)吧? 與瞎蒙相比,這方法更可靠【答案】B原文 :C) They strive to develop every student academic potential.ManyD)Theyforeigen nsurestudethatntsallarestudeattracnts notget onlyroughlytotheequalacademicatt

8、entiprogramson. at a particular U.S.ut also to the larger com muni ty, which affords the cha nee to soak up the surro un dingw foreign universities put much emphasis on thecozy communallifemerican campuses from clubs and sports teams to student publications and drama hatsocietieS.T he campus and the

9、 American university have ome identical in peoplesity Preside nt Varta n Gregoria n. InAmerica it is assumed that astudent daily life isminds,” ays Brown Univerimportant as hisooooooooooooooooo。learningexperience.haracterizesAas三、十五選十先掃視每段的第一句話,大致了解文章所要表達(dá)的意思,接下來(lái),快速對(duì)15 個(gè)選項(xiàng)進(jìn)行詞義以及屬性識(shí)別,注上標(biāo)記:名詞 n3 個(gè)名詞正確答

10、案 +1 個(gè)名詞干擾答案副詞 ad 、 ly 、sion 、 tion 、ity1 個(gè)副詞正確答案 +1 個(gè)副詞干擾答案1、冠詞(a,an,the )+ 形容詞 + 介詞 +n 為固定搭配2、 一個(gè)完整句子 + _ + 名詞 / 介詞的結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí),逗號(hào)后面是伴隨狀語(yǔ),應(yīng)當(dāng)填動(dòng)詞ing3 、3、 或者 ed 形式(獨(dú)立主格結(jié)構(gòu)原則動(dòng)詞ing )4、形容詞: a/the/the most/more+ adj +名詞5、 副詞:主語(yǔ) + 謂語(yǔ) + 賓語(yǔ)(表達(dá)完整) + 副詞主語(yǔ) + 謂語(yǔ)橫線處常填副詞解釋?zhuān)菏暹x十的題目,有15個(gè)選項(xiàng),而這15個(gè)選項(xiàng)里包含了3個(gè)名詞正確答案+1個(gè)名詞干擾答案、3個(gè)動(dòng)詞正

11、確答案+1個(gè)動(dòng)詞干擾答案、3個(gè)形容詞正確答案+2個(gè)形容詞干擾答案、 1個(gè)副詞正確答案+1個(gè)副詞干擾答案。我們所要做的是區(qū)分出15個(gè)選項(xiàng)每個(gè)的意思以及屬性,先將容易確認(rèn)為正確答案的先填上,然后根據(jù)詞性一個(gè)個(gè)的進(jìn)行排除。舉例:15個(gè)詞一般會(huì)有4個(gè)名詞,其中有一個(gè)是干擾項(xiàng),也就是說(shuō)你最后的答案如果出現(xiàn)超出3個(gè)詞的詞性為名詞,一般這里面肯定會(huì)有錯(cuò)誤,應(yīng)進(jìn)行檢查。當(dāng)然,筆者認(rèn)為這道題是四六級(jí)中難度最高且不容易拿分的一道題,對(duì)于基礎(chǔ)不好的同學(xué),選擇最后做/ 放棄,或者一開(kāi)始就快速蒙題,是比較明智的選擇,畢竟每道題只有3.55分的分值,而且能做對(duì)4 道+就已經(jīng)很厲害了,然而這才多少分,為何不多花時(shí)間解決7.

12、1分/ 道分和14.2分/ 道的題目呢?注:正確答案應(yīng)滿足語(yǔ)法要求和詞性要求,句子通順?biāo)?、閱讀理解(56Noth ing succeeds in bus in essbookslike the study of success.The curre nt busin ess -book boom was launched in 1982 by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman with“ ISearch of E xcellenee If has been kept going ever since by a succession of gurus and would

13、-be gurus wh o promise to distil the esse nee of excelle nee into three (or five or seve n) simple rules.“ The Three Rules is a self-conscious contribution to this type; it even includes a bibliogr aphy of “ succes studies Messrs Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed work for a consultancy, Deloit te, that is det

14、erm ined to turn itself into more of a thought-leader and less a corporate repair man. They employ all the tricks of the success genre. They in sistthat their con clusi ons are“ measurable and action able -guide to behavior rather tha nan alysis for its own sake.( 57) Successauthors usually serve up

15、 vivid stories about how excepti onal bus in ess-people stamped their personalities on a company or rescued it from a life-threatening crisis.(58 )AMessrs Raynor and Ahmed are happier chewand “ detailed!nalysis. behaviour of their 344ing the nu mbers: they provide detailed appe“ excepti onalcompandi

