



1、資料來源:來自本人網絡整理!祝您工作順利!托福閱讀好提分的攻略大全 出國留學對英語閱讀力量有肯定要求,因此托福閱讀局部的提分是很多預備出國留學的考生所關懷的,但閱讀局部的托福成果進步不易,光大量做題往往沒明顯效果,今日我整理托福閱讀好提分的攻略大全,供大家參考。 托福閱讀好提分的攻略大全 一、背單詞 單詞是閱讀的根底,要看得懂密密麻麻的英文,獲得好的托福成果,單詞關肯定要過??梢杂梅ㄔ~根詞綴記憶法,已到達舉一反三的效果,不熟的單詞要反復識記,同時不能無視一詞多義。五千多的詞匯量是遠遠不夠的,還要堅持背,直到詞匯量到達八千以上,做起閱讀題才更加順手。 二、長難句分析 托福閱讀理解是有肯定難度的,

2、長難句在文章中很常見,假如不理解長難句的意思可能會影響我們后面小題的精確率,因此我們要學會長難句分析。觀察長難句,先分清主句與從句,再找出主語、謂語、賓語,從而將句子構造理清晰,理解句子意思。長期堅持分析,各種句型句式,各種用法就會慢慢熟識起來,量變促成質變,閱讀文章就會越來越流暢,閱讀局部的托福成果自然不會太差,也有利于獲得好的托福成果,順當出國留學。 三、記憶常見構造 英語中有很多詞組、句型,如:rest with(取決于)、jump to something(過早下結論)、at length(具體地)等等,光看其中單詞的意思不能精確理解,會影響對文章句子意義的推斷。要想把握這些詞組、句型

3、的意義,唯有盡量多地進展英語閱讀,積累、記憶這些常見構造,才有利于進步托福成果,完成出國留學的幻想。 四、把握相關技巧 要想做題又快又準,除了打牢根底,還要把握相關技巧。一是要將精讀與泛讀相結合,短時間內過濾無效信息,捕捉目的信息,把握文章主旨。二是要細心,雖然做閱讀題經常時間不夠,但要穩(wěn)中求勝細心做題,掃讀全文但不能遺漏詳情,要保證質量。 五、堅持 肯定要堅持!不用因為閱讀理解的精確率一時提不上去就灰心喪氣。或許天資聰穎的人有,但大多數人是厚積薄發(fā)型,平常堅持多積累、多記憶,時間到了力量自然會增加。要不斷總結閱歷,從失敗中汲取教訓,這樣才能一點點進步,獲得好的托福成果,順當出國留學。 托福閱

4、讀文章:手指感應 打字錯誤是誰都難以避開的,但是據最新討論得出的結論是,我們的手指能感應到打字正確與否。 whether youre a hunt-and-peck typist or a rachmaninoff of the keyboard, you will make mistakes. but its not just your eyes catching typos when you see them on the screen. your hands know when you mess up too. thats according to a study in the jour

5、nal science. gordon logan and matthew crump, cognitive illusions of authorship reveal hierarchical error detection in skilled typists researchers recruited expert typistscollege students, of courseand showed them 600 five-letter words, one at a time. and they asked the students to type those words a

6、s quickly and accurately as possible. but sometimes, the researchers inserted typos in the word as it appeared on screen, when the students hadnt made one. other times they automatically corrected typos the students did make. and the students tended to believe the screen. so if a typo had been added

7、, they figured they must have messed up. if a typo had been corrected they thought they typed it right. but the hands didnt fall for it. when the fingers slipped up, they paused a split second longer than usual before typing the next letter. but they didnt pause when fake typos appeared on-screen on

8、ly. so we apparently have two discrete mechanisms guarding against typing errors, one visual, the other tactile. to fox quick brown fixes. to fix quick brown foxes. 托福閱讀文章:文化背景打算工作理念 在很多企業(yè)文化中,“團隊合作被視為特別重要的組成局部,優(yōu)秀的“團隊合作精神也被視為一個好員工必需具備的。而不同的人對于“團隊合作的看法和期望又是由什么打算的呢? 一篇文章稱,在不同文化生活的人對工作的理解也不一樣。例如,人們對“團隊合

9、作就有不同的期望。 a new article in a special section on culture and psychology in perspectives on psychological science, a journal of the associationfor psychological science, explains that people in different cultures think about work in different ways. 日前,一篇登載在美國心理科學結合會的學術期刊心理科學視角文化與心理版塊的文章稱,在不同文化生活的人對工作的

10、理解也不一樣。 for example, people have different expectations about teamwork, says cristina b. gibson, of the university of western australia. 例如,人們對“團隊合作就有不同的期望,西澳大學教授克里斯蒂娜-b-吉布森說道。 gibson has interviewed people to understand how they conceptualizeteams. “in the us, people used a lot of sports metaphors.

11、 elsewhere, that just wasnt a common metaphor. in latin america, for example, many people talked about the work team as a family. 吉布森調查了人們對于“團隊合作這一概念的認識?!霸诿绹?,人們用法許多體育方面的比方。而在其他地方就不是一個一般的比方了。例如在拉丁美洲,許多人把“團隊合作看做是一個“家。 “if you just use those two contrasts and think about what you might expect from your

12、 family versus what you might expect from your sports team, you start to see the differences. families are involved in all parts of your life, and are expected to celebrate with you socially.“your involvementin your sports team is more limited. less caretaking, more competitive. “假如你比照這兩種認識,想想你能從家庭看

13、到什么以及能從體育團隊看到什么,就會看出差異來。“家涉及你生活的方方面面,并且就社會層面上與你共享勝利的喜悅。“而你在體育團隊中的參加度是有限的。關愛更少,競爭更多。 another example is in the realm of leadership. many people assume that charismaticleadership is a good thing - using a strong personality to inspire loyalty in others. but thats not going to work for everyone, gibson

14、 says. “the very same behaviors that are deemed desirablefrom a leader in one culture might be viewed as interference or micromanagementin other settings. 另外一個例子便是人們對“指導的理解。很多人認為有魅力的指導作風是件好事用人格魅力激發(fā)員工的忠誠。但吉布森稱這并不對每個人都管用。“同樣的行為,在一種文化中被看做是指導者的必備素養(yǎng),在另一種文化中卻成了干預或是微觀管理。 and as this research continues, she says, people should consider that cultures can vary a lot within countries, too, especially as large numbers of people continue to migrate betw


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