16、 ces oncalculating the elements of advantageThe authors spe nt five years study ing thenies , only to come up at first with nothing. Ehesis to a dead end. It was only when they shifted their attention from how companiesbeha ve to how they think that they began to make sense of their voluminous mater

17、ial.Man ageme nt is all about making difficult tradeoffs in con diti ons that are alwaysuncer tain and ever-cha nging.(59 But exceptio nal compa nies approach these trade-offs with two simple rules in mi nd, so metimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. First: better before cheaper. Companies are

18、 more likely to succeed in the long run if they compete on quality or performance than on pri ce. Second: revenue before cost. Companies have more to gain in the long run from driving up revenue tha n by drivi ng dow n costs.Most success studies suffer from two faults. There is“ the halo (光環(huán) )effect

19、 ” , whereby good performance leads commentators to attribute all manner of virt ues to anything and everyth ing the compa ny does. These virtues the n sudde nly become vice s whe n the compa ny fails. Messrs Raynor and Ahmed work hard to avoidthese mistakes by s tudy ing large bodies of data over s

20、everal decades.(60But they end upembraci ng a differe nt error: stati ng the obvious. Most bus in esspeople will你所選擇的答案在文章中能找到not be surprised to lear n thatit is bet子,做題步驟“偽裝”后的句ter to find a profitable niche and focus on boosting your revenues than to是: 1、花 2 分鐘快速瀏覽問(wèn)題,理解題compete on price and cut y

21、our way to success. The difficult question is how to目問(wèn)什么2、花find that profitable niche and pr otect it. There,The Three Rules is less useful.5-7 分鐘看文章3、回歸問(wèn)題,根據(jù)選項(xiàng)(可以是選項(xiàng)56. What kind of bus in ess books are most likely to sell well?A) Books on excelle nce.C) Books on bus in ess rules.B) Guides to man a

22、geme nt.D) An alyses of market tren ds.的字眼)快速定位,此處大概5分鐘 4、涂卡 注意:發(fā)現(xiàn)卡住,很難抉擇,猜測(cè)答案,先寫(xiě)上答案,在題號(hào);age 做標(biāo)記共費(fèi)時(shí) 15分鐘左右每題 14.2 分, 時(shí)間是值得的57. What does the author imply about books on success so far?A) They help bus in essme n on way or ano ther.B) They are writte n by well-recog ni sed experts.C) They more or les

23、s fall into the same stereotype.D) They are based on an alyses of corporate leaders.58. How does The Three Rules different from other success books according to the pasA) It focuses on the behavior of excepti onal bus in essme n.B) lt bases its detailed an alysis on large amount of data.C) It offers

24、 practicable advice to bus in essme n.D) It draws con clusi on from vivid examples.59. What does the passage say con tributes to the success of excepti onal compa ni es?A) Focus on quality and revenueB) Ma nageme nt and sales promotio n.C) Lower producti on costs and competitive prices.D) Emphasis o

25、n after-sale service and maintenance.60. What is the authoromment on The Three Rules?A) It can help to locate profitable ni ches.B) It has little to offer to bus in esspeople.C) It is no ted for its detailed data an alysis.D) It fails to identify the keys to success五、匹配題A For at least the last decad

26、e, the happ in ess craze has bee n buildi ng. In the last threemon ths alone, over 1,000 books on happ in ess were released on Amaz on, in cludi ng HappyMon ey, Happy-People-Pills For All, and, for those just start ing out, Happ in ess for Begi nne rs.B One of the con siste nt claims of books like t

27、hese is that happ in ess is associated wi thall sorts of good life outcomes, including - most promisingly - good health. Many stud ies haveno ted the connection betwee n a happy mind and a healthy body - the happier yo u are, thebetter health outcomes we seem to have. In a meta-analysis (overview) o

28、f 150 studies on thistopic, researchers put it like this:In ducti on sof well -be ing lead to healthyfunctioning, and in duct ions of ill- being lead to compromised health.”C But a new study, just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) challe nges the rosy picture. H

29、app in ess may not be as good for the body asresearchers thought. It might even be bad.D Of course, it importa nt to first defi ne happ in ess. A few mon ths ago, I wrote a p iececalled “There More to Life Than Being Happy” a bout a psychology study that duginto what happ in ess really means to peop

30、le. It specifically explored the differe nee betwee na meaningful life and a happy life 46E lt seems strange that there would be a difference at all. But the researchers, who looked at a large sample of people over a mon th-l ong period, found that happ in ess is associated with selfish“ taking b eh

31、avior and that having a sense of meaning in life is associa tedwith selfless“ giving b e havior.F Happ in ess without meaning characterizes a relatively shallow, self-absorbed or eve nselfish life, in which things go well, needs and desire are easily satisfied, and difficult or taxingentanglements a

32、re avoided, the authors of the study wrote. If anything, pure h app in ess islin ked to not help ing others in n eed. While being happy is about feeli ng goo d, meaning isderived from contributing to others or to society in a bigger way. As Roy Baumeister, one of theresearchers, told me, Partly what

33、 we do as human beings is to ta ke care of others and contribute to others. This makes life meanin gful but it does not nec essarily make us happy.G The new PNAS study also sheds light on the differenee between meaning and hap piness, but on the biological level. Barbara Fredricks on, a psychologica

34、l researcher who specializes in positive emotions at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Steve Cole, agenetics and psychiatric researcher at UCLA, examined the self-reported levels of happ in essand meaning in 80 research subjects.HHapp in ess was defi ned, as in the earlier study, by

35、feeli ng good. The researchers measured happ in ess by ask ing subjects questio ns like“Howofte n did you feel happy? “How often did you feel interested in life? an d“ Howoften did youfeel satisfied?The more strongly people endorsed these measures of“hedonicwell -being, rpleasure,the higherthey scor

36、ed on happ in ess.IMeaning was defined as an orientation to something biggerthanasured meaning by asking questions like“ Howoften did you feelthatthe self. your lifeThey mehas a sense of direct ion or meaning to it? “Howofte n did you feel that you had someth ing to contribute to society? and“ How o

37、ften did you feel that you belonged to a community social group? The more people endorsed these measures of“ eudaimonicwell-being”- or, simply put, virtue - the more meaning they felt in life.J After noting the sense of meaning and happ in ess that each subject had, Fredricks onand Cole, with their

38、research colleagues, looked at the ways certain genes expressed themselves in each of the participants. Like neuroscientists who use fMRI scanning to determ inehow regi ons in the brain resp ond to differe nt stimuli, Cole and Fredricks on are in teres ted inhow the body, at the gen etic level, resp

39、onds to feeli ngs of happ in ess and meaning.K C ole ?ast work has linked various kinds of chronic adversity to a particular geneexpression pattern. When people feel Ionely, are grieving the loss of a loved one, or arestruggling to make ends meet, their bodies go into threat mode. This triggers the

40、activation of a stress-related gene patter n that has two features: an in crease in the activity of pri onflammatory genes and a decrease in the activity of genes involved in anti-viral respons es.L Cole and Fredricks on found that people who are happy but have little to no sense ofmeaning in their

41、lives - proverbially, simply here for the party - have the same geneexpressi on patter ns as people who are resp onding to and en duri ng chronic adversity. That is,the bodies of these happy people are preparing them for bacterial threats by activating thepro-inflammatory response. Chronic inflammat

42、ion is, of course, associated with major i llnesseslike heart disease and various cancers.M“ Empty positive emotions” - like the kind people experienee during manic episode sor artificially induced euphoria from alcohol and drugs -” areabout as good for you foras adversity, says Fredricks on.N lt Sn

43、portant to understand that for many people, a sense of meaning and happin essin life overlap; many people score join tly high (or join tly low) on the happ in ess and meaningmeasures in the study. But for many others, there is a dissonance - they feel tha t they are lowon happ in ess and high on mea

44、ning or that their lives are very high in hap pin ess, but low inmeaning. This last group, which has the gene expressi on patter n associ ated with adversity,formed a whopping 75 percent of study participants. Only one quarterof the study participants had what the researchers call“ eudaimonic predom

45、inance” that is,their sense of meaning outpaced their feeli ngs of happ in ess.O This is too bad given the more beneficial gene expression pattern associated withmeaningfuln ess. People whose levels of happ in ess and meaning line up, and people who have a strong sense of meaning but are not necessa

46、rily happy, showed a deactivation of th eadversity stress response. Their bodies were not preparing them for the bacterial infectio nsthat we get when we are alone or in trouble, but for the viral infections we get whensurrounded by a lot of other people.P Fredrickson past research, described in her two books, Positivity and Love 2.0, h asmapped the ben efits of positive emoti ons in in dividuals. She has found that positive emotions broaden a person perspective and buffers peopl


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